Rand Paul Embraces Amnesty Again

District of Corruption

I didn’t think much of Rand Paul’s grandstanding over Obama’s use of drones on American soil (a classic example of a political stunt) or prostrating himself before Israel. I think even less of his embrace of amnesty for illegal aliens.

Note: I’m also glad that I saw the writing on the wall in the Nevada primary and didn’t make the mistake of voting for Ron Paul in 2012. I definitely won’t be voting for Rand Paul in 2016.

“WASHINGTON —On Tuesday Sen. Rand Paul will urge conservatives to abandon their long standing opposition to a pathway to citizenship for the millions of undocumented workers in the United States, bluntly warning to not do so Republicans “will need to resign ourselves to permanent minority status,” according to excerpts of a Tuesday speech obtained by BuzzFeed.

In a speech to the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Legislative Summit, Paul will lay out his case for a conservative, and Republican, embrace of comprehensive reform. “The Republican Party has insisted for years that we stand for freedom and family values. I am most proud of my party when it stands for both … Republicans need to give birth to a new attitude toward immigrants, an attitude that sees immigrants as assets not liabilities,” Paul will say, according to excerpts of the speech…”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Substantial of border patrols are in with the drug cartels and coyotes human smugglers. Congress would have to replace most of bp infiltrated by the Mexican military.

  2. “and he is VERY weak on Christianity, with his United Church of Christ (very liberal reformed Protestant) background…” – Mosin

    I thought he was at least UMC. I can understand a liberal Methodist- they’re just crazy.

    But the UCC are Unitarians in all but name only, they are TRUE Heretics.
    Had I known that at the beginning, I NEVER would have backed PAUL.

    At least there are some serious Bible-believing Methodists.
    Congregationalists? Not since… oh, about 1970.

  3. Lincoln wanted to recolonize them in Africa.

    Then why didn’t he? He was the strongest US president, by far, up to that time with an enormous army, navy, and merchant fleet at his disposal. Instead of colonising them he freed them, armed them, empowered them, and even advocated voting rights for them (see his speech of 11 April 1865).

    Lincoln was a politician, so in the southern Midwest he talked about colonisation and in the northern Midwest and the east he talked about equality.

    • Pretty much.

      Lincoln was simply telling the Scots-Irish in the Border North what they wanted to hear. He told the Yankees in Northern Illinois what they wanted to hear. That’s something he has in common with Rand Paul.

  4. “Lincoln wanted to recolonize them in Africa”

    Maybe there was powerful interests reason he was shot before he could carry-out his policy of repatriation?

  5. This whole disgusting experience with the Tea Party and Rand Paul (and Marco Rubio and Rob Portman) is further proof that it is impossible to reform the system. The only issue that should absorb our attention is pushing for secession through any means possible.

  6. I know the difference between irony and truth spoken in anger. The more you bmw about it the more the truth becomes apparent

  7. Lincoln wanted to recolonize them in Africa.

    Then why didn’t he?

    Being dead makes it hard to carry out your agenda.

    Lincoln also said he had no intention of interfering with slavery where it existed.

    That was before the South decided to secede anyway.  Once the war was on, the promises made to prevent the war were null and void.

    It’s interesting to consider an alternate history where the South does not secede, and slavery is not extended to new territories.  Someone, maybe even named John Rust, invents the mechanical cotton-picker.  Blacks would still be made economically worthless on the former plantations (which would be in much better condition), and head north for factory work.  I doubt that things would be very different today, albeit we might not have the 14th Amendment and the nonsense that follows from it.

  8. Special thanks again to Vdare for uncovering the hideous hispandering by Rand Paul, Rand Paul sound reasonable on the interview with Sean Hannity, the full text of Rand Paul’s speech to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce reaches new lows and trots out the same old cliches that all Hispanic illegal immigrants are honest, hard working people who’s only failings in life in the USA are caused by evil racism, public schools that don’t recognize the great talents of Latino students and Latinos are supposedly natural Conservative Republican voters except that they are turned away by GOP attacks on immigration.

    Rand Paul needs to be locked up in some county jail with M13 gang bangers.

    Here’s a quote from Rand Paul’s boot licking Hispandering speech to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce:

    “My hope is that today we begin a dialogue between the GOP and Latinos.

    A dialogue that shows that the GOP sees all immigrants as assets and that Latinos can come to see the GOP as the party of opportunity, the party of the American Dream, — El partido del sue?o Americans.”

  9. Angry? I said I was annoyed by weeks of Yankee bashing, and it was wrong to give way to the feeling with ironic retorts about the advantages of having as many liberal “NETS” as possible move south, etc. I don’t want to know what “bmw” means, but I suspect it is defined in UrbanDictionary.com — and I regret trying to reason with your unquenchable spirit of indignation. Good night.

  10. Jack, he’s gone too far this time, but we can take advantage of his overreach by pointing this out, alerting his Tea Party supporters to his treason. I’ve been sharing, posting it around.

  11. Hopefully, we can begin a new dialogue here on how the Pauls have suckered thousands of WNs into supporting them over the years, when they are really nothing but orthodox libertarians with a marketing plan.

  12. A CC contributor “Junghans” wrote the best short summary of Lincoln that I have seen:

    Andrew, your research and writings are always priority reading for me, and I generally value your take on events and ideas. Nothing personal of course, but I do take exception, however, to your view of Lincoln and his racial thinking. Your thesis and opinion of Lincoln are similar to E.S. Cox in his book ‘Lincoln’s Negro Policy’ and Edmonds in his work ‘As Lincoln Wanted It’. Love him or hate him, I agree, it can be difficult to discern the “real Lincoln” from Lincoln the liberal icon, or Lincoln the renegade demon. The historical waters surrounding Lincoln are indeed muddy, to say the least. Lincoln intentionally exuded a humble, fuzzy persona, in order to ingratiate himself (and his war) into the hearts of the malleable White public, and the hijacked political process.

    Lincoln was first and foremost a double dealing lawyer and a hypocritical politician, caught in the vexing abolitionist & slavery issues of his age. His duplicity was very apparent during his debates with Douglas, and in some of his other recorded political statements and actions. Ultimately, however, his actions spoke louder than his words. The fact is that he unleashed the Negro plague upon White America by his Emancipation Proclamation, and his genuflection to the Abolitionists and Radical Republicans further reflected his real intent. His scandalous hosting of a Negro gathering in the White House in 1862 may have also had duplicitous political intent. Overall, his repatriation talk was weak rhetoric, and the racial positions that he expostulated were intended for particular audiences that he was playing to at the time, as typical politicians are always wont to do. Furthermore, as just one example of his Jekyll & Hyde character, despite his occasional public ‘empathy’ for the ‘errant’ South’ and the war dead, he nevertheless encouraged and then even congratulated Sherman for his wanton war crimes of burning Atlanta and Columbia to the ground, and scorching his way to Savannah. Lincoln may not be all that the liberal, anti-White agitators try to make of him, but neither should he get a free pass today from racially aware Whites, simply because he occasionally talked of repatriation, and mentioned obvious racial differences when he was forced to , or needed to.

    His final public address on April 11, 1865 during which he talked of making Negroes voters and citizens, really revealed his ultimate beliefs and intentions, no matter what his earlier conflicted opinions may have been. This speech was full of nebulous statements and duplicity, and was a classical example of political bull shit, as only a forked tongued politico could conjure up. This revealing speech was the one that J.W. Booth personally heard, and where, upon reflection, he evidently decided to ice Lincoln.

    I feel that Lincoln, through his words and ultimate deeds was one of the key gravediggers of White America. His impact upon Anglo political ideology was absolutely horrible, and through his nefarious actions, he released a genetic disaster in our midst that has never stopped. His legacy has thus been one of intellectual toxification and the genetic ruination of his own people.

  13. The state legislatures of Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri endorsed negro colonization, financed colonization, and actually sent thousands of blacks to Liberia whereas Lincoln was a liar who made token gestures to border state anti-black racialists to keep them in the Union and out of the Confederacy.

  14. Lincoln got the Republican nomination instead of Seward precisely because of his ability to sucker that constituency with double talk. He was the Bill Clinton of his time.

  15. Being dead makes it hard to carry out your agenda.

    Lincoln was near-dictator for 49 months. That is more than enough time to prove what his agenda was.

    Once the war was on, the promises made to prevent the war were null and void.

    That would almost be a fair point if not for the fact that Lincoln did all he could to get a war.

  16. negro slavery was not the issue: the north went to war to economically enslave free Southern White men through the tariff. negros, and ending negro slavery were simply a tool in the yankees arsenal. Ending slavery was a propaganda and political tool, arming negros, training negros to kill Southron Whites and sending negros to kill Southern Whites was military tool.

    yankees had all the power and could have sent the negros packing. They did not because they never foresaw the day negros would turn against them. The yankee lust for Southron tariff money, and the yankees hate of Southron Whites blinded them

  17. Well I know I certainly enjoy my Southern tariff money! Every month, I get that Southern tariff check in the mail, and the first thing I do is blow that mother on cocaine and hookers! I hope it never ends! I’m never taking my big Yankee foot off the South’s neck!

  18. Fr John wrote: “I thought he was at least UMC. I can understand a liberal Methodist- they’re just crazy. But the UCC are Unitarians in all but name only….”

    There are some Bible-believing UCC ministers and congregations around too, a bit more rare than the rare conservative United Methodists, but I know of some. Ron Paul claims to have experienced “the new birth,” but came out of that liberal reformed background.

    The UCC denomination is one of the most anti-Christian forces.

  19. “I’m never taking my big Yankee foot off the South’s neck!”

    Chris, is that an ironic retort or a truth that slipped out in an angry moment?

  20. An extreme anti-Yankee viewpoint here is that all “Yankees,” except a theoretical few “copperhead” exceptions are fundamentally dishonest, secretly (and sometimes openly) hating, looking down on and plotting to destroy or rule over the Southrons — and that even White Nationalism is in fact a form of “Yankee Imperialism.” It may be impossible to reason with those who hold such a prejudice.

  21. I don’t have any objection to cooperating with other Whites to solve mutual problems. Remember the 2012 election?

    It would be great if Yankees suddenly “woke up” and reversed course. Is that going to happen though? What can you say about these people when they go out and vote for Obama after all the shit he has done?

    Is there any hope for them?

  22. @Hunter Wallace:

    They simply have no respect for Southern culture and history. It’s all recorded in the books. The record vindicates The South. Rather, The South vindicates itself.

  23. Chris is 17, ignorant as dirt on all issues

    I no longer take anything it says seriously. But it’s honest in its hatred which make it better then some

  24. In 2016 folks here will be jabbering about how the north finally vote for the White guy candidate.

    The supposed White man candidate will be another pussy like mit mittens romney, and the north will have once again backed the most anti White creature in the election

  25. Immigration is a zero-sum gain. At best, the misery you avoid somewhere is equal to misery you inflict, somewhere else. MURDER NOW LEGAL IN MEXICO, should be the headlines. Innocent people fear becoming the subject of the next YouTube decapitation vid. If you who have no empathy for human beings trying to escape something like that then you’re no better/no worse than the psycho Jews we all oppose.

  26. The subject of this post is Rand Paul’s embrace of full blown immigration treason, racial treason and Conservative Inc, The Libertarian powers that be deceitful efforts to spin Rand Paul’s treason as the best and only hope for the GOP, Conservatives to come back to power.

    The comment section is falling down to hobby horse obsessions of past White vs White civil wars.

    Please adhere to OD’s comment guidelines.

  27. If you who have no empathy for human beings trying to escape something like that then you’re no better/no worse than the psycho Jews we all oppose.

    “Legal murder” is the product of the culture and people of Mexico.  If you have no empathy for the people of the United States who don’t want that criminality (and corruption, and anti-White racism) brought to THEIR (and your) home towns in those would-be immigrants’ undeclared cultural baggage, you’re exactly the same as the genocidal ones you claim to oppose.  Rand Paul has sold out to them.

  28. ““Legal murder” is the product of the culture and people of Mexico”.
    Got proof? My running theory is that it’s an ongoing Jew psy-op to privitize. It’s like a magic trick. You get the populous traumatized to the point where they can’t think past surviving the next 5 minutes. Then you begin thieving.

    Wake up call: The good ol’ US of A is every bit as corrupt as Mexico. Just ask Jamie Dimon. We’re all victims of the same bastards.

  29. “If you who have no empathy for human beings trying to escape something like that then you’re no better/no worse than the psycho Jews we all oppose.”

    In case you hadn’t noticed, many OD commenters don’t belong in your category of “we all oppose,” many are strongly anti-Muslim, and supporters of, some even directly involved in, the endless global wars that bring death and misery to so many other peoples (as well as impoverishing us).

    Those who do not belong in your category were, naturally, strong opponents of Ron Paul’s platform on foreign policy and banking — and continue to gnash their teeth at the memory.

  30. Multiculturalism “worked” in the southern states, blacks and Jews all coexisted with whites peacefully in a symbiotic, mutually beneficial order that was destroyed by Lincoln’s war and reconstruction, but began to recover until Civil Rights and the Yankee southward migration intervened.

  31. See above: “Multiculturalism ‘worked’ in the southern states….”

    An example of irony.

  32. That’s a Yankee city. No outrage there. There are far to many yankees/ liberals in NC. The destruction they cause makes you happy. Like NC, OD has way to many yankees and liberals. Like you

  33. You are always looking north through liberal-tinted glasses. Everyone you think is not from a southern state appears to be a liberal, always liberal at heart whether openly or secretly, whether honest or dishonest about it.

    You’ve been all around the world many times, seen everything, but don’t believe in conservatives born and bred north of the Line?

  34. “The destruction they cause makes you happy.”

    If you truly believe that, I’m tired of trying to reason with your delusion. I hate the destruction their rootless urban materialistic kind is causing EVERYWHERE, from our own local rural community to your North Carolina, and perhaps (it could be argued:) as far away as Iraq and Afghanistan.

  35. Finally a strong statement, tip of the hat to you, but you are soft and liberal on most topics.

  36. I’m not as soft as you think. I look at all sides, and question a lot, which doesn’t mean I don’t have strong conviction from the beginning to the end. True conviction is what you are willing to die for.

  37. …and if you think I’m liberal on the Holy Scripture, think again. I strive to interpet it as it was intended, to the best of my knowledge with the help of the Spirit and guidance of past generations of orthodox interpreters. When it comes to the “literal” interpretation of the beginning of Genesis — insisting on a six twenty-four-hour days creation of the earth and the universe, mankind and all life — and a WORLD-wide flood with a pair of all land creatures on that boat — I take my stand with those orthodox interpreters who have through the centuries viewed it primarily as a metaphorical vehicle for teaching about God the creator, the spiritual nature of man, the origin and consequence of sin, etc. I believe in miracles, the incarnation, the resurrection, the second coming, the final judgement and eternal punishment and reward. Also, I view the book of Revelation, at the other end of the Bible, as mostly metaphorical, along with the best of orthodox interpreters for thousands of years. It is interesting that many of the most “literal” misinterpreters of Genesis and Revelation today don’t take the commandments of Christ and directions of the apostles literally — but rather treat them as “counsels of perfection” or examples or suggestions that we really need not or even “can’t live up to.”

    Many thanks to Hunter for allowing discussion of Christianity on OD, entirely unlike some atheistic WN blogs where such would be instantly banned — and Christianity is indeed foundational to true southern culture!

  38. The Cavaliers were a group living in England, and once took over Parliament.  I think it’s interesting that some of them want to jettison, not just those of more recent German/Dutch/etc. descent, but also French (Norman) who were in England for centuries before the New World was discovered.

  39. ” In case you hadn’t noticed, many OD commenters don’t belong in your category of “we all oppose,” many are strongly anti-Muslim, and supporters of, some even directly involved in, the endless global wars that bring death and misery to so many other peoples (as well as impoverishing us). Those who do not belong in your category were, naturally, strong opponents of Ron Paul’s platform on foreign policy and banking — and continue to gnash their teeth at the memory. ”

    I’m lost. This sounds like you are describing OD commenters but you’re not including yourself along with these OD commenters you so describe. Do you support psycho Jews?

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