![Who bought Rand Paul?](https://i2.wp.com/www.occidentaldissent.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/rand-paul-bought-300x200.jpg?resize=300%2C200)
Patrick Cleburne at VDARE speculates:
“Or it could simply be that he has been bought, which is what I think.”
Rand Paul was supporting amnesty within 24 hours of the 2012 election on cable television and later in a Politico interview where he said that the existence of the Union requires the Republican Party to perpetually shift to the Left to stay competitive in national politics:
“In an interview with POLITICO, Paul said he’ll return to Congress this week pushing measures long avoided by his party. He wants to work with liberal Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy and Republicans to eliminate mandatory minimum sentences for pot possession. He wants to carve a compromise immigration plan with an “eventual path” to citizenship for illegal immigrants, a proposal he believes could be palatable to conservatives. And he believes his ideas — along with pushing for less U.S. military intervention in conflicts overseas — could help the GOP broaden its tent and appeal to crucial voting blocs that handed Democrats big wins in the West Coast, the Northeast and along the Great Lakes.
“We have three big regions where we’re not competitive,” Paul said. “And we have to be competitive in those regions.”
A few weeks later, Rand Paul was on CNN making the same argument:
“He said that the GOP is not competitive in so many region of the United States that they are geographically pigeonholed into areas that they have to carry in order to win a national race.
“We need a new type of Republican. I think that involves some of the ideas of libertarian-leaning Republicans. People who believe that we need a less aggressive foreign policy. People who believe that we’re not going to deport 12 million Hispanic folks and send them home,” Paul said.”
This speech to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is just the latest in a long series of maneuvers (the filibuster stunt last week was calculated to appease his libertarian base) to position himself as “a new type of Republican” for a 2016 presidential campaign.
We didn’t hear about any of this when Rand Paul was running for his Senate seat in Kentucky which is one of the whitest states in America with one of the smallest Hispanic populations in the South. Now he is “pivoting” on everything from gay marriage to comprehensive immigration reform to appeasing the Jewish Lobby to drug legalization to keep the Christian Zionists happy while broadening his appeal in the West Coast, Upper Midwest, and Northeast.
We’ve seen it happen countless times before on any number of issues … such as Mitt Romney’s tough talk on immigration in the 2012 Republican Primary, which he quietly shelved in the general election when he had to run in a national electorate, or back when Obama and Hillary Clinton were against “gay marriage” because of the threat posed by swing voters in states like Ohio and Virginia.
If Rand Paul was only running for reelection to the Senate in Kentucky, he wouldn’t be adopting any of these new positions. The existence of the Union and the challenge of running for president of the Union in a national electorate among all the constituencies that compose the Union and getting to 50% is what is driving this insanity.
Note: It should also be noted that you can’t even compete at that level without the support of deep pocketed billionaires like Sheldon Adelson. If you are serious about running for president, you can’t get past the gate without selling out.
It’s not new to be a pro-immigration Republican in a leadership position. It would be new to be an anti-immigration Republican leader.
Instead of being for border security and deportation, or the insanely stupid amnesty, Republicans should target blacks and Hispanics with ads about protecting American jobs for American workers. With unemployment at 8 percent nationally and much higher for blacks and Hispanics, they should hammer away at this assault on the poorest Americans. (They should overload it into black districts, it’s a hot button issue: use BRA to their advantage.) And they can point to Alabama’s 6.8 percent unemployment rate, which dropped after tough immigration laws took effect. Then flood the upper Midwest union areas with pro-union, anti-immigration ads. And only talk about jobs, nothing else. Whenever there is talk of fairness or deportation or border security, only talk about jobs. (Obama did healthcare instead of jobs, now he’s going to hurt American workers again!)
Conservative voters are already against amnesty, the GOP can drive a big fat wedge into the Democrat base and kill it once and for all. Instead, nothing by $#!^.
Chamber of Commerce.
All they have to do is keep the border open, keeping flooding the country, and it will be a non-protestant country in another five years. The rhetoric against the founding group is highly accepted and acceptable (especially in “white nationalist” circles). But the articles and spin about the horrors of the “founders” are being ratcheted up in mainstream media, also.
For many years, the message has been strong— “If you’re not fresh off the boat, within the past three-six generations, you have no future.”
People quit having children, not wanting them to live through it.
The target population is almost gone. Once that’s accomplished, there will be a turnaround “for whites.” Just shy of Brazil.
My prediction.
But who cares? It was over a long time ago.
All they have to do is keep the border open, keeping flooding the country, and it will be a non-protestant country in another five years. The rhetoric against the founding group is highly accepted and acceptable (especially in “white nationalist” circles). But the articles and spin about the horrors of the “founders” are being ratcheted up in mainstream media, also.
For many years, the message has been strong— “If you’re not fresh off the boat, within the past three-six generations, you have no future.”
People quit having children, not wanting them to live through it.
The target population is almost gone. Once that’s accomplished, there will be a turnaround “for whites.” Just shy of Brazil.
My prediction.
But who cares? It was over a long time ago.
(It seems funny that “racialists” can’t perceive in terms of inter-ethnic fighting.)
Rand Paul epitomizes the Weasel Eyed Politician, the best we may hope is that he is returned to KY pronto!
Orthodox has the right idea. Another wedge issue to use against the Democrats and Diversity is the ethnic cleansing the Mestizos are engaged in against the Negroes in California.
“People quit having children, not wanting them to live through it.”
My, how noble of them. Is this the real reason for birth control or is it because children are viewed as an unwanted burden and responsibility?
Wasn’t the founding stock all on board for small families (two or less) by the late Fifties and early Sixties? Weren’t most of their Protestant churches on board too? Wasn’t the founding stock the majority population by a good margin at the same time?
Why did you let Catholics, Jews, and other White ethnics take your country over? How could they have done it without founding stock participation? Your group decided to stop having children long before the eleventh hour.
At the very least, I never have to see another voting booth ever.
Off to the rifle range…
Did someone really get to him? Maybe. As Puggg noted in the last Rand Paul post here in OD, Kentucky is full of horse farms whose owners love cheap Hispanic labor, and the universities in Kentucky like to source their grounds maintenance work to firms like Top Care that love to hire cheap labor Hispanics.
Or did he come to the game flawed to begin with? Considering his ideology, was this “treachery” an inevitability? Jack Ryan would argue yes, that nobody “got to him” because nobody HAD to “get to him,” because a libertarian or (in Rand’s case) semi-libertarian being for open borders is as “surprising” as a cat meowing. I’ve been the one saying that adherence to any ideology, be it left, right, libertarian or authoritarian, to the point where it goes against your own best interests, is a form of mental illness.
The other possibility is that he could be just plain oblivious. Like I said in OD yesterday, hardly any H-1B eye doctors in Bowling Green, KY.
I think the answer is a combination of all three.
Forget immigration, no person who is a member in good standing of Western Civilization dons a yarmulke and feels the pain at the wailing wall. Little freaking COWARDS. COWARDS. COWARDS. YELLOW BELLIED PIECES OF HUMAN EXCREMENT. DISGUSTING. FILTHY. PIECES. OF. SHIT.
Picture says it all. Rand Paul bows to his real masters.
Unless you believe in the conspiracy theory of history you have no answers. You’re just fighting against the wind…..
More of the same you should replace found in stock with yankee, then your rant would be accurate since it was one branch of founding stock that did those things. They did it as economic aggression against working class Whites of founding stock. Same basic idea which drove them to invade the South
Why is Peter Brimelow not blasting the Republican Party every day? Why is not he is urging his White readers to move on to radical alternatives like White Nationalism or South Nationalism? VDARE has no credibility.
VDARE = Limbaugh/Hannity variant.
“If you are serious about running for president, you can’t get past the gate without selling out.”
“For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?”
Mark 8:36
It’s time to secede from the FED GOV, gents.
Secession. Today. Now. Forever.
I don’t like the “conspiracy theory” formulation or the “occult war” formulation used in some sectors of WNism.
A better formulation that doesn’t have the nutty connotations is “hidden war” or “hidden conflict.” Occult just means hidden, and conspiracy planning just means planning taking out of public view.
North’s analysis appears to be worthless. Any foray into this general area that omits an examination of JEWISH activities is worthless.
All they have to do is keep the border open, keeping flooding the country, and it will be a non-protestant country in another five years.
What is “the country” to you? The USA or Dixie? And what is your denomination?
The rhetoric against the founding group is highly accepted and acceptable (especially in “white nationalist” circles).
You are right about that. White nationalists are multi-culturalists to the core. They pretend to be racialists first but their true goal is to turn every white land into a microcosm of their own dysfunctional melting pot. White nationalism = Yankee imperialism.
Pussyfooter and Libertarian true believer.
Libertarians want some national spokesman, in the Senate, in the game, running for President of the United States and presenting Libertarian policy wonkery.
If it means putting on a Yamulka beenie and bowing and scraping at Israel’s Wailing Wall, or speaking at Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Hispandering, while adding in a few words promoting school vouchers so low IQ Latrinos can destroy our private schools like they did our public schools, so be it.
Unless we can change the powers that be systems so that these anti White treasons mean the likes of Rand Paul will not get to be features on TV as a rising, handsome political star, not get “talked about” as a promising Presidential candidate who will connect with Black, Hispanic, Gay and Muslim voters, we’re just talking.
We have to use some force to put an end to such treasons. Rotted fish, water balloons filled with vile liquids. Stop wasting your time with revolutionary gun fantasies.
Jack: I got blocked a few weeks ago for mentioning Masonry. There might be some good Masons and they do it for money reasons and so on and just want to get along. But you must consider the fact that most Scot and York Riters and Ba Nay Brit Boys will follow the Agenda of NWO. They are Ram Rodders and Enforcers–like it or not—so just look for the rings..ok… Masonry is well entrenched in American Society. The Father and Son Pauls are more than likely Scot Rite Masons. Check it out….
Diest Masons are Jewish by Pastor V.S. Herrell http://www.sullivan-country.com/id3/dmj.htm
Lew- Conspiracy theory is only such, depending on who defines the terms.
Reading a novel called ‘Popsicle Man’ right now. Pretty banal writing, but the author does make the point that it’s only a ‘conspiracy’ if you are the power that is being challenged. Otherwise, it just may be factual. IOW, it’s perception of reality that matters. And who is doing YOUR perceiving , as well.
Why some continue to pine after the apparent loss of men like Rand Paul and their party (neither of which are under any obligation to anyone save their willful masters) is beyond me. The nature of the current political status quo is perfidious. Any further exposition on that point has, and still does, require a book of its own…
A vast and enormous re-education plan must be organized and implemented immediately. Yes, it is time for the phoenix to rise from the ashes and these men who have rightfully inherited a duty to people and principle to again exercise it. It is the duty of today’s antebellum progeny to again herald the triumph of the principle of Sovereignty. The South is the keystone of righteousness. For too long have the children of The South been victim not mostly to the upfront blows of a face-to-face aggressor, but rather to the mendacious and patently deceitful programs of vicious agitators who kick the hornets nest and cry foul when stung, and the nefarious and fanatical tendencies so typical of the Yank mentality, the result of which is a sort of provocation and exacerbation for sport.
The North, culturally, politically, socially, economically must be left to its devices and downfall. The Men of the South, it is unfortunate to say, must now be exceedingly weary of anti-White Whites, non-Whites posing as Whites (indeed, many of our primary concerns may be unable to be addressed until, or will be addressed alongside the question of the place of “those who cry out in pain as they strike you” in contemporary society — surely they are of no advantage to our interests), and the basic machinations of a system they’ve been lulled into accepting as daily reality.
One thing is certain, the only thing The People need is direction.
Good day.
Here is some contard emotionalism
RP b; Western border lies in central Asia, behind the Wailing Wall.
This a false statement, 100% hogwash.
You, Long Live Dixie, are quite obviously a troll with malicious intent toward all white folks including Southern ones, but let’s have some fun.
Your evidence of this is what?
White nationalists are multi-culturalists to the core. They pretend to be racialists first but their true goal is to turn every white land into a microcosm of their own dysfunctional melting pot. White nationalism = Yankee imperialism.
The continual development and herniation of the issues will help elucidate his point, however rashly it may have been put. Indeed, his choice of words was incorrect for the association(s), but the general idea was preserved. I reckon that you should be hoping, when it’s all said and done, that most Southern Men are the “thank me later” type. Otherwise, you’ve got some serious historical reading and research to do before you become so quick at odds with Men of the South who retain Pride in their Heritage. You Yanks are notorious for Moral and Spiritual vacuity, and indeed it is not only your acceptance of, but your participation in miscegenated culture and polity that is ultimately forced upon the Men of the South and their children which causes a sort of biliousness in the gut of the South. Again, an apology and thanks are in order, and it’s not so much that they are made, but what they represent. Until you are able to demonstrate a certain level of proficiency, you must forfeit control of the wheel. Yours is an entire history of dust mites and fungal growth, carried into the South by the winds of fanaticism, despotism, and Empire. Your lack of understanding is your complacency. If you’re a White Yank, it’s time to swallow the lump in your throat and take responsibility for the desiccated state of the Union.
“We are not one Nation divided into many states, we are many states uniting to form one Nation.” Start with yourself. You need direction in your reeducation.
Also, as long as men have no open forum in which to discuss certain “delicate” subjects (i.e. Jews and masons), none of the fundamental issues can be addressed and our people are doomed to perpetually spiral into pathetic oblivion.
Good day.
Your evidence of this is what?
Numerous conversations with white nationalists online and off, years of reading white nationalist writings, and former active membership in a white nationalist organisation.
Here is an example: white nationalists insist that Dixie remain open to Yankee colonisation. This is even though Yankee colonisation is a prime cause in the de-racialisation of Dixie. This shows that, to the white nationalist, Yankee expansion is more important than racialism.
In general, the white nationalist attitude is that real nationalism is a backwards and antiquated idea, that the USA’s strength (or former strength) is from it being a melting pot of whites, and that the Europeans, Southrons, and other non-melting pot whites should learn from and adopt the American way of doing things. This message is heard all the time around white nationalists. Another common trait of white nationalists, and one that you showed in your reply to me, is that they label anyone who disagrees with white nationalism as an enemy of whites, no matter how racialist that person is.
I’m writing an article for VDARE about secession and the post-amnesty future. Brimelow himself said in his book that deep into the 21st century that there would be a secessionist movement.
It’s true that WNs exaggerate the importance of whiteness.
If “White people” acted as a unit like they are supposed to do under the WN theory, we wouldn’t be in this situation. Instead, the Northeast in particular has a long history of adopting a tone of self righteousness and aligning itself with blacks and Hispanics against Southern Whites.
now thats good
Long Live Dixie,
I called you a malicious troll because you are one.
You did not express mere disagreement with WNism; you totally misrepresented what WNism is, and it had to be on purpose if you’re as familiar with WNist arguments as you claim.
I’m not a Yankee. I’m a lifelong Southerner. My grandmother was active in the Daughters of the Confederacy her whole life. My grandfathers were segregationists until the day they died. In the public integration wars, my uncle and his friends dragged a nigger to the school roof, and threw his ass over the side. My grandmother’s grandfather was captured at Gettysberg.
Let me be blunt. This cadre of vociferous, crypt-keeping, crackpot fanatics are harming the objective interests of White Southerners. Not every indigenous Southerner inside the geographic borders of the South is a friend of the South; not everyone outside the South is an enemy.
Hunter Wallace gets this. Why don’t you?
Anyone whose goal is secession ought to be looking for allies not fostering needless division.
“”….If you are serious about running for president, you can’t get past the gate without selling out…….””
Well, mr. Putin did it. He sold himself out, got the president seat and then……Khodorkovski is in jail, Berezovski abroad, Litvinenko in grave and his last speech is worth to cite:
“……..On February 4th, 2013, Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, addressed the Duma,
(Russian Parliament), and gave a speech about the tensions with minorities in Russia:
“In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Shari ‘a Law, then we advise them to go to those places where that’s the state law.
Russia does not need minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell ‘discrimination’.
We better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of most minorities.
When this honourable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the national interest first, observing that the minorities are not Russians.
The politicians in the Duma gave Putin a standing ovation for five minutes!……””
Just wanting to sound the alarm and help folks remember what happened a few weeks before Christmas in 2012. A lot of wierd shootings and then newtown and then the “president” insanity about gun control. this chimp is controlled by the jewish and athesist left. They don’t want holidays celebrated anymore in this country. Some big spectacle and evil doings have been going on during every holiday since this clown has been in office. Look back and see for yourself. Not much for conspiracy theories before I am now favoring the underground Clint Eastwood rumour that the president is definitely being run by an organization of atheists who are after the amercian south and anything even faintly related to Christanity. Hold on to your hats gentleman as our wives and children and grands are getting dresses ready for Easter Sunday we need to be aware of what terror trick the government and athesist elites have planned for this most sacared of Holidays. Let’s pray they fail this time.
It is true that many who consider themselves White nationalists have a deep hatred for the South or at the very least do not consider us as their equals at all. What they really want and are putting all their eggs in is for their Yankee brethern to “wake up.”
I see the chance of Yankee’s becoming racialist and uniting with their Southern brethern right up there with me flying to Pluto tonight. It is never going to happen. It is a fantasy. As things get worse, they get more and more radical. You want to know who the Northern White really hates? Not the Jew. Not the Negro or beaner. No, it is us. The people living in the South. All their animus is at us and always has been.
Long live Dixie is not completely wrong in his analysis. Sometimes oversimplifications are not completely wrong.
Lew: Yes allies are good but lets not fool ourselves either.
. . . you totally misrepresented what WNism is . . ..
No, I didn’t. You just don’t like white nationalism being called what it is. The white nationalist acceptance of (in many cases, support for) immigration from one white land to another (e.g., Russians to Germany, Poles to Ireland and England, Yankees to Dixie) is evidence of their fundamentally multi-cultural attitude. This immigration creates in those lands the type of melting pot that exists in white America and thus remakes those lands in the image of the USA. To many white nationalists, nation and culture are totally meaningless; race is all that matters. I once encountered a white nationalist who was fine with Bosniak immigration to Dixie! You know, the most influential white nationalist organisation for decades was the National Alliance, which seeks a North American imperium from at least the Rio Grande to the northernmost point of Canada. This imperium would encompass Southrons, Yankees, Canadians, and Quebecers, as well as any other white who happens to be within its borders. Now, how is that not a multi-cultural melting pot?
Nationalism is what moves people. It stirs the soul of the people. White nationalism exists only in the clouds.
It is true that many who consider themselves White nationalists have a deep hatred for the South or at the very least do not consider us as their equals at all.
That is absolutely correct. In many ways their attitude is more hostile than the attitude of the Yankee non-racialists since proud Southrons are an obstacle to their utopian goal of white unity.
Here is the type of thing that white nationalists produce (note that they can’t tell Lee from Davis):
Quit your whining. And you’re late with your Southern tariff money. Get that damn check in the mail. Or else.
Long Live Dixie,
Is that right? I don’t know many Dixie natives who instinctively use British spellings like organisation when discussing American organizations like the National Alliance. What Southern school did you attend that teaches British spellings conventions?
I know know the WNist lit pretty well myself. Let’s see some quotes from Pierce, Duke, Francis, Taylor, MacDonald, Robinson, Simpson, Johnson, Edwards or any American authority who supports merging, blending, eradicating distinct white cultures.
I’m calling you out as a flat out liar.
Put up or shut up.
You know, the most influential white nationalist organisation for decades was the National Alliance, which seeks a North American imperium from at least the Rio Grande to the northernmost point of Canada
Is that right? I don’t know many Dixie natives who instinctively use British spellings like organisation when discussing American organizations like the National Alliance. What Southern school did you attend that teaches British spellings conventions?
What a dullard. http://dixienet.org/rights/verbal.shtml
I know know the WNist lit pretty well myself. Let’s see some quotes from Pierce, Duke, Francis, Taylor, MacDonald, Robinson, Simpson, Johnson, Edwards or any American authority who supports merging, blending, eradicating distinct white cultures.
What do you call it white nationalists talk about Yankee immigration to Dixie being a good thing, in that it increases Dixie’s white population? Is that not merging, blending, and eradicating distinct white cultures?
. . . Francis . . .
It’s funny that you mention Francis since he called Southron secessionism an “infintile disorder”. Google it. You can read the whole article.
So the LOS promotes the use of British spellings? Noted.
I went back and looked it. Turns out Francis said that because he deemed Southern secession a distraction that doesn’t serve the interests of Southerners:
I do not believe that secessionism will prosper as a serious political movement, but I do worry that it will prosper to the point of becoming a serious political distraction-a distraction from the imperative that Middle Americans now face of constructing their own autonomous political movement that can take back their nation rather than assisting the new underclass and the globalist ruling class in breaking it up. The time left for us to do so is shorter than it has ever before in our history, and until we outgrow the infantile disorder that secessionism offers, the construction cannot begin. If the gentlemen who talk of secession have not yet thought of these things, I invite them to do so soon.
Francis was definitely a friend of the South, and from the South. Rejecting the secession idea doesn’t change this. What is your point? Francis wrote the principles for the CofCC which specifically defend Southern people.
No WNist authority supports eradicating distinct white cultures.
Francis wrote:
We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind, to promote non-white races over the European-American people through so-called “affirmative action” and similar measures, to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage, including the heritage of the Southern people, and to force the integration of the races.
Very good point. Also, anyone with goals which are compatible with secession ought to be looked at as an ally. I’m agnostic on secession, but I do want lower taxes, freedom of association and a complete end to the privileged status of non-Whites. Racial subsidies and forced integration are two major weapons being used against Whites. Attacking the dysfunctions of Blacks chews away at all the DWL narratives and shoves the Overton window away from their position. The harder it is for people to take the whining of “legacy of slavery means YOU OWE ME” seriously, the more ALL the other options become open to consideration—including secession, because the Southerner is no longer viewed as carrying original sin.
WN’ s seem to think all White folk are interchangeable. Which is proven false when you think about how ethnic Whites who immigrated to the usa voted to end individual liberty, elevate negros, promote leftism etc
Brandon says:
March 20, 2013 at 2:30 pm
Unless you believe in the conspiracy theory of history you have no answers. You’re just fighting against the wind…..
Jack Ryan responds.
Simply wrong.
We/I have described in great detail the reasons/categories of White Americans who betray our White American people and support anti White, genocidal immigration policies, foreign policies, crime policies, culture, education etc.
Most of these traitors are “going with the flow” looking to further their careers, gain/increase wealth. If being pro White, or just sane, reasonable was good for men like Rand Paul’s career, they wouldn’t do the terrible, treasonous things they do.
It’s not some all encompassing “conspiracy” by super intelligent, Luciferian forces. Rand Paul, George W. Bush, Dan Qualye, Sean Hannity – these are not super sinister people. They are rather ordinary White men, going with the flow in a time when the flow is a sewer from TJ Mexico, Haiti, the Islamic third world, the Black underclass.
Please read up on the various types of White American traitors, presented and dissected here on OD – learn to know these types, learn how to counter these types. These types of traitors have been with us in America for a long time. It’s not that hard to understand.
Here are the main type of White American traitors:
1) Grachites like FDR and the Kennedys
Super wealthy elites who seek fame, political power by championing the causes of the non White masses – “Camelot” – noble, handsome princes looking to “save the poor, oppressed” standing against RACISM and inequality. Grachites are named after a traitorous rich Patrician Roman family, many were assassinated for being basically rich, traitorous Communists.
2) Trucklers – lower middle class Whites who go with the flow, promote anti White policies as a means of gaining personal wealth, political power – they’re not handsome, noblemen championing the Blacks, the masses, no they are lower class men like Harry Truman and the worst LBJ. If pro White cultural/political norms were the “path to power” the likes of LBJ would go with the pro White flow.
3) Pussyfooters – Whites who just want to avoid any trouble, have a safe career, family life. They aren’t active haters of their own White people, but rarely if ever do anything to oppose the horrible attacks, genocide of our people.
4) Old believers, to a lesser extent True believers.
People like Ron Paul or Pat Robertson who want to return America to a simpler time and place in the past, when things were so much quieter, safer (Whiter). These Old believers try to bring back the past by advocating economic, political, cultural systems that worked well, OK when America was 90% White European, but these systems just flat out don’t work with the current non White mobs, mass immigrants from the 3rd world. These “old believers” insist that since German, Italian and Scandinavian immigrants came to the US in the 19th century, worked hard and learned English and “assimilated” in to becoming good Americans, the same good result will occur with millions of non White immigrants from places like El Salvador, Haiti and the Islamic 3rd world. Old Believer traitors are usually very old and just can’t accept the changes in America that have occurred since the 1960s.
5) Proditors
These are Whites who really, really HATE their/our own White people – they want to see their/our White people wiped off the face of North America, the world. These traitors will embrace any and any group, movement that seeks to destroy White America – John Brown, Jane Fonda and the SDS, idiots that embrace the ANC or join the Taliban, they are Whites (not Jews like Tim Wise that hate Whites) that simply hate and despise their/our White American people.
In all the categories of White American traitors, sweet reason doesn’t have much effect. American traitors aren’t motivated by reason, it’s all personal.
I hope that helps.
Mr. Rationale,
There is no reason for southern secessionists to be hostile to WNism, or racially aware white folks such as yourself with those particular goals. WNists and reasonable SNists are natural allies because want the same thing: partition and break up of the United States.
This person LLD is a troll spreading divide and rule. I would recommend ignoring his perspective.
I’m not sure what your background is, but in case you are not aware, a major idea in WNism has to do with partitioning America. WNists use a term — ethnostates — that refers to establishing territories on the rubble of BRA for the specific purpose of letting whites protect their various cultures.
The goal of WNism is not to blend away cultural distinctions but to help preserve them in the face of the rising tide of color, the exact opposite of what LLD says it is.
The infantile disorder was pinning our hopes on “Middle Americans” to “rise up and Take Back America” who turned out to elect and then reelect Obama.