50 Years Forward: Spontaneous Blackness Erupts At Montgomery Raceway


I’m very familiar with this Raceway gas station in west Montgomery which is located at the intersection of Mobile Highway and South Boulevard. I have to drive past it every time I travel from Montgomery to Tuscaloosa on US-82 to see my brother.

This gas station is actually located on the Selma-to-Montgomery National Historic Trail. The women who are fighting in this video are almost certainly the black prostitutes who are always found walking up and down South Boulevard.

The 18 homicides in Montgomery in 2013 are concentrated in west Montgomery. Almost every other homicide and shooting in Montgomery can be attributed to the black residents of west Montgomery fanning out from their home base and spreading the disease of black dysfunction to the rest of the city.

Note: Check out Paul Kersey’s response to David Sher, “Letter From An American Gulag: The City That Started It All, 50 Years Later.” Back in 2011, I gave Paul a “civil rights” tour of the area and stopped at this very gas station on the way to Selma.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Is the security for real or are they customers wearing security jackets? They do a good job of breaking up the fighters, then ignoring them so they can start fighting again.

  2. Those she-beast hybrid primate/lower hominids are so clearly not fully human.

    What’s frightening though is that a majority of the girls (?) in this video are not even negroes, they are mulattoes, with what appears to be a lot more white DNA than the 17% on average that most American blacks are blessed (cursed?) to possess.

    Too, funny the way the security guards react: every genetic fiber in their african beings is commanding them to jump up and down and cheer on their co-ethnics as the weaves fly; it is only a tiny glimmer of a thought in their sloped, lightweight simian brains that makes them do their job and stop the fight.

    The One Banana Difference (OBD) in hideous living color.

    I’m waiting for the OBD to be discussed openly and honestly in the Western mainstream. Imagine how refreshing it would be if Marc Levin or that ridiculous limey Sean Hannety would have callers who said: “Look Sean it’s not their fault that they commit more crime. The negro brain weighs on average one hundred and twenty grams lighter than the white brain, on average. And this missing brain weight explains a lot about negro impulse control problems, test scores, and criminality.”


    How refreshing, indeed, it would be if this society were to revert to statistics and empirical evidence.

    NHMB (not holding my breath) for that to happen.

    – Arturo

  3. Why is prostitution tolerated anywhere, on the street or internet? It should be a first principle of conservatism to destroy it.

  4. Call it “moralising,” but it is the nature of true conservatism. All out of wedlock or while-first-(and only)spouse-is-still-living affairs and “remarriages,” and all other Biblically-defined fornications would be banned as well by true conservatism and in a Christian society.

    Any truly conservative movement works actively against prostitution and related evils.

  5. Inter-racial and inter-ethnic intraracial mixing caused by the desire for “strange flesh” is forbidden in a truly conservative society.

  6. “Man shall not live by: bread alone, but by every word that: proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Nor by emotions or instinctual urges alone, and not by the words that proceed (ultimately) out of the mouth of the enemy of souls. In a Christian society, the temporal life is preparation for eternity, and self-discipline is essential and is based on conviction. “Casual dating” and “girl watching” is as foreign to it as hired prostitution and homosexuality.

  7. As long as sexual promiscuity is accepted, tribes will continue to “blend” and males
    continue to be ruled by women and sodomites as they are today. I do not find this truth amusing.

  8. Lighter skinned she-boons are at the top of their social-sexual hierarchy. They breed them themselves in large numbers with sex selection.

    The Bible bands mixed breeds from joining the assembly for 10 generations. Past that mosin has the feminized version of things since the big men of the Bible pretty much all had more then one wife and were not commended for it

  9. “the big men of the Bible pretty much all had more then one wife and were not commended for it”

    The so-called “big men of the Bible” were generally led astray if not feminised by all the strange women. Solomon became a fool. Stonelifter’s glorification (and practice) of fornication is in the true feminised version of things.

  10. List all the men who had one wife, list all the ones who have more. Then do the reckoning.

    The one wife per husband ensures more women access to a man’s total resources for herself and her children then having to share one man’s resources with another woman and her offspring. It also gives a woman more power over a man because she is his single source for sex. which one fits best with the feminine imperative?

  11. Those race-mixed mulatto prostitutes in the video link are the result of this casual Southron dismissal of clear commandments.

  12. I used to get off I 65 just east of this station and pass it on the way to relatives in Prattville. I now stay on the interstate all the way to Prattville. This area was safe as recently as the late sixties early seventies, when my grandparents would take me there to the mall. There is no way I would stop there now especially after the sun goes down. I don’t,even think I would risk going to the local museums in town.

  13. Only conservatives take blacks and black uplift seriously, liberal whites probably just want to retreat to a Portlandia and be free of such expressions of vibrancy. Honestly can you picture a white liberal associating with the people they are politically aligned with?

    The left must get up in the morning and thank god that the conservatives are there to make liberalism work.

  14. Are the people and West Montgomery in general good for white people? Maybe just a yes or a no, no need for a 5000 word essay that go offs into details or obscure political theology

  15. The one wife per husband ensures more women access to a man’s total resources for herself and her children then having to share one man’s resources with another woman and her offspring. It also gives a woman more power over a man because she is his single source for sex. which one fits best with the feminine imperative?

    Polygamy is a force-multiplier against men. Women would rather share an Alpha than have a Beta to themselves.

  16. Re: Mulattas

    “Mixed people”used to try to pass as “white” when that social construct was strong. Now “whiteness” is matrilineal. The fact a “white man” needs a “white woman” puts that pussy on a pedestal. That a “nigger” can impregnate any woman in the world and sire a “nigger” speaks to the primal strength of his identity. This strength was gathered by the abdication of virility on the part of “whites” when they retreated to the land of Swanson dinners and hobby race-fetishism.

  17. Re: Mulatto prostitutes, the free love and polygamy heresy, and Vlad Tepes:

    Many of Vlad Tepes’ punishments were enforcing the “absolutist” moral code. For example, unmarried women who had lost their virginity, adulterous wives, and unchaste widows had their breasts cut off, were skinned alive or impaled.

  18. For the “white identity” to be strong the feminine race purists need to be stamped out and patrilinear expansionist concept must return. Then mulattas will feel social pressure to “act white” rather than rule the roost of those darker skinned.

    Racemixing is only bad if they are taking our women. That is how virile people think.

  19. “That a nigger can impregnate any woman in the world and sire a nigger speaks to the primal strength of his identity.”

    It is NOT a measure of strength or virility.

    “Women would rather share an Alpha than have a Beta to themselves.”

    What does it matter what they would rather have? Besides, this “alpha-beta” labelling is childish. “Tougher than thou” is nonsense.

  20. Having murdered tens, hundreds or thousands of foreigners for hire does not make one “an alpha.”

  21. The question still stands, “Is W. Montgomery good for white people?” I say NO, many others will wander off into some details but I have generally concluded and will say that W. Montgomery is bad for white people and no amount of shuffling political ideologies from black uplift frauds to Black Confederate myth frauds is going to make it good for white people.

  22. White women aren’t princesses. I’ve split lips before and will do it again. If I had a half African child it would self-id as “white” and the mother would be scared of me.

  23. The black man needs to be hosed down and beaten, the women taken.

    From Deuteronomy:

    10 When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the Lord thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive,

    11 And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife;

    12 Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house, and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails;

    13 And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife.


    15 Whoever is captured will be thrust through;
    all who are caught will fall by the sword.
    16 Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes;
    their houses will be looted and their wives violated.

  24. Some whites in Alabama must have been having half-African children. Vlad III would have impaled them all.

  25. The black women can be given to beta white men such as yourself, mosin. Men that can tame shrews will enjoy white ladies. So it is as it has always been.

  26. Then what did they DO with the women they “took”? They were commanded never to sow their fields with mixed seed.

  27. According to the carnal vision of No Man, the faithful of the land are the “betas” — and the “dime a dozen” Christians may be allowed only negresses, while “tough,” atheistic WN “enjoy taming” all the white (shrewish) women.

  28. Except for the atheist part, you’re correct.

    I have no use for atheists of any color unless they keep to themselves and are pro-Christian.

  29. There are two opposite standards on display here: (1) “Tough,” “alpha,” atheistic, polygamous, women-“taking” (including taking black women after the black males are “hosed down” whatever that means) White Nationalism versus (2) the Biblical standard of what is right and wrong denounced as “beta” by the scoffers.

  30. If you are not for (and in) the Faith, you are against it. You cannot be “pro-Christian” while you are being un-Christian.

  31. Knock it off Mosin. You’re not an authority on Christianity, you’re a guy on a ethno-nationalistic site.

  32. What’s frightening though is that a majority of the girls (?) in this video are not even negroes, they are mulattoes, with what appears to be a lot more white DNA than the 17% on average that most American blacks are blessed (cursed?) to possess.

    Ya that is both obvious and quite sad.

    Hunter Wallace says:
    April 12, 2013 at 12:34 pm
    Damn, that was funny.

    Yes, despite my revulsion I laughed quite a bit, especially when one of the security guards near the end looked like he was dying of laughter himself. Amusing too were the large number of ” valuable” ‘tumble weaves’ strewn across the lot, lol……

  33. No-Man says:
    April 12, 2013 at 4:26 pm
    White women aren’t princesses. I’ve split lips before and will do it again.

    Alrighty then…….

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