Memo to the South: Go Ahead, Secede Already!

Daily Beast

The South is guilty of obstructing their progress: without the Southern states, the Glorious Union would be an interracial paradise free of guns and carbon omissions, where happily married homosexuals and illegal aliens build windmills to power the 21st century economy, and live off unemployment benefits provided by a fair tax structure:

“Just think what America would look like without its mostly Southern states. (We could retain “America”: they could call themselves “Smith & Wesson” or “Coca-Cola” or something like that.) Universal health care. No guns. Strong unions. A humane minimum wage. A humane immigration policy. High revenues from a fair tax structure. A massive public-works program. Legal gay marriage. A ban on carbon emissions. Electric cars. Stronger workplace protections. Extended family leave from work in case of pregnancy or illness. Longer unemployment benefits. In short, a society on a par with most of the rest of the industrialized world—a place whose politics have finally caught up with its social and economic realities.

But I don’t want to appear blindly partisan—a sundering of the union would make the other half of America equally fulfilled. The red-state republic could finally establish a theocracy in which the fundamentalist Christian church would legislate all the important aspects of civic life. It could either send its illegal and/or legal immigrants northward or reinstitute a reformed system of indenture whereby immigrants are purchased by bona fide citizens who have a fully modernized respect for private property. ..”

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s hard to believe someone so ignorant is still writing about this in 2013. Obviously the writer is government schooled in the northeast to have this level of ignorance about, well, everything.

  2. Wow. We get blamed for German and Japanese problems too? There is truly no end to their hate.

  3. Pat Hines, and Jack – the screed was written by something named “Lee Seigel”.


    What more do you need to know?

  4. Left-liberals have been mewling about this for years. The South, they say, is the one thing standing between them and the Promised Land of democratic socialism, of which the Obama administration is affording them something of a Pisgah sight. Ah, to be rid of the South! Just imagine it. On that great day, Yankees would have to tread carefully for fear of trampling on the flowers blooming spontaneously from every crack in every sidewalk.

    I have to say, we Southerners really are a good-humored lot. Subjected so often to the scorn, hatred, and contempt of our “fellow countrymen,” we nevertheless take it all in without losing our temper. It’s understandable. After you’ve been invaded, occupied, burdened with tariffs, and invaded again over the course of a century and a half, being ridiculed by some vulgar internet article is a welcome change of pace.

  5. Should the South secede, and should the dissatisfied negro population emigrate from the CSA to the USA, the crime rate would then correspondingly decrease and increase,respectively and exponentially, in the two countries. I’ll take the deal. In a heartbeat.

  6. News from the North. Look at the Massachusetts Senate primary results: pro-Obama, pro-amnesty, openly RINO on almost every issue Gabriel Gomez handily won the G.O.P. primary over the lukewarmly conservative Michael Sullivan (whom I voted for). I will be voting for a loony 3rd party candidate in the general election as a protest.

    I sure wish Dixie could secede: I would hop the fence south or die trying if an actual free country sprang up somewhere!

  7. did the author mean to imply that Blacks would be living comfortably, having destroyed the evil rednecks, out of his neighborhood?

    did the author mean to imply that his own family would remain White?

  8. It would be useful if everyone who wanted southern secession went on liberal sites and promoted this message (the first part of it, not the wacky last bit). Peaceful secession is the best.

  9. Hunter:

    This is somewhat O/t but:

    please post something about the Amanda Knox case.

    It is extremely emblematic of our cause.

    She was interviewed tonight by Diane Sawyer on ABC, hardly once in fifty minutes was the verminous pre-Stone Age african with the tiny simian brain who actually raped and murdered the half Indian dot not feather Kercher, Rudy Guede, was a-mentioned.

    The whole Foxy Knoxy case is about white people refusing to admit innate negro savagery.

    It is a fascinating and unbelievable (not) case, and I hope you post something about it. I have urged JR’s “evil twin brother” to do so, as well.

    – Arturo

    ps: I was looking at Piers Morgan saying how disgusted he was that an : “alleged murderess” could make 4 million dollars on the death of Meredith Kircher, who clearly he favbors in every way, that sad sack little puss Brit interloper. Turns out that Morgan worked as a reporter at the same newspaper that Kercher’s white father worked out, Morgan knows the half-Paki’s dad, IOW. Not sure if you guys have seen Kercher’s Injun dotnotfeather mum, but she is something out of a dark, Dark something. Just joogle her pic you’ll see what I mean.

    – Arturo

  10. I agree Arturo.

    Knox is almost a white-guilt cause célèbre. I used to think she was an accomplice, but now that I’ve immersed myself in the sewer of Nignog criminality I believe that she is an innocent being burned at the stake by a legal system that cannot tolerate a vibrant crime.

    I also feel sorry for Kercher, but what you have is a simple Nignog home invasion crime.

  11. Notice how these leftist cockroaches always push the lie that blacks were freeing themselves. He is actually saying that blacks would have taken control of the South and brought “progress”. He doesn’t cite any historical examples, of course.

  12. Chris313,

    Go to Michigan Avenue between Livernois and Schaefer and yell: ”
    black Cock-er-roach-ez!” in your bestest fake Al Pachino accent. Do something useful with your life.

  13. I sure wish Dixie could secede: I would hop the fence south or die trying if an actual free country sprang up somewhere!

    We are drowning already with our uninvited parasitic Yankee colonists. Stay where you are. Dixie is not a refugee camp for Yankees who are dissatisfied with the mess of their own making. The Southland is for Southrons.

  14. If only they would allow us to depart the failed union. This would be grand if they would only take their beloved negroes with them.

  15. Lee Siegel…it had to be a Jew. It always has to be a Jew. A group that has been in the vanguard of every idea, of every movement, of every sentiment destructive to the West as an ethno-racial and cultural entity. They all need to move, or be moved, to that shitty little country. Their presence in our midst has been a tragedy for both parties. The fact remains that Jews and us have an insoluble conflict of interest in play.

  16. Diversity is good!

    Diversity is a strength!

    Diversity is what makes Amurrica so peaceful!

  17. There’s a Machiavellian reason I hope he gets his wish: I want all those north of the M-D line “white nationalists” all over the internet who are constantly telling us that there are millions upon millions of doctrinaire liberal-on-social-issues white leftists in their neck of the woods who are right on the verge of becoming white nationalists, but the only thing holding them back is the fact that there is a creationist in Alabama consuming oxygen, to have their meddle tested. When there’s an international border between untouchable country and their precious New Jersey/New York/Massachusetts, and all those left-wing closet white nationalists therein, they can show us how it’s done.

    Really, if the Gang Bangers of Eight swing the border wide open bill is defeated, it will die largely at the hands of Dixie red state Republicans, while most of those politicians all those liberal closet white nationalists voted for will have voted for it.

  18. With all honesty that was one of the stupidest things that I have ever read. Basically what this moron is calling for already exists or is well on its way towards being the law of the land yet since it is obvious to all that BRA is a sinking ship the blame for this has to be assigned to White southerners for being a stone in the shoe of the liberals. The best part was the bulls%&t about a powerful Negro Republic… yeah right… did anyone intermediately think of Haiti?

  19. What astounds me is, this is a Utopian RELIGIOUS cult FANTASY.

    It’s not sane demographics, history, biology, anthropology, or economics.

    It’s a RELIGIOUS VISION of a creed without a god- just like the Juden themselves.

    I much prefer the more humorous (and more valid) , “It’s a wonderful race.”

    Here’s just one link to that story-

  20. The jew should go do his magic jew stuff in Detroit and of course stop being so anti-white. I really don’t feel the need to debate details with some anti-white jew. I mean after decades of this crap you would think we could just swat such anti-whites with a quick sentence or two.

  21. BRA is a sinking ship

    Yeah, about that. There were Con. Veterans alive during the great depression and some were still whistling dixie when Berlin fell. BRA will use its muscle to crush other countries like a proper empire before giving up the ghost. So long as every pizza-roll poppin’ beer swilling Bramerican is fat there will be no secession.

  22. This feels like satire.
    For years the liberal mantra has been that we should make America more like enlightened Europe. Given the current economic and social problems in the eurozone, how can anyone still believe that Europe is heading towards a socialistic paradise? Then again, how again anyone still believe that diversity is strength.

  23. Well said, William Gaunt,

    Does all this mean they are finally going to vacate all the land they appropriated for their Empire’s military bases (or does the South have to keep paying for all those people living on the Warfare neo-con paychecks?)

    Anyway, Yankees do remain clueless about the world’s real experience of them and the contempt with which their hypocrisy is viewed. Look at hauling down all the Virginia battle flags. However, you can fly an Iraqi one anywhere, anytime.

    Despite the waves of land grab laws, and literally putting southern belongings on trains and sending them up there, to furnish their homes—- they THEN gripe on about how “poor” the south is, (until you have to conclude they are just angry there is nothing left to steal, lol).

    Their parents really should have told them SOMETHING about how they got their stuff.

  24. As expected, the author of the Daily Beast column is a Jewbag. Were do these people get the nerve?

  25. Jazz music, “no guns”, gay marriage, electric toy cars?

    “Had to be a Jew” “stop being anti-white”

    Even a pro-secession Jew arouses contempt; idiots.

    Nazi and Japanese…. racial….theories

    Siegel lacks understanding of WWII. It wasn’t about racial theories. Men like Varus didn’t distinguish between uncivilized Jews and uncivilized Germans.

  26. @John

    Go run your sissy British mouth about “nignogs” etc, at loud at your useless teaching job, or better yet you little coward, go home to Britain and do it out loud on a train. You’d be surprised at how many times I’ve called niggers exactly that, in public, to their monkey faces. Hell, there’s a Jew that I work with on occasion that has more balls than you, John. Do something useful with your life and Go Home.

  27. Just to expand: Racialism was the expression that the revolt against the west took, not the cause. The USA was racialist during this time too, however in a Germany where the Hitler Youth drum corps would drown out opposition to the removal of public crosses the lowest common denominator (race) took on prime importance. They really were the Greatest Generation, but not because they made the world safe for Jews.

    “Shuttup grandpa! You fought for the joooos!!! I’m going to Hispanicize my last-name, volksverrater!!”

  28. One reason the author feels secure in issuing his vacuous taunts, is that he knows secession will not occur for, ohw, probably another 35 years or so. However, it is very obvious that the author is simply another garden-variety, phony, posturing, left-wing blow-hard. His argument does not necessitate actual secession for his bluff to be called; simply allowing the States to live by the original spirit and letter of the 10th amendment would largely achieve the same results, but the leftists desperately and fiercely resist such a policy. Always.

  29. “..he knows that secession will not occur for, ohw, probably another 35 years or so.”

    – Hate to break it to you (well, actually I don’t) but Southern secession isn’t going to happen EVER. America’s niggers are moving back down there in droves, with beaners of all stripes thick in there wake.

    35 years from now, the entirety of your “Dixie” is going to be a Spanish-speaking, Afro-Caribbean shithole that will make present-day Detroit look like a 1950’s American suburb by comparison.

  30. You’re correct, but not entirely. Tragically, the Old South is in fact gone, and will never return. When the secession occurs, it will more closely resemble a Balkanization. More specifically. White Ameica will be in the Mountain West and Northwest, Hispanic America, of course, the Southwest, and Negroes will occupy the South. The Northeast and Far West probably Asians and Muslims. Ultimately the socials pressures of diversity will rent asunder the U.S. Of this there is no doubt.

  31. Hate to break it to you (well, actually I don’t) but Southern secession isn’t going to happen EVER.

    You’re right. It already happened. I get tired of hearing my fellow Southrons talking about secession. All this talk of re-secession is an implicit rejection of the actions of our ancestors; Dixie did not un-secede. The secessions of 1860 and 1861 are still valid. The difference now is that we are an occupied people, and if our national freedom is ever restored it will be because we rose up against and repelled the occupier.

    America’s niggers are moving back down there in droves, with beaners of all stripes thick in there wake.

    So? 50 million Southrons could easily throw out ten times our number of the savages that your people have unleashed on us.

  32. . . . Negroes will occupy the South.

    I don’t know a single Southron who agrees with you on that. The idea that Negroes, whom we heavily outnumber even in the blackest of Southron states, will take our entire country is absurd.

  33. @Long Live Dixie

    “50 million Southrons could easily throw out ten times our number of the savages your people have unleashed in us.”

    – You mean “the savages YOUR OWN ANCESTORS unleashed on you. But I’ll call your bluff anyway — you fuckwits couldn’t even manage for 50 million of yourselves to so much as sign anonymous, online secession-petitions last year. Where the hell are you from anyway? And just where in the South do you live?

  34. “A humane minimum wage. A humane immigration policy.” – its almost like they aren’t in on the joke.

    “did the author mean to imply that his own family would remain White?” – yep:
    “Who knows? By the 1870s, we might have had a black republic; by the 1880s, the first free and equal pair of interracial countries” – Sounds like separate but equal to me, what a racist.

    “In maybe 10 years, with the help of Northern and foreign arms, Southern blacks would have overthrown a feeble, decaying government run mostly by alcoholics lost in a haze of deluded grandeur.” – Support for gun ownership?

  35. Actually, denying the hard fact that the negores have already taken over the South is what’s absurd. And however regrettable it maybe, Dixie has most certainly “un-seceded”. To deny that plain fact is childish.

  36. Everyone is still too comfortable for secession to occur. You can see the difference between european countries that are having a gradual managed decline and those that are looking at imminent collapse. If BRA can manage a slow decline, secession has no chance. Instead we will just be replaced and bred out of existence.

  37. The installment of international communism requires the obliteration of the white European peoples, or at least their marginalization. Communism is the goal by way of incremental change led by the West.

  38. Freedom can be won but can never be recovered. It only took 3 or 4 careless generations to ruin us.

  39. Isn’t it strange how Islam started as just a problem in Israel, but now is a problem throughout the West? Almost like it was intentionally exported..

  40. You mean “the savages YOUR OWN ANCESTORS unleashed on you.

    No, it was the Yankees who did that by freeing them from slavery, by encouraging them to rise up during the War and during both periods of Reconstruction, by opening our borders to Mexicans in the 1960s, and by generally and consistently opposing every Southron attempt to maintain racial integrity.

  41. “you fuckwits couldn’t even manage for 50 million of yourselves to so much as sign anonymous, online secession-petitions ”

    Fuck you, loser. Look at the chaos is Boston. Can’t even handle that. Get this bitch off this site.

  42. Actually, denying the hard fact that the negores have already taken over the South is what’s absurd.

    Negroes account for 37% of the population in the blackest of all Southron states (Mississippi). In Kentucky, they are as little as 8% of the population. In Appalachia, they are commonly between zero and 1% of the population.

    And however regrettable it maybe, Dixie has most certainly “un-seceded”. To deny that plain fact is childish.

    At the risk of using a victim analogy, has a wife who divorces her husband and who is then abducted, held against her will, and beaten and brainwashed into submission un-divorced her husband?

  43. “You mean “the savages YOUR OWN ANCESTORS unleashed on you.”

    Uh, no. I mean the ones your stupid ass Yankee ancestors unleashed upon the world. What was that called? Oh, yeah…the Civil War. Face it, your civilization/religion is dead. Egalitarianism, which your people embraced, is leading to your (and our) destruction and you can’t handle it….so you try to blame others. Pathetic.

  44. “Dixie has most certainly “un-seceded”.”

    Really? So we’re free to go, right? No more CNN propaganda stories attacking us for wanting to do just that?

  45. “go home to Britain and do it out loud on a train”

    Shut your mouth, fuckwit. I’d rather have him here than garbage like yourself.

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