Memo to the South: Go Ahead, Secede Already!

Daily Beast

The South is guilty of obstructing their progress: without the Southern states, the Glorious Union would be an interracial paradise free of guns and carbon omissions, where happily married homosexuals and illegal aliens build windmills to power the 21st century economy, and live off unemployment benefits provided by a fair tax structure:

“Just think what America would look like without its mostly Southern states. (We could retain “America”: they could call themselves “Smith & Wesson” or “Coca-Cola” or something like that.) Universal health care. No guns. Strong unions. A humane minimum wage. A humane immigration policy. High revenues from a fair tax structure. A massive public-works program. Legal gay marriage. A ban on carbon emissions. Electric cars. Stronger workplace protections. Extended family leave from work in case of pregnancy or illness. Longer unemployment benefits. In short, a society on a par with most of the rest of the industrialized world—a place whose politics have finally caught up with its social and economic realities.

But I don’t want to appear blindly partisan—a sundering of the union would make the other half of America equally fulfilled. The red-state republic could finally establish a theocracy in which the fundamentalist Christian church would legislate all the important aspects of civic life. It could either send its illegal and/or legal immigrants northward or reinstitute a reformed system of indenture whereby immigrants are purchased by bona fide citizens who have a fully modernized respect for private property. ..”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “50 million Southrons could easily throw out ten times our number of the savages that your people have unleashed on us.”

    ORLY? And just when is that going to happen? Your best bet is selective unofficial nullification and secession at the county level in the Appalachian Highlands. Otherwise you are just whistling Dixie.

    The fetid climate of the Deep South is fit only for niggers. That’s why rich English planters imported them as agricultural workers and that’s why the majority of them still live down there.

  2. It’s very interesting to see the “you take them” … “no, YOU take them!” exchanges.

    It doesn’t matter where they are (Birmingham, Detroit, Gary)… it goes to ruin and nobody wants them.

  3. And just when is that going to happen?

    Couldn’t say, but certainly some time during or shortly after the collapse of the USA. It will only be natural at that time for Southrons to re-identify with our true identity and to re-Southronise our thinking and acting on all things.

    Your best bet is selective unofficial nullification and secession at the county level in the Appalachian Highlands.

    The idea that a Negro minority can hold us back so strongly only shows your admiration for that race of primitives, or your contempt for Southrons, or likely both.

    The fetid climate of the Deep South is fit only for niggers.

    A matter of opinion. Between the Southland, Australia, and South Africa, there are tens of millions of descendants of northern Europeans who live in tropical and subtropical climates.

  4. . . . you fuckwits couldn’t even manage for 50 million of yourselves to so much as sign anonymous, online secession-petitions last year.

    That’s pretty weak. Firstly, the online petitions asked Obama’s permission to re-secede and had no legal bearing of any kind. Secondly, the only states that topped the 25,000 signature mark were Southron states. Texas alone had almost double the number of signatures than all nine northeastern states combined.

  5. I like Seigel’s proposition. Just one little problem: I’m not sure he intends for a peaceful separation. Perhaps he honestly thinks Dixie would collapse under the “failure” of its own policies, and he did invoke the peaceful separation of Czechoslovakia at the very end. But I get the feeling he intends to nuke the hell out of Dixie once it becomes its own nation. Not that that’s reason to oppose secession, but the South should have its nukes and military prepared for WWIII in the event that the Union is dissolved. And this time don’t take the highroad. Bring the scorched earth policy to the streets of Vermont and Massachusetts. Give. Them. Hell!

  6. Hunter, how has my moderating of comments gone in your opinion?

    I don’t do much deleting, just vulgar curse words and mean personal attacks.

  7. . . . the South should have its nukes and military prepared for WWIII in the event that the Union is dissolved.

    Yes, we need to get over our fear of peace-time standing armies. Especially in an age of high-tech weaponry, we need professional, full-time soldiers. A standing army, navy, and air force will be essential to Southron freedom.

  8. The South that exists in the idyllic dreams of Old School Southerners can never be realized. negor Mayors, negro Governors, negro Congressman, negro Senators, a negro President and a negro worshipping MSM are ample evidence of the utter impossibility of reclaiming the Old South. White flight, on a national scale to the Mountain West, is the only hope of achieving a peaceful and prosperous white civil society.
    Though I will lament the destruction of a noble and grand society, and though I will miss the beautiful climate of the Sunny South, when the time comes I will make the journey, and the trade, to be rid of the feral negroes.

  9. Hunter and Jack,

    When conducted with wit, flames can be amusing–even productive to the conversation. Though when warring parties lapse into a sustained barrage of “Fuck you, no fuck YOU” this forum becomes unreadable.

    My hope would be that if a participant chooses to slash another, they at least have the courtesy to apply three IQ points in the endeavor. It’s a standard you should enforce.

  10. One caveat: “Fuck you” is perfectly acceptable as a uniform response to any comment from proudglobalistracetraitor.

  11. The South that exists in the idyllic dreams of Old School Southerners can never be realized.

    Certainly not if all our people are as lacking in confidence as you are!

  12. Don’t worry about a thing, folks. Nullification of federal law is happening every day on the state and local level on issues that range from pot to education to guns.

    In addition to this, the chickens are finally coming home to roost in Massachusetts, the state that gave us politicians who ushered in the national laws that made it possible for low I.Q. semi-humans, both foreign and domestic, to become our social and political equals. Let us just hope that the dangerous nut cases who would not even be in this country were it not for the efforts of the Kennedys and their ilk continue to find their way to the Liberal Yankee strongholds.

    It is clear that the feds are losing their grip, little by little. Eventually, it will be the locals who make the decisions about welfare, abortion, gambling, civil rights, stand your ground laws and a lot of other issues that will weigh heavily on the minds of immigrants, queers, cannibals and religious fanatics of every stripe. At that time everyone will gradually gravitate to the region that is best suited for them. Because the local laws will be controlled by a majority of the local people, the majority of folks will be good right where they are at.

    Areas controlled by Negrophiles WILL see a notable rise in the number of descendants of cannibals. Places where queers are welcome and accepted WILL get more queers. Places that need and appreciate foreign workers WILL have them.

    It’s not a matter of loading up buses with undesirables and sending them to places that probably deserve them. It’s a matter of people taking back their right to decide who is going to live in their communities. Those who cannot abide by the new rules will go where they feel more comfortable.

    A review of Nevada’s prostitution laws will demonstrate how the sort of legal autonomy I’m talking about works in the real world.

  13. “The fetid climate of the Deep South is fit only for…”

    They seem to do just fine in Michigan. They will do just fine in Vermont and New Hampshire soon enough.

  14. establish a theocracy in which the fundamentalist Christian church would legislate all the important aspects of civic life.

    Theocracy is a New England Puritan concept, not a Southern idea.

  15. I for one wish we would succeed but not about race; as many Yankees seem to use that card more so than the reverend Jesse Jackson does. It is about preserving a standard of living and being represented. Politicians today represent illegals , gays and every other form of agendas more than people imo. We once were united in our sovereignty now we have stoned, wacked out liberals and queers making decisions in Washington. It is high time the mid west and south preserves a life George Washington envisioned imo. I feel every red blooded American should carefully examine his quotations to gain knowledge of where we seem to be heading!!!! When 85 % of society is against something and that something is passed and pushed on citizens what would George say or do? How long before the queer, liberal fungus has their way long enough for us to be third world? How long before the bailout’s to provide lavish vacations for the queer liberal elitist’s collapse the world currency? How many quadrillion of wasteful spending on legislation for liberal, queer agendas can our society take before it’s collapse?

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