Taking a break from the depressing news stories of murder and mayhem, treason, pathetic cowardice by old believer/pussyfooters, kooks, screwballs, revolutionary fantasy gun nuts and assorted same old, same old… (Actually, lots of good news as the Gang of 8 Amnesty treason looks to be going down thanks to Chechen pimp/Muslim immigrant terrorism), time for a music break.
Roger Whittaker – “Streets of London”
Roger Whittaker was a 1970s + pop, folk singer of British/Canadian heritage. He’s, well how can I say this?
He’s very, very White.
The audience can understand the words, there’s no jumping and jiving, certainly no politically correct, cultural marxism lectures about RACISM in Jena, Louisiana. There’s nothing particularly exciting, revolutionary – it’s just solid good White music, with beautiful music, lyrics that tell simple stories about White people, White places with British/English – Anglo world themes. This song, “Streets of London” is from the 1970s, but it might as well have been from the 1880s, 2010 – the themes are not dated as long as our people are around to enjoy these simple melodies, simply stories of our people.
He was born in Kenya of British parents. Always liked his music. One of the few “guitfiddlers” I could tolerate, along with Roy Clark, especially the latters version of “Yesterday, When I Was Young”.
“The Last Farewell” is one of my mother’s favorite records.
countenance says:
May 6, 2013 at 3:44 am
“The Last Farewell” is one of my mother’s favorite records.
Jack replies:
Your mom has good taste in music…. Could I have your permission to ask your mom for a dance?
Another great ‘Last Farewell’ – the great ballad of Culloden field (1746) – Loch Lomond (not the more well-known Robbie Burns lyrics). Loch Lomond begins ‘O whither away my bonnie Mae, sae late and sae far in the gloamin’.
Culloden was the last battle against The Crown – that would be The Crown of the Judaic Imperium, located on the sq mi of The City of London and its war through its proxies King Willie The Crown Stooge of England and the Scottish Convention of Estates to settle the debt to the Amsterdam Jews for Cromwell’s and the Convention’s civil war. Under the titles of the loan, the price of victory for the regicides are: all deeds of land forfeit to The Crown – in Scotland, Ireland and England. The War of the Highlands against The Crown was decided at Culloden.
The ballad does not narrate the political history – only the last farewell of Mae and Donald.
The Corries – Loch Lomond
Many of the Scots Irish who fought for the Stars and Bars a little over a hundred years later will have their clan names on the stones of Culloden field, because in the wake of Culloden, The Crown’s Bank of England used their stooge monarchy and whig / Yankee gov’t in Scotland to clear the Highlands of the hated clans and send these people on the transports to the Americas and Australia.
Same war, same last farewell – different battles on another continent.
Lynda, did you skip your medication again?
That stuff is prescribed for you for good reasons.
Ha Ha Sean. Another evader and obfuscator of the J-Issue.
Don’t you read The Occidental Observer on the subject of the hostile elite.
Cos Australia is a damp dark hell of wind swept Moore. Oh no that’s right it’s a frigging paradise. (now colonized by Chinese)
Good selection, Jack Ryan.
More British folk:
Here’s one for the Iceman, and perhaps also for P.G.R.T.:
I like the sound of it, though I don’t agree with all the content of it! Highlights of the lyrics: “In 1649, to St. George’s Hill, a ragged band they called the Diggers came to show the people’s will. They defied the landlords. They defied the laws, They were the dispossessed reclaiming what was theirs. We come in peace they said, to dig and sow. We come to work the lands in common, and to make the waste ground grow (…) By theft and murder, they took the land (…) They make the laws, to chain us well (…) We will not bow to the masters or pay rent to the lords. Still we are free, though we are poor. You Diggers all stand up for glory! Stand up now! From the men of property the orders came: They sent the hired men and troopers, to wipe out the Diggers’ claim, tear down their cottages, destroy their corn. They were dispersed, but still the vision lingers on. You poor take courage! You rich take care….”
This one expresses the dream of P.G.R.T. Everyone becomes “HALF English”:
Well you can sign my mom up for a dance as she loved Roger Whittaker. I remember him being played in our house for hours on end, which at the time I considered some kind of torture, lol. Now I just think how lucky I was to have parents who loved music so much!
In fact, this thread gave me the idea to get her some of his music for her upcoming birthday, I think she will enjoy the ‘blast from the past’, so cheers 🙂
Jack Ryan:
If we’re both in Chicago anytime soon, I will look you up and give you the honor.
She’ll be a little bit harder sell, though.
The only British/Canadian, in all of history, worth listening to:
He later remade one of his first hits, “New World in the Morning” (1970):
“Same war, same last farewell – different battles on another continent.”
Right on the mark, Lynda. You won’t find any of this in yankee mommy professor’s schoolbook, which would explain why it’s news to Sean.
The dumbed down subject is a happy subject, after all.
I’m lovin’ me sum Amurrica….mmmm, tasty. It’s got electrolytes!
I like money…
Deo Vindice
Mosin, thanks for introducing me to Billy Bragg. The Diggers were an interesting group; I think the story was more complicated than he makes it out to be, but I sympathize with them in general. Half English is one of my favorite songs now.
Enjoying listening to folk ballads again tonight, like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCTSaKznbis
The Houghton Weavers’ version of the Jack’s Whitaker selection: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgMoER6P-PA
Welsh singer Mary Hopkins’ version is the best, though.
But her singing is at its best in the native British tongue: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIVEIP6I8PY