Amurrica Series: House Speaker John Boehner’s Daughter Gets Married (Photos)


I’ve never seen a more compelling argument against the “conservative” movement:

Note: This is more damaging than the Richwine purge.

“The daughter of House Speaker John Boehner has tied the knot with her Jamaican-born love in an intimate sunset ceremony set amid a lush Florida garden.

Lindsay Marie Boehner, 35, married construction worker Dominic Lakhan in a flowing white strapless gown that showed off a huge tattoo etched across her arm.

Her 38-year-old groom looked smart in a grey suit with his waist-length dreadlocks on display as he waited for Boehner to walk Lindsay down the aisle at Sundy House in Delray Beach on Friday.

The couple said their vows with the House Speaker looking proudly on – despite the fact Dominic had previously arrested for possessing marijuana. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Thank you for that information, phil white. It’s very nice to know we can all rest easy now knowing that.

    And, ah, I think it’s Charles Murray I’m thinking of.

  2. Since John and his family seem to like really deep dark tans ala George Hamilton, I believe they have a secret desire to be negroes. Voila, with this wedding they are now negroes. Problem solved.

  3. And there is the Negro question. What will you do in a Republic whose population is 30% African and 15% Mexican?

    May I suggest limited enfranchisement and widespread sterilization?

  4. “Golden Circle is European Christian supremacy in the New World. Islamification of Europe is a strike to the root of the Golden Circle idea.”

    The “Golden Circle” involved Roman Catholic supremacy in the Spanish colonies, but in the ENGLISH “Golden Circle” colonies, religious establishment was not so explicit or intentional. Islamification in western Europe began, I know in Germany and Netherlands at least, with the importation of cheap labour. Importation of cheap extra-racial or extra-ethnic labourers or slaves, to “create immense wealth,” is very much the New World Golden Circle idea. On both continents an Elite (both white and Talmudic) profits “immensely” (“creates immense wealth”) through multiculturalisation, while they may support the advancement of either a heretical, corrupt form of “Christianity” or “post-Christian” secularism.

  5. @ Brutus:

    We can’t rest easy, no out come is guaranteed, neither White extinction or White full blown spectrum dominance.
    It is very encouraging though to know important Whites, not openly in the White Nationalist movement, are working behind the scenes.
    My take is we need to make contingency plans and preparations for every thing.
    Lets continue talking to average whites about their displacement. Next we need to form WN retirement communities where we can be enough of a local political, cultural and economic force to influence the local school board, elect a pro-white Sheriff and invite young WN’s who’ve just completed their educations to migrate to our town.
    Finally we need to adapt Jew tactics while we are a political minority.
    We should make friends among minority groups, excluding Blacks, and gradually make the non-white minorities more Jew aware.
    Blacks already know about the Jews. They just have to tolerate them as allies in the Democrak party.
    There are a sprinkling of Jews who are among the pro-White elites, but they will never be able to reform the Jewish “community” as a whole. Once we’ve won, which it the most likely out come, we will have to do some serious social engineering on the Jewish “community.” They can not be allowed to live as a minority among other peoples. That would be like bunking a “reformed” alcoholic in the storage room of a liquor store.

  6. @ Mr. Rational:

    “May I suggest limited enfranchisement and widespread sterilization?”

    And what do we do about native white Southerners like Jimmy Carter and Ted Turner? Send them all to prison to keep them from yammering about evil treatment of minorities?
    AH wrote in his book that you can’t treat minorities (he seemed to be thinking of political rather than racial minorities) in a brutal way or you would turn many of the best of your own people against you.
    A conservative Southland run by whites can be created. But it will likely have to mean deporting Mexicans and forming a Black homeland in Florida and along the Gulf coast. That way you can keep moderate Whites from vigorously opposing you.
    The hot, damp regions of Florida and adjoining areas are not good for Whites anyway.
    What sense would it make to try to establish a Scotch Irish Kingdom in central Brazil?
    What would their descendants look like in two thousand years? Hindus.

  7. ENGLISH “Golden Circle” colonies, religious establishment was not so explicit or intentional.

    In a few southern states only Anglicans could hold office, Mosin.

    I don’t really want to talk about islamification in this thread, much less German guestworkers. If you think I give a damn about ‘Germany’ the secular state you’re woefully mistaken. Guestworkers, bomber Harris, I couldn’t care less.

  8. This is mutual. Anyone can join Grossdeutsches Vaterland forum and find out what real German Nationalists think of “the west”, especially Anglo countries. No room for Quislings I say.

  9. Kievsky,

    If you’re interested in the politics of stopping wars and creating ethnic homelands you’d do well to read Stalin’s treatises along with Supreme Soviet minutes on the “National Question”. These have been compiled in a book I believe was called “Stalin: On The National Question” or something similar. Since you can read cyrillic you’d probably be best served by reading originals.

  10. AH wrote in his book that you can’t treat minorities (he seemed to be thinking of political rather than racial minorities) in a brutal way or you would turn many of the best of your own people against you.Our current overlords are effectively sterilizing the best White children, by crushing them with student-loan debt which prohibits them from forming families at a normal age (or at all).  Isn’t that a form of brutality?  I’m sure a bunch of smart people could come up with something equally unworthy of outrage.
    A conservative Southland run by whites can be created. But it will likely have to mean deporting Mexicans and forming a Black homeland in Florida and along the Gulf coast.Deportation is going to be viewed as brutal, bet your life on it.  The left-wing noise machine equates refusal of amnesty for illegals with brutality!  Depo-Provera as the price of collecting social benefits is not going to excite such opposition; it can be sold easily with “if they want to make babies, they can get a job already and join the ranks of tax PAYERS”.  You go to options of permanent sterilization and deportation after an established record of failure or criminality.  “All they have to do is produce and behave, right?  So what’s the problem?”

    Make the policy racially neutral on its face, even less of a problem.

  11. @Hunter

    Boehner is a typical Roman Catholic politician, and, German Roman Catholic that DixieGirl, and, I have warned you about for years.

    Really pathetic.

  12. And what do we do about native white Southerners like Jimmy Carter and Ted Turner?

    Ted Turner is an Ohioan.

  13. It has to be explocitely racial or it’ll just turn into a monetary shakedown and the blending away of people and race replacement.

  14. That 78% of Americans claim they “will fight for country” leads me to believe it will hold on long beyond we all die.


    When the Iraq war started in 2003, a local woman said she was going to have rallies in the town square every Saturday until the war was over. She was in the newspaper and everything. She did maybe 3 rallies, LOL. I went to the first one and told her the war was a terrible idea. her and the other retards asked me if i was in the pay of Saddam Hussein.

    they can say how much they are willing to fight for Murrika, but when they actually have to do it, and aren’t getting paid, and are getting killed, fuggedaboudit! These Amerikwan neo-clown fucktards have no stomach for real sacrifice.

  15. 78% of America isn’t fit enough to march to the recruiting station. Bluster accounts for some too, no doubt. That being said 78% mobilization isn’t desirable.

    fuggedaboudit! These Amerikwan neo-clown fucktards have no stomach for real sacrifice.

    My question is what is the WN view of Adolf Hitler’s seemingly opposite approach of not only championing his country’s imperial wars but rousing the German people by appealing to their supposedly inborn sense of heroism, then conducting those earlier wars on a grander scale? I’m not pro-Hitler but begrudgingly respect his patriotism.

    I just can’t see how disparaging patriotic Americans as “Kwans” while appealing to what you seem to recognize as degenerate pacifism is supposed to rouse them to action in pursuit of their alleged ethnic interests.

  16. We are in the tradition of the America First Party of Charles Lindbergh. Opposing unjust wars is patriotic and not mere “pacifism.”

  17. Would you say that your tradition starts with German-American isolationism regarding the first world war?

  18. “Would you say that your tradition starts with German-American isolationism regarding the first world war?”

    Anti-imperialist sentiment goes back at least to the vigorous opposition to the Polk administration and his war against Mexico. I daresay the voting public was still overwhelmingly of English and Scotch-Irish descent at that time.

  19. Ok. Don’t answer that question, Kievsky. Rudel knows my thesis and just blocked me pretty well. Back to the drawing board.

  20. Boeher has something to cry about, now. We can only pray that, at 35, her fertile years are past.

  21. “A conservative Southland run by whites can be created. But it will likely have to mean deporting Mexicans and forming a Black homeland in Florida and along the Gulf coast”

    What’s wrong with a homeland in New England? Answer: nothing. In fact, it would be taking two birds with one stone. 1. remove ethnic block voters from our country 2. destroy the Yankee ideology once and for all and in front of the entire world. Imagine another mayor Dinkins running NYC into the ground for all to see. Egalitarianism would be disproved just as communism was when the Soviet Union collapsed.

  22. When it comes to the Boehners, what more can be said than niggerlovers. Ooohoo, I’m a trendy…

  23. “We are watching the southernization of the North. Boehner is white trash, read his bio and blood will usually out. ”

    I can bear witness. This is exactly what is taking place in my neck of the woods.

  24. Anyone can join Grossdeutsches Vaterland forum and find out what real German Nationalists think of “the west”, especially Anglo countries.

    I suspect that England’s two wars against Germany in the last century have something to do with that attitude.

  25. For your information, snowhitey, the Lakhans are East Indians, they are not negroes. I should know. I am from Jamaica.

  26. Jamaican run tings in track, music and now in the big house, rastafari let’s all have a ganja party mon hey lots of luck dread it ruff ina babywrong

  27. Camille, he may have some East Indian blood but he also, most definitely, has negro (African) blood.

  28. YOU WHITES WERE AT YOUR WORST AT THE PEAK OF THE ROMAN CIVILIZATION AND ALL OF YOU HAVE BLACK IN YOU CAUSE BLACKS ARE THE ORIGINAL MAN, you are also neanderthals out of the caves of Europe so don’t you ever think your better than anyone its foolish!

  29. I have to admit that I never think, not even for an instant, that whites are the superior race. And this may seem trite to some, for others it will undoubtedly be a simple and redundant truth, but I positively know, I repeat, positively know, that whites are the superior race. There is never even a hint of doubt.

  30. Elaine Lane,

    Whites and Asians have a common set of 200 ancestors that go back to appox 80,000 years ago. The 200 were running away from Blacks. One day a group of our people will pretend so hard that they will leave this planet and they will colonize space. Tomorrow doesn’t belong to you cargocultist resentment merchants.

  31. No, E Laine Lane, we are at our worst right now by attempting to fool ourselves, and even more so non-whites, that we aren’t the superior race. If you did know history, you would know that the decadent Romans tried to fool themselves when it came to race and ethnicity. They, too, were stark-raving mad.

  32. All of you white nationalists and whatever else your orgs are called are the most cowardly lions the worlds ever seen. Keep stocking up on weapons and food to feel safe. Fact is, butt naked in the forest we will destroy you with our bare hands. You stink of fear and we like it! We hear everything and forget nothing. Nothing can protect you from our wrath and our beautiful sun is killing you slowly on a daily basis. Won’t be long now, aliens.

  33. @Eric

    “All of you white nationalists and whatever else your orgs are called are the most cowardly lions the worlds ever seen.”

    – Just remember something, nigger — Lions always bow lowest before they strike.

    “Keep stocking up on weapons and food to feel safe.”

    – We will. And you keep depending on the EBT card for your skittles and iced tea.

    “Fact is, butt naked in the forest we will destroy you with our bare hands.”

    – We dragged you nigger monkeys out of the forest with our bare hands and put you in chains. Don’t make me laugh.

    “You stink of fear and we like it.”

    – That smell is just chicken grease on your flappy nigger lips, nigger.

    “We hear everything and forget nothing.”

    – Then why do you niggers do so horribly in school?

    “Nothing can protect you from our wrath and our beautiful sun is killing you slowly on a daily basis.”

    – Wrong again, nigger. As you acknowledged earlier, we’re stocking up on weapons, so your pathetic nigger “wrath” won’t amount to much more than target practice for us. And as for the sun, well, that’s what we invented Coppertone for.

    “Won’t be long now, aliens.”

    – Then make your move, nigger. We’re ready yesterday.

  34. There are four distinguishable races: Asian, white, black and indian. Indian has an asian influence. However, of all the races the one that have had more civility through history is east asian.
    Mental illness and hate for the fellow man is abundant in the white and black race. Obesity, skin cancer, syphillis, breast cancer are abundant in these two races.
    White is a recessive gene and albino animals in nature are the exception, not the rule, white is not the best race genetically. If they are not ruling, their fragile mind accustomed to privileges, collapses and they lash out with violence, killing masses.
    Blacks have been bred to fail and hate each other, there is no hope for blacks either.

    White skin reflects light better and it looks well in photographs, but up close there are plenty of spots, small veins, dermatitis and in general very unhealthy appearance, in particular after 30 years of age.
    Black skin is better up close, but their chemically treated hair is a mess of odors and unsanitary, to say the least. In their efforts to look like other races they are looking worse than their ancestors. Soon they will show no signs of humanity. They are regressing looking more like animals, speaking and dressing like failures.

    There were great mathematicians and physicists who had breakthroughs, however you can’t trust history entirely…there were many women scientist who had to hide behind their husbands for their ideas to be recognized. Even whites males themselves, tried to suppress each other, like Edison and Tesla.

    Similarly, during the persian invasion and other invasions the origins of many signs of intelligence were destroyed. During the religious wars there was similar destruction of scientific thought. The superior race is east asian. Without doubt, in the absence of weapons, asians would win close contact combats against blacks and whites. Any race that reproduces with asians improves their genetic make-up a ten fold.

    East asians also are the only race who doesn’t use religion as a way to dominate, control and destroy.

  35. Eric says:

    “Fact is, butt naked in the forest we will destroy you with our bare hands.”

    Fact is, butt naked in the forest is the natural state of the black man left to his own devices.

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