About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Perhaps someone should ask the Senator for his feelings on mass immigration from the Third World. It seems to me that someone who shows such exaggerated concern for climate change (which, for some reason, has something to do with tornadoes in Oklahoma, a state that has always had tornadoes) should be very concerned about millions and millions of people coming from the Third World, where they aren’t polluting very much, to the First World, where they will pollute a great deal. I’ll wager that the Senator’s concerns about global warming stop well short of his being an immigration restrictionist.

  2. At a plenary on Thursday at the climate summit being held in Doha, Qatar, the lead negotiator of the Philippine delegation fought back tears to deliver an emotional plea that was widely applauded by civil society and other delegations.

    Backdropped by the recent devastation wrought by Typhoon Pablo (international name: Bopha) and annual cycles of climate-related disasters in the Phiippines, lead negotiator Naderev Saño said plainly:

    “As we sit here in these negotiations, even as we vacillate and procrastinate here, the death toll is rising. There is massive and widespread devastation. Hundreds of thousands of people have been rendered without homes. And the ordeal is far from over, as typhoon Bopha has regained some strength as it approaches another populated area in the western part of the Philippines.”

    He then made “an urgent appeal, not as a negotiator, not as a leader of my delegation, but as a Filipino,” – at which point he choked up. His voice cracking, Saño nonetheless continued:

    “I appeal to the whole world, I appeal to leaders from all over the world, to open our eyes to the stark reality that we face. I appeal to ministers. The outcome of our work is not about what our political masters want. It is about what is demanded of us by 7 billion people.”

    “I appeal to all, please, no more delays, no more excuses. Please, let Doha be remembered as the place where we found the political will to turn things around. Please, let 2012 be remembered as the year the world found the courage to find the will to take responsibility for the future we want. I ask of all of us here, if not us, then who? If not now, then when? If not here, then where?”

    The UK’s Guardian Online said in its account: “The hall rose and applauded.”

    As he exited the floor, Saño walked a gauntlet of civil society actors, youth groups primarily, that embraced and applauded him for his message.

    New England trash, Filippino lady-boys….. This climate cult is sickening.

    The squeaky femme’pino carefully parsed his words… Luckily the Yankee-controlled press happened to avoid this quote from the transcript:

    Madam Chair, we have never had a typhoon like Bopha, which has wreaked havoc in a part of the country that has never seen a storm like this in half a century.

  3. It seems to me that someone who shows such exaggerated concern for climate change (which, for some reason, has something to do with tornadoes in Oklahoma, a state that has always had tornadoes) should be very concerned about millions and millions of people coming from the Third World, where they aren’t polluting very much, to the First World, where they will pollute a great deal.

    That is my exact position.  I think we should be encouraging people to move to lower-emitting countries, especially their countries of ancestry.

    California’s water problems would shrink or even disappear if all the immigrants went home again.

  4. ‘Global warming’ is a huge scam


    and cover story for the weather worx of scalar and HAARP technology. There is now even an App to report the chemtrails needed to heat up the ionosphere.

    The technology behind dramatic weather and super cells is real. The cover story pumped in the Jew media and pulp science[fiction] research facilities and think tanks is not. The humble air vent at the climate research unit of East Anglia University blew the Panel on Climate Change scammers out of the water before Copenhagen. And a dog ate the hard data. They are busted.

  5. Whenever I hear someone talking about global warming I picture them as having a hi-fi at home where they dress up in platform shoes and leisure suits and listen to disco albums.

  6. The science of anthropogenic climate change goes back to the seminal paper of Svante Arrhenius in 1896.  There was concern about it by the 1930’s, and it was mentioned in an address to Congress by Lyndon Johnson in the mid 1960’s.  All of this was years and decades before the alleged “invention” of the issue by global elites.

    If you want to see where the elites are active, look at the anti-nuclear movement.  Nuclear energy eliminates issues of climate change, and once you build a plant the fuel is extremely cheap and there’s little money in it for traders.  That’s why they have been using front groups equating power plants with bombs and promoting “renewables”.  Climate change is a fact, it’s the anti-nuclear movement that’s the lie.

  7. Anybody know anything about weather band radios?

    I go to Amazon and can get an inexpensive handheld for under $15, but a table top model is $35-$60.

  8. Lyndon Johnson expressed concern about global warming? Well that’s about all you need to know.

    Nuclear power is a cash cow for the elites — they love it. The people hate it — and rightly so. Nuclear power needs a level of cultural integrity and cohesion that America does not have.

  9. Sounds like old Sheldon “Whitehouse”/Weisshaus is a bedwetting, lisping poofter who whines a lot. If this is what passes for a man in Rhode Island, then the yankees have completely hit rock bottom.

    Someone should have gotten up and gone over and bitchslapped him while he was bleating out his aggrieved drama queen tirade.

    Who needs his help, anyway? Not like he can offer much real help to the real grieving and suffering people in Oklahoma.

    We need to get shed of these people. Free Dixie!

    Deo Vindice

  10. Jury to begin deliberating Jodi Arias’ sentence:


    I’ve been following this case. She’s quite a lust, fatal attraction. When the verdict was handed down guilty of first degree-she pleaded for death penalty. Now she’s retracting. She will get the d penalty.

  11. Apuleius writes:

    “Sounds like this old Sheldon ‘Whitehouse’/Weisshaus is a bedwetting, lisping poofer who whines a lot. If this is what passes for a man in Rhode Island, then the yankees have completely hit rock bottom.”

    But then he writes:

    “Free Dixie!”

    So Apuleius, what exactly does it say about you “Dixians” that you’re utterly conquered and held in (what you perceive to be) bondage by a bunch of whining, lisping, Rhode Islanders that hardly pass for men in your eyes? LOL, if this Weisshaus is barely a man, then you and the rest of the South must be total eunuchs!

  12. So, what else is new? These bastards always use natural disasters to push their neo-commie “climate change” agenda.

  13. Lyndon Johnson expressed concern about global warming? Well that’s about all you need to know.

    Guilt by association?  The issue was being raised during the Eisenhower administration too.  It may shock you to hear this, but there was a time when science in the USA was not partisan.

    Nuclear power is a cash cow for the elites — they love it.

    Evidence?  The Koch brothers appear to hate it.  A lot more money changes hands when electricity comes from coal than uranium.  There are a lot of very well-heeled people backing anti-nuclear groups.

    Nuclear power needs a level of cultural integrity and cohesion that America does not have.

    Then please explain why we have more bystander deaths in single gas-pipeline explosions and coal-train accidents than in the entire history of commercial nuclear power in the USA.  How much better can you do than zero?

    I’m getting the feeling that “conservatism” in the USA has the same attitude to CO2 that Labour in Britain had about diversity:  it doesn’t matter what other effects it has, they’re going to rub the opposition’s face in it out of pure spite.  This explains why all logical appeals attract hateful emotional attacks in return.

    Why “conservatives” don’t just use the climate as a reason to roll back the NRC and start a massive nuclear revival (under the AEC nuclear power was cheaper than coal), putting a flame to the feet of the anti-industrial liberals, still mystifies me.  It’s the perfect club to bash the loony left with its own contradictions, and you won’t use it.

  14. Good point, Chris and thanks for reminding me of the actual dichotomy of yankee manhood. I simply forgot about your kind. Apart from the effeminate Judeo sodomite as depicted by your pal Sheldon, there is the enraged sociopath as typified by yourself.

    Which brand of cuckoo bird do I prefer? Neither.

    Bad manners are always a sign of poor breeding, as you so abundantly demonstrate once again. The excesses of yankee degeneracy will provide the necessary stimulus for Southerners in the fullness of time. Your childish belief that BRA will last forever is delusional and hubristic.

    Deo Vindice

  15. One thing you won’t see white Southerners in Oklahoma do is sit around bitching and waiting for the government like niggers in New Orleans or yankees in New Jersey.

    Or whining like this sorry excuse for a senator, regardless of where he is from.

    Deo Vindice

  16. noman
    “Look at this pugly slice of godless whitebread”

    Whereas Jews are reknowned for their good looks.

  17. “Oklahomans (sp?) are nothing but contemptible white-trash, Apuleius. Why are they considered southern? Look at this pugly slice of godless whitebread. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LP3Zs_V_BQ&feature=youtu.be

    Like much of urban pidgin, “pugly” can have many “definitions.” “So ugly she’s cute” could be one interpretation. IF she is white, it is very sad that she has embraced the globalist, anti-Christian trend of Atheism, but that is still the exception not the rule for white Oklahomans, unlike New Yorkers.

  18. This pronouncement “trash” and ugliness comes from someone who has advocated primae noctis with “attractive” virgin negresses. If New Yorkers and other Cosmopolitans are exposed constantly to the widest range of “beauties” of all races, it may weaken their natural ability to appreciate White appearance.

  19. “pronouncement trash and ugliness” should be: “pronouncement of trash and ugliness” Sorry. Impossible to edit errors on this site.

  20. “Oklahomans (sp?) are nothing but contemptible white-trash, Apuleius. Why are they considered southern? Look at this pugly slice of godless whitebread.”

    Why are they considered Southern? Because they are. You must be joking.

    I wonder how long it took for the yankee Jewish reporter to find the local eccentric atheist crank (every town has at least one) to set up the “spontaneous” interview of a “typical” Oklahoman.

    Contemptible white-trash remain preferable to mudlings of any variety.

    Deo Vindice

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