About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What, a dozen London homosexual cops to control their precious Negroes – got to be Germans before the Limey’s will get mean, you know.

  2. The cops were under-manned and under-armed. They should have been eqiupped with water cannon, mounted police, dogs, and tear gas. They also should have used those damn truncheons the were equipped with and followed that cop that made an advance into the intersection.

  3. The English police need to learn an old American trick—you hit Blacks in the shins. Because Blacks have very weak & sensitive shins. Look at how small & thin a Negroes shins are, even on bulked up Blacks.

    American football coaches used to teach this trick too. But, in these days of political correctness, they don’t, because there would be a lot of crippled million dollar niggers hobbling around if they did.

  4. I don’t know what police in England carry, but there should have been someone put in position to take out as many of those POS as possible.

    Earl Butz says:

    The English police need to learn an old American trick—you hit Blacks in the shins. Because Blacks have very weak & sensitive shins.

    Nice tip.

  5. After the US government amnesties enough wetbacks and brings in enough Somalis, we will have the same problem here. The English are becoming outnumbered in their own nation.

  6. Two attackers survived the gun shot cuz the cops didn’t want to kill them precisely for this reason. unfbelieveble. The brits should be outrage hyena’s act of butchery in broadaylight. Look at video the cops running away for their pension.

    The police are corrupt. Protecting the politicians. Military matter to clean up the mess politicians have created.

  7. Nothing more to say of clear and present danger. Taking back the lever of power is a monumental task cuz the current regime doesn’t play fair-only by a Divine wind. God moves in mysterious ways.

  8. John, when I lived in Philadelphia, I periodically watched pal’s dog. This guy was a Jew, too. We were great pals.

    Anyway – he owned the prettiest, yet most moronic dog I’ve ever met in my entire life . She was a lavender-eyes purebred hound. She was BEAUTIFUL, and the worst scaredy-cat dog EVER. She was afraid of everything -ESPECIALLY other dogs.

    I lived in South Philadelphia, and so did he. I lived in an Italian section. He lived in a small Irish section. There used ot be a narrow Nigger stretch, nearby. Every-one generally stayed on their own racial turf , excepting the Micks, who would occasionally decide to hunt and fight Niggers, Anyway – I strayed into African turf, with this dog. I looked like I was about 12, when I was in my Twenties. I would have had to defend the dog, as well as myself, if was had been attacked. What happened? NOTHING. I walked the length of the block, and then turned back to my own turf. I has leanred almost immediately not to show fear to the Moon Crickets.

    The Spooks? They looked TERRIFIED of this elegant, and slightly whimpering hound. They were scaredto death of the showgirl dog.

    I couldn’t believe it.

  9. Those faggots in police costumes and riot gear who stood down in the face of this mayhem had their orders from the Jew occupied government.

  10. Not until the British citizen himself storms the streets, wielding bricks, clubs, knives, and contraband firearms will there be some glimmer of hope.

    Forget the police. No, revolt must come from the masses. Same for America. Until then this is only sideshow entertainment.

  11. Off topic but this:

    The Spooks? They looked TERRIFIED of this elegant, and slightly whimpering hound. They were scaredto death of the showgirl dog.

    Is really funny, I find that almost all blacks I have run into while walking around are terrified of dogs, AND, all of the dogs I ever owned absolutely hated blacks with a passion. I never taught the dogs to hate blacks, it just seems natural to them!

  12. “Peak Finance says:
    May 24, 2013 at 2:29 am
    Off topic but this:

    The Spooks? They looked TERRIFIED of this elegant, and slightly whimpering hound. They were scaredto death of the showgirl dog.

    Is really funny, I find that almost all blacks I have run into while walking around are terrified of dogs, AND, all of the dogs I ever owned absolutely hated blacks with a passion. I never taught the dogs to hate blacks, it just seems natural to them!”

    Indeed! Dogs seem to instinctively detest Nigras. I hate seeing Nigras with pets. It always is so degrading to the poor animal.

    I lived in NJ for approx 4 years. I lived in a large multi-culti apartment complex. I had cats. My family are dedicated ailurophiles.

    I had one cat, who has since gone to the Great Catnip Patch in the Sky (and who I miss dearly!) , who would take walks with me. Just like a dog. The neighbors would see me talking to my animals, and other animals on the property. I can make friends with animals, including cats, rather easily. You just have to do it from their perspective. The cats appeared to be reacting to my words. It’s mostly tone of voice, and body language – but cats and dogs do learn vocabulary, especially anything pertaining to food.

    The Nogs and Spics have all kinds of voodoo hoodoo superstitions about cats. The Nogs were afraid of me. They thought I was a witch. A little boy, from somewhere in Latin America, informed me that I was known as a Bruja. A witch. The kid was pretty bright. He actually liked animals, and would mine me for info. I felt sorry for him, since his family was hopeless. He was too bright for them. He also filled me in on a LOT of info, as far was who was doing what, on the property. Anyway -the Nogs and Spics left me alone.

  13. > The English police need to learn an old American trick—you hit Blacks in the shins.

    The above is a good tip. Also, both Americans and Britains could learn a lesson from South Africa in the sjambok. This rapier-like whip was used by the South Africans expressly for negro crowd control. One officer weilding a sjambok can keep dozens of assailants at bay with moderate effort. The weapon was outlawed in South Africa because of its “master” connotations rather than its effectiveness.

    That being said, the questionable morale of the British police stems not from the unavailability of tools, but rather, from the culture of litigation that restrains their every action. An army of Pharisees awaits any transgression of the protected class’s feelings. The police in the video are fighting both the negros in front of them and the unseen lawyers behind them.

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