Rivers of Blood: MI5 Tracked Woolwich Terrorists For Eight Years

Great Britain

Over in Airstrip One, David Cameron wants to know “what went wrong.”

MI5 followed the Woolwich terrorists for eight years (even after one if them tried to go to Somalia to join the jihad there) and sat on its ass and did nothing.

What went wrong? The “mainstream” parties and their policy of multiculturalism and Third World immigration. That’s what wrong.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. There’s the Somali connection again. One of the Blacks had attempted to fight in Mogadishu. Phillipos, Tsarnaev, Stockholm, Florida, Alogbojangles …

    It’s good to see the animal brought down screaming.

  2. This thing is coming to a head fast! The Muslims are really making our case for their own mass deportation from Europe!

    Or, the Euro governments somehow have to cave in to Muslim demands, which whill hopefully ENRAGE the Euro people.

  3. It is hard to understand why the murder and rape of a mulato girl still matters in the south. There is only one reason. Why we believe in the one drop rule the negro population does not.They believe that mixed race ones are white or like whites. The murderers and rapists of the black community believe if they can get away with a heinous crime like the one committed to Shanyia Davis they can get away with doing it to white women. The rise of crime and rape towards white women has increased since the Shanyia Davis case in North Carolina. These violent animals are smarter than we ever dreamed in our worse nightmares. They monitor the political climate of the state and discuss and decide what they can get away with. Eve Carson was killed after Shanyia, the white women in the historic district of Oakwood was raped and assaulted after Shanyia, and the white woman in north hills which just occurred last week was ofcourse killed after Shaynia. All victims killed by black male thugs. North Carolina wake up. North Carolina understand that you must convict this man and send him to death. During slavery days the only reason we protected the mixed race ones was because they were the only barriers from the nigger thugs getting to us. If he walks away to a jail cell instead of death row for what he did to Shanyia white women and men married to white women be aware. There is no white priveledge in the age of Obama. Blacks are taking Django the movie seriously they want revenge. Watch your step NC. The test of true conservatism is true resistance. Send McNeil to Death. Send a message now or pay the price for ever later.

  4. HW- Excellent title for the events. Rub the faces of the English in their own fecking stupidity. Enoch Powell was a prophet.

    England, Scotland, Ireland, REPENT. Turn from this ‘another gospel’.


  5. “It’s good to see the animal brought down screaming”

    gov should deport the attackers, in body bags.

  6. “… the policy of multiculturalism and Third World immigration.” A multiculture with open borders quickly leads to a uniculture dominated by the group with the highest rate of reproduction.
    “At this rate the whole Parliament will be Muslim. … Our future in this country is very bright.”
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSDD9NpMg2A Muslim MP
    “… we need to behead democracy from its roots … We need to attack the law and order. … make the society bow down to Allah.”
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abPdsPc1cBM British Muslim – Attack Britain – Destroy Freedom and Democracy
    I vote in favour of Fr. John and Hutton Gibson.

  7. If only the jewsers could add. Jews base themselves on a bit of passive/aggressive theology/ideology that they are the supreme beings with the power to shape the lesser to their ideals. So we get a bit of phony science called the Blank Slate Theory. And from that we get the genocidal immigration policies into white countries.

    So instead of the useless shrieking by the jewsers here we should have been by now building our case for the trials against the defendant anti-white jews. But NO, we get minutae from obsessives and outright cranks.

  8. Ive been reading the papers, and it appears that this buck would have eventually committed a murder on YT. He was a gangster in his teens. The mamasow moved the cretin out of London to avoid gang recruitment. He came back to London and joined a Muslim gang.

    It’s TNB with a veneer of Islamic theology. Really nothing more or less that Trayvon. Big dumb buck should have been gelded aged 15.

  9. Watching this made my skin crawl, the thought of all these ugly pakis mauling these poor girls and terrorizing their families *shudder*:

    Dispathces: The Hunt for Britain’s Sex Gangs

    23 May 2013
    DURATION: 48:27
    In 2010 Telford police allowed cameras to start filming what was to become one of the biggest child sex abuse cases in the UK.

    The investigation, Operation Chalice, eventually encompassed over 100 victims, and around 200 suspected perpetrators.

    The Hunt for Britain’s Sex Gangs follows – with unprecedented access – a live police investigation, showing just how difficult it is to secure justice for victims of sexual abuse, especially when some girls were just 11 when they were first abused.
    Gaining the trust of victims – who as a result of the grooming process, don’t see themselves as victims – is key to the success of the case, but it takes months for the police to win their trust and keep them on board as they prepare for the harrowing process of going to court.
    As the police work with the victims, they begin to understand a vicious cycle of grooming, which starts with flattery and friendship, then moves on to a more overtly sexual relationship, and finally becomes exploitative as the groomers pass the girls around their networks of friends and family for sex.


    (It is, of course, hosted by a brown woman, and there are, of course, policemen saying things like “I didn’t care it was all Pakistani Muslims doing this gang raping, I just saw I had criminals that needed to be stopped”….but it is still worth watching).

  10. *Dispatches * is the proper name and spelling of the Show, some will need Hotspot Shield or something like it to view.

  11. M15 had their weapons point down, aiming for the legs cuz of bystanders nearby… these sharp shooters should have aim at the torso.

  12. Besides the obvious “hands off” approach of the liberals,

    there is another reason why this fellow and the also the Boston Bombers were not better tracked, it is a reason the security state dare not state:

    When everyone is a suspect, nobody is a suspect.

    In other words, I am sure there are hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people being “tracked” in various ways (typically by computer). MOst of these people are not terrorists.

    We’ll call those people “false positives”.

    When you have hundreds of false positives, you cannot see the “”true positives” from the Terrorist of the Month Club.

    In addition to the IRS tracking the Tea Party, et al. I am sure many other government agencies are tracking political dissidents who pose no practical security threat. To include everyone on this and other forums.

    You can’t catch the bad guys when you are tracking millions of normal people.

  13. The EDL is undeniably dysgenic, riddled with fags and seems pro-Israel in a way that would only be justified by material support-which I doubt they’re receiving. That said, the EDL deserves support and hopefully they will burn down some mosques soon.

  14. Why burn down mosques? It only gains public symphathy. Much like the Birmingham bombing of a black church 4 aa girls died.

  15. If burning a mosque generated the same sympathy as burning a church the war is already lost. It doesn’t, thankfully.

  16. Cameron wants to know what went wrong?

    Whites didn’t hunt down and massacre Kikes devils 2000 years ago.

    That’s what went wrong.

  17. “The resources spent on the EDL are a complete waste of money”

    I saw the vid, they wear ski mask. why is that?

  18. Breaking News. Mike Toboogadjango’s best Chum was arrested in the BBC studios for Newsnight by Special Branch officers right after the black gave his interview.

    Well done Special Branch!

  19. If burning a mosque generated the same sympathy as burning a church the war is already lost. It doesn’t, thankfully.

    The struggle is fought by their standards. The war is lost so long as the politicians play by their rules.

  20. MI5 followed the Woolwich terrorists for eight years (even after one if them tried to go to Somalia to join the jihad there) and sat on its ass and did nothing.

    Hey, that’s not fair. The authorities have been busy going after the *real* terrorists:

    An 85-year-old woman has this afternoon been arrested after abuse was hurled at Muslims outside Gillingham Mosque. The pensioner was handcuffed and taken away in a van by officers attending the Canterbury Street mosque for Friday prayers. As worshippers gathered outside the venue, a woman at a nearby bus stop shouted: “go back to your own country”.

    The arrested woman, from the Maidstone Road area of Chatham, was taken away by officers at about 1.45pm and is now in police custody. A Kent Police spokesman said: “An 85 year old woman from Chatham was arrested on suspicion of a public order offence.”

    Thank God this vicious old hag is off the streets and behind bars where she belongs. Hateful xenophobes like her must be crushed mercilessly.

    An extra 1,200 police officers were deployed on the streets of London after an impromptu English Defence League protest descended into violence in Woolwich, south-east London, following Wednesday’s terrorist attack.

    Good thing the police have finally got their priorities straight. Instead of harassing innocent, peace-loving Muslims, they should pour ALL their limited resources into destroying this evil band of racist hooligans.

    In Bristol two men were detained following allegedly racist messages that appeared on Twitter following the terrorist murder. A spokesman for Avon and Somerset Police said two men aged 22 and 23 were being questioned over the incident.

    He said: “The men were arrested under the Public Order Act on suspicion of inciting racial or religious hatred. They are currently in custody. Our enquiries into these comments continue.”

    I feel safer already knowing that those racist tweeters are in custody. Seeing the words “nigger” or “paki” online is a million times worse than witnessing some trifling public beheading.


    British coppers = The paramilitary wing of The Guardian

  21. The Limey coppers look positively competent compared to their Swedish counterparts:

    But while the Stockholm riots keep spreading and intensifying, Swedish police have adopted a tactic of non-interference. ”Our ambition is really to do as little as possible,” Stockholm Chief of Police Mats Löfving explained to the Swedish newspaper Expressen on Tuesday….

    Swedish parking laws, however, continue to be rigidly enforced despite the increasingly chaotic situation. Early Wednesday, while documenting the destruction after a night of rioting in the Stockholm suburb of Alby, a reporter from Fria Tider observed a parking enforcement officer writing a ticket for a burnt-out Ford.

    When questioned, the officer explained that the ticket was issued because the vehicle lacked a tag showing its time of arrival. The fact that the vehicle had been effectively destroyed – its windshield smashed and the interior heavily damaged by fire – was irrelevant according to the meter maid, who asked Fria Tider’s photographer to destroy the photos he had taken. Her employer, the parking company P-service, refused to comment when Fria Tider contacted them on Wednesday afternoon.


    “Our ambition is really to do as little as possible.” Except for writing parking tickets for cars destroyed by rioters. Nothing will stop them from doing that.

  22. Correction!

    “G Prune says:
    May 24, 2013 at 1:39 pm
    “It’s good to see the animal brought down screaming”

    The”GOVERNMENT” should be deported, in body bags.”

    There. Now it’s correct.

  23. John, if only one of them had stood their ground…. But they lack any true conviction that would cause them to do so. Mercenary forces of “law enforcement” are concerned with their pay and their careers.

  24. Thanks, Jeppo. That is hilarious. I mean: “Swedish parking laws, however, continue to be rigidly enforced despite the increasingly chaotic situation. Early Wednesday, while documenting the destruction after a night of rioting in the Stockholm suburb of Alby, a reporter from Fria Tider observed a parking enforcement officer writing a ticket for a burnt-out Ford. When questioned, the officer explained that the ticket was issued because the vehicle lacked a tag showing its time of arrival. The fact that the vehicle had been effectively destroyed – its windshield smashed and the interior heavily damaged by fire – was irrelevant according to the meter maid….”

  25. Hunting down what Denise calls “kikedevils” 2000 years ago would not have solved our current problem with the turbantops. The Jews are not the ones bombing marathons or cutting peoples throats in broad daylight. While I’m a believer that Jews and Jewish groups do conspire to cause us great harm, I’m not going to buy the idiotic idea that they are behind every conspiracy and violent act in the world. That’s tinfoil cap thinking and sheer paranoia. Like Jeppo, Jack and other responsible commentators ask, look at what’s actually going on, look at who’s actually doing it, rather than subscribe to crackpot conspiracy theories.

  26. “G Prune says:
    May 24, 2013 at 11:56 pm

    Government is an instrument of people governing with consent by the constincueancy.”

    Yup. “The Government” doesn’t need to go, alone…..

  27. Stephen E Dalton says:
    May 24, 2013 at 11:53 pm
    Hunting down what Denise calls “kikedevils” 2000 years ago would not have solved our current problem with the turbantops. ”

    Yes it would have. Mohammed’s semi-lliterate scribes culled thier will to power stuff out of the Talmud.

    “The Jews are not the ones bombing marathons or cutting peoples throats in broad daylight. ”

    Errrrr…they are.

    “While I’m a believer that Jews and Jewish groups do conspire to cause us great harm, I’m not going to buy the idiotic idea that they are behind every conspiracy and violent act in the world. ”

    Of course not. You’re a Jew.

    ” That’s tinfoil cap thinking and sheer paranoia. ”

    The above is a flawless example of Saul Alinskey Another Jew’s Rule # 5, at work. Thanks!

    “Like Jeppo, Jack and other responsible commentators ask, look at what’s actually going on, look at who’s actually doing it,”

    I am.

    “…rather than subscribe to crackpot conspiracy theories.”

    Thanks for finishing off your reply with yet another flawless example of Jew Saul Alinskey’s Jewish methodology. As your blood demands.

  28. “Like Jeppo, Jack and other responsible commentators ask, look at what’s actually going on, look at who’s actually doing it, rather than subscribe to crackpot conspiracy theories.”

    And here we are back to square one. The whole thing that got this ball rolling. Paleocons turning into neocons, by the droves.

    Please, let’s take a look at what’s actually going on. Just ask yourself one question. Who is laughing their asses off when the pawns go running right by those who have held the doors open for 50 years, running after the latest diversity candidate?

    Who is laughing? Who is laughing at you? That’s who you ought to be targeting with your ire. Because there are people laughing their asses off at you. And they aren’t Muslim.

  29. Occigent says:
    May 25, 2013 at 12:25 am

    “And here we are back to square one. The whole thing that got this ball rolling. Paleocons turning into neocons, by the droves.

    Please, let’s take a look at what’s actually going on. Just ask yourself one question. Who is laughing their asses off …”

    Jack responds:

    I have a better questions:

    Who supports or is indifferent to MASSIVE Arab, Black, Turk, Chetnian, Unter Muslim immigration to remaining White countries/communities?

    1 the invading NW Muslim scum, throat cutters.
    2 groups in the White West who despise White Western people, want to elect a new people, this includes vicious anti White Jews, yes the Jews support the Muslim immigration invasion, also self hating Whites.
    3. A strange collection of confused White people who profess to care about our people, our culture, but who are confused and obsessed with other hang ups like….

    The Jooooooooooooooz

    So which are you? 1 2 or 3?

    The rest of us – sane, healthy pro White Whites have no problem resisting, reversing the Muslim immigration invasion, Muslim terror.

    Life really isn’t that complicated.

  30. Sounds good Jack. We’ve done such an awesome job winning the immigration battle over the last 50 years, fighting our own in our own capitals of Western nations, I think it’s awesome that it’s time we took on a second front.


  31. “So which are you? 1 2 or 3? The rest of us – sane, healthy pro White Whites have no problem resisting, reversing the Muslim immigration invasion, Muslim terror.”

    “3. A strange collection of confused White people who profess to care about our people, our culture, but who are confused and obsessed with other hang ups” — may be a straw man.

    Do you consider a central concern with apostasy from the Christian faith to be one of the “hang ups” of strange, confused, unhealthy White people?

  32. “Do you consider a central concern with apostasy from the Christian faith to be one of the “hang ups” of strange, confused, unhealthy White people?”

    Wrong question, Mosin. The question being was:

    “Who supports or is indifferent to MASSIVE Arab, Black, Turk, Chetnian, Unter Muslim immigration to remaining White countries/communities?”

    Anyhoo, Christian apostates would fall into category 2, I think.

    Concern over apostacy isn’t so much a hangup but rather a somewhat tardy response to something that has already happened, much to the detriment of our civilization and our people. Before we consider the possibilities of religious revival, our people must needs eliminate the alien influences that are so very hostile to traditional Christianity.

    Which brings us back to the categories enumerated by jack.
    Surprise! These are the aforementioned alien influences…

    Unfortunately, these groups are also in charge of every western government today. Which is why the British government, in response to the Lee Rigby slaughter, is arresting old ladies who shout “Go back home” to dangerous immigrants rather than arresting and deporting those dangerous immigrants.

    Treacherous governments officials who back foreigners over their own people are very worried at the out of control situation they have created. Look for them to continue to take the easy way out and wage war on their people until…those people finally decide that they have had enough.

    Then we get to see the real bloodshed begin. This is only the prologue.

    Deo Vindice

  33. That Jeppo post at 1014 is unbelievable. After a Muslim beheading on the streets of London, they’re arresting 85 year old women for racism. If I wasn’t an atheist, I’d be ready to reach for metaphysical explanations at this point. There is Satanic evil from the deepest pits of hell running Britain at this point. It’s time for 1000s of Breiviks. 10000. Is there any other option?

  34. I have yet to see Stephen Dalton or Occigent say they favor expelling Jews without apology or exception.

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