About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. More than that, G Prune, history shows that Southerners were willing to accept compromises with Northerners which damaged the economic and political interests of the South. What ultimately convinced Southerners to secede was their belief that they would not be able to survive as a people long-term in the USA. They were correct.

  2. Like most people with totalitarian impulses, PGRT has found the ONE RIGHT WAY and expects everyone else to conform to his preferences. His are the only legitimate preferences. No one else has any right to choose for themselves. Anyone who disagrees with him has no right to exist.

    We all know where this kind of utopianism leads…

    Deo Vindice

  3. Segregation is inherently fragile, and therefore unsustainable. The only guaranteed method of preserving the racial line in any civilization, is complete geographic separation of the races themselves. As in, Don’t Bring Niggers Into Your Country. As in, Pick Your Own Fucking Cotton, You Greedy, Lazy, Careless, Self-Entitled Jackass.

  4. Chris, might I remind you that John B. is a proud yankee like yourself, only he makes intelligent remarks unlike a certain snapping turtle I know.

    Good fences make for good neighbors.

    This used to be common sense. Now that we can see the alternative, I suspect a return to common sense is in the offing. To each his own.

    Deo Vindice

  5. Actually, Apuleius, I was using the term segregation loosely, to mean exactly what 313Chris said: complete geographic separation of the races. Obviously, he added an editorial remark, but on the fundamental point–the need for complete separation–he and I agree. We agree with you that good fences make good neighbors; we simply think the neighbors should be far, far apart. Quite possibly, you do, too.

  6. 313Chris has it right. Segregation can only lead to resentment and rebellion as long as the races are near each other.
    Apulius, your descriptions of totalitarians apply to most of us on this site. Several posters, especially Wayne, have admitted that they’d like to get rid of democracy and have all political decisions made by men of property, thus disenfranchising women, minorities and even poor white people. Hunter has alluded to the fact that a Confederacy would ban interracial marriage. What if somebody disagrees with that? Will they be imprisoned? Or maybe exiled? What if they decide to allow both whites and blacks in their place of business under a segregated system?

  7. The only guaranteed method of preserving the racial line in any civilization, is complete geographic separation of the races themselves.

    The counter view is that such macro-segregation obliterates the racial line within the civilization. A society organized along class lines is inherently fragile… That’s what happens in states that don’t have al-ahkdam. Multiracial Empires and multiracial countries are more politically stable than monoracial ones. Workers Of The World tend to unite when they’re in racially homogeneous lands, otherwise they’re divided by caste. The modern flag of Germany is an old commie flag…. The French revolutionary rag is at least bourgeois, like our flag. France’s revolutionary spirit was tempered by its colonial projects both before but especially after Napoleon… In large part due to encounters with those that could be identified as racial others. Lacking contact/conflict with non-Whites leads to racial ignorance/idealism.

  8. What is the opinion on segregation as a legal matter? I have seen it argued that Jim Crow laws were wrong because it forbid whites and blacks the freedom to intermingle if they so choose, but the Civil Rights laws are just as wrong because they compel whites to open up their businesses and organizations.

    I assume that had the Yankees been wiser and stopped at removing the segregation by force, the world wouldn’t look much different today. Many businesses were already integrating voluntarily. History wouldn’t have been much different, only more peaceful as the transition to integration would have been slower and smoother. Like gay marriage.

  9. “Segregation can only lead to resentment and rebellion as long as the races are near each other.” – Good thing we solved those problems.

  10. “complete geographic separation of the races” is an impossibility that ignores or simply assumes away the problem of borders.

    “Apulius, your descriptions of totalitarians apply to most of us on this site.”

    You only think that because you never take your totalitarian glasses off. It’s how you filter what you see in the world.

    “What if somebody disagrees with that? Will they be imprisoned? Or maybe exiled? What if they decide to allow both whites and blacks in their place of business under a segregated system?”

    Here’s a radical thought for you. They could emigrate to another more compatible place. If you can show me any society that exists without rules that individuals must adhere to, you might have a case.

    Radical individualism is an Enlightenment abstraction that has never formed the basis of any lasting civilization. Including ours.

    “Multiracial Empires and multiracial countries are more politically stable than monoracial ones.”

    Only as long as the dominant group remains dominant. Once that is no longer the case, they fall apart with astonishing rapidity.

    As the dominant group loses its hegemony, it begins to resort to increasingly repressive measures to maintain control, which only result in increased resistance by separatist groups until the whole empire eventually falls apart.

    The growing hysteria among media elites, the ever tighter regulations on speech and behavior, and the increase in totalitarian police state measures to combat growing instability should tell us all that the Judeo-yankee global empire is not long for this world.

    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
    All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
    Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

    Deo Vindice

  11. @Apuleius: “… I would like to pinpoint exactly when Jewish control of American foreign policy began in earnest.”
    http://www.wintersonnenwende.com/scriptorium/english/archives/articles/jdecwar.html The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany
    Attack the matador, not the cape.
    “Jewish organizations have been very active in getting rid of the Constitution. … People like Auster are trying to prevent the raising of Jewish issues. … It’s very rare to find Jews who are not onboard with the dispossession of White America. … Eighty percent voted for Obama. … I do believe Jews are hyper-ethnocentric. … I believe that is a biological trait. … They have displaced the previous elite. They are now in the driver’s seat. … They hate White Christian society.” – Kevin MacDonald
    http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/03/page/2/ MacDonald and Tanstaafl on Auster and Jewish Influence, March 16, 2013
    “We have allowed the enemy to dictate our policy. … we are in a war of survival. … Adolf Hitler almost got ’em. … It’s the dark peoples led by the Jews against us. … Our White civilization is almost gone.” – George Lincoln Rockwell, The Lost Recordings George Lincoln Rockwell Texas 1965, March 1, 2013, the whitenetwork.com

  12. “What is the opinion on segregation as a legal matter?”

    Violates the First Amendment I would say. I agree, forced segregation and forced integration are both examples of governmental tyranny.

  13. Segregation is perfectly compatible with the Constitution. It was overturned on the basis of the Fourteenth, not the First Amendment.

    Whether it constitutes government tyranny depends upon your point of view/indoctrination. The Constitution is a dead letter at this point, anyway.

    Clyde Wilson underscores the point better than I ever could.

    Home Truths
    by Clyde N. Wilson

    Empires, even successful ones, always end in exhaustion, deracination, defeat, and dissolution.

    Predictions of the end of history are premature.

    The United States is not immune to history.

    An economy cannot long sustain a dominance of consumers over producers.

    Public debt of huge dimensions is always followed by economic catastrophe.

    Public debt is of no benefit to society, only to politicians and the rich.

    No branch of the federal government will ever restrain itself or any other branch from unconstitutional and undemocratic excesses of power.

    The U.S. Constitution is a dead letter except for some procedural matters. Nobody with high political power knows or cares anything about it—especially Supreme Court justices.

    The position of some Justices that “international law and opinion” can supersede the Constitution will finish burying the corpse.

    Black children did better educationally in the old segregated Southern schools than they do now in big city Northern schools.

    The South is the only part of the country in which schools and daily life are significantly shared by black and white people.

    The United States political system has no ethics, despite popular belief. Objectively viewed it is immensely corrupt and bears little relation to reason or ethics.

    In the American judicial system now, justice is available only to the wealthy. The average citizen has no real protection against government abuse.

    A statesman, as distinct from a politician, is one who, whatever the cost to himself, alerts a people to the long-range consequences of actions. The United States has no statesmen.

    Those with great political power in the United States, for a long time now, have been incapable of anything except short-term thinking. They react to the promptings of the owners of the media, public agitation, and the limited alternatives presented to them by the muscle-bound federal machine. Their actions are all directed at getting and keeping power, not at serving the American people.

    A proper debate of public issues requires the ability to state your opponent’s position fairly. This requires intelligence, but, even more, it requires integrity, fairness, and good will. An overwhelming majority of American journalists and professoriate are utterly incapable of this intellectual and moral exercise. Wittingly or not, they practice Lenin’s dictate: “We must write in language which sews among the masses hate, revulsion and scorn toward those who disagree with us.”

    Indeed, it is questionable whether “the American people” really exists anymore.

    For some years now, the top-ranking brass of the U.S. armed forces have lacked military virtues and even competence. They are appointed for their eagerness to prostitute themselves and their services to politicians. Witness Colin Powell and David Petraeus, among many others.

    Quite aside from the changes brought by time, the Founding Fathers would find the U.S. today alien, repulsive, and not really American.


    Deo Vindice

  14. interesting look at what Mem Day means, To Day.

    Thanks, HW.

    May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercies of Jesus Christ, rest in peace. Amen.

  15. What is the opinion on segregation as a legal matter?

    Segregation (including deportation) is necessary because it prevents eventual Southron extinction. I don’t care what the US constitution (repealed by almost every Southron state) says or doesn’t say about it.

  16. “As in, Pick Your Own Fucking Cotton, You Greedy, Lazy, Careless, Self-Entitled Jackass.”

    Ahem…Ellis Island, cough.

  17. “Thomas Jefferson lived in a Virginia planter society economically dependent on slavery. His estate’s overall value relied on its ability to produce various goods, mostly grains and tobacco, through the use of slave labor.[178] Although a slave owner, he believed slavery harmful to both slave and master.[179] His views on the institution of slavery and African slaves are complex and historians are divided on the question of whether Jefferson truly opposed it.[180][181] Jefferson was one of the wealthiest plantation owners in Virginia, by 1776 having acquired as many as 177 slaves.[182] Many historians maintain Jefferson’s debt prevented him from freeing them; however, many other historians disagree.[183][184]

    Jefferson was opposed to slavery during his youth, a conviction that became greater throughout his life.[22][185][186] In his initial draft of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson denounced the British government’s role in the international slave trade, which he opposed as inhumane.[note 6][187] Although Jefferson boldly proposed abolishing slavery in all territories to the west after 1800 in his draft of the Land Ordinance of 1784, that provision was stricken by Congress. Jefferson’s anti-slavery land proposal in 1784 did influence Congress to prohibit slavery in the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. While the 1803 Louisiana Purchase was a great achievement by the Jefferson administration, Jefferson was criticized for having allowed slavery to continue in the newly acquired vast territory. Jefferson was convinced Southerners had become economically dependent on slavery.[188][189] Sectional divisions over slavery in the country “exploded” when Missouri, included in the Louisiana Purchase and organized in 1817, applied for admission to the United States in 1819.[190]
    Although Jefferson hoped to see the end of slavery,[186][191] he did not wish to challenge the Virginia culture that relied on slave labor to cultivate tobacco and grain.[192] During his lawyer years, he took on cases involving slavery and on one occasion refused to defend an overseer who whipped a slave to death. He drafted the Virginia law of 1778 prohibiting the importation of enslaved Africans. In the mid-1770s he drafted and proposed a plan of gradual emancipation whereby all slaves born after a certain date would be freed. Expansion of slavery was to be limited to only descendants of female slaves until the age of 25, after which they would become free. The bill was not passed; Jefferson favored an amendment.[186][193] In 1807, Congress passed and Jefferson signed into law a bill prohibiting the transatlantic slave trade beginning on the first day of 1808, the earliest date permitted by the Constitution. [120][121]”


  18. @PalmettoPatriot: “Most people are followers.” Yes, people follow their genetic patterns and environmental influences. People of European descent are in a bad psychological environment. Ultra-rich Jews own half the world. Muslims want to be the world. Blacks want to destroy White power, White culture, and White people. White Christians diminish demographically. White Christians are following the wrong path, materially, intellectually, and spiritually. White Christians need to rethink what they are doing and what reality truly is. A government run by Whites is probably bad. A government run by non-whites is a true horror. Study history, human genetics, Machiavelli’s “The Prince” and folk sayings:
    A bad thing never dies.
    A coward’s fear may make a coward valiant.
    A fog cannot be dispelled by a fan.
    A fool will laugh when he is drowning.
    A good lawyer makes an evil neighbour.
    A goose quill is more dangerous than a lion’s claw.
    A libertine life is not a life of liberty.
    A little leak will sink a great ship.
    A mad parish must have a mad priest.
    An atheist is one point beyond the devil.
    Pray that the bumpkin does not buy from the Jew. (Write this down before it gets banned as hate speech.)
    80 percent of Jews are leftwing swindlers. 20 percent of Jews are dishonest neocons.
    “We want a society of diversity and variety. … You cannot, in general, accomplish good ends by bad means. … I have no quarrel with ethnic solidarity.” – Milton Friedman
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg4fxUpRzj8 Milton Friedman – Minorities and Government

  19. john bonaccorsi,philadelphia lawyer. defend your position that segregation is morally wrong. chapter and verse .

  20. “Segregation is perfectly compatible with the Constitution. It was overturned on the basis of the Fourteenth, not the First Amendment.”

    Enforced segregation is an obvious evil. Any country that finds it necessary should be broken up. Why live cheek by jowl with the very same people the force of government is needed to separate you from? To put it simply, If Blacks need to be forcibly segregated why not have a civil war and deport them? Put them on the other side of a national border instead of the other side of the drinking fountain, that way they won’t knife you come sundown.

  21. john bonaccorsi,philadelphia lawyer. defend your position that segregation is morally wrong. chapter and verse

    I didn’t say it’s morally wrong. I said the opposite.

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