About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Today we also salute the fallen Confederate soldiers who gave their lives so that millions of niggers could exist on the North American continent.

  2. Also, that dumbass cartoon is incorrect — Missouri isn’t “the South” and never was. It’s part of the huge Germanic/Lutheran swath of the Midwest that joins with Kansas and Nebraska, and extends up through Iowa and Minnesota. I’d happily give you guys New Mexico and Arizona, though. But Missouri stays with America.

  3. Mindless soldiering in the interest of others has always been the preferred activity of Teutonic drunkards. It was memorably on display at the modern period’s dawn, when, after putting the Islamic world on the defensive, they preserved and transferred therefrom to the New World the Jews’ slave-based Sugar Empire.

    Oh, I’m sorry. We call that the Golden Circle around here.

  4. Also, that dumbass cartoon is incorrect — Missouri isn’t “the South” and never was. It’s part of the huge Germanic/Lutheran swath of the Midwest that joins with Kansas and Nebraska, and extends up through Iowa and Minnesota. I’d happily give you guys New Mexico and Arizona, though. But Missouri stays with America.

    You’re still spreading your usual disinformation.

    Missouri was settled by Virginians, Kentuckians, and Tennesseans. It has always been the South. It was the first state to engage in armed conflict with the Yankee imperialists (in Kansas Territory), it was invaded and occupied by the US Army in 1861, it seceded in October of that year, it was admitted to the Confederacy with the same rights and privileges as every other Southron state, it is represented by the 12th star on the Confederate flag, and its two governors during the War were secessionists (one of them was an active duty general in the Confederate Army).

    Lutherans are a minority in Missouri. Baptists are roughly tied with Catholics as the biggest denomination. (http://www.uky.edu/CommInfoStudies/IRJCI/DenominationMap.gif) Methodists easily outnumber Lutherans as the third denomination. Lutherans are down on the list with Episcopalians. Southron culture is everywhere in Missouri – ways of talking, ways of cooking, mannerisms and hospitality, and Confederate flags.


  5. It recently had an active KKK in Lower Arnold and the Ozarks too apparently. Though Indiana also had this, there is an organic connection to the Confederacy. Also the North of St Louis was owned by a plantation owner called Mrs McClure. She was jailed by some lager louts yelling “Kampf Mit Sigel!”. Her Plantation was up around Natural Bridge Road where UMSL now stands.

    She returned after the civil war and built a bunch of stuff like a good sport.

  6. Missouri remained seated in Congress during the Civil War, and fought for the Union. Jayhawkers, both there and in Kansas, fought a bloody guerilla war against Confederate interlopers. Sorry, but it’s part of the North. Besides, the CSA doesn’t even exist anymore, and never will again.

  7. Missouri remained seated in Congress during the Civil War . . ..

    Both of Missouri’s senators were expelled from the US Senate in 1862. Both were eventually replaced by obedient stooges, but by then, Missouri was fully under US occupation. By your standard Delaware, Maryland, western Virginia, and Kentucky are Yankee states, as well. Missouri was fully represented in the Confederate Congress in Richmond.

    . . . and fought for the Union.

    German immigrants and uninvited adventurers from Illinois fought for the Union. Missouri fought for Missouri and for Dixie.

  8. If by your standards Kentucky was a Southern state, then that would make Abraham Lincoln a Southerner, now wouldn’t it? Go find something else to cry about.

  9. I went to that newspaper article you linked to, and man, every time the queers win a battle, they and their Jew allies just love to piss on the white folks and their religion and culture.

  10. If by your standards Kentucky was a Southern state, then that would make Abraham Lincoln a Southerner, now wouldn’t it?

    No, it would not.

    I see no point in further discussing these issues with a Yankee who is incapable of anything more than mindless mutterings about subjects that should be of no concern to him or his people.

  11. I just had a buddy who worked construction for about six months in Missouri. According to him, they identified themselves as Southerners, were racists, and displayed the Confederate flag.

  12. I went to a cemetery, where my family is buried. They had the service. It is the same I have seen for the past several years. About a dozen, ragtag old drunks–all they can gather from about three area legion, VFW halls–doing the gun salute, and finishing up with Taps coming from one of those fake bugles. They apparently can’t find anyone who can actually play either a trumpet or bugle and who is willing to do it. (Years ago, it was usually a High School kid, but despite plenty of those, I guess none want to do it.) Out in the “audience,” one or two of the oldest baby boomer crowd, drunks, too, standing at attention with their hand over their heart. Everyone else, usually a large crowd, standing there, looking bored, waiting for it to end.

    It’s a dying ritual, this idolizing of the military and glorifying of senseless wars and the needless deaths of a lot of white men that not only did not help, but was destructive as a thermal nuclear warhead to our society. The old time, “Greatest Generation,” and elder baby boomers are all that really still worship such by solemn veneration and flying American flags out in their yards.

    For years now, I’ve noticed what a pathetic spectacle these services really are. And also the men involved.

  13. Happy dead yankee day!

    Right on the mark, Long Live Dixie. The old snapping turtle is the epitome of the boorish, obtuse yankee all puffed up and full of himself despite his gnawing insecurities.

    Like their negro pets, all they can ever do is continually attempt to destroy the good and decent things in this world.

    God bless Tommy Robinson and the EDL, taking a stand for the white man.

    Deo Vindice

  14. Happy dead yankee day!

    Actually, Apuleius, we Yankees prefer to draw our cannon fodder from your part of the country. They never put up an argument.

  15. Mother Nature has come through for us “Left behind” in Chicago.

    Fog, mist and 40s F has kept the Black undertow out of our parks this day.

  16. John B., for the history challenged among us, Decoration Day (a.k.a. Memorial Day) is a holiday that was specifically created to celebrate (preferable term to honor, as the yankees had/have none) the Union dead following the War of Northern Aggression. Therefore, it really is dead yankee day.

    Don’t have a relapse. I like you better now that I know you are for segregation.

    Have a happy dead yankee day. I only wish there were more of them.

    Deo Vindice

  17. [F]or the history challenged among us, Decoration Day (a.k.a. Memorial Day) is a holiday that was specifically created to celebrate (preferable term to honor, as the yankees had/have none) the Union dead following the War of Northern Aggression.

    Right you are, Apuleius. We get the glory; you spill the blood.

  18. Since the Boy Scouts were mentioned. While I have never done any scouting, for anyone who is or whose children are affected by their pledge of loyalty to the sodomites, I recently learned about the Federation of North American Explorers, a the America branch of a Christ-centered scouting movement based in Europe.


    I have read about at least one group administered by traditional Caholics looking into switching to the Explorers.


  19. Without irony I do salute Stonelifter, Rudel, Apuleius, RobRoySimmons, Mindweapon, and any other past service members reading this I don’t know about.

    Not for serving any particular government, but for their warrior spirit.


  20. “Great article, hugh.”

    Second that. Only one bone to pick with the account. The article states:

    “Not only did they control the military bloodhound Amerika, which they could let loose against any country that became troublesome; they also controlled Russia, whose energy resources they wished to exploit so as to enslave the entire planet.”

    The two Expeditionary Forces the US sent in 1918 to help the Whites would appear to contradict the CT sounding idea of America as a Jewish military bloodhound. They were withdrawn in 1919 due to mutinies within the ranks from what I understand. Does anyone know the truth of this matter?

    Deo Vindice

  21. On second thought, since the US is certainly the Jewish military bloodhound now, maybe the whole question is moot. Although I would like to pinpoint exactly when Jewish control of American foreign policy began in earnest. Any takers?

    Deo Vindice

  22. Reading this site and realizing that racism is sadly alive and well, makes me even more glad to be an American, and to live in a country where race loyalty is marginalized and crushed repeatedly and firmly. We are proud of our brave warriors who fought the Civil War and WWII so that it could be so.

  23. We are proud of our brave warriors who fought the Civil War and WWII so that it could be so.

    I know how you feel, PGRT. In fact, I’d planned today to visit the grave of a relative of mine who was killed in WWII. I decided against it. The cemetery’s in a black neighborhood now. Too dangerous.

  24. I trace it to the middle 1950s. Eisenhower yanked the Israelis and Franco-British leash in the Suez Crisis. After that the Jewish lobby really became frantic.

  25. “I know how you feel, PGRT. In fact, I’d planned today to visit the grave of a relative of mine who was killed in WWII. I decided against it. The cemetery’s in a black neighborhood now. Too dangerous.”

    You should still visit your dead relative. You could always go armed.

  26. “On second thought, since the US is certainly the Jewish military bloodhound now, maybe the whole question is moot. Although I would like to pinpoint exactly when Jewish control of American foreign policy began in earnest. Any takers?”

    Who was the first president to bow at the Wailing Wall in Palestine? Figure that out and your question is answered.

  27. Thanks for the helpful hint, crowley.

    Would it by any chance be old “Tricky Dick” Nixon, the one man wrecking crew of Amurrican politics?

    Deo Vindice

  28. PGRT says,
    Reading this site and realizing that racism is sadly alive and well, makes me even more glad to be an American, and to live in a country where race loyalty is marginalized and crushed repeatedly…”

    PG, I just don’t get you at all. The entire u.s. is based, lock stock barrel, on “identity politics” and racism. Endless racial affiliated groups exist and are sanctioned by the government. The citizens pay money to people on the basis of their colors. The census has pages now, and sends out letters before the census, to ensure that all racial groups and ethnic groups know that FUNDING is attached to their color, and implores them to answer all the questions about their colors for that reason. There is no two seconds not about colors in your mainstream media. In fact, very little else is discussed except the endless violence.

    Sometimes I wonder if you are on our planet.

  29. “Sometimes I wonder if you are on our planet.”

    Trolls live under bridges normally. Good place to ignore them.

  30. “Who was the first president to bow at the Wailing Wall in Palestine?”

    Abraham Lincoln.

    Battle Hymn of the Republic
    Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
    He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
    He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword;
    His truth is marching on.
    Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
    Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on.

    I have seen Him in the watch fires of a hundred circling camps
    They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
    I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps;
    His day is marching on.
    Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!

    In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
    With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
    As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free;

  31. Abraham Lincoln — Born in Kentucky (“Dixie”, apparently) to parents who were natives of Virginia (Dixie).

    Abraham Lincoln = Southerner

  32. I trace it to the middle 1950s. Eisenhower yanked the Israelis and Franco-British leash in the Suez Crisis. After that the Jewish lobby really became frantic.

    Yea, he also yanked the leash of white people down south that didn’t want Trayvons shoved in their classrooms…. That’s one way to put it. Failing to support French, Brits, Israelis, and Southrons in conflict with communist coloreds. Not a good record on that front. I’d venture to say the Jews had reason to become “frantic” around this time, so did the French, British and Southrons.

    The French were killing Algerians, te Brits were battling MauMaus, the Israelis were ethnic cleansing coloreds…. During Brown vs Board of Ed.

  33. Apulius, have you read the Wikipedia article about Joe Dolce? His career took off when he wrote a protest song about the discriminatory treatment of Vietnamese boat people in Australia. Epic fail.

  34. Welcome back DixieGirl. I’m sure you will chastise Apulius for putting an Italian Catholic song on a thread about the South. Here’s a better song, maybe? But listen to the last verse.

  35. Sure there is lots of identity politics, but I don’t believe whites can be trusted with it. If the system was working so well in the Jim Crow era, it would have lasted.

  36. Segregation is inherently wrong, and there is nothing that will be able to convince most of us otherwise.

  37. Proud Globalist Race Traitor, it’s true that there is probably nothing I can say that will convince you. However, the vast majority of White people supported segregation not all that long ago. It was only once the US media began attacking it on a daily basis that people began to change their minds. Most people are followers. If the system is communist they will go along with it. If it’s fascist then they’ll support fascism. If it’s liberal democracy they will support that. It never takes a majority to change a system since most people are not leaders. In time this awful system you support will be destroyed and its values rejected.

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