Today In 1963


Like I have said over and over again, the existence of the Union is the primary problem that we have to deal with:

“MAY 27, 1963 — The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear a lawsuit filed by Gov. George Wallace seeking to remove troops from Alabama. In that suit, Wallace asserted the troops would “in effect create a military dictatorship.”

– U.S. Marshals waited in vain for two hours to deliver to Wallace a summons as part of a federal government suit filed to prevent the governor from barring black students from enrolling at The University of Alabama. The marshals eventually handed the document to a maid at the governor’s mansion.

– Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett told the Associated Press that only “weaklings” now supported integration and a “big majority of the people are still firm in their belief integration is wrong.”

– The U.S. Supreme Court ordered Memphis to desegregate schools and parks.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “the existence of the Union is the primary problem that we have to deal with:”

    I think that’s true in the American South as they seem to have a partial vaccination to media power.

  2. Should have had the fight right then, it would have been a lot better to get it over with early on…

  3. If the neo-Confederates could actually bring themselves to say the phrase “anti-white” they could begin to roll up the pathetic empire instead of telling us tall tales of the ten foot tall yankee.

    Yankees and YKWs produce and distribute racialist hate propaganda by this spoiled negro from suburban Chicagoland Kanye West, so I mean how can they not win by appealing to white southerners as to being opposed to such racial hatreds? But instead we get black confederate myths and the non-stop Gettysburg reenactment polemics.

  4. @Hunter

    We have been down this road before—it’s a possibility. But, you will have to raise millions of dollars to even get the 10th Amendment recognized & enforced.

    You could do it, but, it would be hard work.

  5. If the neo-Confederates could actually bring themselves to say the phrase “anti-white” they could begin to roll up the pathetic empire instead of telling us tall tales of the ten foot tall yankee.

    Organisations like the SCV are pathetic for their rejection of Dixie’s racialist heritage. Their anti-racialism is equivalent to an attack on Southron demographics and it outweighs all the positives they do. Southrons do not want to come into contact with a “pro-Confederate” organisation only to hear a Marxist-style denouncement of “racism” or a fairy tale about their ancestors creating a multi-racial utopia that was undone by those Yankee “racists”. Most pro-Confederate Southrons, especially the younger ones, have had enough of racial liberalism, so the SCV’s strategy is destined to fail in the end. The LS is guilty of following this trend, too, but not as much as the SCV. The LS’s North Carolina Chairman, who is a New Yorker, is worse than the average of that organisation.

  6. RRS and LLD you are both absolutely right. Sooner or later we must fight back.

    Deo Vindice

  7. “We have been down this road before—it’s a possibility. But, you will have to raise millions of dollars to even get the 10th Amendment recognized & enforced.”

    There’s no need for that. A few well-written state laws will suffice. For example:

    1. ban out of state campaign contributions (no more Sheldon Adelson bought elections)
    2. regulate out of state media purchases (no more NYC-owned media)

  8. @Helpful

    The cost of getting even one popular state law passed, with only token opposition in one state, could be in the million dollar range. I know, I did this sort of thing for a living. LOL.

    Raising money & building clout can be done, and I’m sure Hunter can do it, with the help of a few friends…

  9. ” it would have been a lot better to get it over with early on…”

    It was. Sherman’s march to the sea (and then northward through the Carolinas) was “it.”

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