Latest Trayvon Martin News: “I’m a Gangsta”


New details from poor little Trayvon’s cellphone:

As his social media accounts show, Martin was a student of mixed martial arts. The fight followed the MMA format. A day later, he would tell a friend that his opponent “got mo hits cause in da 1 st round he had me on da ground nd I couldn’t do ntn.” As his girlfriend complained, Martin was “always” fighting. He was also something of a sadist. His opponent, after all, did not bleed enough. Why might this be relevant?

Witness #6, the best of the eyewitnesses to the shooting, told the Sanford PD that a there was a “black man in a black hoodie on top of either a white guy … or an Hispanic guy in a red sweater on the ground yelling out help,” and that black man on top was “throwing down blows on the guy MMA [mixed martial arts] style.” …

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The trial is now officially fixed, although I am sure a lot of you out there already thought it would be. I wasn’t sure myself, being in Florida myself I can tell you that there are still places with common sense that aren’t completely corrupted yet.

    Anyway, In the Florida papers today, it’s being reported that the judge threw out tons of evidence against Travon as in-admissible, like the pictures on his cell phone of guns and weed, the THC content of his blood, and a lot more.

    If this ever happens to any of you, remember the three S’s (Shoot, Shovel, Shut-up), or RADLB (Run And Don’t Look Back)

  2. “I wasn’t sure myself, being in Florida myself I can tell you that there are still places with common sense that aren’t completely corrupted yet.”

    None of those places are in South Florida, as far as I can tell.

    “If this ever happens to any of you, remember the three S’s (Shoot, Shovel, Shut-up), or RADLB (Run And Don’t Look Back)”

    Very true. Zimmerman’s biggest mistake was trying to work within the system, thereby leaving an audit trail which will be misrepresented and distorted in his Soviet style show trial in order to reach the intended verdict of guilty.

    Although he has broken no law and was fully within his rights, he is already convicted and has been since they decided to press charges against him.

    This is no longer a nation of laws and TPTB are rushing to make sure the negroes understand that it is open season on whites despite the fact that Zimmerman isn’t white.

    Rick Scott should be tarred, feathered, and run off back to yankee land on a rail.

    Deo Vindice

  3. Zimmerman will still likely get off. It is all a matter of jury selection. Any competent lawyer should be able to get a couple of sensible white men on there. Latinos will probably let him go too.

  4. Zimmerman’s days as a free man are behind him. They’ll try him over and over again until he pleads. Everything rightists assumed about the No Limit Nigga the instant their brains processed his picture turned out to be true.

  5. A mostly white jury will give him life without the possibility of parole. Count on it. Par for the course. The vast majority of white people are now insane with self righteousness. These racial and cultural issues are only the tip of an Everestian iceberg.

  6. If Zimmerman is found innocent, I hope he’s able to flee the USA and go to Peru. He just won’t be safe in this country, thanks to the bloodthirsty blacks and agitators like Jackson and Sharpton.

  7. Haven’t been following the case, but did notice the bit of news recently about new evidence against Trayvon.

    What’s interesting about this case is how the media and proponents of Trayvon tried to portray Zimmerman as a White male to fit the victimization and racist narrative when the man is clearly not White. What a a despicable pack of liars.

  8. It depends on the jury. If there are a few White men concealed carry permit holders chosen, then it is possible that there will be a hung jury. If they stack it with Angry Black Women demanding JUSTICE, add four of five “college educated” White women, plus a few street niggas, it’s all over for Zimmerman. I’m hoping he is acquitted, and the savages burn down Sanford.

  9. If Drummer Rigby had been armed at the time of his murder, and been able to fire on Michael Aboolidjango he’d be prosecuted.

  10. Zimmerman is being lynched. He committed no crime. That has already been determined. The niggers and their supporters have said “No” he gonna hang.
    Everyone is so afraid of the niggers.

  11. Not prosecuted John, persecuted.

    If “No Limit Nigga” had killed Zimmerman all this would have been long since forgotten. Just another “random act” of violence and the “white guy” probably deserved it.

  12. “Most lynchings were justified.”

    Maybe so but i think of the word lynch more in terms of lack of due process rather than justification so i think it applies here. The media have been deliberately muddying the circumstances of the case to prevent justice being done which i think counts as lack of due process.

    “Trending white into brown. They can’t help it.”

    Well i don’t know. I think they assumed he was white at the beginning and that’s why they wanted to lynch him but usually in a case like this i’d expect them to drop it once they realised he wasn’t white. I guess it’s because they went so over the top at the beginning e.g. lying about the phone transcript, so they think they can’t back out now.

  13. “Everyone is so afraid of the niggers.”

    I’m not. Every morning I shit one or two down the toilet bowl and then flush.

  14. “Everyone is so afraid of the niggers.”

    Which is why we need to reverse the dynamic somehow and put the skeer back in them. Lynchings were simply localized justice and most were justified.

    Lynchings work. Witness the media lynching of “evil racists” like Zimmerman.

    “I guess it’s because they went so over the top at the beginning e.g. lying about the phone transcript, so they think they can’t back out now.”

    Exactly, they got in too deep to back out.

    The good news is, the media in their anti-white hysteria are revealing themselves and their intentions more and more. So much so that only the most obtuse indoctrinated Amurricans can fail to notice.

    Deo Vindice

  15. They are flushing their supposed moral superiority down the crapper each and everyday. So when a Lumpen-‘Murikan white person scolds you for your “racism” you can just point at crap like the Zimmerman lynching and tell them to stuff it.

  16. If Zimmerman had a hispanic last name, this would never have made it beyond a local news report. It is strange that they’re continuing with the persecution after it’s been made clear that he’s clearly a “person of color” himself.

  17. I think he will get the involuntary man slaughter . He’ll be out in a few years. That’s why this case was delay for almost two years- Rodney King speedy trial , beating was still fresh in aa community.

  18. “If there are a few White men concealed carry permit holders chosen…”


    These types are not even in the potential jury pool; extreme care is taken to make sure of it. Jury pools are mostly composed of civil servants, a generous portion of women who work as secretarial types in schools systems and the like, with a few more or less young liberal men and with a sprinkling of authoritarian type retirees, the kind who you still hear talking about the military and police with deference.

  19. I don’t buy the media narrative but I support the way Tray started smashing that guys head against the ground.

    Is there anyone reading this blog who cares – or who has ever cared – in the slightest what you think? Serious question.

    Personally, I think it was wonderful that Zimm was able to legally eliminate that worthless piece of nigger monkeyshit from the earth. Who knows how many lives may have been saved by his courageous act.

  20. Silver, I also enjoy Metal Gear’s work, and probably agree with him more often than anybody else here. Including on this.

  21. I’m still convinced that Proud Globalist Race Traitor’s commentary and persona are an elaborate schtick routine.

  22. “I’m still convinced that Proud Globalist Race Traitor’s commentary and persona are an elaborate schtick routine.”

    Ya it’s pretty obvious. Does anyone read the comments on zerohedge? There’s a dude on there that does the same thing: spouts liberal/jew talking points like their direct from the Israeli PR ministry. Its pretty funny yet some people don’t quite get it.

  23. I see little punks like trayvon causing trouble wherever they go time and time again, nobody ever does anything about it because they know these punks will escalate the confrontation to a life or death situation, if they lose and you both walk away alive, you bet your ass they’ll be looking for you with their “homies” to beat you unconscious and rob you. There is no winning with these types of people. The root cause of the problem is the notion that white people owe blacks (and other races) anything. How fucking racist is it that the media portrayed this as a white on black crime despite the fact that Zimmerman is half hispanic. I’m not white, but this blatant war on whites is absolutely disgusting.

  24. Let’s face it. The black nigger (I refuse to consider this boob anything else) got what he deserved. Always be careful on what you do. There are always someone who could do more harm to you. This Martin kid never learned such a lesson and got his desserts. Zimmerman will likely get out in a few as stated by G Prune. There is no way that they get him on any other charges due to the Stand Your Ground Laws. It’s indirect manslaughter at best.

  25. Why would Zimmerman call 911 first if his intent was to commit murder? How did he get the broken nose and split head? 

    TM was a 6’1”, 200 lb., HS football player & known Miami gang member.
    He has all the gang symbols, gold teeth that look like fangs, 3 gang tattoos, black hoodie, suspended from HS for 10 days for being arrested carrying a back pack with a huge metal pry bar, burglary tool, and a dozen pieces of gold jewelry stolen in a home burglary.
    TM claimed on his website he was in the biggest gang in Miami.

    GZ would not have been arrested & tried, but for President Obama calling TM “his son”, and calling for the FBI to prosecute GZ.

    Trayvon, attacked & beat Zimmerman.

    Knocking someone to the ground and sitting on them, punching them in the face,
    with no injury to yourself is not a fight,
    its a beating, it is a lynching, it is an attempted murder.

    There is no right that permits a physical attack on someone who is watching you.
    Anyone is free to watch the public movements of anyone else.

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