Dixie and Transplants


Fascinating stuff.

Alabama – gained 55,000 Whites, 2,000 Hispanics, and 22,000 blacks.
Mississippi – lost 30,000 Whites, 2,000 Hispanics, and 10,000 blacks.
Louisiana – lost 96,000 Whites, 11,000 Hispanics, and 159,000 blacks.
Texas – gained 183,000 Whites, 94,000 Hispanics, and 137,000 blacks.
Georgia – gained 109,000 Whites, 30,000 Hispanics, and 164,000 blacks.
Florida – gained 100,000 Whites, 70,000 Hispanics, and 10,000 blacks.
South Carolina – gained 99,000 Whites, 11,000 Hispanics, and 31,000 blacks.
Virginia – gained 30,000 Whites, 4,000 Hispanics, and 26,000 blacks.
North Carolina – gained 168,000 Whites, 31,000 Hispanics, and 81,000 blacks.
West Virginia – gained 6,000 Whites and 4,000 blacks.
Maryland – lost 72,000 Whites, 1,000 Hispanics, gained 18,000 blacks.
Kentucky – gained 50,000 whites, lost 7,000 Hispanics, gained 15,000 blacks.
Tennessee – gained 68,000 Whites, 14,000 Hispanics, and 19,000 blacks.
Missouri – gained 18,000 Whites, 10,000 Hispanics, lost 8,000 blacks.
Arkansas – gained 42,000 Whites, 13,000 Hispanics, and 9,000 blacks.
Oklahoma – gained 47,000 Whites, 14,000 Hispanics, and 3,000 blacks.

Note: These are net gains and net losses by race for 2007.

In the first tier, Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida gained more Whites than blacks and Hispanics. In the second tier, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, Texas, and Mississippi either broke even or became more non-White due to population flows. Louisiana is in a class by itself and can boast of an incredible outflux of negroes.

Michigan lost 134,000 Whites, 13,000 Hispanics, and 47,000 blacks. Texas is the “stickiest” state in America. 75.8 percent of people born in Texas still live there. Also, 40.7 percent of people who live in South Carolina were born in another state.

Update: The biggest Blue States – New York, California, and Illinois – are being abandoned by everyone. New York lost 263,000 Whites, 162,000 Hispanics, and 181,000 blacks. California lost 319,000 Whites, 288,000 Hispanics, and 59,000 blacks. Illinois lost 113,000 Whites, 50,000 Hispanics, and 57,000 blacks.

About Hunter Wallace 12400 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Some of you got to stop fighting the last civil war and get ready for the next.
    I can tell you for a fact that many yankees are as sick of this pc diversity , white guilt, give away the store, hogwash as you are.
    The fact is our rural areas are, by and large, as consevative as yours and your urban areas are as blue as ours.
    The next civil war will be more city against coutry people.
    If we bicker about what my great grandfather may have done to your great gradfather, than we sound like the blacks, and we will be lost
    All white people of ,who are of sane mind, must band together or we are doomed.

  2. I can tell you for a fact that many yankees are as sick of this pc diversity , white guilt, give away the store, hogwash as you are.

    In what way does that justify Yankee colonisation of our land?

    And, where are all these racialist Yankees? Every single place in Dixie in which they have settled in numbers has lurched to the left.

  3. I’m going to transplant back to the South before long. Not too far now, but at some point in the future, I plan on ending up in the deep South to live the remainder of my life. I haven’t decided exactly where just yet, though. Possibly Alabama or Mississippi. Possibly near the Gulf. Quietly and mostly reclusively, enjoying the climate and the people I see in some small town. It doesn’t take me long to fit in and even adopt the twang.

    I like it.

  4. “In what way does that justify Yankee colonization of our land?”

    – America is a free country and any American can live anywhere in their country they wish to, and they don’t need to justify to you, anonymous internet bigmouth. And if you didn’t want “your land” colonized, then you shouldn’t have started a war you had no chance of winning.

    “And, where are all these racialist Yankees?”

    – Just go to any Northern city, and ask the niggers where the white folks moved to after the niggers moved in.

    “Every single place in Dixie in which they have settled in numbers has lurched to the left.”

    – That means you’re getting all our liberals in addition to our niggers. Have fun — they’re y’alls problem now.

  5. I’m going to transplant back to the South before long.

    . . .

    I like it.

    That’s the problem. Southrons have taken our traditional hospitality to the extreme. I have heard so many times from colonists: “I came here to visit and the people were so nice that I decided to stay”. We need to stop being so welcoming to these people. Southern hospitality should never be extended to people who are taking our land from us.

  6. It’s virgin ground down south. For us who grew up in the bare knuckle cities up north, the south is a pushover.
    That is your problem, if you don’t fix it, you will lose your claim to the land.
    Yankees should be the least of your worries, just wait till you’ve got E.Africans down there or when mexicans start displacing your niggers into your suburbs.
    Enjoy it while it lasts, you people live in a time warp.

  7. And if you didn’t want “your land” colonized, then you shouldn’t have started a war you had no chance of winning.

    Your knowledge of history is as keen as your knowledge of Missouri.

    – Just go to any Northern city, and ask the niggers where the white folks moved to after the niggers moved in.

    I lived in the North for years. Yankee racialists are a myth.

  8. Yankees should be the least of your worries, just wait till you’ve got E.Africans down there or when mexicans start displacing your niggers into your suburbs.

    We would not have either problem without Yankees.

    Enjoy it while it lasts, you people live in a time warp.

    I see. Since we fought Yankees a long time ago, then any current resistance to their nation-wrecking schemes can only mean that we are living in a time warp, right?

  9. Reality check, the south got smacked down a hundred and fifty years ago. Get over it, in 2013, Yankees don’t exist. What exists is an ant White government importing third worlders at breakneck speed.

  10. Reality check, the south got smacked down a hundred and fifty years ago.

    I don’t get it. Is this supposed to demoralise me to the point of accepting the colonisation of my country?

    Yankees don’t exist.

    Sure thing.

    What exists is an ant White government importing third worlders at breakneck speed.

    I’m far more concerned about the importation of Yankees to Dixie. We have always been able to handle the non-whites in our midst, and without your people controlling the destiny of my people, we would have far fewer. With Yankee colonists, our forced connections to the race-destroying USA are strengthened and significant portions of the white population (the Yankee portion – a majority in many areas) favour racial annihilation. You can look at Maryland, northern Virginia, and southern Florida for examples of what you support.

    The whole idea of Yankees lecturing Southrons on what our priorities should be in regards to the racial mess that they have created is preposterous.

  11. Are you trying to garner up sympathy because you are losing your southern culture?
    Do you honestly believe that is an effective way to achieve succession?
    I got news for you, bubba Gump, it makes you look weak. In the real world, no one gives a shit about your grievances.

  12. “That’s the problem. Southrons have taken our traditional hospitality to the extreme. I have heard so many times from colonists: “I came here to visit and the people were so nice that I decided to stay”. We need to stop being so welcoming to these people. Southern hospitality should never be extended to people who are taking our land from us.”

    Do you imagine that I , a long time poster on this site with many hundreds of posts that are well known to the readers here, am going to move back to the South and start agitating for liberal and nigger causes? Is that the impression I have given you by way of my comments here?

    But I make no apologies for where I live or where I move to. If you don’t like me living somewhere, run me off. If you think you can.

  13. “I lived in the North for years.”

    Didja now?

    (Shakes head.)

    No comment needed, except get that log out of your eye.

  14. What I hear is this:

    We all want to be free of the ‘Other’- whether Talmudic, or Tanzanian.

    In order to be free from the ‘Other,’ many of us have tried a lot of things:
    intellectual secession (the learning curve is steep, and everyone is on some rung of that Jacob’s ladder!)
    geographical secession (the ‘notion’ of the South, or the Midwest, or the “American Redoubt”)
    ideological secession (this is what the Tea party originally was all about, until the Jewsmedia starting calling us all ‘racists’ etc.)

    but the final arbiter of it all, is that, as stubborn, independent Celts (for most of the people here- including myself- have noted that, of Southrons, as well as many of the posters, even those who are transpant Brits! – [Brits are 50% Celt, via DNA- cheers])

    – we don’t want to subsume our own natures (whether bodily, intellecually, or psychically) to effect the greater good.

    In short, we bitch and moan, and don’t do a thing.

    Someone mentioned that we need to form ‘white communities.’ We do.
    But who will be at the head? Does a church figure in that mix? If so, which jurisdiction y’all gonna follow? (personal interest factor here- lol)

    Someone mentioned that, once (IF) we formed ‘white communites,’ FEDGOV would come in with bulldozers, and do a Randy Weaver on us- while another (a woman) said, she’d rather go in a blaze of glory (martyrdom- let’s call it what it really is!) rather than rot in a jail cell, or be subject to 21st Century ‘re-education’ techniques a la Stalinist Obamanation bolshevism.
    I agree.

    But where do we go? I’ve tried, as a “Over 40-something” academic, to find a teaching job ‘down south’ – so as to just BE somewhere, where the utterly LIBERAL ‘www.city-data.com’ says the majority are ‘red state’ folk, and the percentages of those who go to church is higher than the temperature of a pound of ground round out of the fridge… But, because of the FEDGOV’s ever-increasing tentacles re: job selection, hiring, firing, EEOC mandates, and just plain ageism, I’ve not had a nibble from anyone.

    There is (among baby boomers) the mentality that ‘I’ll just find my seven-ten acres, and hole it out,’ but that doesn’t cut it for those of us who still need a bi-weekly paycheck, have kids to school, and/or cannot buy outright even a ‘shack’ in the Piedmont- or the mountains, or the plains.

    Then, there is the issue of homogeneity. Looking at the stats that HW posted, one would THINK that WVirginia’s ‘Mountain Momma’ state is where one should go, if only to ‘live amongst one’s own,’ but look who is their Senator- RP, Jr.

    I’ve noted this before. But South Carolina has long had an “Exodus Project”http://christianexodus.org
    But, they stated from the outset, that they were not going to be ‘racist’ in their call for a ‘y’all come.’ And their last ‘newsletter’ is from 2010!

    So, unless we all ‘hang together,’ we shall most assuredly hang separately.
    Without that first step, all the kvetching in the world will not do us an iota of good.

  15. Are you trying to garner up sympathy because you are losing your southern culture?

    Not at all. Southron freedom will be won by Southrons, not by Yankees.

  16. Do you imagine that I , a long time poster on this site with many hundreds of posts that are well known to the readers here, am going to move back to the South and start agitating for liberal and nigger causes? Is that the impression I have given you by way of my comments here?

    Did I say anything about that? Yankees are foreigners. Agitate or not, you don’t belong here.

  17. I will say that Brutus is a brother in this struggle but I can’t totally disagree with LLD in what he is saying because living in Maryland, I know what he is saying is true.

    The Yankee-Judeans have brought total insanity to Maryland. We recently here in eastern Maryland had these Yankees having a turn your gun in day. 2 people showed up. They are so out of touch with reality that they would have a gun turn-in, in pro-Confederate farmers community where guns are as part of our life as eating and drinking are.

    In the county I live in, the entire county revolves around the Negro college while the rest of the county sinks into poverty and total neglect. They have these lavish parties with Hollywood stars showing up and the college is buying huge acres of property up in the county with the tax dollars it squeezes from us.

    The Yankee-Judeans are buying up entire towns in our waterfront coastal areas to escape their pet Negros. I could go on and on but needless to say we are under complete occupation here and it is all due to the union.

    If the Lower South could get its act together, we could get some support up here but I think I am in for a long wait.

  18. I didn’t come here to make enemies.
    I came here to exchange ideas on what we are to do.
    Our enemies must be smiling ear to ear, reading this comment thread.
    I lived in Camden(racial catastrophe),New Haven (racial catastrophe) North Jersey(Tawana Brawley Incident) and Worcester Mass (racial catastrophe in the making).I have a lifelong connection to Pittsburgh Pa where my family is from (rare if qualified white success story).I’ ve worked in the media since 1985 and drove cab for extra money in the worst sections of Worcester, seeing black disfunction up close.
    I am willing to bet that I know the enemy better than most of the people here.
    I thought that I might have something to say -maybe not.
    Point to ponder -It is a common practice in totalitarian societies to post false
    comments for propaganda purposes.
    If I was an evil cultural marxist the last thing Iwould want is for white to wake up and find common cause.
    Just saying.

  19. I will say that Brutus is a brother in this struggle . . ..

    To be clear, I have no problem with Brutus or any other Yankee racialists as long as he stays out of our business. That includes staying out of our land. The moment he “transplants” here, he becomes just another damn Yankee who is taking our land from us.

    If I was an evil cultural marxist the last thing Iwould want is for white to wake up and find common cause.

    This is repeated time and time again by Yankees. But, your people will never understand that there is no common cause between our people as long as:

    1) you maintain your occupation and domination of our country, and
    2) you continue to use our country as a dumping ground for your surplus population.

    You talk about “the enemy”, but to Southrons, the enemy is those who are responsible for points 1 and 2 above. If Yankees genuinely care about white racialism more than they care about Yankee expansionism then they would be supporters of an independent and Yankee-free Dixie because points 1 and 2 above are the only real reasons why Dixie is not the most racialist country in the Western world.

  20. Yankees are foreigners.

    Southrons signed the Articles of Confederation, and also ratified the Constitution.  That made the USA one country with one citizenry, and southrons have as much right to vote on matters concerning the North as vice versa.  And you do.

    The problem with breaking up the USA is that long land borders are very expensive to police.  It makes far more sense to deport the Africans, meso-Americans and mischlings and then work our differences out.  With all the wealth freed up by relief from those burdens, we’ll all be a lot happier with our lot.

  21. “Taking our land from us.”

    Last night, I decided to be courteous, and so I deleted part of what I wrote before posting. I shall now put it back.

    YOU PUT UP THE FOR SALE SIGNS AND VERY EAGERLY SELL YOUR LAND. To whomever will buy the son of a bitch. If you don’t want transplants and Yankees, DON’T SELL US YOUR FUCKING LAND!

    But money is green, isn’t it, LLD? No matter who shells it out. Do you go around badgering all your fellow Southrons about this? I bet you say little off this website to people’s faces. And when you do, it is readily obvious that evidently MANY of your fellow Southrons must tell you where to stick it. The brutal truth is most will sell their land to a nigger if they have the money in hand. They will definitely sell their land to a Jew. They sell to Yankees as fast as they can close the deals. And they have WILLINGLY and JOYOUSLY and with CELEBRATION closed those land deals.

    If a Southron won’t sell me your land and your houses, then I won’t be “taking your land,” will I , LLD? But you well know the reality, and what I just wrote above is far, far more closer to home regarding the truth, and you know it. You know full well I will have no trouble, no trouble at all, and it won’t be a transplant Yankee or Jew selling to me. It will be a long time, ethnic Southern man closing the deal and smiling wishing me well. Just as happens thousands of times each and every day all over the South.

  22. This is repeated time and time again by Yankees. But, your people will never understand that there is no common cause between our people as long as:

    I agree with you but you need to practice the general philosophy of which you preach.

    You are guilty of similar ahistorical canards regarding Anglo-German disagreements.

    Calling atheist/prot Germans “European” is like calling Israeli Jews “Mediterranean”.

  23. Southrons signed the Articles of Confederation, and also ratified the Constitution. That made the USA one country with one citizenry, and southrons have as much right to vote on matters concerning the North as vice versa. And you do.

    The USA was never a true country. It was a multi-national state, much the same as the USSR, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia. Dixie is a true country in that it is the land of a nation.

    The problem with breaking up the USA is that long land borders are very expensive to police. It makes far more sense to deport the Africans, meso-Americans and mischlings and then work our differences out. With all the wealth freed up by relief from those burdens, we’ll all be a lot happier with our lot.

    That makes no sense at all because it still means the we and the Yankees would be thrown together in a melting pot (even if it is an all-white melting pot), and since they outnumber us heavily, they will continue to dominate us. Besides, throwing out the non-whites is a fantasy as long we are connected to the Yankees.

  24. If you don’t want transplants and Yankees, DON’T SELL US YOUR FUCKING LAND!

    That’s how you justify taking our land? You do realise that it’s a crime for us to not sell our land to you if our land is up for sale?

    And when you do, it is readily obvious that evidently MANY of your fellow Southrons must tell you where to stick it.

    Why would they say that? Yankee colonisation is hugely unpopular.

  25. You are guilty of similar ahistorical canards regarding Anglo-German disagreements.

    Not really. My position is not that the English should occupy the Germans, or vice versa, colonise their land, and then tell them to get over the past (as though the occupation and colonization are not in the present), to accept their fate, and to co-operate with their occupier.

    Regarding the English and Germans I would like to see a mutual and fair peace and co-operation. From merely a practical standpoint, neither country, nor Europe, can afford the cost of another Anglo-German war.

  26. “The USA was never a true country.”

    – So we’ve been living an elaborate ruse for the last 237 years? Grow up.

    “It was a multinational state, much the same as the USSR, Yugolslavia, and Czechoslovakia.”

    – That’s the most invalid comparison I’ve ever heard. The United States was not comprised of seperate, pre-existing “nations” like the USSR, etc were. There were no nations here before the whites arrived, unless you count nomadic Indian tribes. The white ethnic groups in America were intermixing with each other since before we even won our independence. The only thing in America that even vaguely resembled your idea of ethno-nations, were, ironically, the late 19th/early 20th-century white ethnic concentrations in industrial cities up in Yankeeland. You fail, idiot.

    “Dixie is a true country in that it is the land of a nation.”

    – What fucking nation? You people are no different than Northerners. Not physically, linguistically, religiously, or in any other fundamental distinguishing aspect. Sorry BubbaGump, but voting Republican, eatin’ grits and Sunday mornin’ snake handlin’ don’t make a “nation”.

  27. “That’s how you justify taking our land? You do realise that it’s a crime for us to not sell our land to you if our land is up for sale?”

    Come on, bud. That’s weak as any come-back I have ever read. You must have felt sheepish as hell typing it out. You know as well as I and everyone else on earth that Southerners selling their land are smiling and in a good mood as they take the money for the sale and that there is no thought whatsoever about “Gee, I have to sell or it is a crime.” That is utter bullshit and you know it. Moreover, it is a flat out lie that you have to sell your land to anyone, like you are trying to claim here. There is no such law or obligation on the vast majority–if not all–of these private sales of real estate.

    “Why would they say that? Yankee colonisation is hugely unpopular.”

    Yeah, but taking the money obviously overrides this feeling. Speaking of money, why were you living up North? We all know why. Again, the money salved over your dislike and was ultimately more important.

  28. Moreover, it is a flat out lie that you have to sell your land to anyone, like you are trying to claim here.

    I never said anything even close to that. I said that it is illegal to not sell to Yankees if the land is for sale.

    We can debate all day about whether Southrons are happy or not when they sell their land to the invaders but it does not change a thing. Your people are the primary threat to the existence of the Southron people. I don’t expect you to care about that, though, because you’re a typical snotty Yankee.

    Speaking of money, why were you living up North?

    Because I was a minor and had no choice in the matter.

  29. The only thing in America that even vaguely resembled your idea of ethno-nations, were, ironically, the late 19th/early 20th-century white ethnic concentrations in industrial cities up in Yankeeland.

    Our ancestors thought of ourselves as distinct from the Northern colonists even before a definite Southron identity had emerged.

    You people are no different than Northerners. Not physically, linguistically, religiously, or in any other fundamental distinguishing aspect.

    Then how can I often tell Yankees just by looking at them? Their body language and their tendency to have Mediterranean traits can be dead give-aways before they start yapping in New Jersey tongues.

    It’s almost like you’re doing a parody of yourself by saying that we are not linguistically different because that is so obviously false. The way we talk is probably the number one complaint of the Yankees who live here.

    It is central to the USA’s propaganda machine to say that Yankees and Southrons are no different. How else could the occupation be justified? But, it is not up to your people to decide if we are distinct enough for independence, it is up to our people.

  30. Then how can I often tell Yankees just by looking at them? Their body language and their tendency to have Mediterranean traits can be dead give-aways before they start yapping in New Jersey tongues.

    Good stuff. That sword you’re swinging to defend your homeland is…. a fleshlight.

    Your saltired shield is….. a blog that was a WN treehouse up until two(?) years ago.

    And don’t start with me, you can keep your ‘baccy field. I’ll be buried in the Caribbean.

  31. “Our ancestors thought of ourselves as distinct from Northern colonists even before a definite Southron identity had emerged.”

    – Then you admit your sham identity was all a product of your idiot ancestors self-absorbed imaginations. Thanks for finally telling the truth.

    “Then how can I often tell Yankees just by looking at them?”

    – Easy. You probably can’t. You’re just slinging bullshit.

    “Their body language and their tendancy to have Mediterranean traits can be dead give-aways before they start yapping in New Jersey tongues.”

    – You’re outta your fucking tree, BubbaGump. Is your into worldview defined by the prism of cable TV?

    “It’s almost like you’re doing a parady of yourself by saying we are not linguistically different because that is obviously false.”

    – And how is it false, BubbaGump? The Northern and Southern states have always spoken English as their primary language.

    “It is central to the USA’s propaganda machine to say to say that Yankees and Southrons are no different.”

    – That’s because they basically aren’t. And a retarted hillbilly drawl doesn’t constitute a separate nation, BubbaGump. In Japan, people from Kansai Prefecture speak a distinct dialect that easily stands out when compared to that of someone from Tokyo. They don’t consider themselves a separate nation for it.

    “How else could the occupation be justified?”

    – Oh for chissake, what occupation?? What fucking century is your pea-brain living in??

    “But, it is not up to your people to decide if we are distinct enough for independence, it is up to our people.”

    – Well then get out the box of tissues, BubbaGump. Because it seems that the overwhelmng majority of “your people” have decided, and for quite some time now, that they are as American as anyone from the North or out West. Now go get a life.

  32. Brutus says:
    I’m going to transplant back to the South before long.

    Good luck, gringo. My former Heartland-type city has been captured by Agenda 21 and strategically-placed-into-red-states leftists running as Republicans and is currently on its way to becoming a big nasty urban ghetto. I had thoughts of moving to a smaller town in my state, but what I’ve learned is that the Hispanics are also taking over small rural towns. The all-American, god-bless-em farmers are one of the major reasons we have so many Hispanics flocking to our country for jobs. They are transforming our little Americana towns with their adorable Main Streets and patriotic 4th of July parades into brown third-world hellholes just like everything else in this gawdforsaken country.

    I worked for an orthodontist that did rural state-paid work and the rural whites and Hispanics would always talk about children who had been violently attacked by other children at school. Many times we had to work on these kids’ braces because they’d had their teeth knocked around when they were attacked.

  33. I have four things to say to LLD.
    Two statements and two Questions
    1.You need not worry about me moving to Dixie.I traveled there quite abit in the 80’s on business. I liked the people, just good decent people, from what I saw. I am however , a northern man , I would never give up hockey, ice fishing or deer hunting in the New England woods in fall for anything, even if our pols are clowns.
    2. I take from your reference to ” Mediterrean features” that you don’t think to much of Italians. Big mistake, the most stalwart resistance, I ‘ve witnessed, against BRA has been by the Italian community.(btw I am not Italian)
    1.Would you rather live next to a southern liberal or a northern conservative.
    2. How would you define a true ”southron” ?
    Is it someone with lineage back to before 1865 ?
    How pure does the lineage have to be?
    Can there be no post 1865 blood ?
    If so , how much? Is there another cut off date than 1865?
    Do they have to have a confederate veteran in their family tree ?
    What if they move north and have children north of the mason dixon , are they still ”southron”?
    I am very interested in your answer.

  34. 2. I take from your reference to ” Mediterrean features” that you don’t think to much of Italians. Big mistake, the most stalwart resistance, I ‘ve witnessed, against BRA has been by the Italian community.(btw I am not Italian)

    I don’t have a negative opinion of Italians. But, it is an observable trait that many of our Yankee colonists are Italian and that virtually no Southrons are Italian.

    1.Would you rather live next to a southern liberal or a northern conservative.

    Between those two choices, I would choose the Southern liberal. We are swamped with Yankees already. The Southern liberal, though foolish, is at least one of our people and there is some chance that he or his offspring will return to our people.

    2. How would you define a true ”southron” ?
    Is it someone with lineage back to before 1865 ?
    How pure does the lineage have to be?
    Can there be no post 1865 blood ?
    If so , how much? Is there another cut off date than 1865?

    There’s really no cut and dry answer and probably no cut off date. A few generations, at least. A feeling of being Southron is certainly essential. All nations have some assimilation. For Southrons, assimilating small numbers of people of very similar stock (with special preference given to British stock) can be done. If that sounds vague it’s because there are so many variables that go into borderline cases that it can’t really be answered generally like this. Most Southrons know they are Southron and most new arrivals know they are outsiders, even the ones who like to say they are from here. I expect most of the latter to leave once independence is established.

    Do they have to have a confederate veteran in their family tree ?

    Not necessarily, but I expect it would be pretty unusual for a Southron to not be descended from a Confederate veteran.

    What if they move north and have children north of the mason dixon , are they still ”southron”?

    Yes. Nationality is not determined by birth place.

  35. To LLD, thanks for answering my post.
    Although , I disagree with a lot of what you say , I appreciate yor candor.
    I’d much rather have someone show contempt to my face than someone who smiles and stabs me in the back.
    I hope that you appreciate some candor on my part.
    I understand that you feel that your culture is being swamped by outsiders and you are being margenalized in your own homeland. I myself live in a working class milltown that is being overrun by immigrants from Liberia , Ghana and Haiti , courtesy of our overlords of diversity.(wanna trade problems)
    That said I think that you and those who think like you have a skewered sense of priorities.
    I would much rather have a fellow reactionary , of inexact ethnic origin (any non-black) than a fellow wasp who was a cultural marxist. Remember allies rarely like each other they merely have a common interest.
    But , hey thats me.
    This will probably be my last post on OD.
    I am more interested in an talking about strategy and tactics in defeating BRA , than grinding axes.
    I wish you luck in getting your ethnostate.
    I don’t think you have any chance-hope I’m wrong.
    Thanks again for the reply

  36. Wow some of these posts are way way WAY off base! Southern is not something you be, it is something you are. You can’t worry about what someone whose life and cultural experiences that took place primarily outside of Dixie think, believe or say on the matter. How can you possibly expect them to understand where you are coming from when they haven’t lived through the same life experiences? Does this mean it is impossible to get along with people from the north? No, not at all. Does this mean one has to disavow being a native born southerner and cast away their lifelong roots merely because others who are not of the same origin or background are now inhabitants? No! What does it mean to be southern ??? Obviously someone was sleeping during history class! Many fine pieces of literature have been written on the subject so take a visit to the local library or book store and check it out! The south has been here ever since our country was formed and given life, it ain’t going nowhere!

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