Dixie and Transplants


Fascinating stuff.

Alabama – gained 55,000 Whites, 2,000 Hispanics, and 22,000 blacks.
Mississippi – lost 30,000 Whites, 2,000 Hispanics, and 10,000 blacks.
Louisiana – lost 96,000 Whites, 11,000 Hispanics, and 159,000 blacks.
Texas – gained 183,000 Whites, 94,000 Hispanics, and 137,000 blacks.
Georgia – gained 109,000 Whites, 30,000 Hispanics, and 164,000 blacks.
Florida – gained 100,000 Whites, 70,000 Hispanics, and 10,000 blacks.
South Carolina – gained 99,000 Whites, 11,000 Hispanics, and 31,000 blacks.
Virginia – gained 30,000 Whites, 4,000 Hispanics, and 26,000 blacks.
North Carolina – gained 168,000 Whites, 31,000 Hispanics, and 81,000 blacks.
West Virginia – gained 6,000 Whites and 4,000 blacks.
Maryland – lost 72,000 Whites, 1,000 Hispanics, gained 18,000 blacks.
Kentucky – gained 50,000 whites, lost 7,000 Hispanics, gained 15,000 blacks.
Tennessee – gained 68,000 Whites, 14,000 Hispanics, and 19,000 blacks.
Missouri – gained 18,000 Whites, 10,000 Hispanics, lost 8,000 blacks.
Arkansas – gained 42,000 Whites, 13,000 Hispanics, and 9,000 blacks.
Oklahoma – gained 47,000 Whites, 14,000 Hispanics, and 3,000 blacks.

Note: These are net gains and net losses by race for 2007.

In the first tier, Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida gained more Whites than blacks and Hispanics. In the second tier, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, Texas, and Mississippi either broke even or became more non-White due to population flows. Louisiana is in a class by itself and can boast of an incredible outflux of negroes.

Michigan lost 134,000 Whites, 13,000 Hispanics, and 47,000 blacks. Texas is the “stickiest” state in America. 75.8 percent of people born in Texas still live there. Also, 40.7 percent of people who live in South Carolina were born in another state.

Update: The biggest Blue States – New York, California, and Illinois – are being abandoned by everyone. New York lost 263,000 Whites, 162,000 Hispanics, and 181,000 blacks. California lost 319,000 Whites, 288,000 Hispanics, and 59,000 blacks. Illinois lost 113,000 Whites, 50,000 Hispanics, and 57,000 blacks.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I suppose you want to portray this trend as positive – ie despite the south being so heavily black today, nothing’s set in stone. The thing is, the kind of ‘whites’ you’re getting are, you’d think, much less likely to support your southern project. So even if you’re losing niggers, it’s more than offset by the arrival of anti-racist whites, whose obstructionism is likely even more problematic than blacks’ since whites are so much more likely to take what other whites say seriously. (That is, even ‘anti-racist’ whites are accustomed to treating things blacks say as ‘nigger bullshit,’ even if only subconsciously.)

  2. It disproves the idea that there is a “Great Migration” going on. I’ve said a million times on this website that the number of blacks who are leaving other parts of the country is dwarfed by the number of Whites who are moving to the South.

  3. “The biggest Blue States – New York, California, and Illinois – are being abandoned by everyone.” – A poor vs wealthy breakdown would be illuminating here. A thought struck me as I was watching a NY pol expounding upon the necessity of amnesty(#8), they are going to be able to give the newly legal mestizos section 8 and gentrify them out of NYC, and it will probably be a really nice place to live for the wealthy when they do so.

    The other thing was that 2007 was the peak of the housing bubble, I wonder how that would effect the more recent data.

  4. Los Angeles, Chicago and certain buroughs in NY are headed for the same fate as Detroit.

    Any word on White Nationalist/Militia Wonderland — Montana, Idaho, Dakotas?

  5. Deceptive, because large cities (which raise the state population) have more population to lose.

    A metro of 18 million (nyc) losing 50k is not same thing as a metro of 150k losing 50k.

  6. That’s insane how much the fucking Hispanic population is going up in every state. Talking about going down the path of Detroit, all of Latin America is going down that path. Leaving South America a burned out piece of crap and moving into the USA.

    These nonWhites just destroy and move on. That’s why they’re hated, not because of their skin color.

  7. I can believe Missouri gained 10k Hispanics, (and they must all be around the corner of Cherokee and California in St. Louis), but I’m surprised but pleased nonetheless that we lost 8k blacks. I’m just trying to figure out how. Maybe being forcibly moved out of state to do time in Federal prison.

  8. Blue states = joo states. I have this spreadsheet. State by state- % white, % jew, % black, IQ, white IQ, % catholic, % mexican.

    NY (8.4% jew)
    NJ (5.7%)
    DC (4.7)
    Mass (4,2)
    MD (4,1)
    FLA (3.4)
    CA (3.3)
    Nev (2.8)
    Penn (2.3)
    Col (1.8)
    RI (1.8)
    AZ (1.7)

  9. What seems to be the case though is that most “migrators” go into the big city.

    That’s when I stopped caring about race replacement. I realized it only occurs in certain areas. If you don’t want to live in the Bronx, nobody is going to force you to.

  10. From the article I linked:

    “In the first decade of the 21st century, 75 percent of African American population growth occurred SOUTH OF THE MASON DIXON LINE, THE HIGHEST THAT NUMBER HAS BEEN IN DECADES. Meanwhile, states such as Michigan and Illinois saw ABSOLUTE DECLINES IN THEIR BLACK POPULATIONS.”

    There most certainly is a quiet, but steady ‘great migration’ happening, Hunter. You refuse to acknowledge it because it obliterates for your fantasy of a resurrected CSA.

  11. “You refuse to acknowledge it because it obliterates for your fantasy of a resurrected CSA.”

    On the contrary, it galvanizes whites and makes it more likely.

  12. Most of this is just people moving to adjacent states.

    “Most” of it may be, but if there’s to be a net gain it has to come from outside the south. Think about it, if it continues at a similar rate, 30 years x 500,000 whites, that’s a fair few people.

  13. The article that you cite gives only very limited information. It quotes “population growth” but does not quantify it. Furthermore, no state by state comparison is given – only the cities of Dallas and Atlanta are given much attention. HW’s original supposition that white immigration to the South surpasses Black is likely correct (as supported by the original numbers given…that you ignore).

    Frankly, 313Chris should not be allowed to post here. His Yankee ancestors cursed this nation with diversity by starting the civil war (sorry pal, refusing to remove a military installation parked in someone else’s country constitutes an act of war), engaging in slavery (yep, slavery wasn’t banned in NY until half a century after the start of the Revolutionary War), supporting the civil rights act, and the immigration act of 1964. Notice how he refuses to debate the actual numbers given South vs. North that voted for those pieces of legislation in the other tread available on the homepage – best to ignore uncomfortable facts. All he can do is try to poke holes in other people’s solutions to the problems his people created. He gloats over black emigration while his people vote to commit suicide via Hispanic and Muslim immigration (not working out well for Europe right now). HW should not approve his comments.

  14. I agree with Silver. Why would any White Southerner want Yankee carpetbaggers to move into their State?

  15. That’s when I stopped caring about race replacement. I realized it only occurs in certain areas. If you don’t want to live in the Bronx, nobody is going to force you to.

    Right, because if it doesn’t affect you in the next five years it means it will never affect you. Got it.

    Why is it so difficult for you to look down the street? The destination is plainly obvious and it plainly sucks, so logically the time to act is before you reach it, not after it’s too late. I know this is a very complicated point, so please tell me if I’m going too fast for you.

  16. The south will be overrun with wetbacks in a generation and Whites will be a minority, if they aren’t already.
    The new south will resemble southern California soon, packed with their already huge nigger population along with new Mexican arrivals.

  17. The first southern state to fall will be Texas. It will be a blue state within ten years. Virginia and N. Carolina are already blue states and S.Carolina is run by a non white and a sodomite.

  18. @Leonardo

    My people arrived here 40 years after the Civil War had ended. As much as I’d love to share in the credit for your CSA’s utter defeat, my ancestors were making horseshoes in Rome and reaping fields in eastern Poland at the time.

    And if Hunter doesn’t want me to post here, he need only ask and I’ll respect his wishes. Until then, I’ll say whatever I damn well please.

  19. Fascinating stuff indeed. When it comes to producing a plethora of interesting statistics, Pew are the undisputed masters. Good find, Hunter.

    To me, the most important new information is from their ‘magnet’ states graph. Thirteen states plus DC have more than half their adult population born in another state, and every state except for New York has more than 20%. This kind of mobility is astonishing, and completely unheard of in any other Western nation, including Canada and Australia. Jobs go begging in Alberta and Western Australia because unemployed loafers would rather stay on the dole in Newfoundland and Tasmania than move to where the jobs are in their own countries.

    This is far less of a problem in the US than anywhere else. America’s greatest strength isn’t diversity (lol) but the ongoing mobility of its population. In the US, uniquely, millions of people are constantly uprooting themselves and relocating to where they can be more productive and economically useful. Once it was mainly to California and the West, now it’s largely to Texas and the South. Call it the U-Haul Nation (that’s a compliment).

    Compare the American situation to that in Europe. Check out this map of unemployment rates throughout the EU:


    Look at the differences between northern and southern Spain, or northern and southern Italy. The unemployed southerners won’t even relocate to the northern parts of their own countries, much less to the Germanic nations where there are jobs galore for them. Yes there is a language barrier, but even a rudimentary knowledge of German or English would get them hired in 2% unemployment rate Bavaria or Baden-Württemberg. And there is no language barrier between Andalusia (35% unemployed!) and Castile, or Calabria and Lombardy, and therefore no excuse for their stubborn immobility.

    The difference between #1 North Dakota (3.3% unemployed) and #51 Nevada (9.6% unemployed) is a paltry 6.3%, thanks to the willingness of the American people to go where the jobs are. Compare that to the 33% difference in unemployment rates between Bavaria and Andalusia, or even to the differences within all the major European countries, which are considerably greater than 6.3%. The price the Europeans are paying for their immobility–that Americans are not–is gross economic inefficiency and a massive job desert covering nearly the entire Mediterranean basin.

    It has to be said that the incredible mobility of Americans is bad news for secessionists. Because roughly 40% of Americans are living in a different state than the one they were born in, their first loyalty is likely be to the country as a whole rather than to any one state, or even region. I think that any serious secessionist movement will have to take this centuries-old phenomenon into account, and promise never to obstruct the free movement of goods and people between the independent states or regions. Mobility is simply too ingrained in the American character for them to ever accept any barriers to movement where there are none now.

  20. AZ (1.7)

    Aha. No wonder Arizona is getting so annoying — it’s experiencing a civil war. The nation-destroyers have arrived.

  21. … Texas. It will be a blue state within ten years …

    Oh, I think quicker than that. It’s already full to the brim with Leftist Hispanics and the homos and Atheists have been moving in for a long time.

    Go ahead and call me a wacko conspiracy theorist, but while we stupid rightwingers fight about who’s a mean ‘ol Nazi and who isn’t, the Leftists have very organized agendas and one of them is to strategically place Leftists in red states. Besides everything else they can destroy by doing that, they attack Christian-owned businesses and do things that will provoke a response so that they can sue the Christian business owners.

    I don’t think even (nonNazi) White Nationalists know how dangerous a situation the Western World is in and how vicious these Leftists are.

  22. Native Texans and native southerners in general will simplybe out numbered by mexicans, niggers and transplants from other states. It doesn’t matter if they move or not. They will be a minority in their own lands, a powerless minority.

  23. It will happen very quickly, I have seen it happen here where I live and in S. California where I lived for about six years. The south is not immune to Mexican race replacement policies.
    And, the south has zero leadership and no pushback. The south is in love with nigger sports players. The south idolizes buck niggers in sports, they are modern day gladiators in the south.

  24. All of this running of course makes it easier for them to praise civil rights and generally kiss up to Uncle Sam as Jeppo mentioned above. When you are always on the move, you never have to live with the consequences of your actions. They have no loyalty to anything but a better job and whatever it takes to get one.

    Sometimes I do think that Brutus is right and that there is absolutely no hope and that Whites are just plain not going to wake up and will go out with a whimper.

  25. Go ahead and call me a wacko conspiracy theorist, but while we stupid rightwingers fight about who’s a mean ‘ol Nazi and who isn’t

    I would support anything that could defeat this union. If it got its act together and had the muscle to defeat these people, I would support it. Anything is better than this. We could survive any tyrannical government but we will not survive this if it keeps on.

  26. Ulfric said:
    Brutus is right … there is absolutely no hope … Whites are just plain not going to wake up and will go out with a whimper.

    I wholeheartedly believe that. It’s gone too far. And just like those of you that don’t even realize who did this to us, you’re still more awake that the average Westerner. There’s no time left.

    I think the only choice left now is to create “white communities” that will keep us from becoming grotesque mutilated tortured corpses like the victims of genocide in South Africa from secret institutional genocide masked as random violence. Thousands and thousands of dead white Christians after the West tore down their wall to protect them from these subhumans that no one knows about because the Western media and governments won’t talk about it.

    warning – graphic

  27. I think the only choice left now is to create “white communities” that will keep us from becoming grotesque mutilated tortured corpses like the victims of genocide in South Africa from secret institutional genocide masked as random violence.

    Yeah something like out of The Walking dead. Heavily armed walled communities keeping out the hoardes of zombies. The problem is that the United States government would force us to tear down those walls and admit the zombies into our daughters bedroom.

    Even heavily armed enclaves are not possible with this union. The US would have had to gone through “the collapse” in order for that scenario to become reality.

  28. I’m sure that most of this is Southerners moving around within the South. I’ve lived in Virginia and Georgia myself.

    Of the people I graduated high school with, I know people who have moved to Florida, Georgia, Texas, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky and West Virginia. I know at least two people who have moved to Montana. I believe I know someone who moved to California.

  29. The US would have had to gone through “the collapse” in order for that scenario to become reality.

    Might be sooner than you think.

    The government will most likely come murder us if we band together in white groups to protect ourselves, just like they did Randy Weaver’s family. But being a female, I guess I just prefer being shot to be tortured for hours and gruesomely murdered like what the nonWhites do to us.

    Someone tried to break into my home last July during the night when I was here. And I live in what used to be, and most people think still us, a very safe, nice neighborhood. But my city was part of Agenda 21 and it’s changing fast. Working-class whites are not going to have any place left to go unless we carve out communities for ourselves.

  30. “Frankly, 313Chris should not be allowed to post here. His Yankee ancestors cursed this nation with diversity by starting the civil war.”

    Were his ancestors really here in the mid-nineteenth century? But even if he does not have Anglo-Celtic settler ancestors of the colonies north of the Line, I suppose that (on Occidental Dissent) anyone who originates north of the Line is a “damnyankee” and bears the blame for the Federal invasion of the southern states.

  31. “His Yankee ancestors cursed this nation with diversity by starting the civil war.”

    His ancestors did not curse the nation with diversity ORIGINALLY by purchasing and breeding African slaves to pick cotton, etc., to “create immense wealth.”

  32. The first southern state to fall will be Texas.

    People tend to forget that Maryland and Delaware have already fallen. They have fallen so hard that most people don’t realise that they were once considered solidly Southron.

  33. The thing is, the kind of ‘whites’ you’re getting are, you’d think, much less likely to support your southern project.

    No kidding. Yankee colonists are a disaster for Dixie, and not just because they are hopelessly liberal. The biggest danger is inter-marriage and the inevitable loss of Southron identity. If we are unable to take control of our demographic situation in the next several generations then the Southron nation will become extinct.

  34. Uh, I’d say you have a generation to clean it up.

    I was being optimistic. Maybe too optimistic. Things are pretty bad when half the houses on my rural street, in my rural county, in the middle of nowhere (as the colonists say), hundreds of miles from the Mason Dixon Line, are owned by Yankees.

  35. “Working-class whites are not going to have any place left to go unless we carve out communities for ourselves.”


  36. People tend to forget that Maryland and Delaware have already fallen.

    Nothing has changed in the rural parts of Maryland. However, yes the state is lost. We will continue to be ruled by the garbage that stinks to high heaven west of the Chesapeake Bay. The Delmarva peninsula is being held hostage to this alliance of Yankee, Negro, and Jewish filth.

    Our vote means nothing because of these vermin and Maryland is a textbook example of what will happen when you get lorded over by a huge increase in Yankee/Judean transplants. Trust me, it’s not pretty. In Maryland all our taxes go to pay for the negro colleges while the grass is four feet high along the highways.

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