Live Thread: 2013 CofCC National Conference

North Carolina

I’m going to show up in Winston-Salem and check in with the movement for the first time in three years. I didn’t get the chance to go last year.

Note: The lamestream is shocked this morning that Big Brother Obama is spying on and data mining ordinary Americans.

If you didn’t know that has been going on for years, well, you are an idiot. I’m sure the NSA has long had a list of every White Nationalist in America. There’s no point in trying to hide from the U.S. regime which already uses predator drones on American citizens.

More people should come to these conferences. “They” already know who you are anyway.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Oops, forget it.

    That guy is clearly a conspiracy kook. We don’t need that garbage here where things are really getting done. Where the rubber is really hitting the road

  2. WNs are terrified of superhuman Jews.

    I think there were three Jews or part Jews at the CofCC conference. I think they were 80 or 90 years old. I’m not even sure that the three who I saw there were even Jews.

    A speaker there stood in front of them and told the audience about his book, The Holocaust Never Happened. I actually have the flier about that book with me.

    I will snap a picture when I get home. I left with the impression that if WNs just showed up and forcefully articulated their view like Matt Heimbach that they would win.

    Heimbach talked about everything from secession to the ethnostate to rejecting the system to reform being impossible, etc.

  3. Swiss leftists tried the same approach with gun control a few years back, and they were defeated.

    For all the defeatism expressed in these parts in the wake of Sandy Hook, gun control is a loser in America, too. Illinois just went ‘shall issue.’

  4. You have no argument from me on that, Hunter. My personal experience, let alone 2000 years of history, is that Jews are much more malleable than whites. The latitude of Jewish behavior is wholly dependent on the host culture’s ability to restrain it.

  5. Shafik Hammami opens the door to his Daphne home wearing a University of Alabama football t-shirt. He was born in Syria, but after more than 40 years in the United States, he’s as much a homegrown Alabama football fan as any other local resident. I ask him if he thinks ‘Bama’ will win the National Title again this year. He holds up his hands and proudly smiles: “Roll Tide.”

    He’s not what I had expected him to be. He’s an older man with a mild-mannered nature — a stark contrast from what I knew of his son, whose personality had won him recognition from a young age. But somehow the boy living the American dream grew up to be a propagandist for al Qaeda-backed militants looking to wage global jihad….

  6. Why aren’t we doing it?

    In the final analysis, it all boils down to “we’re scared of being called names” and “we’re scared of losing our jobs” and “we’re scared of what people will think.”

    How scary must it have been to settle the frontier or fight he Union Army?

  7. In the final analysis, it all boils down to “we’re scared of being called names” and “we’re scared of losing our jobs” and “we’re scared of what people will think.”

    No doubt.

    And you can add into the mix that many of us believe we must bless God’s Chosen People as a tenet of Christianity.

  8. “Jobbik and Golden Dawn make their case without blaming their own… ”

    Really? It ain’t about blame to take responsibility for one’s destiny.

    Read this from the Golden Dawn website and ask yourself:
    1. Who are the “traitors” to whom they refer?
    2. What was the “fog that clouded the Hellene’s consciousness?”

    “The End of an Era
    We are experiencing the end of the Metapolitefsi era, the final act of a drama that led our Nation to financial destruction, dissolved the social and national fabric of our country, crushed the Hellenic ethos and every traditional value. The Metapolitefsi era introduced us to a national tragedy , that at the same time was a national treason, with the the traitors never facing court and answering for their crimes. Which made sense, because the traitors were simultaneously our “saviors”. They were the same politicians that led the country to the European Economic Community and promised the people “prosperity”, meaning easy money and unstoppable consumption. To keep those promises, they borrowed money from loan sharks and usurers and created a public debt bubble of unprecedented size in international financial history.
    Our People was, unfortunately, comforted by this system, and allowed crime and corruption to spread in front of his eyes, accepting every now and then a gift of petty value, like an appointment on the public sector, a promise for better days, which is even more easy money, more corruption, more degeneration. During those days, we, the Golden Dawners, were marginalized, we were the extremists, the fascists, the criminals in the eyes of the corrupt Mainstream Media that shape the public opinion in Hellas.

    Today things have changed, the financial crisis, the absence of wealth, dissolved the fog that clouded the Hellene’s consciousness. That’s how Golden Dawn became the hope and the flag of hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of our compatriots. Golden Dawn is so much more than a political party. It is the hope of Hellenism’s survival during the tough times that lay ahead of us. It is the secret voice of the blood that survives unaltered through the thousands years of history until today, to help the Hellene Man rise, to wake up his consciousness, to lead him to his destiny. This article will present our Political Program. Our goal is to revive Hellenism and help Hellas become a central power of the geopolitically sensitive area of the Eastern Mediterranean.”

    Taking responsibility for their own destiny. Like all western white men should do.
    They have regained their militancy. No wonder TPTB are shitting bricks.

    Greece for the Greeks. Indeed.

    The alternative:

    The continuance of comfortable life under BRA…

    No thanks.
    Dixie for Southrons.

    Deo Vindice

  9. Locally, you will get more heat from white Christians than from Jews for being an anti-semite.

  10. If you bash a “banking mafia” you’ll generate an audience larger than white nationalits that includes some leftists.

    True enough, but you’re still not talking very big numbers here. Come on, it’s hardly as though marxist loons are on the cusp of (economic) victory.

    True, seasoned and educated political dissidents however understand that bankers are just doing their job and the real issue is the economic system that depends on them. Do you really think that if bankers banked just a little bit differently, everything would be find.

    That’s a good point. WNs like ‘test’ are so desperate for change that they think anything that shakes people’s confidence in the status quo can only be of benefit to them. The reality is rather different. Unlike you (a hardcore marxist) I don’t believe there’s any real problem with the banking system. Any ‘change’ is only going to take the shape of reform. Even a move as revolutionary as nationalizing all banking profits would only amount to a redistribution of some $1000 per American family.

    Of course one can always point to the recent financial crisis as evidence that banking is ‘fundamentally flawed,’ but the crisis was much more a consequence of cultural expectations than of flawed banking practices. Sure, the activities of banks were fraudulent in that banks simply must have known that a large chunk of the loans to niggers and illegal deadbeats would never be paid back and that taxpayers would thus be called upon to save the system, but in effect it was the bankers saying to the public, look, you people are desperate to believe niggers are your equals in every way, you people are responsible for legislation that aims to equalize home ownership, so okay fine, then you foot the bill for it. (Yes, I’m letting some opportunistic banking executives, who were only too eager to participate in the scam, off the hook here, but it’s not from any great love for them, it’s to make the broader cultural point.)

    Seasoned and educated political dissidents leave the far right and join the far left, despite the fact that the far left makes some dumb statements about race.

    People don’t first decide to be dissidents and only then find a place for themselves somewhere in the fringes. Maybe that’s how it works when you’re 18, but mature dissidents dissent for fairly specific reasons. Far left lunacy has very little to offer someone who regards race (or more broadly, demographics) as the key issue of our age. The far left is obsessed through and through with completely overturning the existing economic system and are only too happy to ride roughshod over the most basic of racial concerns in order to do it. The idea that a racialist has any interest in that program simply on the basis of shared ‘dissent’ is ridiculous.

  11. When one sees the way that people in power act completely out of the interests of the average person, one may examine isolationism, nationalism and even racialism.

    But, when one realizes that “far right” movements are not class conscious, they will u-turn if they know what they are doing. The far right may be right on a few things – the Iraq war was wrong, America is too tied to Israel, immigration can harm workers – but the far right jettisons class analysis for belief in a Jewish conspiracy (Stormfront/Vnn) and the populist right (Pat Buchanan) replaces this class consciousness with talk about “morality” and “patriotism” etc.

    Wise people will u-turn.

  12. I don’t believe in Jewish conspiracies because almost every negative thing that Jews do is done quite openly. It’s not a conspiracy that Jews are buying off congressmen and supporting amnesty and gay marriage.

  13. That’s true but it’s irrelevant.

    The American political and economics system encourages special interest lobbying. Take out the Jews and gays would still lobby. Eventually they will be persistent enough to succeed.

    Naming the Jew doesn’t do anything but make people short-sighted.

  14. Silver
    “they think anything that shakes people’s confidence in the status quo can only be of benefit to them.”

    Nope. Anything that shakes people’s confidence in the status quo reduces their resistance to radical alternatives. Whether WNs take advantage of that is a separate thing.

    “Sure, the activities of banks were fraudulent in that banks simply must have known that a large chunk of the loans to niggers and illegal deadbeats would never be paid back and that taxpayers would thus be called upon to save the system”

    That’s not what happened. What happened was banks thought securitization made sub-prime loans *safe* and then found out they were wrong. But that isn’t the underlying reason. It’s the reason it went wrong *this time* but the underlying reason is they make money off loans so it is in their interest to lend as much money as possible and every once in a while they overdo it and create a gigantic credit bubble. When the bubble inevitably bursts you get a deflationary spiral which leads to economic slump and usually revolution and war.

    Usury is fundamentally flawed because of human nature.

  15. An “anti” lobby isn’t as effective as a lobby under our system.

    Anti-abortion doesn’t get as far as pro-abortion (I’m against abortion).
    Anti-Zionism isn’t as effective as Zioinsm.
    Anti-civil-rights isn’t as effective as pro-civil rights.
    Anti gay marriage isn’t as effective as pro gay marriage.

    The antis aren’t going to fight like their lives depend on it.

  16. You’re out of touch, Iceman. You’re behaving as though it’s 1895 or something. The basic economic issues have been solved. Sweden is about as equal as a prosperity-producing economy is going to get; maybe a little more than that, but still never the complete kind of equality that far left loons demand. America has some way to go to reach Swedish levels, but doing so in no way requires a complete revolution in class consciousness; it only requires ‘a bit more’ class consciousness. And that consciousness in no way requires repudiating one’s racial stance. So the question is why anyone who, in addition to understanding economic issues, also understands demographic issues – the role they play in society, how they affect our lives, what demographic trends portend, and so on – would support a political movement that advocates a blanket denial of demographic realism?

    but the far right jettisons class analysis for belief in a Jewish conspiracy (Stormfront/Vnn) and the populist right (Pat Buchanan) replaces this class consciousness with talk about “morality” and “patriotism” etc.

    Some on the far right are complete nutters. You’ll get no argument from me there. But you’re maliciously mischaracterizing their positions.

    SF/VNN – Jews are an influential and hostile elite. Well, aren’t they? Who in America (or in this world) goes to greater lengths to oppose the most basic level of racial realism and white identity politics than organized Jewry (“Big Hebrew”) — while simultaneously and totally hypocritically advocating the exact opposite for their own group? Jews aren’t alone in this attitude — far from it — but they are its most competent exponents.

    Buchanan – cultural solidarity is an important component of any sort of solidarity. Can that seriously be disputed?

  17. If you, after the 2007 recession, after the mass migrations that take place constantly, after Dick Cheney’s ties to Halliburton think that the “basic economic issue has been solved” then that is your problem.

  18. The hydra has a lot of heads one of which is the Jew. Personally, I wouldn’t mind moving on to other subjects and mostly staying there, except we have this problem of Jewish influence-deniers all over the dissident sites who refuse to admit the hydra has a Jewish head. If “no Jews, no exceptions” would just become the default position across every dissident community on the right, these repeated discussions would not be necessary. The dissident sites don’t get many contributors arguing “we need more equality,” “maybe the US government isn’t that bad,” and so on, because there is broad agreement those things aren’t true, so there is reason to have the 10,000th debate on equality. I put 100% of the blame on the Jewish influence-deniers for keeping the issue alive.

  19. That’s not what happened. What happened was banks thought securitization made sub-prime loans *safe* and then found out they were wrong.

    With portfolios of loans issued as a result of prudent lending standards securitization works. There’s no way banks could not have known that the crazy loans being made this time around wouldn’t eventually put the entire system at risk through flow-on effects. I’m sure each bank expected that they themselves would emerge unscathed by passing the buck, but awareness of the risk to the system as a whole must surely have existed.

    But that isn’t the underlying reason. It’s the reason it went wrong *this time* but the underlying reason is they make money off loans so it is in their interest to lend as much money as possible and every once in a while they overdo it and create a gigantic credit bubble. When the bubble inevitably bursts you get a deflationary spiral which leads to economic slump and usually revolution and war.

    I don’t think we’ll ever be rid of business cycles no matter what we do. Economies are too dynamic, too unpredictable to allow for such fine-tuning. Businessmen and bankers are human beings and they’ll always be prone to greed and errors of judgment.

    I don’t see what basis you have for claiming that economic slumps “usually” lead to revolution and war. Do you have any examples in mind?

  20. An “anti” lobby isn’t as effective as a lobby under our system.

    Yeah, anti-racism isn’t as effective as racism. Lol.

  21. Blacks lacked civil rights and rallied for them. This was more effective than rallies against them.

    Whites may be forced into multi-cuturalism, but their fundamental rights are not restricted.

    The fundamental rights of Blacks were restricted. Their collective struggle will be stronger than the reaction to it.

  22. Anything that shakes people’s confidence in the status quo reduces their resistance to radical alternatives.

    But if they realize their confidence was shaken on false grounds — eg banking=usury=rip-off/immoral — then they’re also likely to resist further attempts at radicalization. Once bitten, twice shy. That’s why some anti holocaust revs prefer muddying the waters by attaching and conflating loonie conspiracy theories about the Moon landing or 9/11 with holocaust rev rather than addressing the revisionist arguments directly.

  23. Whites may be forced into multi-cuturalism, but their fundamental rights are not restricted.

    The fundamental rights of Blacks were restricted. Their collective struggle will be stronger than the reaction to it.

    This distinction hinges entirely on what one assumes are any group’s “fundamental rights.” By my definition whites today are totally denied their fundamental rights, and blatantly so. It’s no exaggeration at all to describe America today as “fundamentally anti-white.”

    – Whites are required to deny they have racial group interests and that their racial group even exists.
    – Whites are required to treat black (and other) racial interests (which are legally considered to exist) as more important than their own racial interests (which are regarded as non-existent).
    – Whites are required to submit to racial minoritization and extinction and are encouraged to view their minoritization and extinction as positive outcomes for them, when they are in fact wholly negative outcomes.

    It’s fundamentally anti-white.

  24. Silver
    “With portfolios of loans issued as a result of prudent lending standards securitization works.”

    It doesn’t (and didn’t) because they are (and were) contingent liabilities but anyway…

    There are three main components to the forces strangling the world imo
    – the banking mafia currently centered in London/New York
    – media
    – academia
    and surface politics is simply the result of those three.

    In the WN context I think the media is the most important component to focus on as they are the most explicitly anti-white with academia second. I mostly argue about the banking mafia elsewhere as they are bad for everybody and not just anti-white.

    “The hydra has a lot of heads one of which is the Jew. Personally, I wouldn’t mind moving on to other subjects and mostly staying there, except we have this problem of Jewish influence-deniers all over the dissident sites who refuse to admit the hydra has a Jewish head.”


  25. There’s no good reason to separate banking from big business in general. All big corporations are invested in maintaining the anti-white status quo.

    “System politicians” are also invested in maintaining it, and can and should be attacked on this basis.

  26. TMT — Episode #178 — When Whigger Nutzionalists Eat, Meat-Beat & Retreat, What Happens Then? — 9 June 13
    Time: June 9, 2013 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST

    TMT — Episode #178 — When Whigger Nutzionalists Eat, Meat-Beat & Retreat, What Happens Then? — 9 June 13

    It is the same with any and all Whigger Nutzionalist meetings. ZOGling whigger and anglo-mestizo ass-clowns get together in a banquet meeting room with pretty much everything costing a bunch of ZOGbux for the weekend and they proceed to bitch, piss & moan, eat, meet, meat-beat, then retreat, and they accomplish . . . . what exactly?

    What I don’t understand is why these sort of things are packaged as anything other than entertainment. In this day of $300 laptops with wi-fi connections and built-in video cameras, why not simply have the organizer of the event, usually running a tabloid or 8.5 x 11 inch newsletter along with a web page or blog or forum along with an audio podcast, can’t they simply have a recorded Skype conference call on a guaranteed schedule every six months or so? Or if they do decide to go along with an annual meeting in a central location to the majority of their membership, why not have a live podcast with a DVD to be sent free to those who have subscriptions to the organization’s subscribers and co-workers?

    Hunter Wallace/Fade the Butcher went down to the Council of Conservative Citizens 2013 National Conference in Winston-Salem North Carolina. He had a “live thread” in which normal posting guidelines are relaxed. Fine. Most of the followers of Hunter’s blog made their appearance on the blog, as will I with the program notes. But looking at the Conservative of Conservative Citizens (CofCC) web page, all I see is a static ‘billboard’ webpage, with a list of the speakers. Nothing interactive, nothing live, and nothing relevant.

    I am struck by how, for my mother’s funeral, I bought a new video-camera for less than $200, put in one of my many 8 gig memory cards, and had live video which could be done live via Skype or placed on jewtube or a DVD which could be endlessly copied or watched at length like any live performance. I could hold a “Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri” live conference from Dick Smith Park, or the Granby Annex, or live from the Hovel at 338 Rabbit Track Road, and have other live Conference members and listeners tune in live as well. With a bit of work based upon prior practice, there could actually be quarterly conferences as well.

    So let’s understand something: There White Nationalist Live Conferences are mere entertainment aimed at making certain “National Leaders” look both relevant and to bring in a few ZOGbux. The mid-level local leadership and a few others get to meet their buddies and frenemies and eat some banquet chicken and pour a few beers. And all of that is good. But it accomplishes nothing even politically.

    Let’s understand something: Even as this conference was being held, niggers and ragheads were shooting other mamzers and monkeys in California, the First Kenyan was spying on ZOGling phone calls and Internut browsings. Expecting these conferences to accomplish anythang is like expecting this Conference to solve some Zombie ZOGling Whigger & Mamzer Apocraplypse. When you have starving whiggers and mamzers knocking on jewr door, expecting White Nationalist ‘leaders’ to help you is as idiotic a notion as calling the local ZOGling piglice.

    Let’s understand something: At best Whigger Nutsionalism and the wall-to-wall “Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia-Talkjew Christian Identity” to accomplish anything other than entertainment at best and ZOGbotting at worst is a ZOGling whigger & mamzer delusion. Saving yourself is a matter of looking to yourself and yourself alone — unless you believe in YHWH first.

    These Whigger Nutsionalist Coonferences are fun: But that’s entertainment, and expensive and usually worthless at that.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  27. Having been to several of these conferences (CofCC, LoS, Amren), I can say definitively that the highlight of every conference is the occasion to hang out, socialize, network, and have a good time in real life.

    There was a speaker there from North Carolina who looked like Clint Eastwood and who was carrying and who is one of these sovereign citizens. He volunteered to walk into Detroit and kick all the niggers out.

    He gave a speech about judicial tyranny and how liberty comes out of the barrel of a gun and how lethal force should be used to keep the government off your property! You would have loved that guy.

  28. From the West’s Darkest Hour article linked above: “We Type-B Bicausalists on the other hand know that it’s us who brought self-extermination to our own home (…) blaming Jews for race-replacement and implying that whites are innocent (is) a monocausal monologue all too frequent in nationalist sites with the exception of Wallace’s Occidental Dissent.”

    “BRINGING SELF-EXTERMINATION TO OUR HOME” might also be interpreted as the importation (by theTalmudic and worldly, apostate white Elites) of the Africans for slavery, and the non-Protestant eastern and southern Europeans, and more recently Hispanics and Asians, for wage slavery and other EVIL elite purposes.

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