Live Thread: 2013 CofCC National Conference

North Carolina

I’m going to show up in Winston-Salem and check in with the movement for the first time in three years. I didn’t get the chance to go last year.

Note: The lamestream is shocked this morning that Big Brother Obama is spying on and data mining ordinary Americans.

If you didn’t know that has been going on for years, well, you are an idiot. I’m sure the NSA has long had a list of every White Nationalist in America. There’s no point in trying to hide from the U.S. regime which already uses predator drones on American citizens.

More people should come to these conferences. “They” already know who you are anyway.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “White nationalists aren’t a threat to anyone. The fact that they are put on a list doesn’t mean they are a serious movement.”

    This is mostly true. White people were sold on the process of immigration and diversity on the basis of “equality” and “fairness.” As it becomes more and more obvious this was a “Big Lie” created and promoted by the Jews to bring about the global genocide of people of White European descent then mainstream White people will gradually react and react in local kith&kin groups who’ve known each other from childhood – which is the only viable basis for serious resistance. WNs can speed up the process of realization but 99% of it will result from the actions of the genociders themselves.

  2. “Good stuff. Rudel, been meaning to ask what you think of Janelle Monae….”

    What’s that!?! New Wave Gip-hop??? Give me Sade any time:

  3. *hip-hop*

    Anyway got to give those NYC Italians their due on this Jewish Rodgers and Hart tune. Be sure to watch it in full screen HD:

  4. Though both blacks and whites often accepted these Southern Jews, the Jews had to carefully negotiate their position during times of unrest. Former Lexington resident Robert Berman, author of the 2009 book “A House of David in the Land of Jesus,” said that in their own stores, many Jewish business owners employed black workers and served blacks as customers equally with whites. But when it came to larger segregation issues, local Jewish residents felt it was best to stay neutral.

    “They did not strive to preserve segregation, nor did they speak out about it,” said Berman, whose book examines the relationships between Jews and other faiths and races in Lexington.

    The highest point of tension came in 1978, when local blacks began a boycott of white-owned Lexington businesses. According to Berman’s book, a group of Franciscan nuns who supported the boycott marched in front of Jewish businesses with swastikas.


    Jews are such fucking little do-gooders, aren’t they?

  5. There was more “jew naming” because of the people who are willing to support white nationalism (which is a small amount of the population), the majority are stromfront (mainstreamers) and vnnforum (vangaudist) types.

    This does not change the fact that the average white person opposes BOTH white nationalism (even if it was pro-Jewish) AND naming the Jew.

    Jew namers are a big fish in a small pond.

  6. Lots of other stuff.

    I hope there was time for some Moon Landing Hoax there. That’s always a crowd pleaser.

    And I hope you had the good sense to drop J. Richards’ name. That guy is at the cutting edge of conspiracy theory. (Eg David Duke’s a Zionist asset and Anders Breivik is a media creation.) You wanna win this thing doncha?

  7. There was more Jew naming at the conference than ever before.

    – 9/11 was an inside job.

    – JFK conspiracy.

    JR replies:

    Oh dear… With all the real, easily documented Jewish assaults on our people, we get crazed conspiracy theory kook nonsense.

    Hey folks – those planes really did crash in to World Trade Center, Nasty Muslim immigrants really are murdering our people on 9-11-01, beheading British soldiers in broad daylight in London England. anti White Jews support mass Muslim immigration in to White countries.

    Our side….

    Nut cases
    Conspiracy mongering idiots who push the meme that nothing is how it seems, mass Muslim immigration and Muslim terrorism is all an inside job, we’re supposed to put all our hopes in some race denying Libertarian Constitutionalist who believes big government is to blame for everything….

    Nut cases
    Conspiracy mongering morons

    And they’re not even really racist – hate Yankees, hate the French, hatevGermans and Russians WE SHOULD HAVE NUKED THE RUSSIANS.

    Oh dear.

    Hunter I hope there are some fun, hot chicks there, otherwise…

    You have my sympathies.


  8. It’s true that if you are inside the white nationalist movement and DONT name the Jew, you are a minority. That I will grant.

    But the white nationalist movement doesn’t represent majority white opinion. The majority of whites oppose white nationalists, especially ones who name the Jew.

  9. “J Richards is almost certainly a Jew.”

    I dunno. I think aspie/autistic types can go off the deep end once they realise the main conspiracy – which is really just common or garden tribal warfare – and start seeing everything as connected to it.

  10. “But the white nationalist movement doesn’t represent majority white opinion.”

    – Actually it pretty much does. The majority of whites would rather not be subjected to the presence of non-whites in any aspect of their lives, and increasing numbers of non-white-nationalist whites are coming around to the glaring fact that their ever-mounting plight is the result of concentrated efforts by powerful Jews.

    “The majority of whites oppose white nationalists, especially ones that name the Jew.”

    – If what is happening in Europe these days is any indicator, then your statement couldn’t be more wrong.

  11. At heart it’s no different to Mongols invading Russia or Aryans invading Northern India. The only difference is Jews migrate first and then wage war internally.

  12. J Richards is almost certainly a Jew.

    You can be forgiven for thinking so, and if he had waded in at MR with the kind of nonsense that is now his stock in trade I’d be inclined to agree. But if you go back seven, eight years or longer he didn’t behave this way. (Or maybe he was just lying dormant back then? Unlikely, but stranger things have happened, I guess.)

    White Nationalism was supposed to put Derek Black through college. I don’t think anyone was supposed to take it seriously.

    If your intention is to get up readers’ noses I think that line works. But otherwise it just reeks of desperation. It’s the kind of inanity the clueless true-believing niggerlover spouts when his worldview is threatened.

  13. The thing about WN is that, unlike Samuel Johnson’s dog, it’s not surprising that it’s done at all; it’s surprising that it’s done so poorly when the opportunities to do it well abound.

  14. To sum it up, the key to turning around world civilization is a mass breakout for two ideas which TPTB currently suppress at all costs: white racial consciousness and identification of the Jew. WNism has both. Why would TPTB spend so much time suppressing WNism if it didn’t have any potential?

  15. The reason groups like the ADL fight white nationalism so aggressively is partially for their own financial gain (they have donors) and partially because they see white nationalists as being like the Nazis (even though they differ in subtle ways. Hitler was anti-Slav, didn’t allege that Semites were non-whites just non-aryan, etc)

    The reason corporations don’t endorse white nationalism is obvious.

    The reason most whites don’t endorse white nationalism is because they disagree with it.

  16. Good article by Andrew Hamilton dealing with Birth of A Nation. Jews were on the move 100 years ago trying to suppress the film.

    Even prior to Birth’s release, a sophisticated, well-funded effort to suppress it, or at least censor major portions of it where outright suppression proved impossible, sprang into existence.

    The censorship program was fronted by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), but other groups were also involved. For example, the mostly Jewish Communist Party USA promoted suppression for decades.

    Even while Griffith was still completing work on the film in Hollywood, censors laid careful plans for a nationwide campaign to stifle it. The Los Angeles branch of the NAACP launched a series of unsuccessful attempts to coerce local government officials to spike the film.

    Before its New York premiere, the NAACP pushed both the motion picture industry and national censors to condemn the picture.

    A full-scale riot was staged in Boston. Riots by non-whites were organized and carried out in other large cities as well, and the the film was refused exhibition in eight states.

    In New York in 1922 a concerted effort was made to prevent the film’s re-release, including protests by the NAACP, public meetings, costly legal actions, and sympathetic articles planted in mainstream newspapers. Ultimately, the New York Censor Board ordered numerous scenes cut. (Again, this was 1922.)

    Organized protests and legal challenges stalked every attempt to re-release the film through 1938.

    Ever since, showings of the film have frequently been squelched, often by the use of criminal violence (e.g., at the University of California, Berkeley in 1980).

    An Atlanta censorship board banned the film in 1959, and the town of Riverside, California canceled a showing at its museum in 1978. The right to exhibit Birth in the “land of the free” was challenged at least 120 times between 1915 and 1973.

    This unceasing (indicative of intense, long-term focus on such matters only Jews seem capable of), multifaceted program to suppress and censor Birth over many decades was almost certainly a disguised Jewish campaign.

  17. What’s more, the NAACP was dominated by Jews from its inception until the 1970s. Jews occupied top executive positions within the organization, selected its black figureheads, and furnished its legal muscle, lobbying, and media clout. (For background on the Jewish domination of the NAACP and other “black” organizations in their heyday, see, e.g., “The Negro-Jewish Rift, Part 1,” Instauration, June 1994, pp. 5–7.)

  18. One can see from the foregoing how incredibly important it is for Jews to micromanage public discourse and dissemination of social views with an iron hand. They are utterly tireless (and ruthless) in pursuit of this objective, letting neither law nor morality stand in their way. Control of information and opinions is the cornerstone of their power over others.

  19. Lew
    “Why would TPTB spend so much time suppressing WNism if it didn’t have any potential?”

    It does have potential but *relatively speaking* TPTB actively trying to engineer the global genocide of White people is bigger. WN’s biggest threat comes from pointing out what TPTB are doing.

  20. Jack Ryan, you still won’t reconsider 9/11 even after the recent and continuing train of transparent psyops? I understand that the official story is useful for opposing immigration and Islam, but cmon…

  21. Lew says:
    June 9, 2013 at 2:04 am

    ‘One can see from the foregoing how incredibly important it is for Jews to micromanage public discourse and dissemination of social views with an iron hand. They are utterly tireless (and ruthless) in pursuit of this objective, letting neither law nor morality stand in their way. Control of information and opinions is the cornerstone of their power over others.’

    Every jew knows this to be true. Most Whites haven’t a clue. We will share the same fate as the Dodo if we do not wake up.

  22. “You say Europe. You mean Greece.”

    No, you smug little kike, I mean Europe. Hungary, Russia, Italy, France, The Netherlands, even pussy-assed UK are experience a sharp rise in pro-nationalist/anti- immigrant feelings among the indegenous populations, especially youth and young adults, and it’s clearly manifesting itself over their political landscape.

  23. I’m no troll. I’ve always been confused as to how some in the pro-White camp can’t see the psyops for what they are. Is it a calculation to gain legitimacy or use the advantageous angles of the official story? I don’t understand how you can see the conspiracy against Whites and see through all of the lies except for the biggest events?

    Bringing up 9/11 might be beating a dead horse but similar events just keep happening. It’s like you end up focusing on the symptoms and not the cause.

    9/11 isn’t really a favored subject here so I won’t bring it up again, but what’s the problem with sharing an opinion when the subject was already mentioned in this thread?

  24. “Right, so they support Stormfront and Vnnforum now.”

    – I haven’t a clue about that. What I am certain of, is that Europeans, like beseiged white people everywhere else on this planet, are utterly fed-up with niggers and rag-heads and other unassimilatable sub-human scum destroying Western Civilization while Jews like yourself sit back and cackle with laughter at the horror-show that you little pathogens reduced everything to.

  25. “I dont see how ‘naming the Jew’ helps. It just alienates normal people.”

    I don’t think anyone who DOESN’T see Jew and know it for what it is, IS (or can be considered) ‘normal.’

    They’re all delusional, frankly. Just like the Dispie crowd. Nut cases, all of them.

  26. But Chris does seem to be a working man, who therefore understands something of “how economics works” by experience at least — and in the foregoing comment he doesn’t REALLY claim to speak for the race as a whole. Eloquent or not, he’s been right as well as persistent in the ongoing Yankees versus Southrons and slavery debate. Let’s be fair and forgo ad hominem.

  27. I think many MN folks would rather rant about Jews than do the hard work of building a real nationalist movement that influences society.

    What hard work would that be, Palmetto? The only thing Mr. Wallace has discussed about the conference that is the subject of this thread is the drinking. Onward, Vikings.

  28. “I don’t think anyone who DOESN’T see Jew and know it for what it is, IS (or can be considered) ‘normal.’ ”

    Your sentences are not usually as convoluted as mine, Fr John. I understand what you mean. Maybe they are normal, but don’t choose to see. They will not come to the light because they love darkness, and lest their deeds be reproved.

  29. Re: drinking: Why do that? Alcohol always passes the brain barrier, killing brain cells. It damages the liver and other organs, gradually, over many years. Vodka is useful for sterilising surgical instruments however.

  30. Everything alienates “normal people” What doesn’t alienate them except power/money and authority?

    Dont worry about them.

  31. “I don’t see how ‘naming the Jew’ helps. It just alienates normal people.”

    – Of course you don’t, Palmetto. It was the Jews after all, who were the architects of that disgusting “Golden Circle” racket who’s deserved demise you alternately fantasize about and weep over.

  32. “WN would rather rant about Jews than do the hard work of building a real nationalist movement that influences society.”

    Do you mean what I think you mean: a REAL nationalist movement that can “influence society” because it doesn’t “rant” about Jews, VERSUS White Nationalism that does “rant” about Jews and cannot “influence society”? Is that the same dichotomy as Anti-Yankee “Southern Nationalism” versus “Yankee” WN?

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