Live Thread: 2013 CofCC National Conference

North Carolina

I’m going to show up in Winston-Salem and check in with the movement for the first time in three years. I didn’t get the chance to go last year.

Note: The lamestream is shocked this morning that Big Brother Obama is spying on and data mining ordinary Americans.

If you didn’t know that has been going on for years, well, you are an idiot. I’m sure the NSA has long had a list of every White Nationalist in America. There’s no point in trying to hide from the U.S. regime which already uses predator drones on American citizens.

More people should come to these conferences. “They” already know who you are anyway.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. simcell:

    A lot of the reason I dismiss a lot of it is because it is BS. If the “truth” movement would simply stop claiming that everything is a false flag then the things that actually are might be more credible.

    I also dismiss a lot of it because the “truth movement” has a love affair with Islam and the invaders while dismissing White concerns as racist.

  2. What hard work would that be, Palmetto? The only thing Mr. Wallace has discussed about the conference that is the subject of this thread is the drinking. Onward, Vikings.

    LOL! Seems like it huh? Hard work indeed!

  3. Palmetto Patriot,

    I’m genuinely surprised to a man with your knowledge of history make a comment like that. Jews hate the South, they have been in the vanguard of destroying the South for decades, and philo-Semitic attitudes will destroy your project. I assume you’re aware of this famous sneer at the South by the father of neo-conservatism? You might not want to choose Jews as an enemy. It doesn’t mean Jews won’t choose you. Indeed, they have already been doing it for going on 100 years now. And if you make normal people your standard for what to talk about, you won’t be able to talk about anything much beyond voting Republican.

    To me the Civil War is as remote and as irrelevant as the War of the Roses. – Norman Podhoretz

  4. The Jewish Question can be discussed without alienating normal white people. In fact, so can most subjects. But, like an old workmate and friend of mine once said, “It’s got to be done right.” Therein lies the rub. You can’t be a kook. Nor can you be a one act show. And right there is where we must write off ninety-eight percent or so of pro-white advocates. (The forty or ninety other quirks and oddities that come immediately to mind need not be mentioned, notice.)

    But it can be done. I do it often. I can even discuss the Holocaust and point out its myriad and problematic nature without causing a stir or inducing doubt concerning my mental stability.

    These things can be done.

  5. Economics. I’ve decided to react to the mention of that subject the same way William Pierce once said he reacted to discussion of the FED. He said something like, “I don’t know much about the FED, and I’ve listened to a whole lot of other people who don’t know much about the FED.”

  6. Palmetto Patriot
    “I dont see how ‘naming the Jew’ helps. It just alienates normal people.”

    It depends on the audience. It is very alienating for people who are fully mainstream – hence why something like the Mantra works much better for a fully mainstream audience imo. Personally when i talk to fully mainstream people I never mention Jews at all – I use banking mafia and the liberal-marxist culture war as proxies for them. However at the point where people are part-radicalized and can see something is wrong but haven’t figured out “why” then mentioning that there may be a connection between the consistent anti-White agenda of the media and Jewish domination of the media. It’s a question of time, place and audience imo.

  7. “then mentioning that there may be a connection between the consistent anti-White agenda of the media and Jewish domination of the media.”

    should have been

    “then mentioning that there may be a connection between the consistent anti-White agenda of the media and Jewish domination of the media is neccessary.”

  8. Personally when i talk to fully mainstream people I never mention Jews at all – I use banking mafia and the liberal-marxist culture war as proxies for them.

    Are you sure you’re referring to fully mainstream people here, rather than people who have been vetted to some small degree? The reason I ask is that it seems like one hell of an assumption on your part that talk of a “banking mafia” and “liberal-marxist culture war” is not almost as alienating as “the Jews!”

    (And heck, just what is the “banking mafia”? Summarize it in three sentences. You won’t get any longer than that in real life – though with the phrase “financial crisis” still fairly fresh I dare say you’ll have a fighting chance to make your point.)

    I’m afraid Iceman is onto something when he notes – probably with no small degree of satisfaction – that most whites (particularly younger whites – the adults of tomorrow) by large margins reject the WNish insistence that non-whites are their natural enemies and that they are in some natural biological struggle with other races. While overstated, there is an element of truth to those claims, but truth here is not the issue. The point is whites tend overwhelmingly to dislike having things framed so starkly. If this is the case then it seems to me you’re attempting to do what you yourself warn against: providing explanations of a problem without having first ascertained agreement that a problem exists. The result is much like some loony lefty spouting off about “Monsanto” without having established that I care in the slightest about GM foods.

  9. Silver
    “Are you sure you’re referring to fully mainstream people here, rather than people who have been vetted to some small degree? The reason I ask is that it seems like one hell of an assumption on your part that talk of a “banking mafia” and “liberal-marxist culture war” is not almost as alienating as “the Jews!””

    It’s just an illustration. The point is there are a lot of stepping stones between fully mainstream and fully radicalized and you pick the language that works for the current audience. The aim being to say exactly the same things with each audience but in language suited to that audience.

  10. Totally OT

    Hunter, what do you think of this?

    “but a collection of independent-thinking counties may mount an effort to secede from the rest of Colorado and form their own new state.

    The idea is rooted in the political rift that many Coloradans – especially rural ones – feel with a Denver-based state legislature that has taken a liberal turn in recent years.”

    Interesting idea. A new state would get 2 (new) Senators and at least one member of House of Representatives. Imagine if the idea caught on. Imagine if this happened in 20 states where not-leftist counties seceded from their libtards and formed a new state.
    It’s true — and has been pointed out before — that the red / blue dichotomy is most accurately painted, not at the state level, but at the county. Many, many states send libtard Senators because they are dominated in the voting booth by a leftist city or two, leaving all the non-leftist, more rural counties of the rest of the state going, what the he……??
    Rural counties peeling away from their crazy cities means, at the national level, MUCH more power for us sensible folks.
    In a way, it’s seceding from the anti-White Jews, since Jews don’t like rural life, so won’t be voters in these new states. And the money needed to sway the elections of all those extra Senators (extra Senators elected by people that city-dwelling libtards can’t cancel the votes for) as well as the Representatives that would be switched away in order to give representation to all these new non-leftist states could be cost-prohibitive even for all the rich Jews in America.

    This might actually solve, by the voting booth, not hot-lead-and-cold steel, our anti-White problem.
    This is mindweapon stuff.

    To be sure, here’s the rub: “It would also require votes of approval by Colorado’s Legislature and by the US Congress, according to Article 4 of the US Constitution.”
    The libtards/Jews won’t let us go that easily, right? After all, they only *hate* us — they don’t want to be *rid* of us. We White folks, so long as we remain docile, give them their power. If we actually got some power, through electing congressmen who actually represent us, and thereby canceled their silliness, holy cats, I can hear their caterwauling Oy VEY already.

    NONETHELESS, this very *idea*, being just, will appeal to Normal White Folks’ sense of fairness. I think it just may have legs. Everybody knows, thanks to Fox News and talk radio (retch, but give the devil his due) that libruls get elected because of the big city vote. If rural folks were to get some representation, finally, well, that’s only fair.
    Can Normal White Folks wake up and throw off the libtards? I think they can. –Even if this particular form of secession doesn’t happen, the idea certainly moves the Overton Window our way.
    See, our Jewish problem is this: 50 years of television has implanted a stop-crime-think buzzer ANTISEMITISM HOLOCAUST NAZIS in our people’s brains. So WE have to find ways to let our people think, without triggering it.

    Talking about fairness appeals to Normal White Folks (which, sadly, our propensity Jews exploited to wrest their control). But in this case we’ll be talking about fairness to rural folks. Rural means White, to be sure, we WNs know that, but “rural” won’t trigger the Normal-White-Folks’ brain buzzer the way “White” does.
    Jews have money, to be sure. But they don’t have numbers. They control the debate and control the elections through their money by pushing, through MSM, the brain-buzzer words. Get around the brain-buzzers and Normal White Folks are on OUR side. “Rural” gets around the brain-buzzer. Get around the brain-buzzer and Normal White Folks’ sense of fairness can be swung OUR way.

    Here may just finally be a way for White Nationalism to be achieved.

  11. Bad news for secessionists in Scotland. The Marxist race traitors of the SNP are headed for a massive defeat in next year’s referendum. Told ya.

    A study just published by the University of Edinburgh is fairly devastating for the Scottish National Party. It polled a thousand teenagers who would be just old enough to vote in next year’s referendum, and found that 60 per cent want to keep the Union, with just 21 per cent backing independence. This fits a trend. School debates (which election strategists now have to keep an eye on) show independence being defeated time and time again. For the first time in two decades, the zeitgeist seems to be moving away from the nationalists…

    Only now is he facing proper scrutiny, and he seems strikingly unprepared. He has been flummoxed by George Osborne’s declaration that an independent Scotland may have trouble using the pound. For years, the SNP has hinted that it has legal advice claiming an independent Scotland could stay in the European Union. It has now been forced to admit that no such advice exists. The latest can of worms to burst open is the notion that an independent Scotland should have a properly funded pension scheme: dull matters, certainly, but important ones that expose the mess that separation involves.

    The SNP’s case appears to be falling apart. Some of its MPs are discovering their own Britishness, and saying the referendum is not about nationhood. Jim McColl, one of Salmond’s greatest business backers, says he’ll settle for “an independent Scottish Parliament within the United Kingdom”. A few weeks ago, he was exposed as a Monaco-based tax exile. As with actors such as Sean Connery and Alan Cumming, the SNP seems quite good at finding nationalists who will do anything for Scotland except live there. Some nationalists are now talking about creating their own currency, and whether to start this new nation by defaulting on the debt owed to England. It looks and sounds like a shambles.

    This is not just a run of bad luck; the case for Scottish independence has never been rooted in reality. This is why every substantial question hangs unanswered. What, precisely, would Scots have to gain by making foreigners out of their friends and family in England? What’s the point of uprooting a country from a cultural and economic network which has extended so much opportunity to so many? Which of Scotland’s many problems – including the horrific levels of poverty – would be solved by independence?

  12. Jews undermining the majority population in every Western nation while violently attacking minorities in Israel? I’m shocked, SHOCKED at the hypocrisy.

    The horror is etched on her face and caught on camera. Revital Wolkov is sitting in the driver’s seat of her white Toyota, staring over her right shoulder, through the broken rear window, directly into the lens. The hole in the window is shaped like a large butterfly.

    Wolkov, 53, teaches history in Ramat HaSharon, near Tel Aviv. She was attacked and her car was damaged, merely because an Arab colleague was sitting in the passenger seat. It happened in March, but it wasn’t the only attack of its kind.

    In the spring, several Jewish teenage girls asked a women standing at a bus stop in Jerusalem whether she was an Arab. The woman, wearing a headscarf, replied that she was. One of the girls pulled the hijab from the woman’s head and spat in her face. The others kicked and beat the woman. A police officer stood nearby and watched. Hana Amtir, 38, three months’ pregnant, locked herself into her house for three days before filing a complaint with the police.

    In a beach bar in Tel Aviv, an Arab waiter was clearing away bottles of mayonnaise and ketchup, but the men sitting at one of the tables weren’t finished yet. “Damn Arab,” they cursed, and then proceeded to beat the man, who was later hospitalized. None of the other guests came to his aid.

    Youths attacked an Arab cleaning man working for the city of Tel Aviv as he was emptying garbage cans. They broke a bottle over his head. The man, covered with blood, asked them why they were doing this to him. “Because you’re an Arab,” they shouted.

    Such attacks have become commonplace in Israel, but it isn’t Jewish soldiers beating Palestinian civilians in the West Bank. The attacks have nothing to do with militant settlers or an autonomous Palestine, although these conflicts are always at the back of people’s minds.

  13. Quite obviously the hard work of building a genuine nationalist movement is not about drinking, though I do enjoy a drink and have absolutely nothing against it. In fact, a Carlista leader in Spain once explained to me the importance of patriots and Right-thinking people having social places where they can have some wine, talk about things and fellowship with each other. All of that said, a nationalist movement that wanted to influence society would have to conduct a professional media campaign with advertisements in many different forms. They would have to set upon a core message and stick to it, avoiding getting sidetracked with issues which might be important to various groups but are peripheral to core message. They would have to have a physical presence in the real world, not just online. And they’d need to target areas to build strong bases of support and also engage in institution-building. These are just some of the things that I think a successful nationalist movement would need to do. The White Student Union began to do some of these things and for that reason greatly inspired me. They showed what is possible. The League of the South is moving pretty aggressively in this direction, which also greatly encourages me. And I’m sure there are other groups who get the idea.

  14. Good useful comment, Barb. From your linked article:

    “The move would require not just a secession vote showing the counties’ desire to depart. It would also require votes of approval by Colorado’s Legislature and by the US Congress, according to Article 4 of the US Constitution. ‘No new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress,’ the Constitution says (…) this process has been used successfully to create five states: Vermont (from New York, in 1791); Kentucky (from Virginia, in 1792); Tennessee (from North Carolina, in 1796); Maine (from Massachusetts, in 1820); and West Virginia (from Virginia, in 1863).”

    They would need to be absolutely united, persistent and relentless, and even so, tis is not the early nineteenth century and there is no chance for an actual separation from within an existing state while the present Federal order remains strong. But it is, as you said, potentially effective “mindweapon stuff” — to awaken the “rural” population to itself, by distinguishing it further from the “urban-cosmopolitan” population. (Some material in this very recent post touches on urban versus rural distinction: )

  15. Re: “a flier on my table that claimed the Jews did slavery”

    Well, didn’t they?

    Good comment, Palmetto. The same needs to begin to be done in ALL rural white red counties and states, north and south of the Line, east and west of the Rockies.

  16. Any photos of those bumper stickers? Stars and bars on them?

    “If you can’t beat them Un-join them” someone wrote. Secession is good for the soul, etc.

  17. Leftists in Switzerland forced a referendum on the nation’s tough new laws on asylum seekers, hoping to overturn them. The referendum was today. Exit polls show that nearly 80% of the population supported the tougher laws, winning in every canton including bastions of liberalism like Geneva, Basel and Zurich.

    This is a crushing defeat for Switzerland’s Leftist establishment and yet another vindication of Swiss-style direct democracy. The generally conservative will of the people consistently trump the liberal inclinations of the politicians, judges and bureaucrats, and their enablers in the media, the churches, unions, NGOs, academia, etc. through the referendum process. In this case, the Left has been utterly humiliated.

    The Swiss political system, where referendum results are almost never overturned by the judiciary (unlike the US), needs to be exported to the rest of the Western world, stat.

    A large majority of Swiss support a more restrictive asylum policy implemented last autumn, according to early poll projections. In a second decision on Sunday, the Swiss gave a vote of confidence to the government and the current system used to elect the cabinet.

    The gfs.bern poll, commissioned by the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation, forecasts around 80 per cent of voters supporting the change to the asylum laws.

    The legislation was introduced in September 2012 thanks to a fast-track parliamentary procedure, since the new package of measures was considered urgent due in part to an increasing number of asylum requests. There has also been growing public concern about crime committed by asylum seekers.

    Sunday’s nationwide vote was forced by opponents of the new restrictive measures including the political left and trade unions, churches and some human rights groups.

    The revised legislation, limited to three years, gives the government increased powers over the country’s 26 cantonal authorities to house asylum seekers and to set up special centres for those considered troublemakers.

    The change also scraps asylum requests at Swiss embassies abroad and rules out providing sanctuary to conscientious objectors to military service who claim their lives are in danger on those grounds.

  18. Swiss leftists tried the same approach with gun control a few years back, and they were defeated.

  19. “Hypocrisy”

    In the spring, several Jewish teenage girls (…) pulled the hijab from the woman’s head and spat in her face.

    Yes, it is Jewish hypocrisy when some teenagers spit on an uncivilized Arab bitch. Tell me what stops your caker women from doing the same thing?

  20. If you bash a “banking mafia” you’ll generate an audience larger than white nationalits that includes some leftists.

    True, seasoned and educated political dissidents however understand that bankers are just doing their job and the real issue is the economic system that depends on them. Do you really think that if bankers banked just a little bit differently, everything would be find.

    Seasoned and educated political dissidents leave the far right and join the far left, despite the fact that the far left makes some dumb statements about race.

  21. Swiss leftists tried the same approach with gun control a few years back, and they were defeated.

    Yup. And it’s also because of direct democracy that there are no minarets in Switzerland.

    Yes, it is Jewish hypocrisy when some teenagers spit on an uncivilized Arab bitch. Tell me what stops your caker women from doing the same thing?

    I dunno. Maybe because most mangiacake women have morals and standards? Whereas those particular Jewesses in Israel obviously don’t.

  22. Hunter,
    You do seem like quite the apologist for the Jews. I think it’s been well demonstrated on this thread that Jews will pick their spot. When outnumbered they will appear to join us, on the surface, but who knows what’s in their heads? And when they have opportunity, they will turn on us in a moment. And of course that famous question they always ask, “Is it good for the Jews?”. Hence their issues with the Arabs over in Israel. They don’t want multiculturalism for them, but they sure do for us…to destroy us. Hunter, if we don’t clearly identify and fight the enemy, how can we possibly prevail?!

  23. jeppo says:
    June 9, 2013 at 1:19 pm
    Leftists in Switzerland forced a referendum on the nation’s tough new laws on asylum seekers, hoping to overturn them. The referendum was today. Exit polls show that nearly 80% of the population supported the tougher laws, winning in every canton including bastions of liberalism like Geneva, Basel and Zurich.”

    JR replies:

    Switzerland is and has always been a great White country, a model for White Americans with “conservative” sentiments. Everything in Switzerland works well in an orderly manner, but not in a bossy, police state way. Switzerland is prosperous, not in any way “socialist” like Sweden. Yet Switzerland seems to be spared the curse of anything goes capitalism, libertarianism.

    The Swiss canton system works very well and can be a model for a near future American Southern autonomy, not full succession. Southern nationalists should look to Switzerland to see what works, the largest party in Switzerland is the populist immigration restrictionist Swiss People’s party who WON victory by opposing Muslim immigration. The Swiss manage to be BOTH against non White Muslim immigration and don’t go in for pro Jew Neo Con foreign policies.

    I did not see anyone in Swiss public life behaving and talking like Ron and Rand Paul – preaching race denying Libertarianism, championing the racial transformation of the US/ The West.

  24. Ok, ya’ll have to know something about Hunter Wallace… (2 things):

    1. Don’t ever go drinking with this guy – he looks like an Abercrombie and Fitch model; all the ladies go talk to him, and leave us ugly fellas alone, lol.


    2. I was ragging on him the whole evening about Alabamans (unlike us North Carolinians, they can’t hold their alcohol). Well, Wallace manned the hell up and put me in my place.

    Oh, and as for “naming the jew”, for those of you who just have to do so, here’s how to do it:

    You wait until you’re around a jew with other friends in a social engagement, then you start joking on him, “you people got bags of gold around your neck at all times!” And, most jews have a decent sense of humor when it comes to playing up their own stereotypes, so they’ll play along. Then, just gradually escalate the rhetoric (all the while, staying in guise of a normal, light-hearted conversation) until your friends all see that there is a legitimate and fundamental difference in their worldview and the jew’s.

    Works every single time.

    Stay classy white folk – stop being weirdos.

  25. There is nothing wrong with spitting in a Muslim woman’s face.

    A group of Jewish girls spit on, then kicked and beat a pregnant Arab woman for no reason at all. Yes there is something wrong with that, dumkopf.

    Maybe because in Canada, caker girls get pimped by Muslims.

    All the more reason to stop Muslim immigration.

    Not in Israel

    Not even your precious Jewish women are safe from the predations of Arab men:

  26. I used to have another blog about the Jewish Question.

    Every morning I would scan the news, find something awful that Jews are doing, and post the link to it. There was never any need for exaggeration or conspiracy theories. I could find something new every day.

    See, look at what this Jew is saying. IMO, that was far more effective than the exaggerated stuff you see online.

  27. Hunter: “Jews were marginal in slavery.”

    Just went along, then? It certainly was not Christianity-inspired. The New Testament: “The love of money is the root of all this evil.”

  28. Jews were involved in Southern slavery like they were in every other business, but more so as urban merchants with a few house slaves than planters. In Brazil and Suriname, Jews really were planters.

  29. Usury, for example, is out of character with Christianity. Violently capturing and transporting Africans, buying and selling, breeding (and raping and miscegenating with) them and using them to do the work we are enjoined to do with our own hands, to create immense wealth that we are enjoined not to seek, etc. — is all contrary to Christian doctrine but not to Talmudic and pagan teaching and practice.

  30. The Byzantine’s had an interesting approach for dealing with the Jews. The Jews were allowed to live there, but could not be involved in finance, politics, or education. I would expand on that model and not allow them to be involved in entertainment, news and related, and also not allow them the vote. The Byzantine Empire lasted 1000 years!

  31. “more so as urban merchants with house slaves than planters”

    Of course, certainly not smaller-scale planting, but larger industrial scale plantations with layers of field management between them and the soil are compatible with the urban mindset.

  32. The idea that elite Southern planters tended to be Jews is laughable. In Suriname and Brazil, you could find Jews like that, but in North America they were much rarer.

  33. A group of Jewish girls spit on, then kicked and beat a pregnant Arab woman for no reason at all. Yes there is something wrong with that, dumkopf.

    Arab women are always pregnant. So what?

    Not even your precious Jewish women are safe from the predations of Arab men:

    Jewish women aren’t precious, they’re barely civilized. That being said they deserve support from the civilized world against savage Muslims. The word “predation” doesn’t blur the line between a rape in the bushes and muslim run brothels like we see in the non-US Anglosphere, newsbot.

  34. Why isn’t it enough to be anti-nigger / anti-sandnigger?

    I’ll never understand the people that complain about the Mexican conspiracy and Jewish invasion.

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