Live Thread: 2013 CofCC National Conference

North Carolina

I’m going to show up in Winston-Salem and check in with the movement for the first time in three years. I didn’t get the chance to go last year.

Note: The lamestream is shocked this morning that Big Brother Obama is spying on and data mining ordinary Americans.

If you didn’t know that has been going on for years, well, you are an idiot. I’m sure the NSA has long had a list of every White Nationalist in America. There’s no point in trying to hide from the U.S. regime which already uses predator drones on American citizens.

More people should come to these conferences. “They” already know who you are anyway.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Why should anyone waste their time supporting efforts that don’t exclude Jews, or trust the judgment of people who don’t feel excluding Jews is necessary? It’s not like there is no data, precedent or history that shows how it works out.

  2. “Usury, for example, is out of character with Christianity.”

    Not after the Judaizing Protestant Reformation.

    “Violently capturing and transporting Africans, buying and selling, breeding (and raping and miscegenating with) them and using them to do the work we are enjoined to do with our own hands, to create immense wealth that we are enjoined not to seek, etc.”

    Typical anti-white flaming liberal viewpoint. What’s next? Accusations of bestiality because our ancestors ploughed with mules before tractors were invented…

    “Slavery isn’t condemned anywhere in Bible. In fact, slavery was endorsed.”

    Only those infected with the modernist doctrine of “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite” would see slavery as an evil. Since 1865, the United States government has been committed to the idea of negro equality. Adopting this viewpoint guaranteed a degenerate influence on whites without any need for superhuman Jews and occult mind control.

    The limitations and vulnerabilities of Jewish control and influence can be found in the example of Russia over the past century. Analysis of Russian history would be more profitable for whites than perpetuating the myth of omnipotent Jewish supermen.

    “Switzerland is and has always been a great White country, a model for White Americans with “conservative” sentiments.”

    Agree totally, Jack. Switzerland is the model to emulate.

    Deo Vindice

  3. “Slavery isn’t condemned anywhere in Bible. In fact, slavery was endorsed.”

    Slavery brought the blacks to these shores in their millions. All this so plantation owners who were descended directly from younger sons of English aristocrats could establish a serf class here. They couldn’t establish a white serf population because the whites would disappear into the great outback and blend in with other white pioneers. Who cares about the memory of these lazy and snobbish English aristocrats? Southerners of today would be better off identifying with the great Scots Irish migration into the south and ditching any defense of slavery.

  4. Re: “succession”: always misspelled! It is: “secession,” Jack. Is it really necessary to bash Ron Paul in nearly every comment on every thread?

    JR replies:

    I like….


    Like to win, or at least be competitive. Any “secession” movement should be based on achieving “success”, trying to win instead of always losing. My spelling error is based on a desire to win, not always lose.

    The American Libertarian Constitutionalist cult always loses, any White man who wins something like David Duke in the early 90s, that successful White man is hated and condemned as a “traitor” by the Libertarian Constitutionalist cult.

    OK, I agree that I should not bash Ron Paul in every comment, that’s beating an “old, dead horse”. But his traitorous, losing cult goes on in the form of his equally idiot, racial treasonous son Rand Paul – a huge % of White Americans who could conceivably be on our side will waste their lives in this losing cult, then they will simply give up – and our country/counties will go the way of Rhodesia, French Algeria.

  5. If the South was an independent nation, we would have a Swiss-style system. Most Southerners aren’t tyrannical busybodies. There is no impulse in Alabama to tell people in Virginia how to live.

  6. Please explain the need the condemn ANY of our white ancestors, crowley.
    Whose purpose does that serve? Not ours, for sure.

    Keep bashing the traitorous libertarians, Jack. You are doing good work there.

    Deo Vindice

  7. Hunter Wallace says:
    June 9, 2013 at 3:57 pm
    If the South was an independent nation, we would have a Swiss-style system. Most Southerners aren’t tyrannical busybodies. There is no impulse in Alabama to tell people in Virginia how to live.


    That “leave everyone alone, live and let live” way of acting leads to letting White men like that Onion King in Georgia choosing to hire hard working Mexicans to work “his fields” from dusk to dawn, 6 1/2 days a week for sub minimum wage – but hey, it’s “his fields” – so he can do what he wants… But then the local public schools get flooded with dumb, disruptive Mexican students who soon form street gangs and some mixed up Texans like Karl Rove, the Bush family, Rand Paul thinks these Mexicans are natural conservative voters, if only GOP did something about RACISM, same goes for Blacks, Martin Luther King Jr Glen Beck and Ron Paul said Martin Luther King Jr was their conservative libertarian hero, plus SEC football season is coming up and, and….

    (Sometimes our people need an authority figure to yes… tell us what to do)

  8. Forcible removal of other peoples from their lands, and using them to create wealth, avoid manual work and increase personal power and prestige are not endorsed anywhere in Scripture, Hunter. Biblical, Old Testament Hebrews were commanded to drive out, or exterminate, and separate themselves completely from the Canaanites, NOT to capture, live with and make money by them. Of course the Bible acknowledges the existence of slavery, monarchy, etc., but you should discern the spirit of the Word while you are looking at the letters of it, reading the words. Read and interpret it directly, not follow the misinterpretations and wrong applications of corrupted false churches!

    “The idea that elite Southern planters tended to be Jews is laughable”:

    Who said they TENDED to be? Of course most of them were not. I think they were VERY rare among smaller-scale planters. I said they would be involved on larger scale, with layers of field management between their rootless-urban-mercantile nature and the soil itself.

  9. The Judeo-yankee BRA government is a determined foe of “tax cheats” and “terrorists” whose assets are beyond their reach in Switzerland.

    “Bank secrecy is Switzerland’s most valuable national asset. Without it, Swiss banks would be forced to compete on a level playing field.”

    Note the use of the egalitarian term “level playing field”designed to appeal to both liberals and libertarians alike.

    Just trying to spread “democracy” all over the world, I reckon.

    Switzerland’s democracy is far older than the Amurrican counterfeit
    …and wiser.

    Deo Vindice

  10. I’m critical of Jews.

    The difference is that my criticism is measured. I’m more interested in getting the facts straight than indicting Jews. The worst thing anyone can do in criticizing Jews is to make ridiculous claims like Boston was a false flag with fake blood.

  11. Brutus says:
    The Jewish Question can be discussed without alienating normal white people.

    There’s no point to having “normal” white people to someone who knows it’s the Jews. If you’re going to leave out the Jewish issues, there’s no reason to fight for anything. If you don’t realize that the Jews are destroying our white Western countries, you might as well just be a politically-correct Republican.

    The different rightwing factions need to define themselves already. Republicans/Cons/NeoCons (Israel as important as the US), libertarians (Russia-Today-watchers), White Nationalists who just hate brown people and want the same democratic republic and freedom that allowed the 1965 Immigration Act, and then Nationalist Socialists who know it’s the Jews and want a government that officially guards against that subversion and protects white people.

    The only reason people don’t know it’s the Jews is because you haven’t gone far enough down the path yet. Some people never will because they’re too politically-correct and are more worried about their image than the world they’re leaving their children in.

  12. “Keep bashing the traitorous libertarians, Jack. You are doing good work there.”

    That is VERY good work! Because Ron Paul was the only candidate representing strict constitutional interpretation (including states’ rights to secede, nullify, manage their own immigration, education and welfare, etc.), ending the federal welfare system and the endless pro-Zionist global warfare system, and the “Bankers’ ” stranglehold through the “Federal” bank. Southern, false “conservatives” don’t want any of THOSE outcomes!

    Others do equally good work here bashing “Yankee” (sometimes “damnyankee”) white people who live north of the Line and the Ohio, and north and west of Texas — as the true and original enemy of white people south of the Line, etc. — in nearly every post and comment thread.

  13. “Jesus never uttered a word against slavery” nor against a long list of other obviously carnal or sinful behaviours. The wise should understand.

    We are still living on the inheritance of the wages of the sins of our sinful forefathers. All this evil, because they loved money, were determined to make a fortune and a name for themselves by using other humans (or hominids?) like they were horses or mules.

  14. No-man says:
    June 9, 2013 at 3:12 pm
    Why isn’t it enough to be anti-nigger / anti-sandnigger?

    I’ll never understand the people that complain about the Mexican conspiracy and Jewish invasion.”

    That’s because you have some very stange proclivities.

  15. “How to discuss the Jewish issue in ways that work”

    The way that works is to begin with Christ. There is only a religious solution to the religious problem. A worldly, “post-Christian” critique of worldly anti-Christianity is like the pot calling the kettle black.

    • I believe that cowardice is destroying White people.

      How hard is it to join an organization or show up at a conference? If more people showed up and did shit like Matt, Scott, and Shane in DC, the Jews would get rolled. Instead, we have grown men cowering in fear of the likes of Alex Pareene.

      I’m not scared of Jews, especially ones that are so old they are barely alive.

      • Jews are not all powerful..

        In the South, Jews were intimidated and held in check. In the North, Jews were allowed to run wild because no one put up any resistance.

  16. “Lew says:
    June 9, 2013 at 3:28 pm
    Why should anyone waste their time supporting efforts that don’t exclude Jews, or trust the judgment of people who don’t feel excluding Jews is necessary? It’s not like there is no data, precedent or history that shows how it works out.”

    I know. Their track record, as a Race, is 110% EVIL. No exceptions. It’s the same with NAGAS. Yes – their are decent, worthy, individual NAGAS – but as a Race – their track record is 110% Haiti and Detroit. No exceptions.

    I think Jews originated in Ethiopia, and ARE Niggers. Both Races, or racial sub-categories, reveal the SAME tastes and proclivities. Jews, due to their massive miscegenetion, have picked up IQ. But no genes of decency, goodness, or the ability to develop a positive moral code. Niggers and Kikes, in the end, are the SAME.

    Why would any-one want them arond? We don’t need them. They degrade and destroy us. Why would any-one want that?

  17. “Because Ron Paul was the only candidate representing strict constitutional interpretation (including states’ rights to secede, nullify, manage their own immigration, education and welfare, etc.), ending the federal welfare system and the endless pro-Zionist global warfare system, and the “Bankers’ ” stranglehold through the “Federal” bank. Southern, false “conservatives” don’t want any of THOSE outcomes!”

    If he had remained true to that, I would have no issue with Ron Paul.
    Do square the circle and explain how his abandonment of the immigration issue promotes his older agenda. Inquiring minds want to know.

    Besides, waving an old contract at people who disavow and seek to destroy that contract is highly effective, don’t you think? The inspector Clouseau approach: ”

    “Others do equally good work here bashing “Yankee” (sometimes “damnyankee”) white people who live north of the Line and the Ohio, and north and west of Texas — as the true and original enemy of white people south of the Line, etc. — in nearly every post and comment thread.”

    The imposition of negro equality and the current state of BRA are all that is needed to indict yankees for their anti-white crimes in perpetuity. The truth hurts, but if this is so off base, please explain again why your president is an anti-white mulatto.

    I don’t think it was Southerners who elected him. Both times.

    Deo Vindice

  18. “Please explain the need the condemn ANY of our white ancestors, crowley.
    Whose purpose does that serve? Not ours, for sure.”

    It is impossible not to take sides in issues that our white ancestors killed each other over, whether we are talking about the Reformation, the War Between the States, the World Wars of last century, or African slavery.

  19. Jewish power is directly proportional to the character of White people.

    So what about the black power in the south?

  20. “I believe that cowardice is destroying White people”

    Who can disagree with that. The problem is also that people generally work for their own selfish interests, and this system is very good at controlling pressure points and buying off different groups. Nice how the present system co-ops the underclass with welfare payments and the WASP elite with lucre while they take a big dump on their ancestors and history. For the continuing access to money the former WASP ruling class shuts its mouth, like the cowards they are.

  21. “We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.”

    ? C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man

    Deo Vindice

  22. “Palmetto Patriot says:
    June 9, 2013 at 3:26 am
    I dont see how ‘naming the Jew’ helps. It just alienates normal people.”

    I thin kthe Men of Dixie are jusy having a little fun tweaking the Yanks.

    However – errrhhhh… can’t beuld a true Nationalist Movement WITHOUT Naming Dei Jude. Can’t be don’t Anything will be stilborn. The Yids will get in, from the onset, to try to control, distort, and derail ANY Pro White anything. So they MUST be differentiated, and expelled from the ONSET.

    FYI – I am as explicit in my real life, as I am online, about the nature of the JD. Yes -“normal” aka clueless/brainwashed people are shocked, atc, because what I say is the polar opposite of all the indoc-jew-nation they’ve received their entire lives. So what? They’ve gotta hear it sometime. Spook the damned horses, I say!

    The IRS thing has been a total gift. So has the NSA spying. Cause even the dimmest of dim bulb Blessing Isra-Hell types can’t deny what’s right in front of their faces. It’sd fun to watch the Jews are the Devil Denyers sputter, and scramble for excuses…..I just stare at ’em and laugh in their faces. I’ll say things like, “Go ahead, try harder…surely you’ll think of a viable excuses so you can keep lying to yourself about the Jew Devils…come on…try harder!!! TRY!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!” Yes, “normal” peope get flustered and agnry – so WHAT? Sometimes pain is a better teacher, than coddlng.

    There’s going to be a point when the JewSpew doesn’t work anymore, with the dimmest bulbs. Makng them angry, and then giving them an escape exit (“Look – no one likes to be conned. I was scammed, too. I sought answers, and I could not lie to myself anymore. Free yourself! The sooner you can ADMIT I’m right about Kikes, the sooner YOU can move on and deal with the real problem – so give it UP”) – well – it works better than you may imagine.

    Have you ever tried?

  23. “Hunter Wallace says:
    June 9, 2013 at 5:13 pm
    Jews are not all powerful..

    In the South, Jews were intimidated and held in check. In the North, Jews were allowed to run wild because no one put up any resistance.”

    So -you are admitting that they DO need to be held in check?
    As in Niggers – why waste all the time and energy, when time and energy could be put to so much better purpose?

    Tsk tsk….FYI – White people have not controlled their own money supply for 200-100 years, in the West, depending on the country. Whites haven’t controlled Western Media for 100 years.

    Whites, overall, don’t KNOW any better.

    The Golden Dawn and Jobbik do not blame their own people. It’s not useful. So stop it.

  24. The problem is that white nationalists are divided into two camps : Ones who do things “the old way” and name the Jew and ones who think they can fix things by changing strategy.

    What you should do is just quit white nationalism, because it’s a movement for retards.

    Hunter Wallace always claims “he’s not a white nationalist, he’s a southern nationalist” but then he’s always hanging around white nationalist circles using the southern nationalist gimmick to make a name for himself.

  25. Hunter Wallace says:
    June 9, 2013 at 5:06 pm
    In Nashville, even a girl kicked the antifa’s ass.

    All kinds of brave gals will be at the SF conference.

  26. Metal Gear / Iceman says:
    June 9, 2013 at 5:55 pm
    The problem is that white nationalists are divided into two camps : Ones who do things “the old way” and name the Jew and ones who think they can fix things by changing strategy.”

    Naming Die Jude is doing wonderfully wel for Jobbik and The Golden Dawn. Who are you?

    “What you should do is just quit white nationalism, because it’s a movement for retards.”

    Sez the Marxist! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

  27. The only reason blacks here have any power at all is the existence of the Union. The attitude of Northerners determines whether black power waxes, as in now under Obama, or wanes like after the Plessy decision.

  28. The reason the south couldn’t beat the union is that it was underdeveloped.

    In order to develop, dropping racialism would be a consequence. Modern capitalist nations don’t accept racialism. Israel is not a counter-example, because Israel gets a free ride from America.

    And unfortunately for white nationalists, nothing after capitalism (socialism, communism) will accept racialism.

  29. “Whites, overall, don’t KNOW any better.”

    Bullshit. The problem isn’t cognitive, but moral.
    You can’t rape the willing.

    The hysterical blindness of such weak, effeminate, and “Jewish” victim thinking diverts attention from the fatal loss of militancy among whites.

    At least one can find a more cogent analysis elsewhere.

    Deo Vindice

  30. The thing about Denise is, she’s so charming in real life it’s hard not to agree with everything she says.

  31. Metal Gear
    “If you bash a “banking mafia” you’ll generate an audience larger than white nationalits that includes some leftists….Do you really think that if bankers banked just a little bit differently, everything would be fine.”

    I spend a chunk of my time in leftist circles attacking the banking mafia for just those reasons and yes the current banking system is fundamentally flawed, half responsible for the recurring problems in the West and at heart a criminal operation. It 1) uses inflation to transfer wealth from the citizens to the banksters (eventually leading to currency collapse) and 2) creates boom and bust cycles the biggest of which end in deflationary spirals like the one we’re in now and the one that led to WWII.

    I’m not going to discuss it much here as i do it somewhere else but the flaws in the central banking model are critical.

    “The problem is that white nationalists are divided into two camps : Ones who do things “the old way” and name the Jew and ones who think they can fix things by changing strategy.”

    WNs should be divided into multiple camps covering all the stepping stones between fully mainstream and fully radicalized so one group takes people from fully mainstream to part-radicalized, a second group take people from part-radicalized to half-radicalized, a third group from half to three-quarters etc. The aim of all should be to get people fully radicalized but each group focused on their section of the conveyor belt.

    “Usury, for example, is out of character with Christianity.”

    “Not after the Judaizing Protestant Reformation.”

    Usury is a bad thing – except under one very specific circumstance – but if you’re going to have usury in your society it’s (marginally) better if it’s your own people doing it. The worst possible thing is to allow usury but give it as a monopoly to an alien tribe as they will grind your entire society into the ground with it – as happened with Europe in the Middle Ages and is happening again now throughout the West.

    “Maybe because in Canada, caker girls get pimped by Muslims.

    Not in Israel.”

    Does the media in Israel cover those things up and force anyone who speaks up out of their job?

    The media reporting of immigrant crime is critical because if the media don’t report it senior police won’t do anything about it – because if the crime doesn’t exist then any police response is harassment in the media and that’s the end of the senior guy’s career. The media lying all the time is the most critical component in this.

    Jews and Slavery
    Jews invented and ran the Atlantic slave “trade” but not all the plantations. They were planters as well on the Atlantic Islands and in some parts of South America and the Caribbean. This is likely to be proved by genetics eventually. The main point of mentioning it is as an example of how critical it is for them to control their history if they are to maintain their “eternal victim” schtick. It’s quite hard to maintain that your tribe are eternal victims when they dominated the slave trade for 3000 years from Ethiopia to Cuba.

  32. Crowly said: ‘Slavery brought the blacks to these shores in their millions. All this so plantation owners who were descended directly from younger sons of English aristocrats could establish a serf class here.’

    That is incorrect. Most of the plantation owners came from middle or lower class roots in Britain. The first generation or two of settlers were heavily influenced by their class origins in Europe but very quickly a creolisation took place and social mobility, even in the Lower South, was very much part of that. It’s false to claim that the Southern elite were the sons and daughters of British elites. Look at Robert Barnwell Rhett for example. He actually did have some wealthy ancestors (as well as many not-so-wealthy ancestors). But he struggled for money all his life, finally unable to keep his small newspaper in print after borrowing funds for it many times. Look also at my own ancestors. They originally were wealthy merchants in County Kent. But within a couple of generations here they were small farmers like the bulk of the White society.

  33. Metal Gear
    “And unfortunately for white nationalists, nothing after capitalism (socialism, communism) will accept racialism.”

    It’s the other way round. If White people go everything will become racial – except at a smaller scale of race.

    The human dividing lines are extended family, tribe/nation, race. Most non-white human groups operate at the extended family dividing line i.e they give jobs, help, support to members of their extended family or an alliance of extended families so the end result is “racial” even though the motivation is familial.

    A Pakistani business won’t give a job to a SWPL not because they’re White but because they’re not part of their extended family network but it comes to the same thing in the end.

  34. Jobbik and Golden Dawn make their case without blaming their own or soft-peddling Jews when taking about Jews is relevant.

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