Go, Sonny, Go!


I met this guy at the 2013 Council of Conservative Citizens conference … he has made his own secessionist media wave:

“A prosperous suburban enclave in southwestern Ohio is apparently some budding hotbed of Southern secessionism.

The latest incident occurred Thursday night when Sonny Thomas, the self-proclaimed president of SpringboroTeaParty.com, addressed a district school board meeting. In his speech, Thomas reportedly defended the League of the South, an openly secessionist group. The fierce foe of the New World Order also climaxed his remarks by defiantly revealing a Confederate flag.

Jason Lewis, a local parent who was also present at the raucous board meeting, described Thomas’s monologue as “odd, stream-of-conscious babbling.”

“He ended his speech by unfurling a Confederate flag and asking, ‘Are you offended?’” Lewis told The Daily Caller.

Thomas also went over his allotted time, Lewis noted. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yes.

    I’ve talked about this with several League members in private. The immediate goal of the League moving forward into 2014 should be to become “the face of the resistance” by aggressively getting our message out.

    The “Far Right” has been in disarray since the National Alliance fell apart after the death of William Pierce. There hasn’t been a real organized resistance movement since then that was “separating from the pack.”

    Sonny Thomas did this entirely on his own, but it generated headlines and buzz about the League, which furthers our immediate goal of raising our profile.

  2. You can buy nice pocket Constitutions from these folks really cheap: http://www.nccs.net/

    Right now they are offering 200 pocket Constitutions for $60 dollars with free shipping.

    People eat these up…

  3. Sonny Thomas did this entirely on his own, but it generated headlines and buzz about the League, which furthers our immediate goal of raising our profile.

    It also connects the League to the Tea Party. I don’t think that’s a good thing. And, why should Southrons care about Ohio?

  4. Why should Southrons care about Ohio?

    Matt Heimbach is right. The northern whites lost the war they thought they had won.

    The Stars and Bars should fly over all of the successor states to the Evil Empire.

  5. LLD the fewer enemies we have the better. So long as we’re not confused with the Tea Party I don’t see a problem.

  6. Jason Lewis quote, then a Jason Lewis quote…

    So, was the “crowd” just Jason Lewis, or is that the only reliable shitbird Yankee in the bunch?

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