About Hunter Wallace 12397 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @Sam
    WN meme:
    Jews are the master race. They control everything including Whites.

    WN meme:
    Whites are helpless puppets on a string.

    WN meme:
    Anyone that disagrees is “the Jude”.

    The reason you have never won anything, is not because the Jew beats you, its because you beat yourselves.

  2. Wrong Mosin,

    The Anglican’s appear to have realized that there wars emperil the Christians there.

    Your read on the Latin Kingdoms is also wrong. The Eastern Romans were knocked out by Islam, the Franks were simply performing a belated counter attack after 400 years of watching Christians getting hammered by Muslim Arabs. The Reconquista of Spain was also a state enterprise assisted by Crusading knights from all over Christendom, it also got the Poles, Prussians and Balts Christianized.

  3. If Anglicans realise the endless wars imperil the small remnant of Christians, what are they doing about it? Acting humanitarian by aiding refugees, functioning as a safety pressure release, or are they naming the criminal source?

    “The Eastern Romans were knocked out by Islam” but it took nearly a thousand years to finish Byzantium. A few Franks arrived to assist, around the fall of Constantinople. The Crusades themselves were mostly destructive, weakening all of Rome’s “competition” in the East.

  4. AlexJ says:

    Same old Jews are the master race meme, coming from WN. Its boring.’

    You sent this response immediately after I posted Michael Savage Weiner’s comments blaming jews for stirring up another war for their benefit in the mid-east.

    Once again, no mention of master race. You inserted that as a misdirection.

    Savage is a jew – not a WN.

    Are his criticisms valid or not?

    Are they just innocent bystanders in your eyes? Should we not discuss such an incredibly important subject at this most crucial time?

    Next Thursday is the beginning of Rosh Hashana. In the past jews have tried to start wars to coincide with Feast days.

    ‘The House will consider granting President Obama authorization to strike Syria the week of Sept. 9, House leaders said Saturday.’


    Scheduled smack dab in the middle of the ten high holy days culminating with THE holiest day of Yom Kippur on the Sept. 14.

    Who wudda thunk it?

  5. Sam says:
    “Once again, no mention of master race. You inserted that as a misdirection.”

    Jews ARE NOT the master race…


    Scheduled smack dab in the middle of the ten high holy days culminating with THE holiest day of Yom Kippur on the Sept. 14.

    Who wudda thunk it?”

    Jews ARE the master race.

    Same old WN meme…

  6. Like I said, there isn’t any point arguing with WN. You aren’t going to be getting power, because you keep beating yourselves. This is why I gave up on WN.

  7. The more I reflect upon this the more significant the Congressional vote on Syria becomes; if they can use a naked false flag to gin up a war, kiss Southern Independence goodbye. They have the machines to do whatever they want, it is only the legacy of freedom that they have to contend with, and if that can be overcome, then it will be over soon and we will have the NWO within a decade.

    As the Spartans were fond of saying: with your shields, or on them.

  8. Once Syria and Egypt were amputated from Rome, the Constantinopitans were cripples.
    The Romans were singularly incapable of throwing off the domination of Arabs in Egypt or Syria. That required the Franks, who were only capable of holding Palestine and Syria for a while as they provided the backbone of the Reconquista as well. The Papacy was besides the point as far as the ethnic supremacy of the Franks (And Norman-French) was concerned. The Mulims decapitated Rome in the late 600s.

  9. We are aware of the Danny Smiths of the world.

    Alex Jew did not answer any of my questions.


    Instead he chose the age old jew tactics of evasion, deflection and misdirection to derail the honest discussion of jew war mongering.

    Same ol’ hiss of the serpent.

  10. “I had a dream that the USAF and Navy rebelled and staged a coup.”

    – That’s because your a world-class moron and you don’t no shit about the US armed forces or the oath they swear. Stop posting.

  11. CPT JCM-MA; I appreciate your comment, many in the military are against this specific action and wars of choice generally. The tea leaves suggest they are lining up against the Jews behind the scenes, we cannot sit on the side lines.

    313Chris, try being a team builder.

  12. @Sam
    I didn’t answer your questions, because they are boring.

    Powerful Jews are involved, so are powerful Whites and so are powerful Arabs like the Saudis.

    Sam says:
    “Anyone that calls me on my “Jews are the Master Race” meme, is a Jew.”

    Again my point: WN defeat themselves with self demoralizing propaganda and they are so myopic, they can’t see the entire battlefield. With that kind of myopia, even if they win, they will eventually lose.

  13. Afterthought says:
    September 1, 2013 at 9:29 pm
    “The tea leaves suggest they are lining up against the Jews behind the scenes, we cannot sit on the side lines.”

    Those White generals being purged by the NSA, is a sign something is up in the military.

  14. Napolitano Warns: Coming ‘Cyber Event’ To Cripple America

    Whites from communicating and networking with each other, is of more concern to me than US Military hardware.

  15. Should be:
    Whites being able to communicate and network with each other, is of more concern to me than US Military hardware.

  16. “313Chris, try being a team builder”

    – Team of what? ‘Captain John’ doesn’t give one damn about you or whatever matters to you. He’s a cheap little opportunist and is exploiting the atmosphere of regional acrimony in America to manifest his personal hatred for this country and anyone who has the slightest pride in it. Pull your head outta your ass, Johnny Reb.

  17. AlexJ says:

    I didn’t answer your questions, because they are boring.’

    Sure. And you are dishonest.

    AlexJ says: ‘Powerful Jews are involved, so are powerful Whites and so are powerful Arabs like the Saudis.’

    To say – Powerful Jews – are involved is like discussing the ‘Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities’ Ponzi scheme and posturing that Bernie played a part in the scandal.

    Furthermore, it isn’t just powerful jews it’s most jews.

    AlexJ says: Sam says: “Anyone that calls me on my “Jews are the Master Race” meme, is a Jew.”

    I never said or implied anything like that. You authored those words and keep repeating them.


  18. I know that they swear an oath to uphold the constitutions and take orders from officers delegated over them from the duly elected CinC. That’s not verbatim of course.

    However the proposed attack on Assad strikes me as distilled insanity dressed up as humanitarian policy. Every soldier in the operation ought to know that the direct consequence of toppling Assad will be the end of Christianity in Syira. Perhaps some like Chris313 will rejoice at this outcome.

  19. Sam
    “Sure. And you are dishonest.”

    In your opinion I am dishonest. You are just saying that, because I said you are boring.

    “Furthermore, it isn’t just powerful jews it’s most jews. ”

    Obama isn’t a Jew. 98% of people voting for politicians aren’t Jews. The vast majority of politicians that approve these wars and keep the borders open aren’t Jews either.

    These people are adults and are responsible for their anti-White actions. There are no puppet strings attached to their hands and legs, absolving them of all responsibility. They are traitors.

    “I never said or implied anything like that. You authored those words and keep repeating them. ”

    Every time you open your mouth you say, Jews control everything that happens. How is that not saying, they are a “Master Race”?

  20. I can deal deal with Chris313, thanks for the support though. You on board for the Anti-Assad airstrikes then, Chris313?

  21. “..the direct consequence of toppling Assad will be the end of Christianity in Syria. Perhaps some like Chris313 will rejoice at this outcome.”

    – I’m neither Syrian nor Christian, so whatever outcome emerges from this situation will be met with tepid indifference from me. That said, the Assad regime is in little danger of being toppled, if yesterday’s news conference is any indicator.

  22. The US is going to bombard and destroy Assad’s Airforce and AAA capabilities. This will signal the Sunnis have US blessing in going after Alawites and the Christians there Getting rid of the Syrian Airforce will make that possible. The utter contempt that Obama has (and by extension the utter contempt of the US political class) for Christians there is mirrored by their contempt for the same here. The war there is both racial and religious. It’s very important to see who takes what side to determine what they intend to do here. The consistent supply and support that Obama gives Sunnis in all his dealings is a matter of great concern. I’m somewhat surprised that the US Airforce, which is notoriously populated by holy rollers hasn’t baulked yet. Maybe they alread did… Which might explain Obama’s stand down.

  23. IDF instigate. The U.S. steps in. Saudi Arabia, 20 percent of the world oil flows through the gulf. Iran annexe the region; shift the geo-political in their favor.

  24. “The US is going to bombard and destroy Assad’s Airforce and AAA capabilities.”

    – No, it’s not, so dispense with your phony hysterics. Congress isn’t going to authorize this, and if Obama actually had the balls to act unilaterally, he would have done so by now.

    “I’m somewhat surprised that the US Airforce, which is notoriously populated by holy rollers..”

    – Seriously? And just how the hell would you know? You don’t the first damn thing about the US Airforce, save the garbage you read from third-rate internet news sources.

    “..hasn’t balked yet.”

    – Again you show your ignorance. US military officers swear an oath and they define themselves as both officers and as men in the keeping of that oath. I’m well aware of how dismissive you are of my country and it’s concept of personal honor, but please, curb your moronic, Tourette-like outbursts will you?

    “Maybe they already did…which might explain Obama’s stand down.”

    – First, see re-visit above statement about US military officers. Second, Obama backed down because whatever coalition he might have had backing this use of force, disintegrated after David Cameron was slapped down by the British Parliament. That, coupled with the spectre of having to deal with Assad’s ally Putin at the G20 Summit finally gave the dumb monkey a second thought or two.

    There was no secret collusion of high-ranking military officers ready to spring a coup, you juvenile idiot. Stop posting.

  25. No I most certainly do not like that the US is in this sort of trouble. I’ve got sons very nearly at conscription age. Conscripted into what? A military that fights wars on behalf of Sunni Supremacism in the Middle East and race replacement at home? Possibly under orders from a darkie CinC.

  26. K Mac weighs in:

    The Weekly Standard ‘s usual neocon suspects — including many of the same people who promoted for the Iraq war — are pressing for a very large U.S. involvement in Syria. It’s mind-boggling to read in the statement of these so-called “experts” that the president must act “to ensure that Assad’s chemical weapons no longer threaten America.” Shades of how Iraq under Saddam Hussein was going to destroy the U.S. with his WMD’s. How Assad is going to unleash his chemical weapons on America is anybody’s guess.

    He links to a letter to Obama demanding an attack on Syria signed by 66 foreign policy ‘experts’. By my count, at least half of these so-called experts are Jews and most of the rest are well-known lickspittles of the Jews . What a shocker, I know.

    Given the strong support of the neocons for action against Syria, we must assume that Israel is entirely on board with a U.S. campaign. So it’s not surprising that, as in the case of the run-up to the Iraq war, Israeli intelligence is front and center: “The bulk of evidence proving the Assad regime’s deployment of chemical weapons – which would provide legal grounds essential to justify any western military action – has been provided by Israeli military intelligence, the German magazine Focus has reported” (see here). This includes the much-discussed intercepted phone call between Syrian officers discussing the use of chemical weapons (Ibid.) and the claim that chemical weapons were moved to the site of the attack (see here).

    So most of the damning ‘evidence’ that Assad was responsible for the chemical weapons attack is from a thoroughly unreliable and totally biased source: the Israelis.

    The decision by Obama to consult with Congress may actually benefit the Israel Lobby because it could quite possibly provide a mandate for much more than a brief attack that is little more than a gesture—like Bill Clinton lobbing a few cruise missiles into Afghanistan to protest the bombing of American embassies in Africa. Without a congressional mandate and without support from the U.K., Obama would have been unlikely to carry out the sort of attack desired by the Lobby. Now there’s a chance.

    The delay provides an opportunity for the Israel Lobby to get into high gear in order to bump up the poll numbers and exert its power over Congress. At this time, there is clearly no popular mandate for a war; only 42% favor a “broad military response”, and only 16% favor the regime change desired by the Israel Lobby. A much higher percentage but still far from a mandate (50%) favor the sort of action detested by the Israel Lobby — a limited response involving only U.S. naval ships directed at the chemical weapons.

    Congressional approval is also iffy. Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky) has stated that the odds are “50/50? that the House will approve force, but that the Senate will “rubber stamp what [Obama] wants.” Others believe that even the Senate will be an “uphill battle.”

    So the Israel Lobby has a challenge ahead, but it’s certainly doable. Expect a blizzard of propaganda emanating from the most elite media in the U.S., and a lot of arm-twisting in Congress. The Israel Lobby sees this as a preliminary battle prior to the really serious campaign for a war with Iran. If the Lobby loses this test, it would be a clear indication that the U.S. lacks the determination to attack Iran.

    The pressure will be intense. Don’t bet against the Lobby.

    Here’s where I hope that K Mac is wrong. Though there are differing poll numbers about how much support an attack on Syria has, it’s clear that a majority of Americans don’t want to start another war. So will the Congress heed the will of the people and vote no? Or will they knuckle under to the well-funded Israel lobby and vote yes? Is the United States still a democracy or has it become a foreign-controlled oligarchy? We’ll find out in the next couple of weeks.


  27. Dom’t bet against the lobby. This could easily turn into a mandate for a bigger strike than Clinton’s occassional lobbing of cruise missiles. I don’t particularly see the house of reps or the senate as honest.

  28. jeppo
    ” Or will they knuckle under to the well-funded Israel lobby and vote yes? Is the United States still a democracy or has it become a foreign-controlled oligarchy? We’ll find out in the next couple of weeks.”

    If they are foolish enough to take the $$$ and vote to go into Syria, the US economy will tank and never recover. You can have too much power and you can go too far with it. We saw that with Trayvon.

  29. @jeppo
    I think KMac is partially wrong here. The neocons were hoping to rush this through and launch a regime-changing attack without any debate because of the lack of public support but they’ve been temporarily blocked. Obama obviously doesn’t want to do it imo and is playing for time by passing it to congress despite the best efforts of people like Kerry. The lobby may still win of course but I think there’s a real battle going on inside USG this time.

    I’m surprised at Obama but i think he may resent being their puppet.

  30. I think we can be quite confident that what the people want isn’t on their list of priorities. If there is one thing we can know with the certainty of 2 + 2 = 4, it is that they don’t give a shit what the people want.

    Assad has some incredibly powerful forces arrayed against him: the Lobby, the Saudis and the rest Sunni Islam, the US and Israeli governments. Doubt he lasts another year.

    I find it interesting how these Sunni Islam bastards don’t hesitate to work with Jews and the decadent West when it’s in their interests.

  31. KMD may not be right, but no one knows better than he does how they operate. The Lobby/Israeli government might have been initially frustrated by Obama’s decision. They’re already on the rebound.

  32. “The GOP has a chance to mortally wound Obama going into the 2014 elections, they have a chance to shed the warmonger image and win more votes over to their cause, BUT WILL THEY DO IT?”

    You do realize, don’t you, that it will not matter how much Obama is politically “wounded” since the next wave of 30 million Mexicans to enter the country will guarantee that there will never be another White and/or Republican president?

  33. I don’t quite know what to make of the rarara Pam Geller/Horowitz Jewish opinionators but they do not seem to like the idea of the US attacking Assad. Could just be a factional hostility toward Obama. if I were Jewish I’d be more worried about Sunni Hegemony in Egypt, Syria and Jordan than I would be concerned about Assad. However the Neocon assholes like Krauthammer and Kristol are Gung Ho for bombing Damascus. It is a confusion. One thing I don’t mind seeing is an Alawite killing Sunnis in Syria, it beats the shit out of watching nignogs behead British soldiers in Woolwich.

  34. @The other George: “… the next wave of 30 million Mexicans to enter the country will guarantee that there will never be another White and/or Republican president …” It is unclear to me that Pancho Villa would be a worse president for White Southerners than Lincoln or Grant. Villa would loot, rape, and murder openly instead of covertly.
    The consolidation of the States into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad at home and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it.
    All that the South ever desired was the Union as established by our forefathers should be preserved and that the government as originally organized should be administered in purity and truth. – Robert E. Lee
    http://www.csapartisan.com/quotes.html quotes – Confederate Partisan
    All White people should prepare for criminal anarchy. The problem of White religion/creed/culture/solidarity shall soon be thrust upon all White people.

  35. U.S. base in Afghanistan and Iraq. If they achieve same in Syria. Iran will be outflanked. That was their objective since 911. Iran is too big to invade which would require a military draft.

  36. “I’ve heard the Saudis are behind this.”

    I think they’re the most likely behind the chemical attack.

    I think the US neocons are much more short-term in their thinking and are gung-ho for a full attack but the Israeli position is a little bit more hesitant. They want to topple Assad before any attack on Iran but at the same time they have to worry about whether what comes after him is worse. Personally i think that bit of hesitation would have stopped them trying to force an attack like this.

  37. “the US neocons are much more short-term in their thinking and are gung-ho for a full attack but the Israeli position is a little bit more hesitant. They want to topple Assad before any attack on Iran but at the same time they have to worry about whether what comes after him is worse”

    …as if the Neocon position does not depend on, or is not a part of the Israeli position — and as if the apparent hesitation or reluctance is real — and as if “what comes after him” is not already controlled!

  38. Good R. E. Lee quotation, GonerWithTheWind. The first sentence is especially good: “The consolidation of the States into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad at home and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it”. “All that preceded it” refers to the example of the common history of despotisms, authoritarian regimes, absolute monarchies, etc. — that always want to rule the world, and enslave and destroy their own original, indigenous, “population bases”.

  39. More regarding “the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it”: Solomon is said to have conquered or subdued many surrounding nations and tribes, forming the largest Hebrew empire, and he enslaved, destroyed and corrupted his own people. After his passing, the empire divided and declined.

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