Obama: Attack Syria For Israel

District of Corruption

Obama has been laying out his case for attacking Syria: Bashar al-Assad is like Hitler, and attacking Syria is “good for the Jews”:

“The Obama administration is using a time-tested pitch to get Congress to back military strikes in Syria: It will help protect Israel.

Israel’s enemies, including Iran and the terrorist group Hezbollah, could be emboldened if Congress fails to approve action against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, senior administration officials said Saturday. …

Secretary of State John Kerry also referred to Israel repeatedly as he made the rounds on all five major Sunday morning news shows — as well as comparing Assad to Adolf Hitler. …”

Note: These wars against Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and now Syria and Iran are further evidence that the US Empire has too much power.

The US federal government dominates the United States which enables it to dominate North America which enables it to dominate the Western hemisphere which enables it to threaten and dominate the rest of the world.

Obama has already said that he will attack Syria with or without the support of Congress. What’s the point of working through the system in a vain attempt to reform a government which consistently ignores its own Constitution?

Dissolve the Union.

Update: The ADL, the same group which has labeled OD and SNN ‘terrorists’ and ‘extremists’, is fomenting a war against Syria. We are for peace with Syria. And yet we are the bad guys? I don’t think so.

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. So far, all of the major elected Roman Catholic politicians are supporting Obama’s attack on Syria.

    As usual Paddy O’ gets to play the “good Catholic” on TV.

  2. Obama has offered the American Right an enormous opportunity.

    With Most of the GOP in the House and few truly anti-war Dems, they can scuttle the attack on Syria and leave Obama fundamentally weakened going in to the all important immigration fight and the 2014 Congressional elections. The normal white American has tried detente with the Jews since William F Buckley, it hasn’t helped us one iota. In the words of the neocons, it’s time for a “Clean break” and time to “drain the swamp”.

    Is the American Right too war-addicted to seize upon this opportunity?

  3. And for the life of me, I can’t figure out why anyone thinks that overthrowing Assad and installing Al Qaeda in power in a country that shares a border with Israel and has disputed territories with Israel (Golan Heights) is good for Israel.

  4. When will Israel fight its own fucking wars? Maybe the low opinion Jews have of the sheep-like, dumb goyim is fully justified.

  5. History shows quite clearly that Jews never act alone. Non-Jews can and do go along, so it’s not “the Jews” alone in a loony or paranoid sense driving events on the world stage.

    Nevertheless, history also shows and shows it quite CLEARLY that Jews were neck deep in starting WW1, WW2 and now it would appear WW3.

    The synagogue of Satan. A better description does not exist.

  6. “And for the life of me, I can’t figure out why anyone thinks that overthrowing Assad and installing Al Qaeda in power in a country that shares a border with Israel and has disputed territories with Israel (Golan Heights) is good for Israel.”

    Opinion poll in Israel shows 66% in favor of US attack on Syria, 17% against.

    Personally i don’t think it is in their long-term interests but in the *short-term* any attack on Iran would risk counter-strikes from Assad and Hezbollah so they’re prioritizing short-term interests over long-term imo.

  7. nb I’m not saying Israel isn’t involved in all this. They obviously are and the neocons even more so but Saudi, Turkey, Qatar etc are involved also for their own reasons.

  8. Well then. They are in favor of endangering US pilots and placing the US on the same course as the US in regards to the Iraq mess. Anyone see a pattern here?

  9. Okay, so the theory is that Israelis think that replacing a secular despot with AQ in a country right next door to them will make that country less likely to retaliate against them if/when either they and/or the United States attempts regime change in Iran. Of course AQ would retaliate against Israel just as much or maybe more than Assad. It’s not a good short term strategy either.

  10. When Jews band together in national entities like Israel the QI drops to five Rupee note? Maybe that’s it Countenance. The Stupidity of the crowd.

  11. The only plausible theory I can think of to why Israel would actually want AQ running a neighboring country would also explain why Israel wanted the MB to run Egypt, also a neighboring country. The worse and more radical its neighbors are, the more likely it is that the Israel voting public will rally around hawk/rightist parties such as Netanyahu’s. Except that’s a really dangerous game to be playing; I wouldn’t.

  12. “The worse and more radical its neighbors are, the more likely it is that”

    …they will be weaker, free of Christians and Christian influence, and entirely fatalistic and submissive, and most susceptible to Talmudic influence.

  13. Syria, without Assad, will also no longer control their own economic system. The IMF will come in and give huge loans to the new Muslim ruling party. They did that in Iraq, Lybia and Egypt.

  14. “Of course AQ would retaliate against Israel just as much or maybe more than Assad.”

    AQ only gets to be in that situation after regime change and regime change only gets to happen if the US bombs the hell out of Syria so a victorious AQ might be just as *willing* to retaliate as Assad but they won’t be as *able* to retaliate because Syria will be a big pile of smoking rubble.

  15. I saw an excellent example of why Assad is legitimate. On Vlad Tepes two pictures are juxtaposed. One shows a relatively homogenous group of Syrian army soldiers. They look like they come from the same area, some variety in features but they are clearly countrymen. Blood if you like.

    Then there’s the rebels. There’s a nignog on the left of the frame, some beardy Arabians who could pass as black and a ginger bearded paleface.

    Clearly Syria has been invaded by Turks, Chechens, Saudis and niggers. And the Head Nigger in Chief in the US wants to pile on. Its not even a civil war, it’s just an invasion.

  16. In ww2, axies sunk allies ships with a one man mini sub torpedo. Syria could launch dozens of these on U.S Fleet.

  17. “FB says:

    September 2, 2013 at 8:42 pm

    When will Israel fight its own fucking wars? Maybe the low opinion Jews have of the sheep-like, dumb goyim is fully justified”

    I’ve often thought along those lines. Despite my adamant and intractable Views on Jews – how effing stupid are the Goyim?

    The White Joo Worshipping Evangelitards are the WEIRDEST racists on Earth. They worship, literally worship, and alien Race that utterly DESPISES them.

  18. “how effing stupid are the Goyim?”

    I think it’s trustingness rather than stupidity. European descended peoples – as they’ll eventually discover – are the perfect host for them because of the high trust. I think this is easily shown by how if the host loses the trustingness – wakes up in WN terms – then they lose the stupidity also.

  19. Eric ( Pro Israel, Pro Amnesty ) Cantor is the lone jew GOP member of Congress.

    Just ONE! Only ONE among 233!

    But, somehow, the only jew member was elected by goyim lackeys to be the Majority leader.

    Yea, that was a great idea you crooked sellouts!

    But of course they ALL know who calls the shots in the truly important matters of state.


    House majority leader Eric Cantor says that he intends “to vote to provide the President of the United States the option to use military force in Syria.”

    While the authorizing language will likely change, the underlying reality will not. America has a compelling national security interest to prevent and respond to the use of weapons of mass destruction, especially by a terrorist state such as Syria, and to prevent further instability in a region of vital interest to the United States.

    “Understanding that there are differing opinions on both sides of the aisle, it is up to President Obama to make the case to Congress and to the American people that this is the right course of action, and I hope he is successful in that endeavor.

    “Bashar Assad’s Syria, a state sponsor of terrorism, is the epitome of a rogue state, and it has long posed a direct threat to American interests and to our partners. The ongoing civil war in Syria has enlarged this threat.

    “The Syrian conflict is not merely a civil war; it is a sectarian proxy war that is exacerbating tensions throughout the Muslim world. It is clear Iran is a principal combatant in this conflict, and its direct involvement is an integral part of Iran’s bid to establish regional hegemony. Were Assad and his Iranian patrons to come out on top it would be a strategic victory for Iran, embolden Hizballah, and convince our allies that we cannot be trusted.

    “Furthermore, sectarian tensions and extremist terrorism are already spilling over beyond Syria’s borders, with terrorist attacks and assassinations on the rise in neighboring countries. It is not just an abstract theory that the Syrian conflict threatens the stability of key American partners in the region. It is a reality.

  20. “how effing stupid are the Goyim?”

    Jews have the tightest propaganda. They police their own mercilessly and the dissenters rarely make it past the backwaters.

    Result? Here on planet Western Asswipeization we can’t tie our shoes anymore and even the blacks look more put together than us.

  21. That hideous jewess Debbie Wasserman Schultz interjects the holohoax into the debate.

    Courtesy of a poster at another site.

    Wasserman Schultz Pushes For Attack On Syria: “As A Jew…The Concept Of Never Again Has To Mean Something”

    WOLF BLITZER: ‘What happens if the president doesn’t get a positive vote in the House of Representatives? What if he gets rejected there, as David Cameron did in Britain?

    REP. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (D-FL): Well, I feel confident that our colleagues, my colleagues both on the Republican side of the aisle as well as the Democratic side of the aisle are not going to jeopardize the credibility of the United States. I feel confident that we will have a majority of the House of Representatives and the Senate who will understand and authorize the president to engage in a limited targeted strike that ensures that our national security interests are protected, but also that he respond to atrocities, and exercise the moral leadership that the United States has always led with.

    For me as a mother, to see that searing image of babies lined up, murdered by their own government, innocent children.

    I mean, as a Jew, Wolf, I have to tell you, as a member of Congress who represents one of the largest Holocaust survivor populations in the country, to me, the concept of never again, has to mean something. And the United States, morally, cannot turn the other cheek. Too many leaders of ours have regretted that decision.’

    Ha ha ha.

    Our foreign and domestic debates, calculations – from immigration, to racial issues, to war MUST always be reduced to this common denominator.

    Is it good for jews?

  22. Moral authority do they have dictating others countries on how they should run their business. Junk food DC allow the corp greedy on the market and consumed. Slow Chemical poison end the result is the same.

  23. “to see that searing image of babies lined up, murdered by their own government, innocent children…”

    What a surprise….concocted atrocities as a casus belli, same as every other war ever fought. A decade hence we’ll admit we just made it up, same as every other war…

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