About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. At this rate Obama is going to have to drop the bombs all by himself. The military said yesterday they don’t have enough in the budget and every European country from Iceland to Russia is against it. So is Canada and the vast majority of the U.S. Congress.

  2. This is a golden opportunity for the GOP to cripple Obama in the run-up to the 2014 elections by handing him a defeat on Syria much the same way that Parliament handed David Cameron a defeat.

    What is the obstacle, then, for the GOP? They have to give up their reflexive warmongering. Can they do it? I don’t think they can do it alone. We need to pressure them with carrots and sticks: carrot “deal a blow to Obama, hurt Obama so that he cannot push through Amnesty”, and sticks defeat at the polls both in the primaries and in the general elections.

    I am of the belief that it was the wars that killed the GOP and led to Americans supporting a black Muslim named Hussein. Most whites want to support the GOP, but war is a moral “red line” that causes many to stay home or vote for the Democrats, despite their increasingly naked anti-whiteism.

    For the Southern Nationalist this represents a golden opportunity to at least broach the subject of disunion with new audiences more concerned with war. It will further delineate Southern Nationalism of the 21st Century from the prejudices against it exemplified by the ADL etc calling SNs “terrorists” and so on.

  3. This is the same Barack Obama who made his political name being against the Iraq War. That was his one big issue to differentiate himself from HRC in 2007 and 2008.

    Chuck Bagel, whom many in our quarters told us that we just had to have as DefSec (“because the Jews hate him,” even though they don’t), wants to go into Syria.

  4. Hagel must have been reprogrammed. Richard Perle and Douglas Feith with pliers and a blowtorch in the basement of the Heritage Foundation I suspect.

  5. You’re wrong on both Hagel and Obama, but that is to their credit. They do not want to do the Syria thing, but get to appear to do so which has put the Jews and Saudis on the back foot. Fortunately for us, we don’t have to worry about the Kremlinology here, just hand Obama a “defeat” and move on.

  6. I noticed that Nicky Joe Rahall, Congressman from Southern West Virginia is all for bombing Syria. Interestingly enough, Nicky Joe is a Syrian. His family were from a tribe of Syrian peddlers who washed up on our shores after WWI.

    There probably are folks in West Virginia who can’t stand Syrians because a Syrian relative on Nicky Joe’s sold them a lemon off his car lot/camel lot in Beckley, or elsewhere in West Virginia.

    So, if you are a West Virginian, don’t cheer on Obama to bomb Syria just because you got screwed in a deal with one of the Rahalls’ or their relatives. LOL.

    Btw, I believe Nicky Joe’s real name is Raheel or however the Syrians spell it.

  7. The Rahall’s are Syrians, there was no Lebanon when they immigrated here after WWI. Lebanon was created by the partition of the old Ottoman Empire after WWI. They are Syrians.

    For Christians, the Rahalls’ sure don’t give a damn about the Syrian Christians who comprise 15% to 20% of the Syrian population and will be massacred if Obama’s boys, the radical Moslems get their way in Syria.

  8. I’ll go with Afterthought, Obama is flubbing this so the goptards start screaming for war. He’s a lefty who doesn’t want to bomb the precious brown people so whites in Europe get cheap natgas.

  9. The only people who Obama can target are relatively white Christians and Alawites (who I suspect are intact crypto-Christians posing as heretical Muzzies.) Obama has a hard on for setting up situations that get Christians massacred. Same in the US btw.

  10. Here we go again!

    Points for consideration.


    Syria Timeline of Events Definitively Exposes Zionist Lies

    A timeline of events in Syria leading up to the alleged “chemical attack” of August 21 has definitively exposed the concoction of Zionist Supremacist lies which are designed to trick the American and western public into supporting an attack on Basheer Assad’s government.

    1. The “rebels” were the first to use chemical weapons in Syria, on March 19 in Khan al-Assal near Aleppo, which killed over 30 people.

    2. This attack, several more, was the reason why the Syrian government had asked the United Nations inspectors to come to Syria in the first place.

    3. The day after the 20 strong team of UN Inspectors arrived, the new alleged “attack” took place in Damascus.

    4. As Russian President Putin has pointed out, a Syrian government “chemical attack” on the day after a UN Inspectors delegation which they invited into the country, would be “utter nonsense.”

    5. The only “intelligence” which has been put forward claiming that the Syrian government was responsible, comes exclusively from Israeli sources—the same ones who provided all the lies and forgeries about Iraq’s mythical “weapons of mass destruction.”

    6. An independent journalist, has claimed that the “chemical attack” was in fact the accidental triggering of a weapon by rebels which had been secretly stored in tunnels in the area. (See below).

    7. All independent sources talked about a casualty rate in the “attack” of around 300. From nowhere, the figure of 1,439 has been produced by US Secretary of State, and repeated by the media worldwide, without one shred of supporting evidence.

    8. Even CBS News has admitted that there is no evidence that the Syrian government carried out the attack. In a review by CBSNews.com foreign editor Tucker Reals, it was pointed out that “No tangible evidence has been offered by either the U.S. or Britain to demonstrate what lead to the conclusion that Assad’s forces must have been behind the previous suspected chemical attacks.”

    * The claim that Syrian rebels were behind the alleged incident of August 21, was made by well-known Middle East correspondent Dale Gavlak (who used to work for the Associated Press, NPR and the BBC) is contained in an article on her news site, Mint Press.

    In the article, Gavlak said that she had interviewed a number of rebels, their families and residents from the Damascus suburb of Ghouta where the incident is alleged to have taken place, and from this it had become clear that the incident was the result of an accident inside a rebel tunnel under the suburb.

    This accident had been allegedly caused by the mishandling of rebel-held chemical weapons which had caused the leak of the gas, Gavlak asserted. If this allegation is proven to be accurate, it will be the final nail on the coffin of the Zionist lies about Syria.

  11. “The Rahall’s are Syrians, there was no Lebanon when they immigrated here after WWI. Lebanon was created by the partition of the old Ottoman Empire after WWI. They are Syrians.”

    Nope. They are Presbyterians from the Ottoman Vilayet of Beirut which is pretty much congruent with the present state of Lebanon and Palestinian Galilee, and not from the Vilayet of Syria.

  12. @Rudel

    Well, the Rahall’s can argue about it. LOL. Stories do change over the years, and peddlers do peddle. To use a German analogy, there isn’t any difference between a Hessian and a Bavarian, and both have been part of the other over the last 1000 years. A Hessian – Thungarian analogy might be better, because there is still controversy over the library at Fulda.

    If Rahall is a Presbyterian, and he may well be, it’s all the worse for him. I have nothing but, the greatest respect for the Presbyterian Church in Southern West Virginia, and for the Greenbrier Presbytery. I seriously doubt you will find any support for an attack on Syria from the Southern Presbyterians. Maybe Rahall will re-consider his support for an attack on Syria?

    Are you related to Rahall? It will be interesting to see where the Gabriel’s, the Haddad’s, etc. do in regard to Rahall. The Haddad’s are Presbyterians?

  13. Assad looks like a white man and reminds me of the way de Gaulle looked. Indeed he looks somewhat like a Southern Frenchman or Spaniard. The vilification of the guy is pretty obscene. What’s he actually done to America?

    The gassing story strikes me as preposterous. 1,400 dead from one attack? Where are the goddamn bodies?

  14. Thanks Mo. This says it all:

    It seems that the Syrian State Army has not intentionally destroyed any churches; rather it appears that the Syrian Free Army is largely responsible for attacks on Christians and their churches.

    Before the conflict the Christian minority in Syria lived securely and in peace with little bother from the Assad regime.

  15. Sadaam left the Christians alone. Christians were the wealthy minority in Iraq prior to the war. In fact, Sadaam was very close to Christians, his children were educated by Christians, his house staff were Christians and Terek Aziz, his foriengn minister, was a Chaldean.

  16. If Assad goes down, the Muslims will confiscate land owned by Christians and bomb their churches, just like they did in Iraq after Sadaam went down.
    In Anders Breivik’s manifesto he noted that Syria was a majority Christian nation just sixty years ago. He also made a correlation of when nations turn Muslim when the Muslim population reaches about 30%.
    I could be wrong on the exact percentage, as I read it years ago, however, I do recall that nation’s go Muslim when their collective numbers are below 50% of the population.
    He documented most of the nation’s in the ME in great detail.

  17. Most commenters here and myself included, probably have more in common with Assad and Putin than with Obama. Irony? How the mighty have fallen.

  18. @ozark rebel

    Nothing wrong with feeling that way. I imagine there were probably Russians in 1956 who felt that they had more in common with Hungarian revolutionary fighters than with their own government.

    Assad and Putin are just authentic manifestations of their respective blood and soil. As contemporary Americans ( and Southerners, for Dixie crowd here) we have the misfortune of being governed and (mis)represented by a man who is utterly, biologically, alien to everything we stand for and are made of.

    Sucks, but somebody’s gotta glove-up and close the losing games, ya know?

  19. Let’s hope that this is the end of the Israeli effort to discombobulate all the countries around them and create a greater Israel. I believe we are at or beginning to see, “Peak Jew, Peak Israel”. They own all the media and no one believes a word they say. They own congress and the Presidency and no one believes a word they say. The “das racis” theme has about hit bottom. People would rather shoot the negro if their heads being bashed in., even if they do call you racist. The “terror, terror, must collect all guns” hasn’t gone to well. It only spurred mass gun sells. All they have left is the big Homeland Security takeover scheme and that’s likely to be a bust that will get all of them killed.

    I read on a news aggregater that Obama is going to ask congress for permission to bomb Syria. Could be wrong it’s the internet after all. Lets cross our fingers and hope they say no. No one in good conscience believes that Assad is responsible for the present gas attack.

    Sean said,”…
    In Anders Breivik’s manifesto he noted that Syria was a majority Christian nation just sixty years ago. He also made a correlation of when nations turn Muslim when the Muslim population reaches about 30%….”

    Ha. Isn’t that about the same percentage as neighborhoods when they go black?

  20. What this is really about is taking out Assad so he can’t counter-strike Israel during any future attack on Iran. The chemical attack story is complete bull.

  21. I agree, this has everything to do with weakening Iran.
    This is a long term zionist plan.
    What we are seeing now are just steps in that direction

  22. Slightly O /t, please forgive :

    I keep seeing this over and over: with the democratization of the internet, you see more and more negro sites like The Root, always but Always sticking to a central negro grievance porn theme.

    But the thing is, that the actual physical condition of the under-powered, economy version of the tiny negro brain, can be deduced simply by the way blacks string words together. Every single time, it happens again and again, and I am amazed that more people don’t point out the obvious.

    It’s kind of like the way ghetto graffiti – the World over ! – all looks like it was done by the same person, there is so little variety in the style;

    It’s kind of like the way ghetto Facebook postings, too, all seem to have been written by the same person, as in : (from Charleston Thug Life) :

    “And for ma nigga Kenan Kinard [note: the 16 yr old Obama son who murdered an 88 yr old WW2 vet in Spokane] … keep yer head up lil G.. you do get threw dis shit.. Don nobody kno what tha fucc happened.. but I kno my niggas. Theirs only a handfull dat fucced wit us nd yall kno what’s good.. Jus hold it down for tha homies nd stay real cause they need good friends rite now…”

    The above is actually one of the more literate examples of nigger speak on Thug Book. But the point of my post tonight is : the striking uniformity of negro “literature.”

    I see it over and over again, be it in the pages of the New York Times where a Jason Blair might lurk, or on Thug Book, or in the example below from The Root: blacks without fail always sound the same when they apply pen to paper. They struggle with the words as though to tame foreign, unfamiliar beasts; they seem totally unaware of the futility of the overuse of big-sounding words; most tragically perhaps, their elevated notion of self-concept , and their inhibition to stigma, prevents them from the sting of shame that would give a human pause before posting something like this (source: the Root) :

    “GA Inmate on Camera Being Beaten by a Hammer, Allegedly While Handcuffed
    Added by admin on August 31, 2013.

    America has a serious problem with incarceration, even Attorney General Eric Holder agrees with that fact. What’s also unspoken is the amount of abuse taken by prison inmates locked behind bars. Facilities are accused of looking the other way as inmates are s*xually assaulted, tortured and beaten beyond recognition.

    The San Francisco Bay View has released a distributing video of an inmate being beaten by guards with a hammer.

    In the video, guards are heard shouting, “Get down! Just get down! Get down! Get down!” You then hear someone saying, “Oh (expletive) guy over there with his hands hitting him … and a d**n hammer!”

    The beatings took place on December 31, 2010 and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation has allegedly dragged its feet on getting to the bottom of what the incident. Rev. Kenneth Glasgow is responsible for posting the video to Youtube for the world to see….”



    It’s almost like the old expression come to life : “Better to stay silent and let people assume you are an idiot, than to open your mouth and confirm it for all.”


    It’s getting worse. I don’t know if this is better.

    But it is definitely getting worse.


    – Arturo

    crimes of the times dot calm

  23. Obama speak with forked tongue. He claims to be in favour of an attack on Syria, yet he’s passing the buck to Congress where it’s almost certain to be voted down*. The anti-war forces now have two weeks to pressure their representatives into voting no, with the backing of 91% of the American people. Of course Obama could just ignore a Congressional no vote and attack Syria anyway, but that might be a bridge too far, even for him.

    And just who are the pro-war forces anyway? Though they might make up a majority of the Beltway elite, they have virtually zero support amongst the population at large. From the far right to the far left, almost no one wants to start yet another Mideastern war. And even in Congress the only ones chomping at the bit to start the bombing are the usual neocon suspects, i.e. the Jewish supremacists and their Christian Zionist running dogs.

    Only 72 hours ago military intervention seemed like an absolute certainty. Then, to his eternal credit, David Cameron brought the issue before parliament–which he didn’t have to do–and even more miraculously said he would respect the decision of the people’s representatives when he lost the vote. And now France, the nation most determined to attack Syria, has said that they will only act as part of a coalition, i.e. with the US holding their hand.

    *At least I hope it’s voted down. I’m not exactly sure how this works: who votes first, the House or Senate? I could see the Senate possibly voting for war, but the House, all of whom must face the wrath of the voters next November, no chance.

  24. @Chris313: “As contemporary Americans ( and Southerners, for Dixie crowd here) we have the misfortune of being governed and (mis)represented by a man who is utterly, biologically, alien to everything we stand for and are made of.” I find the preceding to be a very naive statement. Why do many of the white-skinned people in the U.S.A. believe (or pretend to believe) in racial equality?
    “It is mind-boggling that we actually have to explain to white people why it is bad to have blacks living in our communities. It is like explaining that the sky is blue.” – Clement Pulaski http://www.dailystormer.com/50-years-of-the-dream/
    Who really governs and (mis)represents us? Those who pay the piper call the tune. It seems to me that all of those (including myself) posting at this website are ignoramuses gazing with bewilderment on U.S. foreign policy. IMO Richard Nixon did not like Jews any more than I do or Denise or Rudel for that matter. Why did Nixon act as the puppet of the Jews? I don’t know. I suspect he may have been blackmailed. Why does Obama appear to act as a puppet of the Jews in foreign policy? I don’t know, but I PROFOUNDLY doubt that the reason is ideological agreement. IMO Eisenhower was a Zionist puppet, but not a 100% Zionist puppet; the 1956 Suez crisis indicates to me that Eisenhower was not totally obedient to the Israelis. However, from JFK onwards I have been unable to identify a major conflict between P.O.T.U.S. and Israeli policy.
    Jews want to own the world. Muslims want to be the world. Christians want to practice the seven saintly virtues and follow Christ every day. (Thus true Christians tend to become truly marginalized in worldly matters.)
    Pro-White Whites need to understand how political corruption works.
    http://www.amazon.com/Washington-pay-off-insiders-corruption-government/dp/B00005X4QG The Washington pay-off: an insider’s view of corruption in government by Robert Winter-Berger

  25. I would like to have real statistics on the mass exodus of northeast people after this guy’s election. Bet it would be a few million people. Probably, we will never know.

    Where are the books about the bumped up white flight, and how it is regional now, not “suburban.” There was a wn book, I think titled “International White Flight” but never read it. The concepts in those books often outpace the writing skill.

  26. It could even be more like 30 million people, exodus of the northeast cities, coupled with the people they displaced who then moved on, also. If you looked at the domino wave. Hm… The Domino Wave could even be a title…

  27. Btw, in a normal world, southern belles would be headed to CHURCH on sunday a.m. and popping roast in the oven for sunday dinner. A roast IS in the oven but how many people want to wake up, just to be lectured to this a.m. about PC issues, which is every single church.

    Now, that should make clear this is a centralized, fascist-militarist-corporatist communist hybrid living area. Otherwise, how could EVERY SINGLE preacher get on message about the americans New Life Goal: to SACRIFICE themselves, just like Sweet Jesus would, to help and serve the Latin-importation-Industry?

  28. Instead, I am going to contemplate the literal billions of generational american hard-won dollars that continue to be appropriated for war, child drugging, mass immigrant and northeast transplant development housing, ugly “public parks,” with their weirdo plantings, ugly suburban gateway entrances to tract housings with the requisite drooping petunias, the Immigrant Industries, and food additives that boggle any thinking person’s mind if they bother to stop and read the “ingredients” on practically every single “food item” in “grocery stores.” Also, will meditate on the gutting of northwest european protestant culture—it’s food, fabric, visual and homemaking arts, it’s unique and interesting history in america, including the writings of its early poets.

    And so I will read the Bible an hour, then read some 18th century wasp poetry….

  29. Mars, the Roman god of war. Astronomies detected thousands of creators thus far. Over the course of a millions years of asteroids. In animation of 60 seconds timeline, bombardment of the planet. 100 years of US- UK bombardment in 60 seconds timeline overseas reshape geo-political and maps redrawn there are nearly 200 countries and counting. Proxies state , denies their foe of strategic interest.

  30. test: yes, Peak Jew.

    Jews went apesh** after WWII and turned their children into Mindweapons while white people watched baseball and went to church on Sunday with a picnic afterwards.

    20 years later, America was in ruins as the young Jews took over elite schools and took power from wimpy WASPs.

    I cannot emphasize this enough – the war in Viet Nam gave the Jew their opening, much like we now have a black muslim in the White House because of wars, and much like communism took Russia due to WWI.

    I need my fellow white people raised on love of war to SNAP THE F*** OUT OF IT!

    The GOP has a chance to mortally wound Obama going into the 2014 elections, they have a chance to shed the warmonger image and win more votes over to their cause, BUT WILL THEY DO IT?

    We don’t know because they are so war drunk that it is like a fatal Shakespearean flaw! They just may F*** it up!

  31. Before the Papal Crusades, Syria was majority Christian. After this current series of Crusades is finished, they may be extinct.

  32. This series of Crusades is mostly Cross-less secular humanitarian, but the state churches are still involved, and even those who are not against it are for it.

  33. The sound of war drums can be heard across the land. Much of the world will not be with us. The potential for the world erupting in flames is off the charts.

    Who is pushing us into war again?

    C’mon … take a guess.

    Bingo! It’s the jews.

    I would advise BUGSERS to refrain from reading further. Do not wish to offend. This is for jewsers only.

    Michael (Weiner) Savage pipes in on the subject.

    Conservative talk show host Michael Savage charges Israel is pushing the U.S. to conduct a military strike against Syria, hoping the action will “neutralize” the Assad regime’s air force and leave behind only “ragtag rebel groups who have no real heavy weapons.”

    “Who’s behind this? Who’s pushing it? Well I suspect that it was Israel all along,” the host of “The Savage Nation” told listeners Wednesday night.

    “It’s Israel pushing the United States – and England and France and Italy and Germany — to strike [President Bashar] Assad. . . . So it’s Israel that wants Assad’s air force neutralized.”

    Savage noted a Fox News report that the initial confirmation the Assad regime was responsible for a suspected chemical weapons attack Aug. 21 came from a tip from the Israeli intelligence service.

    The 8200 unit of the Israeli Defense Forces, which specializes in electronic surveillance, intercepted a conversation between Syrian officials regarding the use of chemical weapons, an unnamed ex-Mossad official told the German magazine Focus, the Guardian in London reported. The content was then relayed to the U.S.

    “What we know is true is that Israel is deeply involved in the war drum beating,” said Savage, who said he considers himself “a friend of Israel.”

    “Assad’s … not at war with Israel,” he said, and Israel believes it has much less to fear from the regime if it’s without an air force.

    Israel is “pulling [President] Obama’s strings,” the talk show host maintained.

    “If you can get America and France and Italy and Germany to act for you and they’re foolish enough to risk a third world war, why not?” he asked. “Put your own interests ahead of the world, what do you care?”

    “I’m sick of this slavish worship of Israel,” he said. “No, it’s America first and Israel’s the tail, not the dog. We’re the dog, they’re the tail. And I’m sick and tired of America being yanked around like we’re the tail and they’re the dog.”

  34. “Btw, in a normal world, southern belles would be headed to CHURCH on sunday a.m. and popping roast in the oven for sunday dinner. A roast IS in the oven but how many people want to wake up, just to be lectured to this a.m. about PC issues, which is every single church.

    Now, that should make clear this is a centralized, fascist-militarist-corporatist communist hybrid living area. Otherwise, how could EVERY SINGLE preacher get on message about the americans New Life Goal: to SACRIFICE themselves, just like Sweet Jesus would, to help and serve the Latin-importation-Industry?”

    Dixie-Girl, one place were Christianity defended the nation in recent times was in Ireland, but pull away a layer or two and it was really sectarian defense: papist against prots. In the case of these Mexicans coming in, they represent increased membership and tithe for the churches, so … nation be damned. I don’t know how far back one needs to go to find Christianity defending the nation. It defended Christendom, but that was sectarian too.

  35. @jeppo
    “Only 72 hours ago military intervention seemed like an absolute certainty.”

    Yes it was planned for saturday night after the UN inspectors left early. Talk about a close call.

    “At least I hope it’s voted down.”

    Yes, there’ll be a massive lobbying effort between now and then and so the bad guys may still win but it’s getting harder every time.

    The thing is Israel could attack and neutralize Syria on their own and no-one would try and stop them because of U.S. support. The reason they don’t want to do it is because they don’t want to take the casualties themselves. That’s all it is. They want their “allies” to take all the casualties.

  36. AlexJew says:

    Same old Jews are the master race meme, coming from WN. Its boring.’

    More obfuscation.

    No one said anything about jews being the master race.

    You pulled that out of your hat (yarmulke)?

    Must legitimate criticism of jew treachery always be stifled, ridiculed and dismissed out of hand?

    Is the possibility of the world going up in flames and countless lives destroyed for the sake of jewry boring and not worthy of discussion?

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