Unwelcome: The Muslims Next Door


H/T “Loon Watch”

Here’s the CNN documentary on Murfreesboro:

Note: The CNN documentary “Unwelcome: The Muslims Next Door” can be summed up as follows: the locals are racist bigots driven by ignorance and hate and the Muslims are persecuted, patriotic, freedom loving Americans who are trying to exercise their constitutional rights.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is how they conquer, just like the jews……..salami tactics, using the native peoples natural tendency of altruism against them and eventually taking over.

  2. “… natural tendency of altruism …” Altruism from the gullible and money for a cynical few?
    In 2011, Federal funds accounted for about 93% of the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops’ migration/refugee resettlement program. … The refugee is eligible for all forms of federal (and often state) welfare 30 days after arrival. http://www.vdare.com/articles/is-the-refugee-racket-helping-pay-for-the-catholic-church-s-child-abuse-settlements
    The warfare/welfare industry uses Federal funds to create military adventures and refugees (both real and pseud0) and provide more military jobs and welfare jobs and subsidize God knows what.

  3. Even confined to their own lands, I cannot fully embrace these folks.

    The history of Islam has been one of expansion by conquest; a goodly number of their founding converts were Jews (real Jews, not Khazars) and they have many of the same dangerous tendencies that Jews have.

    Open borders is the direct cost of Empire, as America was competing with the Communists in the Cold War and had to open itself to the bright young minds of all countries or lose them to the Communists (or so we were told). The current President claims this heritage.

    There is a direct historical link between white empire and brown out; it happened with the Vedic Kurus, the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, the British, and now America (in that order).

    The current Syrian Question is a chance for white and normal Americans to jostle their government into (momentary) obedience. And if we fail, all the more reason to Partition the country.

  4. I’m pretty sure that Rome was lousy with ethnic Arabs in Palestine and Syria long before the actual Arab conquests. When you deposit a linguistic, tribal group with a highly nepotistic bent, they will eventually throw open the gates to their own people and then enslave you.

  5. If the Medina story is reliable history it would seem that about 1/2 of the Muslim population in Medina were indeed Jewish. The force that besieged Jerusalem was probably heavily drawn from these converts and their sons. The Jews muhammad encountered in Medina were likewise outcasts from the Byzantine territories who refused to convert to Christianity.

  6. In other words, the standard liberal narrative: White people can only be motivated be irrational “hate”! Seriously, can the liberal media give a different spin on things insofar minorities are concerned? It’s like they’re programmed to give only one version of the same old, same old story. This is why I only watch sports on tv.

  7. “If the Medina story is reliable history it would seem that about 1/2 of the Muslim population in Medina were indeed Jewish.”

    Judaism was progressing, making money and converts beyond the border of the Empire among the Arabs for more than a century, while Christianity was rising further east.

    If a story about the origin of the Saudis is correct….

  8. Muslims in their own countries: Evil, barbaric, war making, intolerant of other religions, peoples, haters of Israel. They need to be bombed! bombed! bombed!

    Muslims in White countries: Peaceful, loving, tolerant of other religions and peoples, just want to be good citizens. Only evil, racist White people don’t want them for neighbors. Those racists need to have their lives destroyed! destroyed! destroyed!

  9. Thank you Goner. This is such a huge issue and under TOTAL SILENCE. It will not remain this way. Most people whose families fought in the revolutionary american war, wanted “separation of church and state” due to the catholic church, not england (though that too).

    This history was taught in schools before the 1960s. Now, the revisionism has made many irish (catholic) children think they were actually in the country (which they were mostly not), and that they ran over b/c it was a fight against the english. The american revolution (BACK IN REALITY) was NOT an IRA event by any means. Quite the opposite. German Palatine protestants who had fled Germany with catholic aggression, gone to england, had it decided they weren’t a good fit, went to what became u.s., ulsterman made up half the revolutionary army, and others, s/a Huegenots, etc.

    Reagan giving embassy to the pope (who had virtually never visited the u.s., had not been welcome in the u.s. —because he is a country in his own right— and is an entity with whom many do not want “diplomatic relations”, etc) will have many consquences in the future.

    This is one.

    Generational Americans (almost categorically northwest euro protestant)—- DID NOT WANT to have the “work of their hands,” their creativity, their GOD GIVEN talents appropriated again by catholic people who often only produced hungry mouths.

    Hungry Mouths are not a commodity, unless you are dealing with other governments and can bargain with your slave-citizens.

    The pope using protestant (generational american northwest euro prod) money to import his own hungry mouths (which will in turn then tithe to him, pay other fees for his palace, etc)— was the whole reason for separation of church and state.

    So— if a practicing catholic is not for the dismantlement of the warfare-welfare-statist hybrid left-right paradigm thingy they’re using the name “america” for, then aren’t they just saying protestants should pay the bills for their (theocracy) group?

    Not to harp on it, but it’s a knotty question, seems like.

  10. DixieGirl, are Protestants who are against Constitutional abortion, pornography, unlimited Hollywood leeway and other forms of recreational and political manhating also betraying the Founding Protestants who fought the Revolutionary War in the name of separation of Church and State?

  11. In the Shelbyville video, the pastor of a local Baptist church discusses how wonderful it is to have Somalis in town because it is so much easier to convert them in Tennessee than to go to Africa.

  12. “In the Shelbyville video, the pastor of a local Baptist church discusses how wonderful it is to have Somalis in town because it is so much easier to convert them in Tennessee than to go to Africa.” – who is it that generally complains a great deal when state resources are used to the advantage of the church like this?

  13. CNN isn’t a reliable source for anything – I have met many, many Muslims in the metro area where I live- and they couldn’t be more helpful and human. None of that pissy-anglo passive aggression under every breath. Simply beautiful folks.

  14. Next door? Well, there’s a Neanderthal white guy (no neck) married to an equally Neanderthal Korean woman. Shortly after moving in – you could hear the screaming fights all along the hallway. The Hulk never returns a greeting.

  15. “Simply beautiful folks”

    – Just remember to tell yourself that after your legs get blown off in a bombing at a shopping mall or bus station, you prissy douchebag.

  16. “it is so much easier to convert them in Tennessee than to go to Africa”

    Over there, missionaries are forbidden, but here they are still resistant Muslims, and a contrived, unbiblical “evangelism” may not produce true converts. Such corrupt churches need to be converted themselves before evangelising others. “Charity begins at home”, and missions and revival must begin here also.

  17. The Catholic and Protestant folks who think Muzzies and Islam is groovy are totally irresponsible. My fellow Catholics who endorse this crap are far more blameworthy than the Protestants who do, because they should know their history well enough to know that we have been fighting these bloodthirsty fanatics since they stormed out of Arabia centuries ago. Indeed, Catholics have been the thin, blue line that has preserved our Western civilization from becoming an Islamic hellhole. All the Catholics on this blog should be praying (they probably already are) that the Catholic community worldwide will rise up with or without the blessing of many befuddled Church leaders to fight and defeat the Islamic scourge, because we are the ones with the proven track record of whipping Muzzie ass big time. No other group can make that claim.

  18. “You ought to rethink which sports you watch as well.”

    I don’t need to rethink anything. Do you think I would spend any time watching Negroids?

    I only watch one sport and it’s over 95% White.

  19. I’m sure once our leaders in DC realize it’s Muslims we’re worried about, they’ll close the gates immediately. I’m sure they had no idea whatsoever we were importing Muslims. I think once we tell them it’s SERIOUS now, they’ll get right on it. Probably the folks at CNN will stop ragging us, too. After all, we’re talking about Muslims now.

    They’ll listen. I’m sure they had no idea how serious it was. We’ll take the Hispanics and the MS-13. But the Muslims? No way. This is serious.

  20. One is more likely to die from black on white violence any day than from statistically insignificant events like 9-11 or the Fort Hood massacre. And yes- many of the Muslims that immigrate to the US are educated, friendly and inclusive folks, in my experience.

  21. I have had Muslm neighbors- and they are a heck of a lot friendlier and kinder than the usual deracinated, know-nothing, self-centered “American”.

  22. The Catholics tend to exaggerate their role in keeping the Moslems out of Europe. It was the Elector of Saxony, the sponsors of Luther and other German Protestant clergy, who broke the back of the Moslem’s at Vienna, even though the French Catholics were at the same time threatening an invasion of the Protestant states of Germany.

    This is also one reason the name John George became so popular a name in early America, after John George the Elector of Saxony.

  23. I prefer forward operations. Kitchener killing the Mahdi or Napier capturing Sindh. I am also a big fan of The Greek war of independence around the time of Byron.

  24. Hajjis are good americans thanks to yankees and their notion anyone can be an american based on, well based on nothing.

  25. “The Catholics tend to exaggerate their role in keeping the Moslems out of Europe. It was the Elector of Saxony, the sponsors of Luther and other German Protestant clergy, who broke the back of the Moslem’s at Vienna, even though the French Catholics were at the same time threatening an invasion of the Protestant states of Germany.”

    Another reason was location — that the Protestants of northwestern Europe were not on the front line like the Romans, who worked against rival churches in North Africa and the East, opening the way for the Muslims to advance.

  26. Earl Butz, you don’t know what you’re talking about. We Catholics aren’t exaggerating our role in whipping the Muzzies. We were the thin blue line that kept the turban heads out of Europe or in the case of Spain, kicked them out of the same. However, many of the early Protestants actually hoped the Muslims would destroy the Catholic Church and nations, and many actually sought out alliances with the Ottomans to do so. Thankfully, most of the modern, believing Protestants realize the sons of the (false) prophet are a threat to be fought, not embraced. BTW Earl, where in the hell were all those Protestant soldiers and sailors when we needed them at Vienna and Lepanto? Thankfully, we “exaggerating” Catholics won anyway.

  27. O—

    I guess the founding protestants would be puking. Something very deep seems to have occurred between them and us, especially immigrations. “Freedom” seemed to work better around people who have a GENUINE God-based code of life, based in Biblical Law, which used to be a given.

    Now, it seems the excuse for foreign dictatorship—- since the multi=cult populations “can’t handle freedom,” and there is so much violence now, etc. Idk— really, I’m at a loss!

  28. @ Attila says:
    CNN isn’t a reliable source for anything – I have met many, many Muslims in the metro area where I live- and they couldn’t be more helpful and human. None of that pissy-anglo passive aggression under every breath. Simply beautiful folks….”

    Atilla—- if you were a wasp, you’d feel pissy, too, if you were still in the u.s. Muslims have everything on a platter, LOL. Of COURSE they are in a good mood—right?

    That aside, is that really the POINT? YOU seem to suggest that ONLY PEOPLE WHO YOU FIND NICE are “human.” You suggest that English people are NON-HUMAN.

    You degrade and dehumanize by implicitly calling people outside your group NON-HUMAN.

    That is hardly very “human” of you.

  29. @ Steven…. Indeed, Catholics have been the thin, blue line that has preserved our Western civilization from becoming an Islamic hellhole…..

    You have a good point that I keep trying to make—- in that, in Reality, the muslim issue is MUCH MORE a catholic than protestant one. Catholics often seem to think protestants are just STUPID b/c they “don’t get this.”

    But in reality—- it is simply NOT A PART of their historical or lived experience.

    By contrast, they see the warmongering that catholics brought into the u.s. as responsible for why muslims are now in the northwest euro protestant (ie, canada, u.s., uk) and nordic proper areas, like north europe. (Catholic religion, itself, was the ideological justification for the roman empire, not a “religion” quite in the protestant sense, something the catholics do not seem to fully understand about the Generational Americans)

    While it’s true that muslims create yet another in our endless “fifth columns” (nowadays we have 39th columns or something, lol)—- northwest euros ARE OF I believe a more GERMANIC mind, ultimately—- they seek out “root causes” in these issues. Why, rather than just getting on board to push muslims out, they blame the people who brought them

  30. Occigent—

    you say: “…We’ll take the Hispanics and the MS-13. But the Muslims? No way. This is serious….”

    Given the relative numbers—- seems more likely the “muslim issues” is A COVER-DISTRACTION FOR keeping the open south border bleeding.

  31. —- “Foreign affairs” are so often just a COVER-DISTRACTION for what the head office wants to accomplish DOMESTICALLY.

    The u.s. “country” is to focus on “foreign affairs” and the muslims pouring into North europe and historically north europe countries (uk, u.s., canada, etc) and far north countries like norway—– and to “unite” in this with the “new brothers” who come from the bleeding south border, domestically.

  32. Historical Fact: It was the Roman Catholic French & Italians who destroyed Constantinople opening the door for a Moslem attack on Europe.

  33. Dixie Girl, you start out fine, then you foul up by making statements that have no historical sense.

    Earl, that sacking was condemned by the pope. The Crusaders were supposed to help the Byzantines, not loot them. As far as the East was concerned, the Muslims were always chipping away at the East centuries before that unfortunate incident. Constantinople would have fallen regardless.

  34. “Hunter Wallace says:

    September 2, 2013 at 10:45 pm

    In the Shelbyville video, the pastor of a local Baptist church discusses how wonderful it is to have Somalis in town because it is so much easier to convert them in Tennessee than to go to Africa.”

    That pastor is a horrifying, blithering, and an Enemy of the worst order.

  35. “we ‘exaggerating’ Catholics won”

    Don’t forget Vlad Dracula, who was an ORTHODOX prince, advanced to the gates of THEIR capital.

  36. “The Crusaders were supposed to help the Byzantines, not loot them.”

    They were so helpful, those Crusaders. So are they even today.

  37. An estimated 20 million deaths were caused by the four Crusades from 1095 to 1291. Many of the casualties were non-Roman eastern Christians, and the eastern Christian churches never recovered. Contemporary crusades may finish them off.

  38. The Crusades were a counter attack after 400 years of getting battered by Arabs and then Turks. They were also critical for the development of institutions in France, Spain Germany and England that define Europe and offshoot civilizations like the US.
    If only the Iraq invasion had been accomplished under the banner of a cross and had been intended to provide the troops actual land and actual property. If only.

  39. The Muslims are not the traitors. The Muslims are not the traitors. The Muslims are not the traitors. The Muslims are not the Traitors. The Muslims are not the traitors. The Muslims are not the traitors. The Muslims are not the traitors. The Muslims are not the traitors.

    Do we want them here? No. But they are not the traitors. The Muslims are not the traitors.

  40. “I have had Muslm neighbors- and they are a heck of a lot friendlier and kinder than the usual deracinated, know-nothing, self-centered “American”.” – But would you move to one of their nations?

  41. Muslims/blacks also invading Europe. More to arrive, without doubt.

    Rome (CNN) — Italian coast guards rescued nearly 700 people in five separate operations overnight around the island of Lampedusa, they said Friday.

    News of the rescue operations came as European Union leaders were meeting in Brussels, Belgium, for a summit at which the issue of migration was high on the agenda.

    The deaths of more than 300 African migrants in a shipwreck off Lampedusa on October 3 shocked Italy and the world, and led to calls for EU lawmakers to review their migration policies. (snip)

    Only single black MALE islamists seem to be on the “immigrant” boats. Why is that? If Africa is safe for their women and children, it is safe for these islamist punks too.

    They are Trojan Horses. Eventually, they will multiply like rats and establish mosques and be shouting allahu akbar on the streets. Send them back now!!!!!!!!!

    residentevil26 residentevil26
    Why do you think these people don’t go to Saudi or Qatar? The answer is that they just want to add to the moslems in Europe. That’s their goal and nothing else. Stop this humanitarian sympathy once and for all. Refugees from Africa in the US are already creeping in, building mosques, proudly wearing their veils, etc. Since they multiply like rats and can have many wives, they will soon become dominant here. That’s their goal, plain and simple.

    John Clare residentevil26
    Saudi Arabia and Qatar have governments that are far too wise to accept even one boatload of Africa’s exported social dross.

    residentevil26 residentevil26
    Look at the CNN related story on Somali refugees in Norway who became citizens in that country and now they are helping the Islamist jihadists in Egypt, Kenya, and elsewhere. That will soon be the case here over and over again if these generous EU governments keep on sheltering and feeding these rats.

    Evelyn Axiaq residentevil26
    Exactly. Thats how they are saying thankyou to Norway. How could we be so stupid to accept all these illegal people?

    John Clare residentevil26
    These sc um have already introduced Suicide Bombing to London (black rampage on buses and the Metro system in July 2005), Looted and burned parts of London, erected Mosques and created ‘no go zones’ for whites, and yes,,,, as the fate of Lee Rigby shows, islamic death rituals have also been introduced to create more space for arriving ‘African immigrants’ to Britain.

    residentevil26 John Clare
    I guess it is too late to rectify the issue? UN should stop helping these people. They are already everywhere, draining resources and social services.

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