About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Can’t resist giving a shoutout to a great miscegenationist role model, Bill DeBlasio, who is about to become the next mayor of New York City. Look up he and his beautiful wife on Wikipedia. He stands for everything most of you on this site hate.

  2. @Proud Globalist Race Traitor
    “He stands for everything most of you on this site hate.”

    Yes, we oppose White Genocide. What is your point?

  3. PGRT, look at his son with that ridiculous afro (want to bet he hates whites?). That’s one of the major problems with mixing across “macro-racial” lines, especially with negroids. He looks like the standard nigger. There’s nothing whatsoever of his father visible in that visage. It’s outright racial elimination. And to rub salt into the wound, the progeny of these mixtures, based on everything science has been able to discover about the heritability of aptitudes, turns out significantly dumber and more impulsive on the average, thus adding to the problem of cultural decline. To me this last point, while worth mentioning, is actually secondary to the problem of being racially wiped out, eliminated from the earth – and by people who tend to resent you and manifest that resentment in shocking rates of racially selective crimes no less. What a future to look forward to.

  4. In further evidence of Peak Jew: Jewish bad boys Spitzer and Weiner lose in New York City elections.

    Colorado politicians that pushed for gun control were thrown out of office.

    Catalonian editorial for secession runs in New York Times.

  5. So, Afterthought, what you are saying, is ‘There is hope for the world,’ because people are awakening from the Jewsmedia stupor across the globe?

    Well, shut my mouth. I’d agree on that ‘final solution,’ any day.

  6. “Gays have parades and triangles and rainbows and all kinds of overt crap, but their real power is in a clandestine network which is fostered by telecommunications (ie the internet).” – Afterthought

    After, old joke, ‘Know the fastest way to get a lie told (in order of speed) ?
    Telegraph, telephone, ‘Tell-a-queen’ (gay campy pseudoman).

    Just remembered that one, thirty years after I first heard it, and laughed out loud, because it seemed to be so true (in So Cal, in the 1980’s)

  7. “Since the SPLC was kind enough…” many of the regular commenters seem to have disappeared, and the Neocon group must be out celebrating their chief holiday today.

  8. Not me, the bike rally looks quite impressive. Especially as it was a counter protest. This is something the EDL ought to adapt. A few Harley’s, Triumphs, Victory’s.

    It’s good visuals.

  9. Personally think its a day that the country would do better to write off as a humilation and concentrate on some sort of victory instead. The US has plenty of days in September when it won battles.

  10. Captain John Charity Spring MA says:
    September 11, 2013 at 6:26 pm
    Personally think its a day that the country would do better to write off as a humilation and concentrate on some sort of victory instead. The US has plenty of days in September when it won battles.”

    Jack Replies:

    Disagree. Sept 11th should be our “remembrance day”, reminder of the horrible consequences of not controlling immigration. I always win every argument I ever have with others over immigration. All of the mass immigration propaganda, that cursed Jewess poem put on the Statue of Liberty about “give us your huddled masses”.. It all gets blown away when I remind them about ugly, racially alien Mohammed Ata and friends who came in to our country on student visas and went to flight school in Florida, then hijacked our airplanes, mass murdered 3,000 of our people IN OUR COUnTRY on Sept 11th.

    The 300 martyred White New York City Fireman should be immortalized in poems, songs, books and movies as 300 modern day Spartans.

    That’s why I will not tolerate 9/11 TRUTHERS CT kooks who deny Muslims, immigration had anything to do with 9-11.

    These 9-11 CTloons go so far as to support, enable immigration traitors like Ron Paul and Rand Paul.

  11. You make a good point. Is it actually likely to become a national day of remembrance?
    The bikers put on a very impressive showing and I think that this ought to become an annual event. I like the idea of DC being swarmed by 1,000,000 Iron Horses, just to remind the political class that they are just servants.

  12. Good point about the selfless firemen and coppers. What you must avoid with a day like that is exploitation by political hacks. The Biker Ride sounds truly authentic.

  13. Captain John Charity Spring MA says:
    September 11, 2013 at 10:18 pm
    Good point about the selfless firemen and coppers. What you must avoid with a day like that is exploitation by political hacks. The Biker Ride sounds truly authentic.

    Jack replies:

    White bikers are the best implicitly White Nationalists. Get to know them, employ them for security.

  14. There’s a Biker Night at Mile 276 in Sunset Hills. The machinery is impressive, the crowd surprisingly friendly.

  15. Good point by Juri. The South is a territory the size of Western Europe. I don’t think most Americans have an intuitive grasp of how small most European nations are. I don’t anyway.

    To put this in perspective, Greece is smaller than North Carolina. Travel time is not even an issue in Golden Dawn events. From one end of the country to the other is a few hours’ drive.

    Now, let’s say you live in Dallas and are thinking about going to next month’s rally in Murfreesboro. You’re looking at a ten hour drive.

  16. “Greece is smaller than North Carolina.”

    North Carolina is a huge state. One would be hard pressed to travel from Buxton to Culberson in a single day.

  17. From Mosin’s comment:

    “am from Mississippi one of the most racist states in America. I traveled to PA to go to the mountains. When I was on the highway, there was a group of white people riding in a vehicle behind me and my friends. They pulled along beside us and were all hanging out of the windows screaming GO BACK TO MISSISSIPPI, GO HOME N******!”

    Hhhmmm…I wonder if that is any-one I know?

    My cohort Haughty Blond and I used to entertain ourselves by dining out at some of the poshest, most fashionable “Liberal” restaurants, and make pointed remarks about the Fruits O” Diversity, and the resulting horror, and Orcs, and what not. We rarely got a bad reaction. We once got a complaint from a table of Jew York Jews (and we had an Orc as one of our dining companions! He was the most gleeful of all, at the kvetching of Der Juden!) and we’ve gotten pained and horrified looks – but nothing else. We always, of course, had our much abused, hard-working, long-suffering Muscle Man in attendance, in order to write the checks our mouths were cashing. Ahhhh Good times!

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