About Hunter Wallace 12380 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Very inspiring video.

    We need to get a good looking gal to model the shirts. And would be cool if we got a group ‘Sea of Hate’ style pic of all those with the new shirts in TN. Would look very sharp.

  2. In Europe there are small distances and that,s why organizing mass rally is easier. Most of Golden Dawn members live hour long car drive radius from each other.

    From Athens to Thermopylae is about 100 miles highway.

  3. Mr. Wallace — please change the verb in my preceding post to “have” and then delete the present post.

  4. Few political entities are doing public protest well; most activity happens on the internet.

    Gays have parades and triangles and rainbows and all kinds of overt crap, but their real power is in a clandestine network which is fostered by telecommunications (ie the internet).

    Are we doing the internet well?

  5. Why can’t we do something like this in Tennessee?

    Because you don’t have the numbers or the popular support to pull something like that off. Sad but true. Even this Greek demo is small potatoes compared to what a serious secessionist movement can do:

    Hundreds of thousands of Catalans will unite to create a 400-kilometre human chain on September 11th, part of a spectacular campaign for independence fiercely opposed by Madrid.

    Some 400,000 people aim to join hands along the entire coastline of the northeastern region of Catalonia to demand an historic redrawing of the map of Spain.

    The protest is being organised by Catalan separatists on the region’s national day, or Diada, which recalls the final defeat of Catalan troops by Spanish King Philip V’s forces in 1714.


    That’s 400,000 separatist protestors out of a total Catalonian population of only 7.5 million. The Southern equivalent would be about 6 million secessionists joining hands from Charleston to New Orleans.

  6. “Why can’t we do something like this in Tennessee? ”

    From what I read on another video, that event started out small, so there’s no reason you can’t do the same.

  7. Good point by Juri. The South is a territory the size of Western Europe. I don’t think most Americans have an intuitive grasp of how small most European nations are. I don’t anyway.

    Those are some sharp looking shirts. I will buy one.

  8. “And how many of these valiant sons of Greece have raised a son who has mastered Euclid?”

    Awkward sentence structure. Have you mastered your Pythagoras today?

  9. The Greeks appear to take the Math Olympiad seriously enough. They were never running around as a mass resolving quadratic equations either. You really ought to quantify what you are talking about Bonacoursi. It would appear that enough of them are mastering Euclid to win a reasonable number of medals in open competition. Greece is no mathematical power house today but it competes at the level you might expect from an Eastern Med population sample.


  10. I asked about the men in that rally, Captain John. Golden Dawn is probably about the same age as Google’s two founders. To whom are those founders more likely to donate money–the League of the South or the Southern Poverty Law Center?

  11. PS So far, you’ve spelled my name two ways, neither of which is correct. Incapacity to pause, to read, to not talk: hallmark, it seems, of whites who are drawn to a website that flies the Confederate flag.

  12. Apparently they have an armed wing. They were also Brigaded into a Serbian unit in the Bosnian War. They captured a Muslim village and raised the Greek flag.

    In answer to Hunter’s question it appears that Greek nationalists are ferocious and warlike. They also have strong ties to the Police forces and appear to physically attack anyone who gets in their way. They also avoid channelling nationalism into institutions like their military instead they recruit their own poor and downtrodden in exchange for protection and group cohesiveness.


    Fascinating group.

  13. Honestly Bonaccoursi I don’t care what your name is. Let alone how
    It is spelled.

    Or about punctuation either, evidently. That’s what I was pointing out.

    PS I’m glad to see the leader of Golden Dawn is a mathematician. When he will have given over his time to founding a Google or other company on whose existence the livelihoods of many white men depend–when, in other words, he will have attained power–he’ll be helping whites. Frat-boy rallies and acts of charity are meaningless.

  14. You realize I’m speed typing on an iPhone, right? It does things.

    Now that you are walking your statements back, why don’t you find out who and what these people do for a living? You should stop asking assinine questions and just report back after you’ve found some answers for yourself. My guess is that most of them are technicians of one sort or another with a sprinkling of professions.

    It’s also comedy gold that you are suggesting frat boy antics are evidence of degeneracy.
    The Mess Hall is a social foundation for social dominance. Does it frighten you to see large groups of whites parade?

  15. “Good point by Juri. The South is a territory the size of Western Europe. I don’t think most Americans have an intuitive grasp of how small most European nations are. I don’t anyway.”

    England is only 300 miles wide. My sister and brother-in-law bicycled from Haverfordwest to London in two days. Organizing would be easier there. New Orleans to Nashville is about 8 hours drive.

  16. There should be a Northern Nationalist Network to balance out and reinforce the SNN. With bumper stickers etc. A few days ago, here in northern New England, driving home from the post office, there was a pickup truck in front of me with two confederate flags flying in the back. I thought of “honk if you love Jesus” (I’m laughing, it is sooo funny) and wished there was a honk code I could use to let them know there was a friend behind them. : )

  17. MOB, according to a Harvard University study, some of the most racist states, listed below in order of racism, are actually NORTH of the Line:
    1. West Virginia
    2. Louisiana
    3. Pennsylvania
    4. Mississippi
    5. Kentucky
    6. Michigan
    7. Ohio
    8. South Carolina
    9. Alabama….

    Pennsylvania ranked high only because it includes the western, Appalachian part of the state, so-called “Pennsyltucky”, which is very racist, ranking by itself the third most racist area in the country, according to another study. Rural eastern Ohio is more racist than the rest of the state, bringing the state as a whole up in the rankings. Let Chris explain why Michigan appears in the top ten.

    / ithe allli avnddymmrrmmdu

  18. Re: “/ ithe allli avnddymmrrmmdu”: Just a meaningless error.

    Some anecdotal, first-hand-experience comments on northern racism:

    “Pensylvania has people who drive chevy pick up trucks with confederate flags. A young person here said at the store, you n*****, go back to KFC where you belong. I can not belive how rude and ignorate some of these people are.”

    “I have lived in TN, Fl, NYC and PA has been the most racist state by far ridiculous. I’ve experienced more racism in 1 month than I have of years in the other states. Its a shame.”

    “Very racist outside philadelphia. From Harrisburg and every other central PA town. They affectionatally call it Pentucky enough said.”

    “am from Mississippi one of the most racist states in America. I traveled to PA to go to the mountains. When I was on the highway, there was a group of white people riding in a vehicle behind me and my friends. They pulled along beside us and were all hanging out of the windows screaming GO BACK TO MISSISSIPPI, GO HOME N******!”

    “I am an African American who has lived in various counties of Pennsylvania (…) and I can attest to what this person has just said (…) I discovered that Berks, Lehigh, Lancaster, and Lebanon Counties are called Pennsyltucky and I found out the hard way why (…) I found out that this Area of Pennsylvania is full of German/PA Dutch White people and I discovered that even if they are educated they (…) still have a superiority complex. I have also discovered that this genre of people, especially the Germans are very dangerous in that you can lose everything in dealing with them because they are calculated, cold, and evil. I know understand how they could pull off something as horrible as the holocaust and not flinch. And agree that although this is the north you see more Confederate flags up her than in the South, I know because I am originally from the south and was raised there (…) Black people should avoid this area at all cost (…) I think the State of Pennsylvania should make it in the top ten of the most racist state in the US.”

    thumbs upthumbs down

    thumbs upthumbs downselect reason:duplicateinaccurateirrelevantlow qualitynon-englishoffensiveplagiarismpoor formattingpoor spellingprofanityspamunsupportive

    Cops pull you over if you do a hair over the speed limit. BE CAREFUL!

    thumbs upthumbs down

  19. Re: “thumbs up”, etc. : Sorry, another error from posting in haste. I will be careful now.

    Which states have the most hate groups, according to the SPLC, also ranks many northern states among the most racist. Although Vermont has only one hate group and Maine only two, Michigan has 26, Ohio 27, and Pennsylvania, 28 hate groups — whereas below the Line, Georgia has 31, Alabama 32, Tennessee 37 — and Texas ranks highest at 66 hate groups.

  20. Mississippi did not vote for women’s suffrage until 1984, 64 years after the 19th Amendment became law of the land. The next to last was South Carolina in 1973. I

    In Alabama, in 1984, a referendum to remove school segregation from the state constitution was defeated.

    See if any northern states can top those.

  21. PS I’m glad to see the leader of Golden Dawn is a mathematician. When he will have given over his time to founding a Google or other company on whose existence the livelihoods of many white men depend–when, in other words, he will have attained power–he’ll be helping whites. Frat-boy rallies and acts of charity are meaningless.

    They have 18 members in the Greek parliament. And I think any international company connected with GD would have trouble getting contracts-we don’t live in Ayn Rand World.

  22. Update: The American Right is becoming enamored of Putin, which is a good sign for our people, and indicative of generational change. We may actually see Rand Paul offered up as a sacrificial lamb to Hillary Clinton in 2016, another nod to generational change in the American Right.

    This generation libertarians, the next generation white separatists. The former furthers the latter by the way.

  23. Does it frighten you to see large groups of whites parade?

    No–and it doesn’t frighten whites’ enemies either.

  24. And I think any international company connected with GD would have trouble getting contracts …

    That’s my point.

  25. Love the shirt. I’m a Copperhead. I’ll be ordering soon.

    Not to be a bummer but that’s a bad pic. Funny but weird. Palmetto – you don’t look like you are really awake. You look like you were on a fun but exhausting all-night bender, and your pals have roused to out of bed to do something you really want to do, and yo uare signaling that you are game, and all – but you….aren’t….really….awake yet….”Can I have more beer, for the road, just one more?”…..

    We must get the PR down. Come on.


    Redo the pic. You can parody some of these poses, for the Hipster crowd. Hip and cool and in control will take you much further than cringingly earnest, and…not quite awake yet…

  26. Afterthought – American love Putin. And most think Assad is swell.

    Obama and the Hebes have been PUNKED. They are tired and weak and they LIE and they are not cool anymore at all NOT cool.

    They are done.

  27. On the GD question, how do you know anything about Golden Dawn’s finances, Bonacoursi, why don’t you master doing your own research and stop asking rhetorical questions?

    My understanding is that the Greeks are currently squeezing turdworlders out of their territory at a fantastically fast rate. The anti-immigration Norwegian right wing just slaughtered Labour (yeah a few years after
    breivik went Bezerk, imagine that!). All you do is moan like a pussy.

  28. “Does it frighten you to see large groups of whites parade? No–and it doesn’t frighten whites’ enemies either.”

    Parades as such are not as effective and not as much to be feared as the spreading of information, wisdom and religious revival.

  29. My understanding is that the Greeks are currently squeezing turdworlders out of their territory at a fantastically fast rate.

    Great. That means we’ll soon no longer have to watch these insipid spectacles and hear about Golden Dawn’s soup kitchens and whatever else it is they’re involved in to make whites seem as pathetic as Negroes.

  30. …and whoever uses expressions like “turdworlders” makes themselves seem pathetic, etc. Let’s use good English and speak respectfully of other peoples.

  31. “Chris, can you explain why your states is ranked the sixth most racist?”

    – Because when our white men went away to fight WW2, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War (a war in which my own father completed 3 tours) masses of niggers from the Southern states migrated here to our once-thriving industrial cities like Detroit, Flint, Pontiac, Saginaw etc, took all the labor vacancies, lowered wages for the local whites, raped our women, robbed our elderly, assaulted our children in their schools, turned our safe ethnic neighborhoods into African-style slums and thoroughly destroyed our innocence. They inflicted upon white, urban Michiganians the most brutal act of mass ethnic-cleansing ever experienced by any whites in North America. They MURDERED the beautiful American life that I and everyone like me should have had, and I HATE them for it. More than I could ever express in words. And I DAMN “the South” and it’s lazy, greedy, backward inhabitants for ever bringing those filthy monsters here in the first place.

  32. A rather powerful synopsis about Detroit.

    On the question of my location. I left the UK long before enrichment was really noticeable. I’d only seen a handful of Pakistanis and no more than two blacks when I moved. LA was a culture shock.

  33. Why don’t Americans join right-wing groups and parade in public? Social ostracism and employment discrimination. No one is yet zealous enough to risk losing their livelihood.

    When the above no longer matters, then you will see people in the streets.

  34. Sean, I am curious as to what your ancestral country is, as you seem to think John has less right to be here than anyone else posting. Why would anyone object to our cousins from the British Isles being here, especially as they represent a tiny percentage of today’s immigrants

    Personally I have my own preferences as to who I would ‘vote off the island’ and it would not be someone of kindred descent. This country (including the South) was founded by Englishmen and populated mostly by them until the immigrant floods started. I don’t object to our cousins being here in this country. Plenty of American expats live on the other side of the Atlantic. Fair is fair. And don’t WNs believe ‘our race is our nationality’ anyway?

  35. The time for talk is over. It is time to “organize for action” against the left-liberal hydra.

    Gentlemen (and ladies), I bring you the Million Troll March on Media Matters.

    For 24 hours we will be saying all those naughty things we “aren’t allowed to say”, all those ungoodthinking blasphemies against anti-racism, multiculturalism, critical theory, black liberation theology, political correctness, lesbian separatism, feminism, environmentalism and every liberal sacred cow. Join us on media matters dot org for 24 full hours of liberal butthurt.

    This is a once in a lifetime event. Do NOT miss your chance to say all the things you’ve been dying to say, right to the liberals’ faces. Help us drop a lulzbomb on the Great Satan. Contact everyone you know and tell them to stand up for what we believe in this September 11th by putting down everything liberals believe in.

    This IS happening, and we want YOU to be a part of it.

  36. @VA

    “..you seem to think John has less right to be here than anyone posting.”

    – To be exact, I think Martin Lindstedt should be banned more than anyone else. In the case of Captain John, he lives in this country, more comfortably than he ever would back home, and all he ever does is talk shit about it. He’s lived in America for more than a decade, and refuses to take American citizenship. He regularly mocks our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and believes that the rule of monarchy was better than democracy — this while residing in the very he place he disrespects. Captain John wrongly blames America for the dissolution of his impotent old British Empire last century. Captain John rubbed Obama’s apparent “re-election” in everyone’s face by cracking jokes and keeping a running commentary of the disgusting spectacle last November. Captain John celebrated the Boston Marathon bombing as “comedy gold”. Finally, the prick chooses sides in an ancient, private, regional grudge between Americans, having the nerve to suggest that MY country be “partitioned”, and he sides with the South — a region he doesn’t even reside in! You’re damn right he has no business posting that shit here.

    “Personally I have my own preferences as to who I would ‘vote off the island’ and it would not be someone of kindred descent.”

    – The English aren’t my kindred and they think me & mine to be lower than niggers and have treated us as such. And most Americans are no more kindred of the English than they are of the Germans, the Irish, the Swedish, or any other European nationality. This ain’t Plymouth Rock anymore.

    “This country (including the South) was founded by Englishmen..”

    – No, the former English colonies were founded by Englishmen. The United States of America was founded by a Americans — a multi-ethnic people distinct in their own right.

    “..and populated mostly by them until the immigrant flood started.”

    – Bullshit. People of unmixed English descent were already a minority (around 40%) by the time the Declaration of Independence was signed.

    “I don’t object to our cousins being here in this country.”

    – Captain John isn’t your cousin or mine, and he doesn’t give a happy damn about your cause. He’s just on OD to express his hatred for America, and his resentment that his life is so much better in America than it ever could be in England.

    “And don’t WN’s believe ‘our race is our nationality’ anyway?”

    – Only if you’re a desperate fool.

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