About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is the way to protest. When the unions have a protest, join up and use it as an opportunity to talk about how immigration will kill the unions. When environmentalists protest, talk about how the illegals are impacting the environment. Participate in the leftist’s activism on issues where diversity harms their overall cause, and put a pro white spin on your support of their cause. Leftists own the sport of “Activism/Protests/ Organizing”. They are the best at it, always have been, and always will be. Instead of standing around in the street having retarded shouting matches with hysterical jew foot soldiers, hijack their events and spread pro white propaganda as it pertains to whatever nonsense they are protesting.

  2. Right, Tom. Join the Tea Party, the Republicans, the Democrats, the environmentalists in your area. Education is leading from where they are, beginning on common ground. No need for an expensive, time-wasting separate organization. Just get active in your area!

  3. The next teacher strike would be a good time to bring up the strain of illegals on the school budget, while simultaneously supporting higher wages for teachers and newer schools, better equipment, bla bla bla yada yada etc

  4. Yes, Tom, local school board meetings. Ask WHY “they” think they are going to need these new, larger schools in the near future, at enormous expense to taxpayers, if the younger generation of the taxpaying population is stable or declining.

  5. Thoughts as I watch this:

    1. Look at that old, fat, puffy faced man-child in the first minute. “I belong to the world.” You know what dude? Curse the day that Providence made the mistake of conceiving you in the womb. I loath anti-white whites like you more than Denise does.

    2. Does there come a point where the screeches of “WHITE SUPREMACIST!!” make the anti-white vermin into the boy who cried wolf?

    3. I swear, White women who stand up for their people like she did instantly become ten times more attractive then they would be at first glance.

    4. That hideous fake laugh at 3:05-3:07.

    5. 4:31-4:33, “Our message is non-violence and equality.” Yet more evidence that a satanic, religious belief in equality is one of the root causes of the anti-white evils of the last 250 years.

    6. Listen to the silence after she says “I have love for my own race” at 5:18. You can tell the ethnomasochists at that rally have never heard that one before. They don’t know how to respond cause all they know is “equality…one race the human race…we’re all the same underneath…tolerance…diversity…multiculturalism” yadda yadda yadda.

    7. Great video!

  6. “a satanic, religious belief in equality is one of the root causes of the anti-white evils of the last 250 years”

    It is the equalising of good and evil, right and wrong and the Christian and the non-Christian, in order to excuse sin, that is a threat and “cause of anti-white evil”, NOT the equalisation of brothers as we bear one anothers’ burdens, doing unto as we would have done unto us, etc.

    The other side of the coin, the “satanic, religious belief” in AUTHORITARIANISM, has proven a MUCH greater threat and cause of anti-white evil than secular egalitarianism, throughout history.

  7. Anti was saying, often repeated phrase” why do you say your race is better than any other race”

    I usually say:” why are the third worlders flocking enmass in all western countries, and not the other way around.

  8. Mosin, all effective religions are authoritarian. Why do you think the Ten Commandments say ‘thou shall’ and “thou shall not”?

  9. My view of these leftists, and for that matter bourgeouis anti-white liberals and race mixers, has become very simple.

    Get rich and enslave them. See them working for you for 5 bucks an hour, 60 hours a week, or starving in the street.

    Keep that vision in your mind, and work towards your goal. As time passes, you will likely progress toward this goal.

  10. “all effective religions are authoritarian”

    You might also say: “Only authoritarian religions are effective”. “Authoritarian” can be despotic, top-down hierarchial, “infallible”, and universally supremacist — so it can identify perfectly: Rome. What attracts you (opportunity?) to authoritarian heretical Rome? The slave-natured love and adore a despotism, but so do the despots themselves, and all their advisers, financiers and other assistants, and all aspiring despots.

  11. Reason is the most brutal authoritarian. It demands the strictest obedience. Chaos and loss are its punishment. But its reward is priceless.

  12. “Heretical “Christian” religious despotism has been one of the chief curses of white civilisation.”

    Indeed, we can all see that the splintering of Christianity into 30,000 sects over the last 50 years has brought incredible gains to Western Civilization. Why just any minute now I think we might even re establish national borders.

  13. Hereward Saxon,

    What Christianity is not heretical? Not picking a fight, just curious. I’m sure I’ve asked this question before, and you probably answered it, it’s just my bad memory, and I apologize if I’m repeating the question. I’m not doing it to be a wise-ass though.

    Do you go to a church? If so, can you tell me what denomination, and if you regard this church as thoroughly non-heretical? Thanks.


  14. Mosin, God himself is an authoritarian. The last time I looked at Bible, it says to obey his commandments or face dire punishments and penalties in this life and beyond. BTW, you’re confusing authoritarianism with tyranny. Authoritarians enforce laws that comply with the traditions of the people and God, tyrants rule by their own will, and disregard established laws and customs.

  15. The “nationalist.org” she refers to was founded and maintained by an attorney named Richard Barrett in Mississippi. He was murdered by Negros several years ago (suspected Mossad/FBI involvement) and the organization pretty much died, I don’t even think it has a website anymore, the site address was “nationalist.org” but that will not come up. Very odd one gal demonstration, she seem sincere, but there might be more than meets the eye: a lone female in a Marxist state waving the flag of a defunct organization ???

  16. “The United States is a straight jacket.” Straight out of a the mouth of a “man” who appears to me wouldn’t even be able to fight his way out of a paper bag. We’ve got nothing to worry about when it comes to these Marxists. All bark and incapable of a bite.

  17. Weren’t all these people (except the modern Maid of Orleans) including hair-in-bun lady with back to camera in Independence Day? I thought they would have woken up by now and learned to properly distinguish between an alien invasion and a pah-tee!


  18. It’s interesting that there is a religious discussion here, out of all threads, when religion was not discussed at all in the video.

    Cracker, maybe she was a relative of Barrett’s? At first I thought it might be DixieGirl. She has a slight southern accent and she talked about her ancestors founding the nation.

    Snowhitey, I also caught that quote “The United States is a straight jacket.” And yet, most commenters here on this site would agree with that statement, although for very different reasons. In point of fact, his simple, truthful response “I belong to the world” really could not have been a better reaction.

    Did you all notice the Marxist man trying to defend her? He sounded a bit drunk, but that was one of the most interesting parts of the video for me.

    Clearly she did a lot more to advance your cause, and it would be much better for you all if others follow her example. Anti-racist activists will soon learn to give adequate responses to the points made by such people, however. Marxists, liberals and Tea Party conservatives must each find their own way; their own angle. I, as a pro-life Democrat, will try to find a combination of the three. Finally, it is probably better to have women take up a lot of this. It confuses feminists, and forces them to admit that a large number of women are outside of their box.

  19. I myself said that the far left and far right can and should join together in protesting the war against Syria. I could wish that some of the Far Right could just stay in the background and not come out as such until the end of the protest, and perhaps some are.

  20. “God himself is an authoritarian (…) you’re confusing authoritarianism with tyranny”

    The Almighty is authoritative in all things, but you are confusing the universal world-religious tyranny of Rome (the “little horn” which claims blasphemously to be the infallible “Vicar” of the Almighty) with the authority and will of the Almighty Himself!

    • Mosin, some Popes have been jerks, but the Papacy itself isn’t tyrannical. The Pope can only carry out what Christ commanded. He’s only infallible when he speaks officially from the chair and in accordance with the deposit of faith. as revealed in the oral and written traditions of the faith. And that little horn is the Pope is nonsense. Daniel makes it quite clear that horn is a king, not a religious figure like the Pope.

  21. “It’s interesting that there is a religious discussion here”

    Religious discussion belongs here, and is always relevant — and may these discussions lead to true conversions and truly changed lives, and a secure future for the failing white race! Confession must come before secession and repentance before true independence. There is only one sure Foundation for our building. All other grounds are unstable.

    Kievsky, I haven’t overlooked your question: “What Christianity is not heretical?”

    Of course Biblical, orthodox Christianity has always existed — and “heresy” (a Biblical term) would be nonsensical or meaningless if no Christianity was NOT heretical. I understand (please correct me if I am wrong) that your background was in the Unitarian-Universalist denomination, which is heretical or unbiblical in the tradition of Arius and Fausto Sozzini, and that some Unitarian churches even include Wiccans and militant atheists. I understand you presently do not believe Jesus is the Son of God who died for our sins, and rose from the dead and is coming again to judge, etc. –and only “he that willeth to do his will shall know of the doctrine whether it is true”! Only coming to the Light can one understand what is true, and what is not….

    “Mosin values tolerance. If only tolerance valued him.”

    Thanks, Occigent. But I do not intend to be, and believe I am not, tolerant of sin — and Satan values no one. But I am not intolerant of differences of opinion and practice that may be called “nonessential” such as cultural traditions and personal idiosyncracies. There is an old saying that applies: “Unity in essentials, liberty in nonessentials, charity in all things”.

  22. Re: “Only coming to the Light can one understand what is true, and what is not….”

    Putting that more clearly: Only BY coming to the Light can one understand what is true, and what is not….

    Only through repentance and faith, and obedience to His will, can we know the Truth, and distinguish error, or heresy.

  23. Universalist-Unitarian? Ugh, where’d you get that from?

    No, Christian Science actually, and lapsed Catholic from my mom’s side. Alex Linder grew up in a CS family too.

    Is Gary North heretical?

  24. Sorry, Kievsky. Thanks for the correction. I read some time ago, on one of your blog posts or comments, the phrase: “my Unitarian church”, and of course that stayed with me. Perhaps you meant there one was nearby, in your neighbourhood.

    I know Unitarian churches and Unitarian backgrounds are not as uncommon in some of the New England states as they are elsewhere, and you might well have been checking one out, since having faith in Christ or even belief in a god is not required — and almost anything (except, perhaps, white racialism?) could develop in one of those “churches”. Unitarians also tend to have higher than average IQ, but they are a perfect example of what “heretical” means — and I echo with your expression: “Ugh” !

    Christian Science is another indisputably heretical, unbiblical denomination that is centred in New England, the “Mother Church” being located in Boston — and the “practitioners” also tend to have higher than average IQ even for whites. I remember reading that you tried very hard to practice Christianity (Christian Science?) that made your youth miserable. Christianity should bring joy in youth.

    Re: your question about Gary North:

    I am not a follower of the truly deadly heresy of John (COHEN) Calvin the Great — and although North and Rushdoony’s “Christian Reconstruction” and the closely related Dominion Theocratism seem to have many good points, their basis of Calvinism definitely makes them heretical, unbiblical movements. We are much more closely related to “Old Believer” Orthodoxy, although that belongs to a very different and geographically distant ethnic group, than we are to any nearby Calvinists of our own ethnic group.

  25. Mosin, I’ve got to congratulate you! You finally got something right! John Calvin was indeed Jewish. Then you shot yourself in the foot by going panicky over Santorum saying civil law must conform to God’s law. Duh-oh! That’s what we Catholics have always done. That’s why infanticide was wiped out in the ancient world by Catholics. We made the civil law conform to God’s law by not practicing it ourselves, and when we became the dominant religion in the Roman Empire, we legally outlawed it. You got a problem with that?

  26. “I am not a follower of the truly deadly heresy of John (COHEN) Calvin the Great “

    John Calvin was a Frenchman not a Jew. You morons on this site seem to think that calling people you don’t agree with “Jews” is some sort of rhetorical triumph.

    It’s not. It just makes you a liar and an ignorant one at that.

    • Rudel, I’ve read several old texts that make the claim that ol’ Cal was a Jew. Walsh in his “Phillip II”, says all of his close confederates in Geneva were Jews. And you yourself have noticed, Calvinism is very Judaistic. Maybe it’s because it was founded by Jews?

  27. It’s not. It just makes you a liar and an ignorant one at that.

    As they say, Rudel, admitting you’ve got a problem is the first step to curing it. So well done, old boy.

  28. Proud Globalist Race Traitor says:

    September 13, 2013 at 1:25 am

    I myself said that the far left and far right can and should join together in protesting the war against Syria. I could wish that some of the Far Right could just stay in the background and not come out as such until the end of the protest, and perhaps some are.”

    Jack replies:

    All the polls I trust say 85% of Americans of all backgrounds oppose a US attack on Syria and oppose arming Islamic rebels. The key is to just do solid activism against these wars, some will call you a NaZi, far right, others that your a Commie, Hippie, pacifist. Even the Christian Zionist prostitutes are having problems getting excited about another pro Israel war.

  29. @Dalton, who wrote: “You finally got something right! John Calvin was indeed Jewish. Then you shot yourself in the foot by going panicky over Santorum saying civil law must conform to God’s law. Duh-oh! That’s what we Catholics have always done.”

    What made you think I went panicky over Santorum? What he said is RIGHT, and I linked that Santorum clip as an example of “theocratic”. However, I don’t agree with Santorum’s religious affiliation and his mostly liberal, multicultural and Neocon politics, and I absolutely reject your boast that Romanism has “always done that”. Rather it has been a mostly CORRUPTING influence!

    Theocracy or theonomy is right for us, what we need, but NOT led by heretical Calvinists or Papists!

  30. “Mosin (…) What church is not heretical?”

    Not a particular denominational organization but a church or congregation that holds and teaches Biblical doctrine and also lives out the teaching — of which the scripture says only he that willeth to do his will shall know of the doctrine whether it is true, for otherwise, as a scoffer, you cannot understand — is not “heretical”. Don’t you believe there IS no such thing as a non-heretical Biblical church, and that the term heresy is therefore nonsensical and meaningless?

  31. “John Calvin was a Frenchman not a Jew. You morons on this site seem to think that calling people you don’t agree with ‘Jews’ is some sort of rhetorical triumph. It’s not. It just makes you a liar and an ignorant one at that.”

    What’s gotten into you, Rudel? Review the history of the Great John Calvin who led so many Northwest European whites astray. Besides, I don’t call people I disagree with “Jews” and I don’t use “Jew” as a pejorative. I do use Talmudist and Talmudic to identify those (mostly Jews) who oppose Christianity.

  32. “Review the history of the Great John Calvin”

    I have. He was born to Gérard Cauvin and Jeanne Lefranc both of whom were devout Catholics and not in the least bit Jewish. His name was not “Cohen.” You lose. so quit calling those who you disagree with Jewish as you did by lying about his name..

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