Showdown In Tennessee

Leftists organize a counterprotest in Murfreesboro
Leftists organize a counterprotest in Murfreesboro


We learned this morning that a group of leftists in Murfreesboro have organized a counterprotest to our “Demonstration Against Southern Demographic Displacement” which is scheduled to take place next month on October 12th.

The counterprotest is being organized by Mandela Satsuma from Watertown, New York, who can be seen enjoying the pretzel in the photo on the right, and who seems to be active in a wide range of causes in the region including Occupy Nashville and  The Nashville Radical Faerie Circle.

A Google search for “Mandela Satsuma” turned up some comments on a page called “Anarchist Memes” where she starts an argument about anarchists who come from “a place of privilege” posting degrading images of starving black people in Third World countries which reinforce colonial stereotypes:

“Dear Anarchist Memes – why do you insist on sharing so many photos of starving people in third world countries? I get that they are supposed to make an impact- people are starving while those of us in “developed” nations are living in excess, and it is despicable. We’re on the same page with this. But don’t you think these images are degrading to the people they portray? …

Quite obviously, Miss Satsuma isn’t starving.

Art Dishman organizes a Murfreesboro counterprotest
Art Dishman organizes a Murfreesboro counterprotest

Art Dishman from Hampstead, New Hampshire and his wife Misty Knight Dishman are listed as co-organizers of the Murfreesboro counterprotest.

Misty Knight Dishman deleted all the comments that challenged her worldview and described League supporters as “inbred” while ranting and raving about “bigotry” and “tolerance” before banning us from the Facebook page.

Nice suspenders, Art. Who wears the pants in this relationship?

Image taken from Michael Cannon's Facebook page
Image taken from Michael Cannon’s Facebook page

Michael Cannon of Smyrna, Tennessee has described himself to us as another organizer of the counterprotest.

To his credit, Cannon recently held a demonstration at the Rutherford County Courthouse against the Obama administration’s attempt to attack Syria. This image on the right of a hammer and sickle seems to have vanished from his Facebook page.

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It was bound to be. They’ll protest against anti-Muslim prejudice, in support of the rights of the hated but innocent Muslim immigrants — and white racialism may have been sidetracked once again by the Muslim distraction from pursuing the real enemy.

  2. Note I said “may have been”. It is difficult but not impossible to distinguish our concern with white racial, ethnic and cultural Preservation from “Islamophobia” and other fears and hatreds of non-whites.

  3. Re: “distraction from pursuing the real enemy”

    That isn’t “Yankees” (white people from north of the Line) either.

  4. Remember that you are up against Universalism, which has been the fig leaf of Empire since Cyrus the Great. There is something about Universalism that is attractive to our people in a way that is not to, say, Chinese and Africans. Not an easy foe, by any means.

    Also, when you pull the “gender studies” professors out of the shadows, you force a comparison. Who will be more white and normal? That is who normal whites will gravitate towards.

  5. Anti-Whites say:
    “‘Say no to racism: we’re all human’”

    Pro Whites say:
    —>“We are all human!” does not justify white geNOcide <—
    “Because of history!” does not justify white geNOcide
    “For the economy!” does not justify white geNOcide
    “Low birth rates!” does not justify white geNOcide
    “We all bleed red!” does not justify white geNOcide
    “Race is just a social construct!” does not justify white geNOcide
    “We are all from Africa!” does not justify white geNOcide
    Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White

    Anti-Whites say:
    You are "neo-Nazis, terrorists, hate immigrants, are small-minded bigots, are inbred, are bullying and threatening"

    Pro Whites say:
    In your opinion we are "neo-Nazis, terrorists, hate immigrants, are small-minded bigots, are inbred, are bullying and threatening". You are just saying that because we are White. Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White.

    Meanwhile, no one is flooding Africa with Non Africans and telling them… "neo-Nazis, terrorists, hate immigrants, are small-minded bigots, are inbred, are bullying and threatening" …we are going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Africa.

    No one is flooding Asia with non-Asians and telling them… "neo-Nazis, terrorists, hate immigrants, are small-minded bigots, are inbred, are bullying and threatening" …we are going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Asia.

    Only White countries are doing this, only anti-Whites like you are pushing it. You want White GENOCIDE.

    Anti-Whites say:
    "moving into “your” South"

    Anti-Whites ALWAYS use "your" and "white", when describing White racial identity and White countries – even those in Europe. What they are saying is, White people do not exist, or have land rights anywhere on Earth.

    That is a dehumanization tactic. Dehumanization is one of the 8 Stages of Genocide, listed at the Genocide Watch website.

    Then these same anti-Whites harp on about Whites (who do not exist), taking land from the American Indians. So they do recognize the concept of racial ownership of land, as long as the people occupying it, are NOT White.

    Funny how they always contradict themselves and the contradictions are ALWAYS anti-White.

    Anti-Whites say:
    ‘America’ as a propositional nation

    “America is a propositional nation with a ‘living constitution’”. A “propositional nation” is a dictatorship. Whoever controls the “proposition” and can change the “living constitution” is the dictator.

    Anti-Whites say:
    "you betray everything that has made America the land of the free and the home of the brave"

    Anti-Whites use "patriotism" to justify White Genocide – "Patriotism" does not justify Genocide.

    I have a question. The anti-Whites are going after your lodgings, by informing them "racists" will be staying there.

    And now for my question:
    Do the hotels they will be staying at, know their guests are anti-White???

  6. Afterthought says:
    September 23, 2013 at 2:37 am

    “Remember that you are up against Universalism”

    “Universalism” does not apply to Siberian “Native” Indians…. “Universalism” does not apply to Africans in Africa, nor does it apply to Asians in Asia – Japan is 99% Japanese. Universalism is only demanded of White countries, which they say do not exist.

    They are quite clearly anti-White.

  7. Anti-Whites say:
    “‘America’ as a propositional nation”

    And the US was never a propositional nation. The preamble to the US Constitution makes it clear who it is addresses, with the words “to ourselves and our posterity”.

    Anti-Whites call the Founding Fathers, “racist old white men”, because they understand what those words mean. Arabs from the Middle East, Indians from India, Blacks from Africa, or Asians in Asia are not Americans. Only White men like the Founding Fathers, can be citizens and posterity means forever.

  8. How do these anti-white activists make a living? I guess they get a paycheck for their crap, but who sponsors this shit?

  9. Richard’s minis sound very effective.

    It’s hysterical that the well-heeling looking Satsumas can never decide whether white people, especially Generational Americans, are E-villecolonialwannabearistocrats or racistredneckinbreds.

    They always call them both in the same breath. “You wannabe aristocrat!!!” “You live in a shabby trailer!!!”

    Growing up, and getting such completely irreconcilable intolerances thrown at us all the time by people like teachers, was just really weird. (It was like they thought you were the queen of england, and yet always playing that banjo in Deliverance.)

  10. Bromng up the Nairobi Massacre. Somalia Muslims. Isn’t Tyson bringing in Somalians? Show posters of dead, bloody Mall shoppers. Ask TN Citizens how is they want this to happen, during Christmas season. Because it WILL.

    Those Anti Fa STINK of gefelte fish.

  11. Well, having protesters in some ways might attract more publicity, and allow the opportunity to sort of deconstruct the opposition, at least in terms of the ones protesting.

    Just want to add that focusing on the economic issues will probably galvanize the most support, and help grow the movement. It’s not just race replacement; it’s jobs that could be for americans being handed to interlopers. It’s tax money from white tax base that will have to fund services for these people (has anyone heard Laura Ingraham’s latest on that one LA county and how much they’re spending on illegals?)

    The concrete terms always work the best, at least to get started, in my observation.

  12. “I guess they get a paycheck for their crap, but who sponsors this shit?”

    I have no doubt the money trail goes back to any or all of the usual anti-White suspects. Antifa protesting is just another anti-White industry that some pukes live well from.

  13. Acknowledged that this is procedural rather than substantive; but would you please, henceforth, abstain from linking to a “social network” page? While I do not know about other commenters here, I unconditionally loathe and despise nothing less than the entire concept of on-line “social networks.” For one, I am NOT either important enough, nor self-important enough, to put my private life out in the cyber-street. Too, reactionary that I am, I consider directing advertising to abother person’s cyber-home, to be morally equivalent to releasing cockroaches into a hitherto clean dwelling.

  14. Denise is right about the Dishman’s being Jews. I did a web search and found out it’s a common Jewish name of French origin. Mandela Satsuma can’t be this woman’s real name. It’s got to be an alias, or she had a name change to reflect racial diversity, since the first name is African, and the surname is Japanese. She is probably Jewish, too.

  15. Somalis are the absolute worst. Thing is there were more American passport holders in the Terrorist Team than there were Americans in the victim pool.

  16. My above comment about the Melson character – the “newspaper” article – was supposed to be on the Shelbyville Gazette thread.

    Dalton – I don’t know if the Wife Dishman is a Hebe – but the male is. Obviously. The Mandela Beast reeks of gefelte fish. View It’s Joobook page. Obviously the SheBeast is using a nom de Nation Wrecking.

    I wonder is the Mandela Thing is the Spawn of the Med Jewess.

  17. NYYankees, some of their folks will be there, I think, but this is a League event. It will be conducted as such. Others are welcomed to come and participate if they follow the guidelines we established to make it a successful League event.

  18. RichardPW:

    Note that the Founding Fathers never once mentioned the word “white” in either the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. Besides, Arabs and most Latinos were historically considered white.

  19. “Note that the Founding Fathers never once mentioned the word “white” in either the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution.”

    – I’m confident that tragic mistake will not be repeated, by the patriots and heroes who are still standing when this dark night finally passes.

  20. E C says:
    September 24, 2013 at 5:30 am


    “Note that the Founding Fathers never once mentioned the word “white” in either the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. Besides, Arabs and most Latinos were historically considered white.”

    You are delusional.

    How many non-White signatures ratified the US Constitution? Exactly Zero.

    Non-Whites were not allowed to vote and many were slaves, or conquered and exploited by the British Empire. They didn’t need to describe skin, because it was commonsense, the carefully chosen words “ourselves and our posterity” meant White men like them were to be citizens and no one else.

    “Anti-racists” call them “racist old White men” for good reason, because they know the Founding Fathers were not anti-Whites.

    America is not a propositional nation and it still isn’t. What was done to the United States in 1965 was unconstitutional and is illegal according to International Law.

  21. @EC
    The Founding Fathers were so Pro White, they’d be posting in places like this, if they were alive today. And free speech no matter who is offended, and the right to bear arms as well?

    They were so unlike the present elites controlling the United States, they would be labeled “extremists” and “terrorists” and would be water-boarded down at Gitmo Bay. No wonder there are moves to do away with the US Constitution. They want to get rid of it, because they Know what it says.

  22. The Constitution is regularly derided by liberals as a racist document written and ratified by evil dead white men. The thing speaks for itself.

  23. “Note that the Founding Fathers never once mentioned the word “white” in either the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution.”

    World’s population back then was 500 million three-thirds were Homosapiens (sapiens means wise)

    The founding stock fathers and the declaration of independence was simply a partition of worlds between the Brits and French of Europe. Russia was dormant. People’s of the world of Niger river and the Constitution was simply a protection of the working class from the wealthy.

    1776 constitution is outdated and defunct. The new constitution was born in 1933.

  24. Obamastan

    There are no citizens of Obamastan. Some workers are “undocumented” and some workers are documented. Some voters are documented and some are not documented. There are no “Americans.” Documentation is entirely a decision of the lawyers, judges and bureaucrats who issue documents.

    Obamastan has no culture. It consists of a mixing of real cultures from other peoples.

    Obamastan has one purpose, and that purpose is opportunity for money. It is a place where people from real countries with real cultures go to get money to help their poor families in real countries like Mexico.

    Obamastan is a Nation of Immigrants. This does not mean that someone who is not an immigrant has no right to be there. Native Americans who were there before whites are owed a lot of money by others who use their land.

    Even whites who were born in Obamastan can be tolerated there. There is a special doctrine called the Propositional State that makes special provision for non-immigrants who are not Native Americans to be allowed to stay in Obamastan. Even if a person is white and was BORN in Obamastan, he can still be an Obamian.

    If one agrees to all the propositions of Obamastan’s established religion, Political Correctness, one may still be Obamian and have a right to stay in Obamastan.

    Like Islam, the established religion of Obamastan requires groveling several times a day in the right direction. Guilt toward Africa, guilt toward Israel, guilt toward Native Americans, groveling towards Latin America and Asia. Each sect of the established religion of Political Correctness has its own groveling priority.

    The term “loyalty” sounds a bit strange in Obamastan. Obamastan is a melting pot.

    Which means Obamastan is nothing specific.

    Anyone who is deeply loyal to nothing specific is in need of emergency psychiatric help.

  25. Hampstead, NH “The racial makeup of the town was 98.47% White, 0.23% African American, 0.08% Native American, 0.54% Asian, 0.05% Pacific Islander, 0.16% from other races, and 0.47% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 0.78% of the population.”

    This pair of delusional niggerhuggers don’t live anywhere near their pet apes. Shocker.


    Note that the Founding Fathers never once mentioned the word “white” in either the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. Besides, Arabs and most Latinos were historically considered white.

    Mass multiracialism is a failed social model. Period.

  26. Captain John Charity Spring MA says:
    September 24, 2013 at 11:05 am
    The Constitution is regularly derided by liberals as a racist document written and ratified by evil dead white men. The thing speaks for itself.

    JR responds:

    Don’t really agree, nothing explicitly pro White about our Constitution. But the Declaration of Independence preened by Jefferson is far worse – race denying, equality universalist nonsense.

    ” we hold these TRUTHS to be self evident, that all men are created equal”


    Whenever over enthusiastic White Americans start shouting that they they know….


    And their TRUTH is some race denying, equality nonsense that doesn’t have to be proved, well…

    It ’twas ever thus.

    TRUTHERS are still with us, best to confine them to the Somalian Muslim Section 8 part of town

  27. “Non-Whites were not allowed to vote and many were slaves, or conquered and exploited by the British Empire.”

    This is wrong on several accounts. In some states (such as Pennsylvania), even blacks were allowed to vote. Slavery only applied to blacks (not non-whites in general), and the Northern states then were in the process of banning slavery. Also, the British Empire did not truly exist in Africa or Asia yet.

    “America is not a propositional nation and it still isn’t.”

    America is based on the following proposition:

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

    Note that there is no mention of any race or ethnicity here.

    “What was done to the United States in 1965 was unconstitutional and is illegal according to International Law.”

    Putting the silliness about international law aside for a while, it is important to realize that the period of restricted immigration from the late 1910s/early 1920s to 1965 was unique in American history. Immigration to America was completely unrestricted until 1882. From 1882 to 1917, Chinese immigration was banned but all other immigration remained unrestricted. Only from 1917 through 1924 did the full-scale restrictions take effect, first with a full ban on Asian immigration in 1917 and then with a virtual ban on all immigration from outside Northwestern Europe in 1924.

  28. Just wanted to clarify a few things before allowing you to get back to hating everyone else but yourselves. First up, I have no idea how you found that Dishman is a French Jewish name. It’s not. There’s not a drop of French blood in my Ancestry. Dishman is a German derivative, and also not specifically Jewish. Dishmans moved to the South at least 7 generations ago, and while I think the name has become somewhat less common than it was 100 years ago, there’s still plenty around. There’s a middle school and street named Dishman in Bowling Green, and if you do an address look-up in Tennessee you’ll find quite a few households with the name.
    My grandfather, Robert Webb Dishman, was a local who knew his grandparents. He grew up outside Johnson City, and often described crossing state into North Carolina while hunting with his father. He attended Milligan College in Johnson City and graduated with a Ms in Chemistry, and married immediately after. He moved around a bit, fathering 4 children in Biloxi, working 10 years in Dallas before settling in Bedford MA, where my father, the youngest of 4, grew up and met my mother. THAT is where my Jewish heritage comes in – my maternal grandparents immigrated from Germany to the Boston area to escape Nazi persecution. According to Jewish custom, children receive their Jewish heredity from their mother. I have never practiced Judaism, and my mother was not particularly devout either, though the rest of her family was. As a result, I know very little about them, as they have basically disowned me. Sorry to disappoint, my heritage is mostly German, my roots are here in Tennessee so I’m not really an outsider, and I’m only Jewish on a technicality.

  29. Re: Art Dishman

    1.) First, we are nationalists. We don’t hate everyone but ourselves. We believe in preserving the founding stock of Middle Tennessee and their traditional culture. We believe in preserving Middle Tennessee, as it was, because that’s the way our people there like it and prefer to keep it that way.

    2.) Second, you are a liberal. You believe in various abstractions which, in your mind, justifies the notion that anyone should be free to live wherever they want, and those who disagree with you are just mindless haters.

    This belief that anyone should be free to live wherever they want has tragic consequences. Those consequences are on prominent display in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area which is now home to over 100,000 Somalian refugees. They are on display in Boston, which is recovering from a major terrorist attack, as well as the UK, Canada, Australia, and Scandinavia which are struggling with the same problems because those countries have followed the same misguided course.

    3.) You’re in favor of transforming Middle Tennessee into another Minneapolis-St. Paul or a Boston which have become breeding grounds for Islamic terrorism. We’re “prejudiced” in favor of preserving Middle Tennessee the way it was. This is a legitimate public policy debate.

    4.) Finally, your Facebook profile says that you are from New Hampshire, and you have admitted here to being a Northeastern Jew. That’s fine, but we don’t want jihadists blowing up our people in Middle Tennessee like they now do in New York and Massachusetts, or using the area as a launching pad for their terrorism like they do in Minnesota.

  30. E C says:
    September 25, 2013 at 5:19 am

    Again, the Founding Fathers, all White men, some of whom held slaves, signed a document addressed to “ourselves and our posterity”.

    If White people did anything like that today, anti-Whites would be screeching “racist”!

    Anti-Whites say:
    The Founding Fathers were “racist old White men”.

    Pro Whites say:
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

  31. E C says:
    September 25, 2013 at 5:19 am
    “Putting the silliness about international law aside for a while”

    The UN Genocide Law is not “silly”. It is a law with very serious consequences and global reach. No one is immune from prosecution.

    Making an entire people disappear is Genocide. That is what is being attempted in the United States and every other White country.

  32. Art Dishman says:

    ‘THAT is where my Jewish heritage comes in – my maternal grandparents’ … ‘so I’m not really an outsider, and I’m only Jewish on a technicality.’

    No, you are a jew and a liar. That BS line about not being religious has always been a smokescreen.

    Does not matter if you wear a beanie on your head or not. That so-called technicality allows you the right to make Aliya to Israel, does it not?

    You are also a reprehensible bastard for organizing a counter protest.

  33. Confused, rootless cosmopolitan mischlings may be ambitious for any cause and movement, and may embrace any identity.

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