Clarkston, Georgia and Southern Demographic Displacement

The IRC and the Georgia Coalition of Refugee Stakeholders celebrate "World Refugee Day"
The IRC and the Georgia Coalition of Refugee Stakeholders celebrate “World Refugee Day”


Clarkston, Georgia in DeKalb County in the Atlanta Metro Area is the ultimate example of Southern Demographic Displacement.

In the 1980s, Clarkston, GA was over 90 percent White, just a “sleepy little town by the railroad tracks.” During the 1990s though, the US federal government and its NGO partners like “World Relief” began to dump thousands of foreign refugees in Georgia through the same program that the League of the South is protesting in Murfreesboro and Shelbyville, Tennessee on Oct. 12th:

“Until the refugees began arriving, the mayor likes to say, Clarkston “was just a sleepy little town by the railroad tracks.”

Since then, this town of 7,100 has become one of the most diverse communities in America.

Clarkston High School now has students from more than 50 countries. The local mosque draws more than 800 to Friday prayers. There is a Hindu temple, and there are congregations of Vietnamese, Sudanese and Liberian Christians.

At the shopping center, American stores have been displaced by Vietnamese, Ethiopian and Eritrean restaurants and a halal butcher. The only hamburger joint in town, City Burger, is run by an Iraqi.

The transformation began in the late 1980s, when resettlement agencies, private groups that contract with the federal government, decided Clarkston was perfect for refugees to begin new lives. The town had an abundance of inexpensive apartments, vacated by middle-class whites who left for more affluent suburbs. It had public transportation; the town was the easternmost stop on the Atlanta rail system. And it was within commuting distance of downtown Atlanta’s booming economy, offering new arrivals at least the prospect of employment.

At first the refugees — most from Southeast Asia — arrived so slowly that residents barely noticed. But as word got out about Clarkston’s suitability, more agencies began placing refugees here. From 1996 to 2001, more than 19,000 refugees from around the world resettled in Georgia, many in Clarkston and surrounding DeKalb County, to the dismay of many longtime residents.

Many of those residents simply left. Others stayed but remained resentful, keeping score of the ways they thought the refugees were altering their lives. …”

By 2010, the White population of Clarkston had plummeted to 14 percent. Foreign refugees from over 40 different countries – the largest group of refugees are from Somalia – are now over half the population. The White population responded to the destruction of the traditional social fabric by abandoning Clarkston to the refugees and a “low income” black population:

“For example, though refugee children usually learn English quickly, they often have difficulty with standardized tests. That has left some area schools with abysmal achievement records, and has kept families with children from settling in Clarkston. 

Crime is high in Clarkston, with out-of-towners often preying on vulnerable refugees. Leonetti says the town has hired more police, but hasn’t received federal funds to help add the new officers. The per capita income in Clarkston is $17,000 a year, and drawing new businesses to town is difficult. That makes finding jobs difficult for refugees.”

The result?

A high crime area. Abysmal schools. A low-income population. High unemployment. Plummeting property values. Business flight. The demise of a common culture. Low civic engagement.

“Diversity” was achieved in Clarkston, GA. Now the refugees who live there say they have “very limited” contact with White Americans who avoid the area because it feels too “ethnic” to them.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Re: “the introduction of Mary as a person to contemplate”:

    The New Testament tells us almost nothing about the woman who bore Jesus, and human contemplations or imaginations about what she might have been like don’t approach the level of Divine inspiration — though such “contemplations” are not necessarily wrong if they don’t contradict Scripture and the essentials of the faith.

    Re: “Henry VIII iconoclasm”:

    I think icons are not wrong, or useless, although they could be misused like nearly all good things. But elevating a human being (Mary) to a status of co-divinity is ABSOLUTELY unbiblical and Anti-Christian — as Bishop Liqouri claimed: “We more quickly obtain what we ask by calling on the name of Mary than by invoking that of Jesus. SHE…is our Salvation, our Life, our Hope, our Counsel, our Refuge, our Help” — and as Pope Pius IX infallibly declared: “Let all the children of the Catholic Church…proceed to worship, invoke, and pray to the most blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God” — and as practicing Romanists pray daily (the Rosary): hailing our Father only once, but Mary the “Queen (of heaven) ten times over and ending with her invocation. You used the correct term for it, John: “Mariolatry”. But if you “don’t take ‘religion’ too seriously” you may think it doesn’t matter much.

    Standing on the Scripture and the tradition of the true church is the only truly solid ground, whereas “Babylon the Great” is built entirely on sand — and the nations will rejoice when it finally falls. White nationalism or ethno-nationalism must build on the solid ground now. Beware of clever Jesuits (as well as Talmudists) in disguise leading us astray!

  2. Nonsense.

    All our problems come from inhuman monotheist fanaticism.
    If you are celt/welsh at all you ought to know that. At heart Northern Europeans are not like these crazy desert people and their mad tribal totems.

  3. “If you are celt/welsh at all you ought to know that”

    We aren’t inhuman, but we are said (by some) to be “fanatical” in our own way, and Welsh revival may be something unique in the world.

  4. John, we aren’t technically “mono”-theist either, but recognise God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three in one.

  5. Lynda, that was a magnificent defense of the holy Catholic faith. It’s just a shame that some people are too blinded by irrational hatred and bigotry to understand the Catholic Church built the very civilization they live in.

  6. Some people are too blinded by their attachment to it (for what motive?) to recognise that Western civilisation was hindered by the Roman Papacy and is still being destroyed by it. Let southern white ethno-nationalists and everyone else beware of this sheep-skinned monster and all its agents.

  7. Are you a Papist too, John? Or is it Welsh aversion? I know it is VERY politically incorrect to criticise Papists, in nearly any forum, liberal or conservative and even on a white nationalist blog.

    Yes I am a troll, IF “troll” is defined as: “someone you don’t agree with”. We are ALL trolls to someone somewhere. Anti-“troll” is often anti-truth, just as anti-racist is anti-white. Better to be an honest “troll of truth” than a yes-man of political correctness.

    I thought your linked video was interesting. No, I wouldn’t support the burning of Coptic artwork and churches, like the Muslims did and still do. That is a ridiculous charge, if you meant it seriously. In fact I admire the brave, disappearing, ancient Coptic ethnic church, which never aspired to rule the world. Their ethnic manner of worship, style of church decoration, etc. is not ours however.

  8. Thanks for the interesting link to the ancient mosaic. You didn’t think I was against icons and other pictorial representations, did you?

  9. The Protestants destroyed so much of our material heritage. It’s a great shame. When you walk around the countryside in England and wales you often come across abbeys that were pulled down by iconoclasts. In many ways these acts robbed us of accessing how our ancestors saw Jesus and God. There is an abbey on an island in Abingdon that has been continuously occupied since Neolithic times. The footprint of the abbey is still there, it must have been magnificently warm. Partly because of hostility to images it was
    Destroyed. This destruction is one of the features of protestantism that cuts us off from our ancestors.

  10. Capt. John, your remarks to Mosin were on target. Yes, the man is a troll. He deliberately seeks to provoke a fight over something he brings up, something that’s totally irrelevant to the topic at hand 90% of the time.

    Your description of him as a Muslim church burner is pretty apt. The early Protestants were very sympathetic toward Islam, and MN seems to have this attitude. Here’s a link that gives some surprising history about Islam and Protestantism Thank God most Protestants today are Anti-Islam. And thank God their ancestors blind hatred of Catholicism and their attempts to unite with Islam didn’t succeed, or a lot of Western Europeans would have been bowing to Mecca centuries ago.

  11. “Turks covered them in plaster or destroyed them. Something you’d endorse?”

    No, but I admit I am repelled by images of Empress Theodora on some of those church walls and ceilings. But this is what I do endorse: Not only to spare but to preserve and revere Christian artwork that speaks forever for its time and ethnic culture, and today resolve to follow Christ ourselves, forsaking all sin and renouncing any heresy and “church” criminality. Agnostics or atheists and nominal Christians cannot appreciate Christian artwork fully; it is necessary to believe and live the faith. It is not the religion of our ancestors only, but the religion of our future.

  12. DG said, “Hardly anyone ever talks about this under the separation of church-state issue”

    Mosin: “It’s a matter of separation of nations from nations, of white nations from control by the Vatican-based universal “church”, and from control by Talmudism….”

    Yes… But I was saying, as a way to FIGHT it. The separation of church-state is on the books. So, even pushing VAT II was a violation of that. Reagan giving the VTO (vatican trade org) a POLITICAL embassy would be a violation of that. Deals between Talmudist and VTO to displace PROTESTANT peoples (the ethnic group of the founding people, clearly the “wasps”) would be a violation of that.

    Even impoverishing groups through policies (like is demonstrable in the “Bible Belt”) THEN sending in either PC Religion workers (like social workers) AND/or OTHER religion missionaries (like catholic groups IN ANY FORM) in the “bible belt” (which is a code word for protestant) would be a VIOLATION of it. (Intentionally inculcating vulnerability of poverty and using this reduced state in people TO PUSH YOUR OWN RELIGION on them, whether muslim, catholic, the religion of political correctness or whatever).

    The mere PRESENCE seems a violation of the constitution in the aspect of separation of church and state.

    The mere EXISTANCE of them under such circumstances makes them unconstitutional.

    But no one uses that as a fighting, talking point.

  13. Idk if that made sense: but ANY foreign religion to a region that had a clear ethnic group (like the wasp “bible belt”) should obviously not be impoverished and have ANY FOREIGN religion come in as a “savior” to them——– including PC, which is a religion, or Talmudism or anything

    Freedom of REligion is IMPOSSIBLE under state health care in a multi-cult—– as one would be exposed to FOREIGN VALUES OF MANNERS, BEHAVIOR, etc, (which are all religiously based)—– while in a vulnerable (sick) state.

    Only ppl of one’s own religion should be allowed to even TOUCH the sick person (obviously)!!!

  14. Stephen E Dalton, I am also very glad to read your posts here contending for the faith against the trolls, Masons and anti-Catholic bigots.

    The White demographic everywhere in the world is under seige and the only way the White race can re-establish its nation states is through the Church that established them to begin with. And against exactly the same groups of people – militant Islam and the synagogue and its Golem ( in the first century, the Golem was the subverted Roman state as in Cicero’s “softly, softly for fear of the Jews” with regard to Roman ‘justice’)

  15. Stephen Dalton wrote: “Yes, the man is a troll. He deliberately seeks to provoke a fight over something he brings up, something that’s totally irrelevant to the topic at hand 90% of the time. Your description of him as a Muslim church burner is pretty apt.”

    So far, the admittedly Jewish-blooded, late adopter of Papism, who seems to play the role of Jesuit bully and propaganda agent to southern ethnonationalism, has termed me a hater, bigot, troll, ignorant…and now: “a Muslim church burner”. It is not “pretty apt” but pretty ridiculous. But there is method to his madness.

  16. This article is everything that is wrong with America. You should be ashamed. Clarkston, Georgia should be BOASTING about the growth in diversity.

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