Opposition Signs


Art Dishman and friends have been busy making the signs that will be used at their counterprotest on Saturday:

Note: OD has spent the entire week showing you what is at stake in this fight in Middle Tennessee.

These hysterical liberals believe that Middle Tennessee should be a dumping ground for endless waves of Third World refugees and immigrants. They believe that it is “hate” and “racism” and “bigotry” and thus evil to want to preserve and protect the traditional culture and ethnic makeup of the area. They do not accept any kind of limits to their deranged utopian scheme.

If their belief system is taken to its logical conclusion, the traditional culture of Middle Tennessee will be destroyed. The people who have lived there for hundreds of years will be displaced from their own homeland. They will be elbowed out in the exact same way that the people of Clarkston, Georgia were after their town was transformed into another “City of Refugee” and quickly became so alien that they didn’t want to live there anymore.



About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I wonder what sort of people are persuaded by this Marxist-Kindergarten level propaganda.

    “One tree, many roots?” Ya gotta be kidding me. We’re not in the Plant Kingdom, we’re in the Animal Kingdom! We separated and evolved apart for tens of thousands of years.

    And by the way, the roots of the tree all have the identical DNA of the stems and the leaves and the flowers. Again, scientifically illiterate rainbow flag sunday school propaganda.

  2. The Dishmanites, rhymes with Trotskyites, are using the word “neighbor” loosely. It’s really not funny that the Jews killed Christ, and the Roman Catholics kept their priesthood and people illiterate of scripture for a 1500 years plus, yet now the Jews and Catholics both want to quote Jesus Christ & scripture.

  3. And here I thought opposing colonialism is a ‘liberal’ value. Because that is what is happening. Tennessee and much of the rest of the South is being colonized.

  4. Nothing breeds comity like accusing the other side of having hatred in their hearts.

    This is what the Germans were dealing with before Hitler. The culture of critique.

    The stop the hate campaign is just a monstrous display of projection, and one of the most disgusting propaganda plays I have ever seen.

  5. Whitaker the last few posts has been dealing with “hate”, and basically as MW wrote up top the people who shout “hate” are childish imbeciles.

  6. Childish imbeciles just like Bolsheviks. We should be careful not to underestimate the destruction that childish imbeciles can create. These people are dangerous and just as in the past they will start the killing when they get the chance.

  7. Earl, start a company, write a mission statement, and then hand it to every employee and tell them to interpret it as they see fit.

    Or start an army, write a battle plan, and then give it to each soldier to interpret it as they see fit.

    Oh wait, you wouldn’t do that because it wouldn’t work? But God would have you do otherwise in creating the world in which His word has meaning? You believe in a God that wants you to fail. And your world has failed, just as the God you created demanded.

  8. 43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
    44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

    Don’t hate them, see if you can wake up a few of the waverers among them. They know the Somalis are very dangerous. Stand up for yourselves at the same time.

  9. Are these professional lefties admitting that the immivasion is to be identified as an enemy? Or that actual neighbors ought to be ground into the dust to accommodate strangers?

  10. By the way Cap’n, I understand where you are coming from. We should seek to reveal their dissonance for them, out of love.

    But I think we give them too much credit in assuming they are amenable to reason. History shows they want blood, and lots of it.

  11. Earl, the Catholic Church did not keep it’s members of the scriptures for 1500 years. From the very beginning, the Church taught the scriptures by preaching from them every Lord’s Day. The Church also used artwork like stained glass, statues, icons, and paintings to show events from Biblical and Church history. So the Catholic people were hardly ignorant of their faith.

  12. Hey man, you should have put a caption under that picture saying those were the creation of marxists. For a second there I was thinking that it was what y’all were bringing LOL.

  13. C’mon these Mexicans and other Latins are not only illiterate in English, most of them are illiterate in Spanish too. Yet, your Roman Catholic church wants to dump them on White America to educate—if that’s possible considering their culture & genetic IQ level. When the hell did Roman Catholic Mexico, and Roman Catholic Latin America become our responsibility.

    Let’s not forget the Catholic church created the Mestizo!

  14. These counter protestors are amenable to arguments. Show before and after pictures of Hiroshima and Detroit. Before and After images of Joberg and Birmingham.

    They do, in their heart of hearts know that their culture is being systematically trashed.

    Be pursuasive!

  15. But, remember we/I am also opposing selfish, greedy, unpatriotic Agribusiness scum lie Tyson Foods CEO Donnie Smith ($7.8 million a year) – this rich as@ &@&$ is giving low wage jobs to Somalian Bantu Muslims, instead of hiring Southern workers at a living wage.

    We can’t make the mistake of blaming liberals for all our problems.

  16. Hunter Wallace says:
    October 9, 2013 at 3:37 pm

    “They’re quoting Noel “Abolish the White Race” Ignatiev on their Facebook event page.”

    Abolishing a race is Genocide isn’t it?

  17. Jack Ryan

    I fully expect at the counter protest for Ron Paul to speak, to say that putting up fences to prevent all the world from pouring into Nashville and environs is the same as constructing gas chambers, and for Rand Paul to speak next saying that we should find a place for all the illegal alien Hispanics currently hiding in Nashville’s shadows.

    I also expect all the left wing crazies there to be munching buckets and buckets full of Tyson mystery meat nuggets.

  18. Jack Ryan says:
    October 9, 2013 at 9:03 pm

    “We can’t make the mistake of blaming liberals for all our problems.”

    Anti-White Leftists + filthy rich globalists like Donnie Smith = a marriage made in hell.

  19. “Soaring up to 350 feet in height.Redwoods tree have an average life span of 500 to 700 years, but some individual trees have been known to reach ages of 2,000 years.”

  20. “One tree many roots”

    There are many trees. But there’s non other trees that encompass all trees: Redwood Titan.

  21. I agree. Hit the vegan punks where it hurts.

    Tyson is in many ways an example of animal cruelty. It’s also a revival of certain aspects of slaving.

  22. “The real action is in the enemy’s reaction. The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.”-Saul Alinsky

    Looking at those signs reminded me of that quote for some reason.

  23. Mr Butz:
    It would be difficult to compress more ignorance and outright stupidity than you managed to do with your quip about the Roman Catholic Church, its priesthood, and Sacred Scripture. Your observation is off topic, but since you’ve injected this blather, I must offer a defense of The Faith.

    It was the Catholic Church and Her Priesthood that gave the world Sacred Scripture in the first place. What you know today as the Bible was compiled, its Canon codified, and its words written down by hand for centuries by Catholic priests and monks. The great Fathers and Doctors of The Church were studying, teaching, and explaining the true meaning of Scripture to the laity for 1500 years before protestantism was an itch in anyone’s groin region. Every day, all over the world, Holy Mass is offered in Catholic Churches. At every one of them, passages from Sacred Scripture are read to the faithful attending Mass, and the Priest preaches a sermon wherein the true meaning of those passages is taught and expounded. It has been thus for 2 millennia. This is hardly the action of a Church that is trying to keep, ‘their priesthood and people illiterate of scripture’.

    Your comment is merely the retelling of an old wives’ tale, a myth perpetuated by rebellious protestants who, contrary to Sacred Scripture, think anyone and everyone may interpret it privately/individually, and more importantly – correctly. The Catholic Church has NEVER hidden the Scriptures from anyone. Again, the Gospel was spread over nearly all the world for 15 centuries before protestantism reared its head. The Catholic Church has simply asserted that She, alone, is given authority by Christ to interpret and teach its true meaning.

  24. And Earl…..
    Be careful what you call the Catholic Church. What has occupied the Vatican and presented itself to the world as the Catholic Church since 1965 is more protestant than Luther or Calvin ever dreamed. The vatican II sect may, as St Athanasius once said of the Arian heretics, occupy the buildings, but it does NOT have The Faith. Those of us who still practice the Catholic Faith as given to us by Christ and the Apostles, in spite of the musings from Rome for the last 50 years, are The Catholic Church.

  25. I wonder what sort of people are persuaded by this Marxist-Kindergarten level propaganda….

    People who were born and bred to have no real emotion except FEAR.

    They are told love is fear, they are filled with daily stories of economic collapse, daily stories of public humiliation and ostracizing, daily stories of disease and death, and shown much violence.

    Such slogans function as a sort of magic charm (in psychological processes of which they are unaware). By repeating them, they are part of the crowd, and a crowd protected by the PTB, (as they understand it).

    Yelling the slogans is the same thing as waving a magic wand for protection (quite literally)

    A change can come in them if they simply stand still a minute and ask themselves, very seriously: “Why am I really saying this? Why am I really here at this rally? Who told me to come to this rally? Who told me to say these things? Am I really moral for screaming this slogan?” And so on.

    That makes them see most of them have never experienced any real emotion, save fear

  26. Mark,

    Whoa!—- this move to turn around and actually try to call Vatican a protestant is the most incredible… chutzpah. Even a JEW would not stoop that low.

    And it is not going to work on the American public.

    And you’re not the only one trying to disseminate this useless Repeater Meme.

    The VTO has been at its deeds for a long long time. Vatican II is actually the least of it, lol. But DONT EVER try to say we have anything to do with the VTO.

    Take responsibility for yourself FOR ONCE, please.

  27. They say “love your neighbor.” So sad they can’t love their Southern neighbors and maliciously seek to destroy us.

    Basically the leftists are twisted people with a civilizational death wish. And like Jim Jones of Guyana, they want all of us to drink their kool-aid. Let’s call them “Jones Clones,” and give them a simple message: Keep your kool-aid, creep!

  28. Even I glazed on this series of catholic-prod posts, lol—-

    It is time to separate out the machinations of the VTO (vatican trade organization), which is not standing for the european people FROM whatever you would like to salvage of the “church,” (sacraments, etc.)

    Imo— that perception right there sort of makes you all Honorary Protestants.

    Get your glimmer of the real differences between GOD and the VTO, and fine, if you do not wish to call yourself (in the wake of that awakening) “protestors.”

    Fine. BUt to turn around and start blaming the brilliant people who fled years ago from those perceptions about vatican apostasy for yourproblems, or the problems of the very country their families created…

    Well, that is just so out of line, so beyond the pale—– such jew-worthy chutzpah right there.

  29. Finally Mark,

    Think if you did even more research (from another point of view and let in some of the other voices of world history) you would find 1965 might not even be the most bizarre era of the VTO, sorry to say.

    ANYONE who wants to name 1965 as the year that the VTO “went bad”— fine. You do what you have to do. Think whatever is going to make it comfortable for you.

    But don’t blame the people who SAW 1965 in 1465. (Lord have mercy!)

    Yes that’s the word on it: “We’re the ones who saw 1965 in 1465!!!!”

  30. And Mark,

    I went to catholic school, btw. Learned all the talking points and myths of which you speak while there.

  31. DixieGirl went to Catholic School!!!!! Her parents thought it the best for their children, but she knows better.

    God Bless your Catholic heart DixieGirl.

  32. Just having fun Dixie. You may not be a believer but you grew up with us and you’re part of the family. The mocking can begin in earnest now.

  33. I hope you folks have a successful demonstration and keep the communist fairies at bay. I had planned to be there but I have a terminally ill family member who I am caring for so I need to be here in South GA.

  34. Mark Thomey says:
    ‘The great Fathers and Doctors of The Church were studying, teaching, and explaining the true meaning of Scripture to the laity for 1500 years before protestantism was an itch in anyone’s groin region.’


    True meaning? If they gave the true meaning they would not have waged war against the people who tried to print bibles and disseminate them to the masses in an effort to give poor souls the opportunity to read and judge for themselves what is true or not.

    But the catholic church hounded, persecuted, terrorized, tortured and murdered people across Europe to keep the people in total darkness.

    Dear God, you can’t be that ignorant of history. Crack a book or search the internet.

    Mark Thomey says: ‘Every day, all over the world, Holy Mass is offered in Catholic Churches. At every one of them, passages from Sacred Scripture are read to the faithful attending Mass, and the Priest preaches a sermon wherein the true meaning of those passages is taught and expounded.’

    There are 66 books in the bible. The C.C. picks and chooses a very tiny percentage of verses contained therein. Then, of course, the priest TELLS you the true meaning.

    Too funny.

    Mark Thomey says: ‘Your comment is merely the retelling of an old wives’ tale, a myth perpetuated by rebellious protestants who, contrary to Sacred Scripture, think anyone and everyone may interpret it privately/individually, and more importantly – correctly.’

    Oh, please forgive us of our sins! We beez so ignunt.

    Mark Thomey says: The Catholic Church has NEVER hidden the Scriptures from anyone.’

    Brazen lie.

    Mark Thomey says: ‘The Catholic Church has simply asserted that She, alone, is given authority by Christ to interpret and teach its true meaning.’

    And if people did not agree — She mutilated, tortured them in the most devilish ways and burned their bodies with raging fires after which they confiscated their properties and wealth. Oh, Glory to God!

    Hundreds and hundreds of years of this butchery and madness.

    Yes, that certainly is in line with Christ’s teachings. Who could argue with that?

  35. Sam, you are so right.

    Re: “you can’t be that ignorant of history”:

    They aren’t ignorant, but disregard it willfully. I will write no more about this today, while the protests are in progress.

  36. There are several videos on Youtube dealing with the subject of the Knights Templar.

    A story most would find utterly unbelievable.

    Who were they?

    Follow their meteoric rise as they grew from a small, secretive group of warrior monks to fabulously wealthy castle builders, land owners and money lenders.

    The Templars for nearly 2 hundred years were seemingly invincible on the battlefield and commerce.

    Then, in one fell swoop they were destroyed, uprooted from off the face of the earth.

    Or did they regroup and go underground?

    Watch how this force of mythic proportions was decimated by cunning, unscrupulous men.

    The world renowned -defenders of the faith- could only be defeated by hurling accusations against them.

    The leadership was imprisoned, tortured to obtain confessions and killed.

    Destroyed by ONE word which was more powerful than standing armies.

    Yes, they were accused of being — HERETICS!


    The Templar Code.

  37. Stop the hobby horse theological hair splitting, sectarian flaming.

    These comments blatantly violate OD’scomment guidelines.

    Many people here workedjvery hard to organize and actually do effective pro Southern protests in Middle TN. I spend a lot of time and significant personal finance to make our Tennessee activism a success.

    We were successful, regular White Southerners were. Very receptive to our positive message, they appreciated our positive dress and discipline.

    No one at our demonstration was behaving in a negative, loony way. Dr. Hill would not allow it.

    So I am not allowing it here the comments section.

    Stop it.

    Stop these hobby horse theological hair splitting Christian sectarian flaming.

    Stop trolling.

    The OD comments guidelines are simple and easy to understand.

    Any sane, positive White person should be able to follow them.

Comments are closed.