About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “it does not forbid import duties”

    I said low taxes not no taxes. On the largely unremarked upon 100th anniversary of the dreaded and ignoble income tax we should be so lucky to only be responsible for paying tariffs and excise taxes.

  2. “Carpet booming workers residents of factories decline military production.”

    Strategic bombing of factories had a surprisingly small effect on German industrial production during the war (mostly since so many bombs missed their targets.) German factories were often back up and running in a matter of days. The Brits concentrated almost exclusively on night terror raids with incendiary bombs against civilian population centers. We did the same against Japan once we got close enough in 1945 to launch B-29 raids.

  3. “The allies dominated the skies with the p51 mustang escorted…”

    Upon seeing the first American P-51 Mustangs penetrating into German airspace, Herman Göring is rumored to have said, “I know now that Deutschland has lost the war. For us, it is over.”

  4. It was all they could do.

    I also seriously don’t understand the strategy you are suggesting here.
    Reducing the effort in Barbarossa would have simply meant the Russians would have had an easier time of it. Zhukov in Berlin by 1944 instead of 1945.

  5. @Herr Rudel

    There’s nothing in the Confederate States Constitution forbidding an income tax, or mandating low taxes. LOL. The only major tax policy difference with the US Constitution is that the Confederate Constitution does not allow for specific domestic industries to have favorable import tax laws.

  6. Recent remark by Bill Maher dis the greatest generation geezers; goyim. Had U.S. Stayed neutral, Bill Maher be pushing bagel carts in eastside Manhattan and getting citation for spitting.

  7. “I also seriously don’t understand the strategy you are suggesting here.”

    Don’t invade Russia!?! BTW, the Russians weren’t prepared in the least bit to attack the Germans. They had liquidated their officer corps and their “air force” was composed of largely obsolete biplanes. Stalin took to his bed and refused to come out of his room for a week when Hitler invaded. They also were shipping tons of raw materials to germany on a daily basis. Hitler should have let this continue.

    In the end it was only the United States supplying of 17,000,000 tons of was materiel including 2,000 locomotives, 11,000 rail cars, 20,000 aircraft and an innumerable number of trucks (most Russian trucks were Dodge 2-1/2 tons and Studebakers by the end of the war) that enabled Russia to hang on.

    There was no reason whatsoever for England to come to the defense of the Polish military dictatorship in 1939 and who BTW, took part in the partitioning of Czecho-Slovakia.

  8. “There’s nothing in the Confederate States Constitution forbidding an income tax, or mandating low taxes. LOL. The only major tax policy difference with the US Constitution is that the Confederate Constitution does not allow for specific domestic industries to have favorable import tax laws.”

    You are not seriously attempting to portray ante-bellum Dixie as an anti-business polity? If so, I suggest you read up on your Southern history.

    The only reason the Confederacy imposed high taxes during the War was because it was necessary for their fight for survival. The southern States were not high tax states before the war and neither was the rest of the country.

  9. “The only major tax policy difference with the US Constitution is that the Confederate Constitution does not allow for specific domestic industries to have favorable import tax laws.”

    Yes, we all know about King Cotton. Slavery and it’s labor-intensive method of cotton production were on their way out, war or no war. They were simply inefficient. The Industrial Revolution was upon the West for better or for worse.

    I fully support the South’s right to have seceded but even Brazil got rid of slavery by the 1880’s. Too bad no one figured out how to get rid of the niggers too. It remains a ball and chain upon the Deep South and East and Midwest cities to this day.

  10. @Herr Rudel

    I think the Confederate Constitution really sinks a lot of revisionist history, and demonstrates that the Northern states wanted to, plain & simple, steal the wealth of the Southern States.

  11. “and demonstrates that the Northern states wanted to, plain & simple, steal the wealth of the Southern States.”

    At least indirectly through high tariffs.

  12. Rudel,

    What is your angle with Hitler et al? They played their game, they got mangled. Certain winners got to enjoy lavish pensions. That’s all this shit really comes down to. It’s the same reason cops enforce absurd laws. 20 and out, right?

  13. “There was no reason whatsoever for England to come to the defense of the Polish military dictatorship in 1939 and who BTW, took part in the partitioning of Czecho-Slovakia.”

    I know I know. It’s also a mystery as to why they didn’t declare war on Russia for also invading Poland at the same time. It’s an ara of the world the Englsih have never ever had a stake in either.

    One thing you might think about, Chamberlain didn’t do a whole lot to actually fight Germany. The Phoney War was an interesting period. Neither side bombed much, neither side launched a razzia into the opposing territory. Germany got all the oil and materiel it needed from Russia. The Blitzkreig shatters that modus vivendi Sitzkreig. Then Churchill is appointed.

  14. @Herr Rudel

    The high tariff argument isn’t reflected in the Confederate Constitution, but, the unfairness of selective tariffs is prohibited by the Confederate Constitution.

  15. WWII was a continuation from WWI of domination of tWeststern white countries. One side was to preserve western civilization. And the other which is now globalization and subjection of all people’s in the world. London-New York is the two towers and Mordor is Israel;we slew for the inner gold. Germany unification and elsewhere in Europe The Axis broke the power grip of Britain yoke.

    America played a pivotal point in both wars. Rather than seek peace for Europe (America was safe from the Atlantic Ocean) Fan the flames for euro destruction hence, the American empire which will not see the light of day before this century end.

  16. I think tower alignments is a good analogy for the analysis the Judaic Imperium and its world order (which is Communism in its true Marxist-Leninist sense).

    The USSR was set up by the Jewish money trusts in order to place the monopoly capitalism of the USA in dialectic. In state monopoly captialism, the Jew Bank owns the state.

    These conflicts generated by dialectic was conceived and ordered to bring about globalisation which is the Communism of the Jew world order.

    Monopoly capitalism (of the Jewish money trusts) is the deal where the Jew bank of CR issue owns the corporate infrastructure and the state is a corporation owned by a money trust like the Fed or the UK by the Bank of England. Soviet state monopoly socialism is where The Party (the Jews) own the state and its political apparatus and the state owns the bank of CR issue. This ersatz conflict has been playing across the globe since Warburg and the Wall St banks financed the Russian revolution in 1917.

    Now the Rothschild Axis – still based of The City in London is Tel Aviv / New York and it owns The Fed which controls DC. The Rothschild Axis in the BRICs will be The City controls the state – but the intermediary of The Party (the Jewish minders) is now concealed of superseded. They will be controlled directly by the Apex of the Judaic Imperium which The City displays in its logo – the eye in the apex.

    And they are doing a great job convincing the proles and the rubes that Communism is dead – when in fact it is coming.

  17. We’re the minority of the world. Yet, white people is forbidden to associate with themselves. Who are the pathetic creatures?

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