Gov. Nathan Deal of Georgia recently signed an executive order authorizing the removal of the Tom Watson statue from the grounds of the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta.
Rather than be seen as a weakling who is capitulating to the demands of a PC lynch mob, Gov. Deal claims that it is only a “safety issue” and that the statue is being removed due to a “big renovations” project on the steps of the State Capitol, but a spokesman for the Georgia Building Authority says that it would be a “prohibitive cost” to restore the statue to its present location and that it is being permanently removed to a nearby park.
In reality, the removal of the Tom Watson statue from the Georgia State Capitol is part of a well organized leftwing agitation campaign to remove the monument which includes a petition on Change.org that has gathered nearly 1,000 signatures. The ADL has issued a press release praising Gov. Nathan Deal for acting to remove the Tom Watson statue which has “offended” them for so many years:
“For many years we at the ADL and many Georgians of good will have been offended by the statute of Tom Watson standing in a place of honor at the front entrance of the capitol,” said Shelley Rose, Associate Director of the ADL Southeast Region. “We are grateful to Governor Deal for acting to move the statue. In doing so he sends a clear message that he will not tolerate the hatred and bigotry that defined so much of Watson’s career.”
Gov. Nathan Deal has succeeded in sending a “clear message” to State Rep. Tyrone Brooks, the president of the Georgia Association of Elected Black Officials, who is “elated” by the removal of the Tom Watson statue, and who would like to see the statues of Sen. Richard Russell, Gov. Eugene Talmadge, and Confederate General John B. Gordon also removed from the State Capitol, as well as all the other statues which he considers offensive.
Rep. Brooks has linked the removal of the Tom Watson statue to the NAACP’s victory in the removal of the 1956 Georgia State Flag. He believes that it is “a sign of progress” and that Gov. Deal has decided that it is time to “begin to remove the old racist artifacts” from the grounds of the Georgia State Capitol.
He also hopes that these “old racist artifacts” will be replaced by African-American, Native American, and Asian American monuments which represent “the Georgia of today” rather than “yesterday.”
Note: I’m seriously considering going to Atlanta to protest this.
i>”Coughlin merely occupied and exploited the vacuum left by the rapidly shrinking Klan that once burned crosses against him.”
There were populist ideologues of every ethnic and religious stripe making waves during the Great Depression.
“He and I share a similar experience of having felt deja vu in certain French & Indian War historical settings, even down to knowing directions to places we have never been before.”
You c;early need to get a good night’s sleep and lay off the mushrooms..
Rudel=one man history lesson
You best believe it!
Re: ‘who never really contributes anything except theological hairsplitting’:
From your point of view (apparently of practical atheism or agnosticism) all expression of religious conviction is foolish or hypocritical. ‘God talk’ is essentially meaningless, worthless (and annoying) nonsense, isn’t it? But money, that ‘talks’, IS real, meaningful, and all-powerful, and can be used as a tool to buy billboards and media attention, stage conferences and demonstrations, and take control of groups and movements, elections, etc.? Southern, and northern, Whites are truly WASTING our time when we pray and go to Meeting and we DISADVANTAGE ourselves, versus our enemies and supplanters, by trying to live out the Scriptures like the ‘mythical’ Jesus did? Anyone who disagrees with this is a ‘troll’ and should be silenced?
But you are wrong. Truly conservative whites north and south understand the need for Revival is paramount, infinitely more effective than riches without righteousness. In any case, the enemy has the advantage of GREATER wealth, and ‘They’ create more of it constantly out of nothing.
But I agree that money donations to and participation in real world political activism are important. I do more of both than most do, and more than I can afford. I assume you are going to the protests and sending money now, Rudel.
There is really no harm in referencing Christianity betimes on a southern ethnonationalist blog.
“But I agree that money donations to and participation in real world political activism are important.”
That is a welcome change of tune on your part then.
I’ve always said that, Rudel. For example, I commended Jack Ryan’s posts many times for his calls to practical political action, active participation — and I have done just that for years, as some know — and I don’t really write online constantly and I only comment or post on two or three blogs, including this one to which I was introduced by another frequent commenter several years ago. I am sorry we don’t agree about some things. It’s late and I’m shutting down now.
“I’ve always said that, Rudel.”
Bullshit. You were telling Hunter just last week how “immoral” and what a waste of time contributing to this site would be.
It’s an unusual sensation, I wouldn’t rule out genetic memory, anymore that I would rule out inherited IQ, or inherited health issues.
Who knows, you might experience it in Bavaria.
Re: ‘You were telling Hunter just last week how “immoral” and what a waste of time contributing to this site would be’:
Please find and quote that reference for us, Rudel. Why would ANYONE here think that contributing is IMMORAL???? Furthermore, contribution does flow from this household. Evidently YOU don’t keep the books.
However not one, but several commenters have asked whether staging expensive (for at least some of us) events might not prove damagingly wasteful, in the tradition of pyrrhic victories. Tea Partiers have already tested the mass organisation and cross country demonstration strategies to little avail and much burnout. But those who doubt or deny the Almighty have only carnal devices left to put their trust in.
Over the past several years, long readers of OD have seen it develop in stages from an anti-Semitic WN blog into a Confederate, anti-‘damnyankee’ discussion site, and now into a more ‘mainstream’-oriented, northern as well as southern, CofCC and LOS related activism news and support center.
“It’s an unusual sensation, I wouldn’t rule out genetic memory”
There is absolutely no evidence that life experience affects the DNA in a man’s testes nor can experience possibly affect a woman’s egg cells as they are all produced before birth.
Hans-Ulrich was Prussian not Bavarian.
“those who doubt or deny the Almighty have only carnal devices left to put their trust in.”
I’ll take brain (surely a carnal device if ever there was one) power over absurd obsessions about third-hand Iron Age religious rantings.
“Tea Partiers have already tested the mass organisation and cross country demonstration strategies to little avail and much burnout.”
For good or ill the Tea Partiers certainly shifted Congress to the right in the 2010 mid-term elections. Any demonstration gathers publicity for the cause even if it is only seen by people driving by. It sure as hell is a lot more effective than sitting on your butt in church praying to a non-existent entity.
You inherit your DNA, and you are your DNA. I’m no expert, but, there have been numerous recognition tests done on infants & children.
I will refrain from derailing the thread overmuch but make folks aware: I was at the Tinley Park dinner. The allegation we ‘cowered like curs’ is a slander.
The organizers of the event is a woman who has been dying of liver disease for several years: a big part of the dinner was to celebrate her life while she was still healthy enough to do so. It was never to have been a political meeting, and the only ‘discussion’ was to be about jobs and economic networking. That most of us had met through political outlets was beside the point.
One of the male attendees moved the lady who had organized the dinner to safety before returning to fight off the assault and was struck on the head with a weapon for his trouble. Remember–the antifa came armed and outnumbered us, at least two-to-one.
I saw two other attendees struck similarly within seconds of the assault. I personally pulled one of the assailants off one of our attendees, only to have that assailant go back after my friend laying on the ground (and get kicked in the chest for his trouble).
Those of our group who could recognize the five assailants who were arrested, stayed for many long hours at the police station. For our trouble, all of us were treated as if eating in a public restaurant were a crime, and two of ours were charged with allegations which they took months to clear their names of.
Meanwhile, five of the apprehended assailants pled guilty, a sixth was apprehended recently–and those of us who. were the targets have yet to be contacted by the police to testify. No one ‘begged’ us to do anything.
Sorry. This was about the removal of a statue of a great man.
The claim that “you are your DNA” is only a part of the picture. What a person has genetically is like clay. It is molded by parents, life choices, and other influences in society. For example, if all Jews were genetically predestined to hate whites, we never would have had a religion called Christianity. All of the original Christians were Jews, and the Savior himself was Jewish. Yet some ignorant and irresponsible people claim DNA is everything. Funny, if this was so, I wonder why the Bible didn’t come with a book on DNA?
Thomas Stuart.
I commend you on your courage and idealism
Could you do some work now to publish accurate, first hand accounts of what happened, maybe work with Nichaulus Stix to do write ups, maybe videos, Drudge?
We need follow ups exactly who, where, what these vicious Antifa terrorists are, what happened to them for attempted murder.
We need to wine less that the MSM and the legal “system” let Reds, anarchists, mud thugs get away, we can create our own media.
Something about your example strikes me as odd in this context. It doesn’t quite scan for me. Here’s why.
This discussion is partially about an attempt by Jews to rescue a child rapist and murderer because he was one of their own, and a man named Tom Watson who stood up and said no. It’s one of the reasons Watson is “controversial.”
Can I ask why in the vast universe of possibilities that could demonstrate factors besides DNA matter on an individual and tribal level, you chose to make your point that not all Jews hate whites using Jesus and the earliest Christians were Jews?
Jews claim direct descent from the Pharisees.
Christians should read Clement Pulaski’s work on the general topic of Jewry and Christianity.
Something about your example strikes me as odd in this context.”
Dalton is a Jew troll.
Mr. Ryan: While not craving publicity, and recognizing that this is now old news–I assume you are an OD editor or staff person. You or Mr. Stutz can e-mail me if you choose.
Pretty much, but yid troll or philo-Semitic dupe bingo can be entertaining.
One never knows which number(s) will come up.
# 01: …paranoid / paranoia…
#03: …obsessed…
# 13: … conspiracies / conspiracy theories…
#22: …blame them for everything…
#27: …they’re not all like that…
#31: …losers, rejects, defectives (or variations thereof)…
#46: …liberals not jews…
#52: …Whites/Christians are a problem too…
# 78: …it’s our fault too (second person variation)…
# 101: …alienate normal people/ sound nutty…
Mr. Dalton is not Jewish. He is eccentric and convinced of theories which would render virtually anyone descendent from Scottish, Irish, Briton, or some Scandinavian and/or French antecedents ‘Jewish’–but with the caveat that those people we moderns usually identify as ‘Jewish’ are NOT in fact derived from the original Twelve Tribes of Israel, ergo, not “Jewish” in the sense normally intended.
In other words, Mr. Dalton thinks himself to be “Jewish”, but denies that Mark Potok, etcetera, are “Jewish”. His views are based on a theory of ‘Melungeon Jewry’, widely believed to be hypothetical and somewhat crackpot. His ideas somewhat resemble those of British Israelism/Christian Israelism: but, these being primarily Protestant theories, Mr. Dalton is reluctant to embrace these labels.
Am uncertain what any of this has to do with the removal of a statue of Tom Watson, the denial of proud Southern history, Southern Agrarianism, etcetera. Hopefully this discussion can get back to the topic at hand.
“I wonder why the Bible didn’t come with a book on DNA?”
Perhaps because it hadn’t been discovered yet?
Am uncertain what any of this has to do with the removal of a statue of Tom Watson
Dalton jumped in with a misleading remark about genetics, Jews and White Christians. It was that old saw “Jesus was a Jew,” but left hanging out of context with the standard omission by people who make this point that today’s Jews claim descent from the Pharisees.
Beyond this, are you aware of the Tom Watson and Leo Frank angle? Here is the jewish interpretation of the events from wikipedia. It’s interesting how Jews got along fine with Watson until circumstances brought him into conflict with one of their own and their wealthy elite.
Rudel, the reason I made that remark about DNA and the Bible was to razz those who think DNA is everything. You do understand irony, don’t you?
Stephen Dalton: ??”The claim that “you are your DNA” is only a part of the picture. What a person has genetically is like clay. It is molded by parents, life choices, and other influences in society. For example, if all Jews were genetically predestined to hate whites, we never would have had a religion called Christianity. All of the original Christians were Jews, and the Savior himself was Jewish. Yet some ignorant and irresponsible people claim DNA is everything. Funny, if this was so, I wonder why the Bible didn’t come with a book on DNA?”??
Actually Steve, DNA influence on behavior, IMHO, is more significant than you attribute. It is more like the behavior of shape-memory alloy, reverting to form under certain conditions. There are more contemporary studies on the very direct influence that genetics have on behavioral predispositions, but you might do well to start with “Sociobiology” by Edwin O. Wilson.
And Jesus and the early Christians were not “Jewish” in the sense that they are the same genetic haplogroup as modern Jewish people. I believe you are familiar with Koestler’s The Thirteenth Tribe? Again, there are more recent books which develop the idea, but that is a start.
Now: anyone care to suggest some good reading for me on the life and thought of Tom Watson? History not being a strength of mine, I must regret that until the statue controversy I had never heard of the esteemed Mr. Watson.
Hey, speaking about statues, get a load of this. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/10/28/us-usa-justice-martinlutherking-idUSBRE99ROX520131028 They ought to carve a tunnel to MLK’s stony ass so they can plant wet, sloppy kisses on it.
A better url http://www.moonbattery.com/?p=38667
Tom, I’m sure you meant well in trying to explain my views, but from now on, let me explain myself. I gave you that courtesy to explain Tinley Park, please extend that courtesy to me as well.
@ Thomas Stuart: http://www.mediamonitors.net/brentkennedy1.html
While Melungeons appear to have little (even deep) Jewish ancestry, hundreds of thousands of Sephardic Jews emigrated from Spain, Portugal and Spanish Netherlands in the fifteenth century and they had to go somewhere. Some are known to have entered Scotland, and from thence moved to America. Genetic testing does prove this ‘legend’, unlike British Israelitism.
“While Melungeons appear to have little (even deep) Jewish ancestry, hundreds of thousands of Sephardic Jews emigrated from Spain, Portugal and Spanish Netherlands in the fifteenth century and they had to go somewhere. Some are known to have entered Scotland, and from thence moved to America. Genetic testing does prove this ‘legend’, unlike British Israelitism.”
Another nail in the coffin of British Israelitism and other Lost Tribe of Israel/Khazarite canards is that leading edge genetic analysis posits that most European Jews emanate from the Italian peninsula whence a large number of them settled both before and after the last fall of the Temple. They split into two groups the Sephardi who stayed in Italy and migrated towards Spain during the “Dark” Ages and the Ashkenazi who moved North into German lands.
There were of course a few Jews who migrated into the Caucasus and Western Eurasia (hence the obsolete Khazarian hypothesis.) Contemporary Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA shows a majority of White European haplotypes while the Y chromosomes are Middle Eastern. It looks like the Dark Age interlopers preferred to breed with shiksas!
Yiddish is after all a High German dialect (written in Hebrew script) and the word “khazari” is a Yiddish term of derision meaning filthy or unclean.
Thomas Stuart,
Yes, you are correct in stating that Sectarian disputes about who’s in the Bible don’t really have much to do about the post – ADL, NAACP removing a statue of Tom Watson from the Georgia capital.
This is a reason we don’t allow (comment guidelines) theological hair splitting flame war comments on OD. Blacks don’t do this, they vote, push, riot for Black power. Gays and Muslims do the same.
NW Muslim immigrants in Europe and the US fall in to the anti White side, allow with homosexuals, the most moral degenerate Blacks because they fighting and working for their power, at White expense.
We don’t have the luxury of wasting our time in endless sectarian arguments – think any of this matters if you are a lone White in East St. Louis, Detroit, Algiers, Somalia some nasty Muslim terrorized part of Merry old England?
I need some FB, e-mail contact for you.
You can reach me at:
Good comment, Lew. That Wikipedia article certainly needs revision. Watson was naming the Rothschilds and other Banker people DECADES before the article indicates he noticed them. He started on the side of southern farmers being robbed and enslaved by the wealthy elites, and he stayed on that track, and he was seldom wrong (Rural Free Delivery was one exception) in my opinion.
‘Melungeons- — part white, part Muslim, part Jewish, part Negro, part Indian, Scottish, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, etc. — all blended in the heart of Appalachia (!) — are a prototype of future mongrel North America? http://sparksgenealogy.net/melungeons.html
Are Melungeons the inevitable genetic outcome of Golden Circle colonialism in the South? It all began in Santa Elena: http://scholarcommons.sc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1184&context=archanth_books