Craig Cobb’s DNA Test

North Dakota

The SPLC summed this up quite nicely:

“For reasons that no one with a brain can understand, Cobb recently agreed to submit to a DNA test and then learn the results on a pre-taped episode of Goddard’s “Race in America” series that is set for release on Nov. 18. …”

Note: Here’s Craig Cobb standing next to Matt Parrott at the NSM’s Kristallnacht rally in Kansas City.

About Hunter Wallace 12413 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Rudel,

    I really don’t know how many with accuracy, I’ll go look. A pretty fair number, anyway.

    But RRS is right. You just cannot imagine a self-described Black Nationalist being called on t.v. to be “tested” to prove he’s black. Or a Indian from India going on and on about “ghandi” and Indian nationalism being the recipient of DNA testing, to end their authority about wanting a HOME.

    Can you imagine some Chinaman saying he thinks China should be chinese, and they only put him on TV and test his DNA to see if he is Chinese enough to even have an opinion.

    my my

  2. TMT–Episode #199.5 — Is CornCobb a nigger? Or more like an addlepated jewboy ZOGbot? 14 Nov 13

    Time: November 14, 2013 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


    The CornCobb saga just took another turn, in which CornCobb’s ancestry is questioned. The entire bowel Movement is yapping about it, from WhiggerNotions.cum to Rabbi Linder’s Greater Free Range Tard Corral & Colostomy Bag News Nutwerk to the kikeian glee of the $outhern Professional Liar’s Center and the orc mamzeress Axis Skanky’s pudcast to even Hunter Wallace’s Occidental Dissent blog. But what is the oafishul Dual-Seedline Christian Identity position regarding CornCobb?

    Now in real life, CornCobb looks like an odd duck, one which has been hippieized and is showing the affects of “Peter Dunkin'”. Many is the time in which CornCobb has suckcessfoolly infiltrated these swarms of jews and gliberal whiggers, niggers and mamzers, with the putative “victims” of the Cobbinatard actually thinking CornCobb is one of them. Then CornCobb opens itz yap, and they realize that CornCobb is Pod-Pisspul. “Danger, [S]Will Kikeson, Danger!!! Cum-cum, cum-cum!!!” And so they scatter and run off, except for niggers, who are used to whigger flight, and only an open Klansman will do, whereupon they look for whigger piglice to protect pore nigger. Many’s the time when I and other DSCI (Dual-Seedline Christian Identity) brethren would look at CornCobb and speculate as to what sort of mamzer itz.

    Pastor Willie Martin had the “Willie Martin Heresy.” Willie pointed out that since even the blondest, blue-eyed jewboy had from 5-16 percent nigger marker genes, it had to come from the time of Adam and Eve. Since Willie was a Dual-Seedline Christian Identity teacher, following the Comparetian Orthodoxy that YHWH made the pre-Adamite Beasts of the Field on the Sixth Day of Creation, wherein none of them had souls, and some of them were proto-whigger, along with the Neanderthal pre-kikes, and the niggers and gooks and prairie-niggers, then YHWH rested from Creation and then made Eighth-Day Adam as the Created, not part of Creation. (It doesn’t matter what Rabbi Eliar James/jewseph Stalin Mordaicai Kutz-Putz-November-Goldstein or Rabbi Nigger-Nose Bill Finck-el-sheenie or Bryan Reo/Sword Brethren/Ol’ Niggerlips the Mamzer from Mentor says as they be jewboys and mongrels pretending to be Aryan Christian Israelites.)

    So Eve’s sin wasn’t in eating an apple or fig or pomegranite from some wicked fruit tree or the like, but rather in being seduced by Satan. Adam’s sin was in taking sloppy seconds, especially since he had a number of other short ribs in reserve. And so according to Willie Martin, Satan disguised hisself as a nigger, and Eve saw and lusted after Satan-nigger’s black snake, said “What a peach!!!” and rolled over on her round heels, opened up, and made out like an anglo-mestizo gorda, sorta like Axis Skanky. Adam found out about it, got some sloppy seconds, knew that he was supposed to have ditched the whore, and they both figured out that they was nekkid. Hence the rest of Genesis Chapter Three, especially Genesis 3:15. Nine months later, Eve squeezed out Cain, and then Abel as she was able.

    Hence, Cain, the First jew, was actually born nigger, like Cush, whom Ham squirted out after getting some aboard the ark offn some unclean Dravidian Beastess of the Field. Hence all jews have some mitochondrial nigger marker genes from cum-cum-cum-cumming out of Satan-nigger’s pee hole.

    So since most of us in Christian Identity think CornCobb is part kike, no wonder CornCobb hath a passel of nigger in it. And that’s all there is to it.


    CornCobb at the NSM event in KC.

    TraitorGlenn Miller ZOGbotting and castrating Joseph Paul Franklin.

    Obie-gender-bender’s Fambly and “Down Low Down Under”

    WhiggerSwill and Hadding’s bitching about Covington.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  3. The above doesn’t apply to the Y-chromosome (father to son) or to mitochondrial DNA (mother to child.) All the rest of the 22 (autosomal) chromosomes are affected by this phenomenon though.

  4. I hope people are aware of how much of the online genealogy industry, including DNA testing, originates in Israel and has two purposes (1) the obvious one of putting more money into Jewish coffers and (2) collecting DNA samples in preparation for various Zionist schemes. I will not comment further on (2), use your imagination a bit and do some searching. Just remember that the Jews are the most race-obsessed people on earth, and have always been violence prone and full of hatred for the rest of the world. As far as a white supremacist agreeing to a DNA test and having the results announced in the US media — either he is a simpleton or some kind of disinformation agent. No self-respecting white would agree to something like this. Personally, I will never allow my DNA to be tested unless I can do it myself, at home, with technology I control.

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