Craig Cobb’s DNA Test

North Dakota

The SPLC summed this up quite nicely:

“For reasons that no one with a brain can understand, Cobb recently agreed to submit to a DNA test and then learn the results on a pre-taped episode of Goddard’s “Race in America” series that is set for release on Nov. 18. …”

Note: Here’s Craig Cobb standing next to Matt Parrott at the NSM’s Kristallnacht rally in Kansas City.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. For such a high percentage, he would have known that one of his ancestors was black (something like great-grandmother, thereby making one of his grandparents half). Besides, don’t the liberals say that race is a social construct? If so, then how can one be tested for such a thing? They need to admit that race does exist.

    In short – I don’t believe a word of it.

  2. Even the “world healers” at the SPLC can agree genetics matter. But our side won’t bother stating that obvious fact. Good catch Wilson

  3. While I agree Craig Cobb made a serious mistake by agreeing to this arrangement, I also think it’s possible and indeed likely that the testers were not honest about the findings. They might have tossed Craig Cobb’s sample in the trash, or just lied about the results. How would anyone know?

    A commenter signing as “Ted” at Counter Currents left this comment the other day about the “purity” concept. He left the comment in response to a different topic, but I think his point is germane here. To sum it up, because the idea cane a jut before genetic science, any attempt to bring “purity” into a discussion of white activism should be viewed as dishonest. It is a red herring; what matters vis-à-vis ethnicity and biology is genetic relatedness and genetic interests.

    The “purity” concept needs to be put to rest, it’s an outdated concept from the pre-genetics past. Today, I think, if you are going to look at race from the biological standpoint (there are of course also important cultural and historical aspects to Identity as well), then consider “genetic interests” and degrees of relatedness, and the preservation (and improvement of the native stock) of groups as they exist today

  4. What kind of a guy lives in a nigger shack in North Dakota?

    For our Northern friends a “nigger shack” generally refers to a shack without running water & sewage.

  5. 87% White ain’t that bad. America was 87% White in 1960 and it was a good place.

    Having some antibodies usually makes a White person more racist – it does for Southern Europeans.

  6. Old Cobb should fork over some loot to a professional org. to re-do the test. If it is off by 1% he should sue the pants off that show. If it really was fake, Cobb could be looking at a big pay day.

    I would wager the results are correct as the producers would surely understand that such a neg. result would be scrutinized.

    Laughed my ass off when the gal tried to give him a “pound.” Lulz!!!!

  7. It’s obviously nonsense.

    That said, Craig Cobb made a buffoon of himself. The story is all over the media. No one will remember that it was discredited. Why would anyone go on a program like this in the first place?

  8. I wouldn’t be so fast to write it off. From a legal standpoint, regardless of what waivers he signed, if the test is false old Cobb can squeeze them for “inflicting emotional distress.”

    I personally think Cobb is 1/8th sub-sy and even if he isn’t, I still like the idea because it is hilarious.

    I did one of these a few years ago. 64% British Isles, 32% Scandy, 4% Continental European or thereabouts. And I got to admit, a piece me clinched up waiting to see what was in the woodpile.

  9. From a post at VNN:

    ‘There was also a “Supposed” DNA test done on one of Hitler’s known relatives, and they pretty much said Hitler was a nigger too.’

    No. What was found was that Hitler had the same y-chromome as is prevalent among Berbers, who were originally (and still are in the mountains of northern Africa) blond and blue-eyed. The same y-chromosome is prevalent on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea in Europe.

    When the story about Hitler’s y-chromosome first broke in 2008 the message was that Hitler had no Jewish grandfather as had been rumored, since his y-chromome matched that of other Hiedlers, Hitlers, and Huettlers in Austria. Two years later, exactly the same information was twisted into a spurious insinuation that Hitler might have had Negro or Jewish ancestry (since some Jews also have that Berber chromosome and since many African Berbers today exhibit Negro admixture). This was a blatant distortion to anybody that looked into it a bit.

    Regarding Craig Cobb, the term used on the show was “subsaharan.” That is a geographic, not a racial term. Centuries ago Negroes were much less numerous in Africa and Berbers had traveled through much of it. To this day there are Berber genes in subsaharan Africa, especially Somalia. Since Craig Cobb obviously isn’t one-eighth Negro, when they claim that he is 14% “subsaharan” it just makes me wonder what the hell they mean by that.

    That female producer on the show that they said was substantially “subsaharan” didn’t look a bit Negro either. All that has been shown is how a test-result that most people don’t understand can be used to mystify the public in an effort to make them ignore the evidence of their own senses.

  10. 14% black? That’s close to 12.5%, aka 1/8th, aka one black great-grandparent out of the eight you have. If he was 14% black, the black would show.

    Adam Clayton Powell was 10% black.

  11. 14% really would have to be a great-gf and he would have known. It’s more of that t.v. show they did where they track down such in various celebrities and then have them show their surprise on t.v. Also, some of the “tests” do offer percentages of things, which seems weird, as those are geographical areas NOT genetic markers, which are what would be needed. Some of the places like “” do “tests,” which then give percentages of geographical areas; not genetic markers

  12. Just watched the clip— makes me think of Annie Wilkes (sp?) in Misery. The whole thing, the whole idea for such a show, the whole issue, etc, is just oogie. Are there countries where this does not exist?

  13. Total B.S.

    Doesn’t refute the importance of genetic integrity, it only refutes Cobb’s common sense. These people are not honest, and they are making fun of him; right down to the stupid fist bump stunt.

  14. This guy is a fucking idiot. Of course these people are going to lie about his genetics only to further “discredit” anything White that exerts self assertion.

    It’s a set-up that will be lost on the gullible masses.

    Cobb has no nig in him whatsoever.

  15. All he has to do is take another one or two and prove it a hoax. Then sue the bastards. Simple. Any lawyer would jump at the chance. It would be a slam dunk. Cobb could get paid and build his own Aryan utopia.

  16. I would be very suspicious of results relayed by an African on television, especially since he is a racially-conscious white man. Should I even be referring to him as such now? Also, look at the white fools in the audience smiling and clapping away. White people are really, really, really screwed up. Except for us, here, of course.

    I wonder what outfit did the test.

  17. Apparently the test was through an outfit called Ancestry by DNA. They have some pretty strange statements on race on their website, for a company that claims to do scientific testing:
    “… race is often defined by social or political conventions (there is no biological definition of “race”)…”

    I somehow hesitate to trust DNA test results from such an ‘objective’ group of people.

    That being said, Cobb could have asked for a test by a company of his choosing, or just refused to play the TV show’s game.

  18. Apparently, the host, Trisha Goddard, has been married to 3 of white dudes and has 2 mix-race daughters …

    Peter Gianfrancesco

    Mark Greive–Trisha-Goddard-marriage-crisis-nearly-destroyed-her.html

    Robert Nestdale

  19. Here’s my results from 50 percent Central European, 39 percent Scandinavian, and 11 percent East European. I have researched my ancestry and know it fairly well.

  20. I have a trace of German ‘East Saxon’ or ‘Transylvanian Saxon’ heritage through one great grandfather’s line, though Frankish West German and Cymric (Welsh) Brythonic Celtic heritage predominate.

  21. Another way to look at this is that Craig Cobb took one for the team. It’s an object lesson for activists and anyone who tries to put the wrong ideas out there. In media, be ready for anything. Expect lies, ridicule and threats

  22. I don’t understand the “” results that are given in “percentages” of GEOGRAPHICAL areas.

    That IS NOT a genetic marker.

    Genes could be 100% R1B or something and the person having lived in ss africa, as the first is a genetic marker, the second a geographical place.

    Should anyone trust ANY results given as “percentages?” (without the markers on which the company is basing that claim).

    Someone told me they thought those outfits are just collecting the data (your REAL information, not to mention your samples)—- but then not really telling you (who PAID) anything genuine, like the real data on which they supposedly base their “percentage.” Also the person who I was talking to was mostly German, and their percent said “central europe,” lol. Well, they knew their family and didn’t consider it “central euro,” and that really illustrates the point—as central euro is quite a mix.

  23. Right, DixieGirl. For example, most of the East Saxon Germans didn’t come to the Carpathians from Saxony, but were Frankish West Germans, French, and even Flemish — thus not Central European at all. There is nothing better than knowing one’s geneaology the old fashioned way.

  24. Reply box disappeared on the ‘board’ thread.

    Just to respond to Rudel, I can trace my family back a ways, and to their lives outside what became the u.s. Of Great-greats, I would have to count but could probably name a couple hundred with accuracy. Off the top of my head, maybe about sixty.

  25. what makes me mad is even feeling compelled to HAVE TO ever do so—- as that is the mark of how much of the Generational American authority has been undermined.

    As RR Simmons points out, “race is a social construct” until it comes to demonizing, especially certain whites.

    Have talked to people who refuse to involve themselves ever in any form of family research, just saying it’s people collecting information that they assume will be used to harm them. And isn’t that convenient. A) you don’t know such things, and your history is lost, which is what it IS to be a slave or B) you know—and so do they.

    Getting you coming and going.

  26. The best place to get genetic testing is They have the biggest data base of all the DNA testing companies. If you get tested, for starters, I’d recommend a 37 marker Y-DNA test to discover your haplotype on the paternal side of the family, and a full mtDNA test for the maternal side. They’re having a sale right now that offers the tests at a discount, so now is a good time to get it done. And to save even more money, see if someone already has a family name project up and running.

  27. Cobb should look at the bright side of things, with 14% African DNA he should be able to qualify as a Puerto Rican. Next thing you know Cobb, who likes to get on TV, will be doing Dos Equis TV commercials.

  28. After a few hours of thinking on this, I remembered part of the NS Aryan superfriend WWII re-enactor (losing side) game is to be paid to do interviews, so I assume/hope Cobb made his money.

    But folks before you become all glum, the anti-whites are now playing in our venue now. But then again I would bet that there are now dispirited people who are thinking well now we cannot have a New CSA with defensible borders because Craig Cobb is %14 African or something.

  29. I have to agree with Linder’s man Varg, that if Cobb is actually 14% Black African he should play it for all it’s worth—Craig Cobb the next Bill Cosby. Cobb can lecture Blacks on crime & behavior, just like Cosby.

  30. Lesson; When the anti-whites throw a ball don’t chase it. IMO this is a huge opportunity. No one is telling blacks that they are this or that and must share their loot or their countries. Does the average anti-white black activist suddenly contain a certain percentage white that he must stop talking like a black Nazi when it comes to whites? Is Greater Israel morally defensible? (if the jewsers weren’t fucking idiots they should be dancing in the streets over this)

    Folks the “social construct” is now in the prison shower surrounded by violent psychopathic homos.

  31. Clarification the violent homo reference is to the anti-whites themselves, karmic retribution they brought upon their own heads. We owe them nothing, don’t play sappy conservative papa to them.

  32. The next white that partakes in such an adventure should have his/her DNA tested before he goes on the show. Then, when the host brings out false results, the guest can pull his out from the best DNA testing lab in the world. Gotcha!

  33. @DixieGirl

    “Of Great-greats, I would have to count but could probably name a couple hundred with accuracy.”

    That’s a pretty bold claim but old ladies are really into this stuff so perhaps all the records your grannies have accumulated is pretty impressive if it’s true. You might want to get your DNA sampled just to see if your historical records are more or less a match for your genetic profile.

    Unlike Dalton I would not choose as they are ridiculously expensive. 23&Me only charges $99 although occasionally they have a free promotion. You can get your raw data too (they test about 600,00 SNPs) and the nice thing is you can have your raw file analyzed for free by some academics who have written software that gives a finer genetic breakdown of your 23&Me or data as to ethnic affinity. See for some of this info.

    The cost of a full sequence analysis still costs a few thousand dollars (unless you get into a free academic program like the 100,000 genome project) but the cost is coming down with each new generation of DNA sequencing machines.

    As a caveat to all: Your “relatedness”to any one ancestor gets really weak after about six generations due to the small contribution of that individuals genes to you own and the effects of genetic drift. It is an almost certain probability (on the order of 99.999…%) that all Europeans are direct descendants of Charlemagne.

    This due to the fact that if we all had distinct great*grandparents in 800 A.D. the human population would have had to be astronomical in numbers. The population since then has been an ever expanding tree (with the major 14th Century bottleneck Black Death) while previously referred to tree of possible ancestors fans out back to 800 and beyond in the opposite direction.

    There are *lots* of third cousin marriages in everyone’s family tree. Mathematically there is no other way to get back to as small an original population as existed in 800.

  34. Larry David was determined to be 37 percent Native American on The George Lopez Show. I didn’t believe it along with Larry. Even if he is a Khazar, Native American would not be in the mix. I’d believe Asian before Native American.

    As Cobb said, there is a term called “static” in DNA results. On the show, he was ignored. Of course the “celebration” on Cobb’s results drowned out everything else.

    I copied this from an article on Vanessa Williams’ DNA:

    “According to, the average African American is 65 percent sub-Saharan African, 29 percent European and 2 percent Native American.

    According to, the average African American is 75 percent sub-Saharan African, 22 percent European and only 0.6 percent Native American.

    According to Family Tree, the average African American is 72.95 percent sub-Saharan African, 22.83 percent European and 1.7 percent Native American.

    According to National Geographic’s Genographic Project, the average African American is 80 percent sub-Saharan African, 19 percent European and 1 percent Native American.”

    Obviously, these tests are not accurate in any sense of the word although I would think the results on Henry Louis Gates’ program would be more credible than the one Cobb received. I’ve read that a process of scanning is the only way to get genuine results. I do not know what type of scanning the article was referring to.

  35. The same article on Vanessa Williams’ DNA results had this comment from Brixtony:

    “My family gave me the National Geo. test as a present and I just got the results. I was born in England as were my parents. Grandparents were Jews from Poland, other obscure parts of eastern Europe and Germany. My DNA showed: 56% Mediterranean, 22% Southwest Asian, 19% Northern European (as well as 1.8% Neanderthal!!). The national groups most similar were Lebanese and Bulgarian.”

    What, no Hebrew?

  36. Cobb needs to do a blind test via 23 and Me, and publish the results.

    The most important thing would be for Obama to do a DNA test to prove he was Frank Marshall Davis’s son (the real reason for the fake birth certificate Barack Hussein Obama “Sr.” was a patsy and a cuckold for ol’ Frank!).

  37. “Whites are evolution. God approves. If these tests are not phony we should all have them.” – The tests aren’t phony, but they are only as good as the information put in. I think the way that genetic markers are determined to have come from a certain group is to cite which group has the most members with that gene, not necessarily where it originated from(as that can’t always be determined).

  38. A very knowledgeable commenter on Karl Denninger’s site, said to look out for most commercial DNA tests for ancestry, because they LIE ABOUT WHAT YOUR ANCESTRY IS. They like to say that every body is 20% black, 20% white, etc.

    He said they were very ‘political’. So I think that’s our answer here.

    But the show could’ve just made it up too.

  39. “most commercial DNA tests for ancestry, because they LIE ABOUT WHAT YOUR ANCESTRY IS.”

    Not really, although they do differ somewhat in which DNA sequences they use but as I said before you can analyze the raw data with other programs available from third party sites. Full genome sequencing at an affordable price ie. <$1000 is still a few years off.

  40. Noted Dalton. You realize of course that this pro-Darwinianism DNA evidence along with Doppler’s hypothesis of the spectrographic red shift and Hubbell’s confirmatory discovery of galaxies totally sank Biblical literalism?

  41. Rudel is right about ‘Biblical literalism’. The bad exegetical ‘method’ of ‘literalism’ applied to Scripture will die, but the Word of God itself remains perfect and inerrant.

  42. However much of Scripture was intended to be and SHOULD be taken literally. ‘Misapplied literalism’ is a better term for the bad method.

  43. What is worse than Literalism is when His Holiness and the ghost of Your Lady contradict or add things to the Holy Scriptures.

  44. White genes are recessive. If this guy had more than 5-10% black ancestry it would be readily apparent. The test is obviously BS. I suspect the people that evaluated the test results determined that any markers common to people with Mediterranean ancestry were “African.”

    Former Virginia governor Douglas Wilder was about 10-15% black I reckon.

    While I don’t think Mr. Cobb is black, in this case he displayed about as much common sense as an African-American.

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