About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This former principled Southern young man has now embraced his torturers, loves political correctness, loves Big Brother, thinks Martin Luther King Jr. is a God, greater than Jesus Christ. He thinks Jack Kemp, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul’s slight Libertarian twist on straight out Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton hate Whitey cultural Marxism will save the day – Blacks in Detroit, East St. Louis, Haiti and Zimbabwe will embrace FREE MARKETS and vote Republican.

    Really pathetic.

    How does this guy now feel about gay rights?

    Will he perform homosexual prostitution acts in public to give further proof that he’s not racist?

    Oh, and then there’s something he said or thought about Islamic extremist immigrants. I guess he will support Rand Paul’s defense of Al Qaeda terrorists in Yemen – full American Citizens like you and I because of “birth right citizenship” – yep, idiot traitor Libertarian loon Rand Paul said that nonsense.

    Pathetic, really pathetic.

    30 pieces of silver.

  2. Mr. Ryan-

    I could not have said it better. Bravo.

    The man is a traitor. He would probably be lynched in a Free South, for such turncoat sentiments. And they would be justified in doing so.

    God hates a two-faced man.

  3. My two cents:

    I think this has everything to do with Rand Paul’s presidential bid which they are taking way more seriously than his dad’s campaign.
    Sr. Paul’s campaign was an obvious cash raiser, then funneling the funds into various PACs and such.

    I think they are smelling the blood in the water from Obama’s recent low approval ratings and believe that Rand has a fair shot at getting to 1600 Penn.

    They are now digging through his trash and shredding up all the ties that will give him a nasty racist face. Jack Hunter is probably the first of many.

    I think this was a bad move, and only spotlights Jack Hunter’s past work for blogs like Salon, Huff Post and it’s practically a gift for Rightwing Watch, and nobody will believe his “oops I was only kidding” story.

    Our side is also doing a write up tonight. Should be interesting to compare our two sides take on it.

  4. Shameful. I have lost any remaining respect for Jack. He is a sory sight to behold. And the elites will never forgive him. So all he has done is alienate everyone and turn against his own people in favour of a universalist ideology (libertarianism).

  5. Thanks Fr. John.

    I call em as I see em.

    I can spot these traitorous Libertarian pandering pus&$&$ a mile away.

    Rand Paul looks to be a twin of Jack Kemp only Rand Paul panders to Islamic Ay-rab immigrants as well as AIPAC, Zionists. Bobby Kennedy got executed for trying to suck up to both non White Arab immigrants and Israeli extremists.

  6. There is no better life on earth than to make a living via punditry/counsel. Pay for your ideas. Beautiful.

    This pussy wants to live that life again. He wants it back. It’s easy money.

  7. What are we to say of a man like this, who is willing to despise his own people in order to beg for scraps at the table of his people’s enemy?

  8. Jack Hunter can now look forward to being the left’s prison bitch for the rest of his life.

    He’ll pander to them, grovel to them, deny his past advocacy like Peter did Christ, but the left will never trust him. Which will only lead to more pandering on his part.

    BTW, to Jack Ryan, who says that Jack Kemp wouldn’t have pandered to Muslims and AQ? Grover Norquist, who comes out of the Kemp ideological stable, does.

  9. Hunter admitting his “thought crimes” to the Politico is pretty damn bad. Sort of like the communists who begged Stalin for forgiveness…

  10. William Gaunt says:
    November 26, 2013 at 12:04 am
    What are we to say of a man like this, who is willing to despise his own people in order to beg for scraps at the table of his people’s enemy?

    Jack replies:

    Water balloons filled with vile liquids.

    It’s not just treason, disloyalty – this pathetic young man feels, yes “loyalty” to his employer, to his “cause” – he doesn’t want to hurt the campaign of Rand Paul. Lot’s of similar young White men felt the same about working for William F Buckley Jr and then being accused of RACISM, hurting the noble, brilliant man William F Buckley Jr.

  11. “How I Left Behind Opportunistic, Unprincipled Southern Identity Careerism to Become an Obedient Member of Conservatism Inc. (and to Pursue a _Different_ Kind of Opportunistic, Unprincipled Careerism!)”

    The funniest thing about this whole episode may be how clueless Rand Paul was about Hunter’s past. Failure to do due diligence on associates seems a hallmark of the Paul family.

  12. Countenance : Grover came up through the ranks as Gingrich’s prodigy and is part of the big tent ideology that helped win the Bush victories.
    His big outreach to the Muslim community originated when he was trying to carry Michigan for Bush in 2000 and tried to create a Muslim Republican base out there.

    Any success he had was only temporary, although he was convinced the strict conventions of traditional Islam would connect to the supposed Republican traditional family values.

    How the plays from the new play books are going to be carried out is going to be very interesting.

    It’s going to be an interesting CPAC this year…

  13. What I wouldn’t give to see Occidental Dissent doorstep “Southern Avenger” and ask him straight questions and demand straight answers.

    Ambush journalism/traitor shaming, might get your cause more attention than any previous demonstration.

  14. A text book case of the corruption of one man’s mind by conservatism. I see these cases as vindications of Alex Linder’s principles.

  15. @Jack Ryan: “Pathetic, really pathetic. 30 pieces of silver.” This case hits home with me. I hide behind a screen name for 2 main reasons: cowardice and greed. Combining cowardice and greed is a losing strategy except maybe for people at the top. The Jack Hunter case and the Paula Deen case are like carbuncles that display the poison of cowardice, greed, and brainwashing. If you make publicly make statements like “I think black people are mentally inferior in terms of their average IQ”, then you will be fired from federal, state and local government jobs and also from large and medium-sized companies, even if your statements are not make at work. In the U.K. if you say that things like “Muslim men are likely to commit rape” then you might be jailed. I am unlikely to overcome my cowardice and greed but I believe I can become much more vicious and sneaky. We need to outthink Jews.
    “Jews don’t watch TV. … We’re in our rooms studying.” – Brother Nathanael Kapner
    http://lnrlive.com/tpc/tpc20100918b.mp3 9/18/2020, The Political Cesspool
    “It’s bad ideas that have gotten us into the present situation, and it’s only going to be better ideas than guide us out.” – Greg Johnson, 3/28/2009, TPC
    According to Winston Smith of TPC, African Americans “own the n-word in more ways than one.”
    “You can’t have a First World nation with a Third World population.” – James Edwards
    “Liberalism is the modern face of evil.” – Keith Alexander
    Sam Dickson, 3/21/2009 TPC, observed that in the PC regime, “It is immoral from the get-go to be concerned about the survival of the White race.”
    “If Whites can’t organize as Whites, they have only one future – and that’s oblivion.” -Jared Taylor, 12/18/2010, TPC.
    Jews, Muslims, blacks, and mulattos want all the White European races to disappear into the multi-cult mudpile.

  16. The problem is being quite that radical and er um Schtick-y at 20, 21,22,23.
    Doctrinaire liberals around that age are actually much better material for conversion to right wing politics.

    People that indulge in it at that age, to quite the extent that he did are not to be trusted. Racism is in the final analysis learned through bitter experiences and genuine reflection on reality.

  17. Pathetic.

    Anything for a buck. That’s the American Way.

    What he doesn’t realize is that it’s all for nothing. His new masters will keep him fed until he stops being useful, then they will kick him to the curb and denounce him. He’ll come running for home, begging for forgiveness.

    But the door will be closed.

  18. My response to Jack Hunter’s article at politico:
    Hunter you are a groveling tw@t. Begging for mercy from psychopaths so you can make a few extra shekels scribbling your dopey southern-fried libertardian dreck. You sure did seem sincere in all those videos you used to post. Maybe you should go out to Hollywood and try your luck. You are one hell of an actor!

    You have alienated the right-wingers who supported you all in the name of appeasing lunatic liberals that are going to hate you no matter how hard you suckpoop. Brilliant strategy!

  19. This is as predictable as it is unpalatable. It requires a doughty man to eschew a paycheck in favor of his principles. But there are some out there that would. And they would do so to stand abreast with their fellows in mutual support of their children and culture. Give certain men a sense of duty and they will suffer penury without complaint. But they won’t suffer it alone. And this is where we fail.

    Look at the real choice that this wretched golem faced: he could shame himself and renounce his righteous principles in exchange for employment, indoor living, and the much-more-important fellowship and public support of his peers: you did the right thing repudiating that hatred and bigotry Jack.


    He could courageously stand his ground in line at the soup kitchen while becoming a pariah to the respecticons and piñata to the liberals. Only the crickets to stand publicly beside him. “Make a great personal sacrifice and earn the scorn of those for whom you make it.” This is not a viable marketing campaign. And it will have to change if we are to survive.

  20. It will never change Porter, you tortured wordsmith. Too many of us whites know that to serve the multicult agenda is the only path to perpetuate an advanced civilization. Any infusion of white pride can only lead to a new darkness.

  21. @PGRT

    Haven’t you played this “I for one welcome the rule of our new multiracial overlords” shtick just a bit too long at this point? It’s getting to be totally unfunny and therefore tediously boring now.

  22. ‘[T]oo many Republicans have dismissed the idea that racism is actually a problem.’ -Jack Hunter

    ‘During a question-and-answer session, a student asked if I still worried about illegal immigrants “taking over” parts of the country. I was caught off guard, because it was the first time I publicly said, “I’ve changed.” I was becoming embarrassed by some of the views I’d once expressed.’ -Jack Hunter

    ”Libertarianism, after all, is based on the relationship between the state and the individual, often with little regard for culture or groups. I had always thought this was shortsighted, but I began to change my mind.’ -Jack Hunter

    ‘When parts of the South were still desegregating in the early 1970s, Paul, a Texas obstetrician, delivered a biracial couple’s stillborn child after other doctors had turned them away out of prejudice, the child’s father said in a super PAC-funded ad released in 2011. Paul told them not to worry about the bill.’ -Jack Hunter

  23. How is modern Oslo or Malmo advanced? The two places are coming apart at the seams. Copenhagen isn’t far behind. You might be securing an advance on a book deal but you are trading away advanced civilization by doing it.

  24. Mosin, thanks very much; I appreciate the suggestion and will consider it seriously.

    Silver, there are millions of people like me out there. How many of us should kill ourselves? Is Silver the real supporter of white genocide around here?

  25. Although, I disagree with Ignatiev’s article on Diversity Chronicle. White men can also make brown babies. I don’t understand why pro-whites are obsessed with black men mixing with white women, when white men race-mix also. Not usually with black women, but the Libertarian candidate for governor of Virginia is married to a black woman.

  26. All you need to do is expose yourself to more blackness and the blackness will cannibalize you in some way.

  27. In a democracy, which we are not supposed to be, parties win with ideas that appeal to the majority or lose with ones that don’t. Either way, we can lose a little bit each time or lose a lot each time. That’s the ugly reality…

  28. “Who the hell goes to a sports bar to watch “pro” wrestling?”

    Who goes to a ‘sports bar’?

    Fat old men drinking booze, thinking they are 20 again. What’s worse are the post-menopausal women that tend to accompany them.

    Now, if they have good food, and you can go to a corner where the noise and screens are in abeyance, ok!

    But sports- any sports- these days- when it’s all Uruk-hai wannabes, with IQ’s the size of their overly large shoes?

  29. Traitor,
    Of course there are millions of you, you muttering marionette. Mental illness is prolific. Even so of the formally recognized varieties that include your severe autism. Multikult at 5, definitely multikult. I’m an excellent contriver.

    And if you eventually take Silver’s sound advice…I’ll attempt to remain stoic in my bereavement.

  30. Proud Globalist Race Traitor says:
    November 27, 2013 at 7:17 am
    Although, I disagree with Ignatiev’s article on Diversity Chronicle. White men can also make brown babies. I don’t understand why pro-whites are obsessed with black men mixing with white women, when white men race-mix also. Not usually with black women, but the Libertarian candidate for governor of Virginia is married to a black woman.”

    JR responds.

    There are many reasons we feel this way. If Black men chase White women (also Arab Muslims, Jewish media moguls all do) then Black women don’t get mates, husbands and they are very bitter toward White wome, Whites in general. It is simply unrealistic that regular, poor Black men are going to attain the wealth and trophy blond Nordic wife, GFs of Tiger Woods, this is another cause of poor Black men being angry, envious and frustrated with their lives and going in to lives of crime, rape etc.

    It’s dharma to except your racial, caste place in life and make the best of things. Black men should marry Black women, they used to be expected to marry Black women and get jobs, live responsibly in a Black community. We can’thaveenvious Black men from all over the world trying to gate crash our White societies.

  31. Why Can’theenvious black man, be a black name?

    Unintended hilarity there.

    One reason that white men are deep concerned about blacks intermarrying is that the white women is significantly more likely to be murdered in an interracial relationship. You also have the problem of stupid offspring that result from the mating and the higher likelihood that the offspring will become wards of the state: either as abandoned children or as jail fodder.

  32. Hunter is obviously a little weasel. A mealy-mouthed eunuch who should put on a dress and start lisping. His article made me vomit in my mouth. What a spineless little girl he is.

  33. Weasel, we should clarify that the cowardly “Hunter” is Jack Hunter, not to be confused with OD’s Hunter Wallace.

  34. Jack, that does not answer the heart of the question. Doesn’t a white man marrying a black woman cause similar problems from your perspective?

    Porter, it is always enjoyable and so easy to generate word salad from you.

    Mosin, I did read on another site that Diversity Chronicle is satire. Of course it has other articles which have nothing to do with racialism, such as the transgender one. Even though transgender mental illness was invented primarily by anti-Christian white people.

  35. PGRT,

    There is no equality. That is the heart of the matter. Pretending otherwise does enormous damage and the bill for the repairs will be expensive and bloody.

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