Coming Soon

American South

Last photo of the day in Shelbyville
Shelbyville, TN demonstration, October 2013

Now that winter is winding down, the League of the South is gearing up for a new round of protests and demonstrations in 2014:

March 8 – Tallahassee, FLDemonstration Against Marco Rubio & Amnesty

The Tallahassee rally is this weekend on Saturday. I’ve already booked my hotel room. If you can make it, join us at the Florida State Capitol at 10 AM EST.

Georgia Billboard Project 

The League of the South is raising money to put up a second SECEDE billboard somewhere in North Georgia.

April 5 – Richmond, VASouthern Marriage & Family Defense Demonstration

This will be a protest against the recent judicial overthrow of Virginia’s gay marriage ban. It is probable that more bans on gay marriage in the South will be struck down by then. There might be similar protests to coincide with this one in other states.

Early May – Maryland

This is a private invitation only event.

May 31 – Carrollton, KY – Secede From Obamaland Demonstration

I believe this one is close to Louisville. I would love to make it, but my wife is giving birth in early June. In any case, this will be an opportunity for Southern Nationalists to take to the streets in the far northern reaches of Dixie.

June 28 – Central Alabama

As far as I know, there will be a protest in the Montgomery area that will coincide with the 2014 LS National Conference.

July – Albertville & Collinsville, AL

I’m considering organizing a Southern Demographic Displacement event over the gutting of HB 56 in Albertville and Collinsville.

Mid-August – North Georgia

In August, there will be a Southern Demographic Displacement rally in North Georgia that will wrap up a year of activism.

Note: In 2013, there were protests in Uvalda & Vidalia, GA in August, Tampa, FL in September, Murfreesboro & Shelbyville, TN in October, Tampa, FL and Atlanta, GA in November, Greer & Traveler’s Rest, SC and Ocala, FL in December.

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I will be donating $50 to day to Occidental Dissent and $50 to the Georgia Sign.

    I was considering donating to Stormfront, but their “finger to the wind” stance on Russia vs the Jews changed my mind. Stormfront without the contributions of the BUGSers would be a net anchor; if they can’t get it right on the modern world, they become an anchor even with the BUGSers.

    It is sad that people alleging to be fighting for their genetic interests would do today the equivalent of enlisting to fight Germany in 1945 or the South in 1861. Yes, an weak argument could be made that some national interests are at stake, but not racial interests. Your race is your nation. Jews know that, blacks know that, hispanics know that, why can’t we figure it out?

  2. The Ukraine situation has outed many sleepers on the blogs.

    If the Democratic political establishment is all on board with the so called Nationalists in Ukraine, along with every Jewish pundit, along with McKrain
    Then there’s only one possible position to adopt on the issue.

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