About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The Klansmen were nicely dressed. They didn’t have rag ass holey jeans or robes on. Looks like they have been taking some hints from Dr. Hill on dress. Sadly, they failed to take heed of his other advice. They engaged the enemy by hurling tough talk at them. Dr. Hill says, we have nothing to say to them, we’re trying to reach the general public. Two, they emphasized “white power” instead of southern nationalism. WTH is WP? It’s a nebulous concept that can mean almost anything. SN stands for the culture traditions of the Southern people. Three, they seemed to be disrespectful to the police. You could see and hear that disrespect and the policemen’s response to it in the video. I realize that it might be difficult sometime in the future for us to show respect, but why bring it on by behaving like this?

  2. When your doing a public event the #1 objective is image. When you leave a public event everyone should have a better opinion of the Patriots involved including Members, the Crowd, and the Police. Everyone should feel like we might disagree but I respect them. Sometimes that doesn’t work out and this was a perfect example. Patriots can expect the leftist communists to go nuts in the crowd and that’s fine. We should have a good image, mainstream speeches, and a professional look. That makes us look good and then look even worse out there protesting with their communist signs across the police line. It takes leadership and honestly controlling your members. I feel like the LOS protests against Demographic Displacement have been a good example in modern times of positive public activism and I think you folks set the new status quo going forward. Sadly some people haven’t caught up and got with the problem.

    I believe in fairness. So I will mention the New Black Panther Party and National Black United Front held a public rally days ago in Texas. They were dressed in black bdus, cursing in public, bashing the Sheriff, his daughter, and openly carrying Guns. Only 1 cop is visible and he’s directing traffic. You know if it was Southern Nationalists doing that 500 cops would be there to shut us down or lock us up whichever came first.

    Here’s the video….


  3. ‘The Klansmen were nicely dressed’

    The object is not to be taken for hillbillies, plowboys, rednecks, Duck Dynastians or Craig Cobbians, who are ridiculed NOT respected. Federal government mercenary uniforms, medical professional garb, business suits and other cosmopolitan fashions are good choices — or if you can afford a tuxedo, that would be best of all! Earrings and ponytails are in style, but don’t wear full masculine beards and especially not chore boots!

  4. Re: ‘the New Black Panther Party and National Black United Front held a public rally days ago in Texas (…) Only 1 cop is visible and he’s directing traffic. You know if it was Southern Nationalists doing that 500 cops would be there to shut us down or lock us up whichever came first’:

    If you look real nice, they’ll be even MORE suspicious. Being extra polite and respectful encourages bullying.

  5. Because you’re ‘mainstreaming’, you’ll pay their fees for permission to remain within small, ineffective spaces for limited times, while others demonstrate free of charge, wherever they like and as much as they please.

  6. more said:

    Would it surprise anyone if KKK is on SPLC’s payroll?

    You know, that’s really not a bad hypothesis at all. Either SPLC or ADL. One should never assume that political things are what they seem, especially with the players involved.

    Which is why SNs promoting their cause through public demonstrations is not a very good strategy. Is that how the Jews got ahead? No matter how you do it, the KKK, the Nazis, the Bronies are going to come along, insinuate themselves into your agenda, and smear the shit out of you. The MSM is going to run with it on the front page in bold print, the public is never going to ask who they are or why, because your unsolicited “friends” are probably just sock puppets put there for the show the script writers wrote. Kind of like Hollywood, and you know who runs that.

  7. more of the same, my thoughts exactly. The jews want a race war to implement their final solution to the european problem that we goyim pose, which is defiance and superiority. So conjuring the KKK seems to give them that.

    Call out the jew. Black tyranny is just a function of jewish hegemony. Jared Taylor told an australian audience that you ‘can only be a crank about one thing,’ and I agree to an extent. But it’s the jew who economically and politically is displacing and dispossessing us. Blacks are their own agents but ultimately serve as the foot soldiers for the New World Order elites.

    I still think we need a pan-anglo celtic union. It is our people who are being slaughtered by the week all over anglo/germanic/celtic homelands. When I’ve pointed this out to our brothers in Europe, they’ve listened intently as it’s not clear they realized just how focused the violence is on us. Some southerners are listening too (as are the jews who of course already know but hate that we northerners are finally waking). A blonde southern pro-White girl I met recently even notes that the italians in Italy and other native Europeans outside of the northwest of Europe and it’s offshoots (US, Australia, etc.) do not face the base physical violence *we* do in our *own* countries. We are all marked for serfdom, but it is my people who are being genocided and who will inhabit the lowest rung in the sovietized United States of Zion.

    The British Resistance recently exhorted the southerners to stop looking to the past, even suggesting southerners migrate to the Northwest Front. The young Irish and English nationalists have made peace; so must the anglo celts in America. As a northerner I understand and respect my southern brethren’s reverence for the land they fought for, bled and cried on, upon which they eventually will die. I feel the same holy union with the soil my ancestors bequeathed to me. Frost said it best and I quote him without the shame the rootless jews have attempted to burden us with, The Gift Outright:

    The land was ours before we were the land’s.
    She was our land more than a hundred years
    Before we were her people. She was ours
    In Massachusetts, in Virginia,
    But we were England’s, still colonials,
    Possessing what we still were unpossessed by,
    Possessed by what we now no more possessed.
    Something we were withholding made us weak
    Until we found out that it was ourselves
    We were withholding from our land of living,
    And forthwith found salvation in surrender.
    Such as we were we gave ourselves outright
    (The deed of gift was many deeds of war)
    To the land vaguely realizing westward,
    But still unstoried, artless, unenhanced,
    Such as she was, such as she would become.

    The irish traveled up the Hudson River upon debarking in New York, searching for the green mountains of Ireland. My dad’s great grandfather arrived to be drafted for the Civil War; some think he deserted mid-war after recovering from an injury. There is a humble headstone on the side of a road outside upstate under which he, his wife and their several irish children are buried. There is no cemetery gate or wall to mark the space between the living and the dead, the rich and the poor – only a slab of stone that juts from the earth that his people made their home. His grandaughters married a bootlegger, a corporate manager (and WASP!) and janitors, but they all vacationed together in the Adirondack Mountains upstate. Mom’s parents came out east in the 20’s from Indiana, a german irish farmgirl and a lace curtain irish ‘city boy’ from Indianapolis. All taught me to honor the soil they alternately tended and defended, but it is the mountains of the Adirondacks which possess the gift and duty outright, and to which I’ll one day surrender.

    It is our land and we are of it, and of one another; no rootless jew can ever withhold from us true salvation.

  8. I just got finished watching the Mexico – Nigeria soccer friendly. Mexico was the “Home” team and based on the overwhelming crowd support I assumed they were playing in Mexico City. After about 10 minutes, one of the announcers mentioned the crowd of over 70,000 who came to watch the Mexicans in the Georgia Dome. Sounds like “Southern Demographic Displacement” is pretty much a done deal.

  9. After about 10 minutes, one of the announcers mentioned the crowd of over 70,000 who came to watch the Mexicans in the Georgia Dome. Sounds like “Southern Demographic Displacement” is pretty much a done deal.

    It is. When I moved to Gwinnett in 2003 I read that the county was about 2/3 white. Now it’s under 50 percent, and in places there are entire strip malls with no English signage. Around here you can put a fork in it.

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