Crimea Secedes From Ukraine, Votes To Join Russia



Crimeans chant "Glory to Russia" after parliament votes to join Russia
Crimeans chant “Glory to Russia” after parliament votes to join Russia

“The Moscow-backed government of Crimea said Thursday that it will hold a referendum on whether to formally secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation, dramatically escalating tension as the West tries to negotiate a withdrawal of Russian troops from the region. …”

Note: The League of the South will be holding a demonstration in Tallahassee on Saturday against Sen. Marco Rubio’s amnesty bill and Southern Demographic Displacement. We are also calling for the secession of Florida from the USA.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The fence-sitters and the people who just got it plain wrong need to do some soul-searching.

    This was not a confusing situation, it was black-and-white.

    On one side you had the puppet government of International Jewry and on the other the greatest white statesman since Andrew Jackson.

    We can take some lessons from the Crimea for 2017.


    I’m wondering if southern pro-Whites will start understanding what northerners have to live, which is that jewish orchestrations of slav versus slav or anglo versus anglo are mostly, (not all), that – jewish orchestration. Sad to see the authentic nationalists sold out and killed by their ‘leaders,’ but then I’ve been crying those tears for my White men since ‘we’ invaded Iraq.

  3. Well said Afterthought!

    Those way out of date Reagan Conservatives who still want to fight “The Russians” are at least 60 years out of date.

    Racial conscious Whites in Russia and Eastern Europe got back control of their countries, societies by at least 1965. I travelled in East Germany in the 1980s and recognized it was a safe, disciplined all White society and I don’t give a rat’s ass that Vladimir Putin might have been heading up the KGB office in East Berlin in the late 80s. He obviously was doing a good job then as he is now.

    The key is to just watch a nation’s media to see if Whites or non Whites and Jews, homosexual extremists are in charge. Look at Russia Today or the Academy Awards.

    The Weinstein Brother’s ain’t opening up hate Whitey snuff films like Django Unchained on Christmas Day in Saint Petersberg Russia!

    Some unelected Black Federal Judge ain’t dictating homosexual marriage equality anywhere in the Russian sphere of influence.

    There are certainly Jews in Russia, wealthy Jews in Russia as there are homosexuals I. Russia , they know to behave themselves or they will suffer the fate of that Yid Yukos Oil Oligarch or the fate of Pussy Riot.

    Cossacks break up Lesbian Marxist demonstrations and whip them with whips. That’s reality in the great White world of Russian Federation.

    Vladimir Putin is a White bad as$ – best White leader since Pinochet.

    • Remember, “Yats” is our man in Ukraine:

      Arseniy Yatsenyuk
      Prime minister

      The 39-year-old took the helm of Tymoshenko’s Fatherland party after the latter’s imprisonment in 2011.

      Despite appearing on the Euromaidan stage with Tymoshenko immediately after her release, there is little love lost between the two. In the past phone calls have been leaked of Yatsenyuk shouting at Tymoshenko. The bespectacled new prime minister hails from the western Ukrainian city Chernivtsi, and has a reputation as a difficult man to work with and has had disputes with several of his party’s members.

      He turned down the position of prime minister when the now-ousted Yanukovych offered it to him in January but he accepted the role following the Euromaidan protesters’ victory last month.

      In the past Yatsenyuk has held several high-profile positions including head of the country’s central bank, the National Bank of Ukraine, foreign minister and parliamentary speaker.

      He has played down his Jewish-Ukrainian origins, possibly because of the prevalence of antisemitism in his party’s western Ukraine heartland.

  4. Ukraine now has a Jewish Prime Minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Dnepropetrovsk has been turned into a Jewish fiefdom. The entire US Mainstream Media is saber rattling.

  5. I like Andrew Anglin, but IMO he’s on the edge of discrediting himself with his constant glorification of Putin who is himself surrounded by Jew oligarchs.

  6. Accomplishments of the revolutionary government in Kiev over the last few weeks:

    1. Lose the most valuable province of the country
    2. Crash the currency
    3. Divide the military and police forces along ethnic lines
    4. Upend normal electoral and Constitutional order
    5. Alienate their largest neighbor
    6. Load up their people with more than 16 billion in debt (that we know of)

    My prediction is that the choice of the International Jews to ride the tiger of the Ukrainian right will back fire, and that Ukraine will revolt against these Jews as the Wiemar nature of their economy becomes more apparent. The Ukrainian Right will most likely assassinate the Jews once they get the cash from the IMF. Once they make their move for power, the Ukrainian Right has only one place to turn for assistance, to the East, to Putin.

    Remember that Ukraine used to be called

  7. Jack Ryan says:

    ‘Racial conscious Whites in Russia and Eastern Europe got back control of their countries, societies by at least 1965.’

    Sorry Jack, don’t mean to offend you but you are way out to lunch if you believe that.

    Have you forgotten?

    Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia

    Wiki: On the night of 20–21 August 1968, the Soviet Union and its main allies in the Warsaw Pact – Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, and Poland – invaded the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in order to halt Alexander Dub?ek’s Prague Spring political liberalisation reforms.

    In the operation, codenamed Danube, approximately 500,000 troops attacked Czechoslovakia; approximately 500 Czechs and Slovaks were wounded and 108 killed in the invasion. The invasion successfully stopped the liberalisation reforms and strengthened the authority of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KS?). The foreign policy of the Soviet Union during this era was known as the Brezhnev Doctrine.

  8. I travelled in East Germany in the 1980s and recognized it was a safe, disciplined all White society

    That there were walls and Charlie Checkpoints to keep people from leaving such a paradise? Does it really matter that the real Russians were able to crowd out the Jews by 1965? They were still slinging the same insane destructive race- and ethno-denying ideological cult until the late 1980s to early 1990s. And as we all know, you don’t have to be Jewish to believe in and peddle insane destructive race and ethno-denying ideological cults. Exhibits A and B are your two favorite people, Ron and Rand Paul.

    Still, if Crimea does re-join Russia, I think it could end up well for our cause on both sides. Russians are part of Russia again, and Ukrainians don’t have to worry about politically problematic Russians anymore in The Ukraine, thereby having their own ethnostate.

    Final score: Ethnonationalism 2, Victoria Nuland 0.

    Still, I’m trying to figure out why Victoria Nuland stirred stuff up to begin with. Did Viktor Yanukovych insult her new hairdo? Was it all American LGBTQMIAPDLOLPLPLTH waging, as Sailer calls it, World War G/T?

  9. @Lew,

    Thanks for the tip. Here are some excerpts from Raimondo’s article:

    With the eyes of the world fixed on Russia’s invasion of Crimea and the prospect of a wider war engulfing all Ukraine, our attention has been diverted from what may be the most significant aspect of this crisis: the ascension of a genuinely fascist mass movement into the corridors of power.

    Our “mainstream” media shrugs off what it describes as the presence of “a few ultra-nationalists” at the Kiev protests, but this is nonsense: it is far more than a few. Indeed, the activists of the two main fascist parties in Ukraine – Svoboda and “Right Sector” – provided the muscle the insurrectionists needed to take over government buildings in Kiev and across western Ukraine.


    Svoboda leader Oleh Tyahnybok, now a top official of the Ukrainian Parliament, is an unrepentant anti-Semite. In the summer of 2004, he made a speech to his followers at the gravesite of a Banderist commander in which he declared: “You are the ones that the Moscow-Jewish mafia ruling Ukraine fears most.” His peroration also made reference to “Kikes” as prominent among those the Banderists fought. Tyahnybok was expelled from Parliament for his remarks, but the “revolution” has installed him back in his seat – and more powerful than ever.

    He has plenty of company. Svoboda activists, who already held seats in Parliament, hold no less than eight top Cabinet positions:


    For the first time since 1933, the followers of a movement that valorizes Adolf Hitler and preaches anti-Semitism has entered a European government. The German Nazis, too, were part of a “coalition” government, the other members of which thought they could contain or even “tame” them and prevent a Communist takeover. They were tragically wrong – and the United States and its European allies are taking the same road in backing Hitler’s heirs in Ukraine.


    What’s interesting about the specific appointments listed above is the prominence of “Right Sector” leader Dmytro Yarosh in the key position of deputy chief of the national police. The “Right Sector” organization came out of the merger of several ultra-nationalist and openly neo-Nazi grouplets, including “Trident,” the Ukrainian National Assembly-Ukrainian National Defense Force, “White Hammer,” and “Patriots of Ukraine.” Yorash boasted at the height of the protests that his group had amassed a large weapons cache, and since they already had the guns it was inevitable they would form the nucleus of the reconstituted police force. With the group’s high profile, and its celebrated status as “heroes of the revolution,” Yorash’s stormtroopers – who wear the red-and-black insignia of the Banderists –will be charged with suppressing anti-government “disturbances” and hunting down “traitors.” Perhaps they’ll throw in a little queer-bashing as well: the nationalists hate gays as well as Jews and all Russian-speakers.

    Read the whole thing, as they say.

    Of course Justin is being just a wee bit hysterical here, but his is a far more accurate assessment than the lunatic fringe claiming that Ukraine is fully controlled by the Jews. The truth is that right-wing nationalists now have more power in Ukraine than in any other country in Europe. Yet to the Putin fanboys this is somehow a bad thing.

  10. The Moscow-backed government of Crimea set a referendum in 10 days to ratify its decision to secede from Ukraine and join Russia, dramatically escalating tension as the West tries to negotiate a withdrawal of Russian troops from the area.

    This really is beyond a joke. Let’s take a trip down memory lane — one whole week ago — and recall just how this “Moscow-backed government of Crimea” came into being:

    SIMFEROPOL, UKRAINE—Strip away the propaganda from the chaos in Crimea, and this much is certain: last Thursday morning a political farce played out here in the regional capital.

    It started with anonymous gunmen storming parliament house in a bloodless pre-dawn raid. By sunrise, the Russian flag was flying high above an occupied government house.

    Lawmakers were summoned, stripped of their cellphones as they entered the chamber. The Crimean media was banished. Then, behind closed doors, Crimea’s government was dismissed and a new one formed, with Sergey Aksyonov, head of the Russian Unity party, installed as Crimea’s new premier.

    So the former democratically elected government was dismissed at gunpoint, then Sergey Aksyonov, a possibly Jewish “former” gangster known as Goblin, was installed as satrap. Now a referendum has been set 10 short days from now, enforced by thousands of Russian troops illegally occupying Crimea. A referendum not on independence mind you, but on submission to Russia. Yup, sounds perfectly legit to me.

    I guarantee you that not one single nation, not Belarus, not Kazakhstan, definitely not China or anyone else, will recognize the results of this rigged vote. Is Putin really stupid enough to think otherwise? That Ukraine and the international community will just accept this fait accompli? This is not going to end well for him. Hopefully the Russian people will get rid of Putin before he drags their entire great nation down with him.

  11. Now even the paid propagandists at Russia Today are refusing to regurgitate Putin’s bullshit:

    Liz Wahl, an anchor with the news channel Russia Today, resigned on-air, saying she could no longer work for a station that “whitewashes” the actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    “I am proud to be an American and believe in disseminating the truth,” Wahl said during her Tuesday night broadcast. “And that is why after this news I’m resigning.”

    In her final broadcast, Wahl noted that her grandparents fled Hungary for the United States to escape Russian forces.

    She gave up her paycheque and possibly her career because the lies she was expected to tell were just too much, even for a journalist! But wait, there’s more:

    Her dramatic departure from the English-language channel of the multi-language Kremlin-funded TV network comes a day after talk show host Abby Martin denounced the Russian invasion of the Crimea on-air on Russia Today.

    Martin works as a commentator while Wahl was employed as a news reader.

    Russia Today shrugged off Wahl’s move as a “promotional stunt,” perhaps inspired by the attention Martin received for her comments the previous day.

    Abby Martin is a good egg. She’s repeatedly gone after the warmongers in the US and Israel on her show. Now she’s proven her integrity by attacking her boss Putin’s warmongering just as vehemently. It would be nice if other commentators (waves to Justin Raimondo) showed the same consistency.

    Russia’s propaganda offensive in the last week or so has been laughably inept. They claim that Russian-speakers in Crimea are under threat. Yet there’s not been a single incident they can point to to support that ridiculous claim.

    They claim that Russia has no troops in Crimea; that all those uniformed gunmen are merely local militias with no ties to the Russian military. Seriously? No one, I mean not one single person on Earth believes that. Yet that’s their story and they’re sticking to it.

    They claim that more than 600,000 Russian-speaking Ukrainian refugees have fled the country for Russia just since the beginning of this year. That’s 10,000 per day, which would make it one of the biggest and fastest refugee outflows in world history. But where is the evidence for this? There is none because it’s a fake story invented out of whole cloth.

    Those and other examples of barefaced lies from Putin’s minions taken together would make Stalin blush in their brazenness and utter implausibility. Yet some (not all by any means) white nationalists here and elsewhere are swallowing Putin’s load whole. Give your heads a shake, people.

    The only other subgroup which seems to be unquestioningly pro-Putin (or more accurately anti-Ukrainian) are the far-left antifa types. They despise the new “fascist” regime in Kiev and want it brought down by any means necessary. This Putin-worshipping alliance between parts of the far-right and the antifa far-left would seem to confirm Blair’s Law: “the ongoing process by which the world’s multiple idiocies are becoming one giant, useless force.”

  12. Last week Russia announced it will begin using naval and air bases in Venezuela (where Globalists are intervening now), Cuba and Nicaragua.

  13. Sam says:
    March 6, 2014 at 7:16 pm
    Jack Ryan says:

    ‘Racial conscious Whites in Russia and Eastern Europe got back control of their countries, societies by at least 1965.’

    Sorry Jack, don’t mean to offend you but you are way out to lunch if you believe that.

    Have you forgotten?

    Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia

    Wiki: On the night of 20–21 August 1968, the Soviet Union and its main allies in the Warsaw Pact – Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, and Poland – invaded the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in order to halt Alexander Dub?ek’s Prague Spring political liberalisation reforms.

    In the operation, codenamed Danube, approximately 500,000 troops attacked Czechoslovakia; approximately 500 Czechs and Slovaks were wounded and 108 killed in the invasion. The invasion successfully stopped the liberalisation reforms and strengthened the authority of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KS?). The foreign policy of the Soviet Union during this era was known as the Brezhnev Doctrine.

    JR replies:

    These are White vs White disputes.

    1960s – 1990s central Eastern Europe , these are 97% White disputes, Soviet Union is Russian dominated, OK, Ukrainian, Latvian, Chyck, East Germans they feel disrespected…



    Why do White Americans oppose White Europeans who are on our side?

  14. The Nuland Putsch in Kiev, was quite clearly just the first phase in a much grander scheme.

    Putin has seen this shit before. He’s quick to realize the wider plan that the EU and US have in store.

  15. Jeppo reminds me of Clemenceau at Versailles…

    Here I’ll steal Buchanan’s words:

    Now we hear new calls for Ukraine and Georgia to be brought into NATO. Are these people sane?

    Five U.S. presidents who faced far more violent actions by a far more dangerous Soviet Union—Truman, Ike, JFK, Johnson, Reagan—refused even to threaten force against Russia for anything east of the Elbe river.

    These presidents ruled out force during the Berlin Blockade of 1948, the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, the building of the Berlin Wall in 1961, the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, and the smashing of Solidarity in Poland in 1981.

    Yet, today, we are committed to go to war for Lithuania and Estonia, Obama is sending F-16s to Latvia where half a million Russians live, and the War Party wants Sixth Fleet warships moved into the Black Sea.

    If there is a Cold War II, or a U.S.-Russia war, historians of tomorrow will as surely point to the Bushes and Clintons who shoved NATO into Moscow’s face, as historians today point to the men of Paris who imposed the Versailles treaty upon a defeated Germany in 1919.

  16. Jack Ryan…you are so right..this is the same insanity that led European and European derived peoples to slaughter each other in two world wars. This russia-ukraine thing is insane..two slavic peoples separated by a few vowels in their almost mutually intelligible languages, both oppressed by a Georgian named Stalin. The same thing happened in Northern Ireland during the “troubles”. Irish Celts of the same genetic inheritance killing each other over religion, Irish against Protestant. The Balkans was the same, all slavic peoples of the same language group killing each over about religion. I once remarked to my late brother…all it would take to unite them is to export 20 million American niggers and Mexican mestizos and then let them realize how much the whites have in common…

  17. Jack,,and I forgot to add,,over 700,000 white Americans in the war of northern aggression

  18. Jack Ryan says:

    ‘These are White vs White disputes.’

    Oh, just White on White disputes?

    That is insulting and disrespectful to the scores of millions killed by the Red plague that spread through Europe devouring all nations on it’s quest of world domination.

    I’m not all that certain Putin and his comrades are as tamed as some of us believe.

  19. “They were tragically wrong – and the United States and its European allies are taking the same road in backing Hitler’s heirs in Ukraine.”

    OH, that’s got to hurt the professional bilkers, like Abe Foxman, and Elie Wiesel!


  20. “Of course Justin is being just a wee bit hysterical here, but his is a far more accurate assessment than the lunatic fringe claiming that Ukraine is fully controlled by the Jews. The truth is that right-wing nationalists now have more power in Ukraine than in any other country in Europe. Yet to the Putin fanboys this is somehow a bad thing.”

    Jep… you do know that Raimondo himself is a poofta, don’t you?

    Of course he, (like all politicized fudge-packers) only sees ‘progress’ when unrepentant aberro sexual creeps can seduce 11-year old boys.

    Oh, I hope public stoning of faggots makes a comeback this season. So chic, don’t you know….

  21. “Hopefully the Russian people will get rid of Putin before he drags their entire great nation down with him.”

    Or crown him Czar!

    Slava, Slava, Slava!

  22. CNN has an article up by some establishment hack calling for driving out Svoboda/Right Sector from the government. We may see what these guys are made of soon enough. Some in WNsm are charging they’re controlled opposition, not implausibly but not with definitive evidence either. If they successfully repel the inevitable effort to marginalize them and retain a foothold in the governmen, I think that would point away from the controlled opposition theory.

  23. some known facts: First, far-right, anti-Semitic, anti-Russian and openly fascist groups have existed and do exist as a blight on modern Ukraine. A 2012 European Parliament resolution condemned the main — but by no means most extreme — ultra-right party, Svoboda, as “racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic.”

    This extraordinary EU resolution contains 18 points of concern over policies embedded in laws of the Ukrainian Rada, or Parliament. A key paragraph reads that the EU “is concerned about the rising nationalistic sentiment in Ukraine.” The Parliament stresses that “racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic views go against the EU’s fundamental values and principles.”

    The resolution also appeals to pro-democratic parties in the Rada “not to associate with, endorse or form coalitions with this party.”

    As if to endorse the sentiments of the EU resolution, the leader of Svoboda (or “Freedom”), Oleh Tyahnybok, is on record saying that Kiev is governed by “a Jewish-Russian mafia” and has said Ukrainians bravely fought Muscovites, Germans, Jews “and other scum” in World War II.

    This unsavory constituency, including the “ultra” Right Sector movement, manned the barricades in the Kiev uprising, providing “security” to the mainstream political opposition leaders and matching the pro-government forces in violent tactics that led to the dozens of dead in and around the Maidan.

    These rightist-nationalist forces were in large part responsible for the collapse of the agreement signed in February that called for early parliamentary and presidential elections and a return to the 2004 Ukrainian constitution, which harks back to the “Orange Revolution” that brought a pro-West government to power in Ukraine.

    In backing away from this face-saving compromise, one that was negotiated with the approval of the French, German and Polish governments, and which surely would have resulted in the removal of Yanukovych, moderate opposition leaders essentially capitulated to the far right.

    The Russian position is also somewhat bolstered by the fact that Svoboda holds key posts in the interim government in Kiev, including that of deputy prime minister. Andriy Parubiy, the commander of the “Maidan self-defense,” has been appointed the head of the National Security and Defense Council, and the leader of the Right Sector ultras, Dmitro Yarosh, is expected to become his deputy chairman. Svoboda controls the prosecutor general office and the ministries of ecology and agriculture.

  24. I just found out from reading AR’s threads just a few minutes ago that there is already an in force extant Russia-Ukraine treaty which allows Russia military and other rights to The Ukraine. So Obama, our deep state, the neo-cons and the GOP talking heads are popping off over nothing.

  25. The Looting of Ukraine Has Begun

    According to a report in Kommersant-Ukraine, the finance ministry of Washington’s stooges in Kiev who are pretending to be a government has prepared an economic austerity plan that will cut Ukrainian pensions from $160 to $80 so that Western bankers who lent money to Ukraine can be repaid at the expense of Ukraine’s poor. It is Greece all over again.

    Before anything approaching stability and legitimacy has been obtained for the puppet government put in power by the Washington orchestrated coup against the legitimate, elected Ukraine government, the Western looters are already at work. Naive protesters who believed the propaganda that EU membership offered a better life are due to lose half of their pension by April. But this is only the beginning.

    The corrupt Western media describes loans as “aid.” However, the 11 billion euros that the EU is offering Kiev is not aid. It is a loan. Moreover, it comes with many strings, including Kiev’s acceptance of an IMF austerity plan. …

  26. There’s also an in-force extant US-Ukraine treaty dating to 1994 under which the US is already legally obligated to defend Ukrainian sovereignty against Russian invasion. The Clintons made them certain promises back in 1993 to convince them to give up their ex-Soviet nuclear arsenal in exchange for promises of American protection. It looks like we’re protecting them just about as well as we protected the South Vietnamese in 1975. The Ukrainians would have been better off keeping their nuclear weapons. Promises from America that we’ll send in the Marines (“no better friend, no worse enemy–until we finish with our ‘exit strategy,’ put you at the mercy of your enemies, and leave you twisting in the wind, anyway. Buh bye now, see ya in the funny papers”) are laughable and worthless, and the world has known it since the fall of Saigon.

    As for the “ethnic Russian” refugees leaving Ukraine, they are the descendants of Russian colonists brought in by Stalin after he killed between twenty and thirty million White Christian Ukrainians. I can’t imagine why the Ukrainians would hate them and want them to leave, can you?

    Ukraine for Ukrainians. Russia for Russians. The Russian colonists are no more loved in Georgia, or the Baltic States. Perhaps they should take the hint and go back where they came from. Of course, the people running Russia today are the same Jew KGB gangsters that ran the USSR, and they desperately want to recreate the old glory days of gulags, mass graves, ten army groups on the Elbe waiting for the word to invade Western Europe, and arming and training terrorists worldwide from the IRA to the Sandinistas to the Khmer Rouge to the African National Congress to the Vietcong. They want it like Sauron wanted the One Ring. Our grandchildren will spit on us if we allow this–but recall who Obama is; as the son of a Communist Jew who hated White civilization so much that she renounced her American citizenship, he’s as eager to see Putin recreate the USSR as the people pulling Putin’s strings are, and his “revolutionary ardor” may even exceed Putin’s.

  27. Sanctions?

    Nominal GDP in billions, 2012:

    European Union: $16,673
    United States: $16,245
    Russia: $2,030

    Would a mouse really want to get into a trade war with two elephants?

  28. White v white, Ukraine v Russia, Svoboda v Putin:

    If the Ukrainian right would agree to attack and remove the IMF/World Bank puppets, Putin would have no problem with that. He doesn’t want The Enemy on his doorstep.

    When does the Ukrainian Right attack?

    Never? Are those crickets I hear?

  29. The entire post from “me” was penned in 1958 and dusted off for this moment.

    Let’s get with the times.

  30. “Would a mouse really want to get into a trade war with two elephants?”

    1. Well, when the Russians buy more from you than you sell to them…
    2. 50% + of Europe’s oil comes from Russia….

  31. “Hillary Clinton compared them to Adolf Hitler’s”

    Just think, “it takes a village idiot” Clinton will most likely be elected president in 2016 (the repub field will include the likes of John Bolton).

  32. “1. Well, when the Russians buy more from you than you sell to them…
    2. 50% + of Europe’s oil comes from Russia….”

    Energy is fungible, Russia would have to sink its economy to make good on any threat.

  33. me says:

    ‘As for the “ethnic Russian” refugees leaving Ukraine, they are the descendants of Russian colonists brought in by Stalin after he killed between twenty and thirty million White Christian Ukrainians. I can’t imagine why the Ukrainians would hate them and want them to leave, can you? ‘

    Well said.

    Strange that so many posters have written repeatedly of their visceral hatred and contempt for damn Yankees and the need for secession because of the war between the states, philosophical differences, kinfolk, traditions and so on.

    Yet the Ukrainians are held to a different standard.

    They are expected to forget and dismiss the atrocities committed against them by the Communists be they jews or ethnic Russians.

  34. Afterthought: Let’s get with the times?

    Okay. Here in the US, right now in the year 2014–is this current enough for you?–we’ve got two million IQ-70 criminal wetbacks crossing our southern border every year and signing up for “El Guëlfare,” thereafter reproducing riotously. They are non-assimilating, non-assimilable reproductive warriors without compare, outbreeding even the famously fertile Negroes, ethnically cleansing Asians, Negroes and Whites alike from their conquered territories with equal ruthlessness and contempt for human life.

    I submit to you that, since we’ve been discussing this “secession” concept, that the tens of millions of fast-breeding wetbacks in “Aztlán” are a hell of a lot more likely to secede and take California, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma with them Very Soon Now, rejoining that territory to Mexico, than Georgia is to secede from the Union. What happens to White civilization then? Do we all just learn the hissing, slurred, illiterate peasant Spanish of our new masters and hope that the MS13 or Zeta death-squads pay someone else a visit today?

    America for Americans. Mexico for Mexicans. Ukraine for Ukrainians. Russia for Russians.

    Borders. Language. Culture. Blood and Soil.

  35. Jeppo, both women journalists you cite curried favor with their jewish bosses in their ‘spontaneous’ declarations. The hungarian one has even been exposed for finalizing a deal with her jew media boss on Daily Stormer. Abby Martin is known for being anti-White, and there is also an article on DS devoted to her editorial.

    Wisen up. You don’t question sources that tell you what you want to believe, it seems.

  36. Neutral(get f*cked)Western Europe is under U.S. protectorate. Old Soviets looming on the horizon. U.S. should give the blessing to Western Europe to rearm.

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