Europeans Have Grown Whiter In Past 5,000 Years


I was under the impression this was impossible.

The anti-racists have told us that we are exactly the same as other races. We are “equal” to them in every measurable way. Evolution stopped in the human species at an arbitrary point 50,000 – 200,000 years ago:

“European humans have become “whiter” in the past 5,000 years, undergoing a distinct change in their DNA due to natural selection, according to scientists.In research published this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, experts analysed DNA taken from ancient skeletons and compared it with the current European human genome. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Increasing knowledge of the human genome must never change the basic belief on which our ethics, our government, our society are founded. All of us are created equal, entitled to equal treatment under the law. After all, I believe one of the great truths to emerge from this triumphant expedition inside the human genome is that in genetic terms, all human beings, regardless of race, are more than 99.9 percent the same.

    Bill Clinton June 2000 on the completion of the human genome project.

  2. I am 3.1% neanderthal, the most in my family and 97th percentile globally according to 23andMe.

    Black Africans have NO neanderthal DNA!

    99.9% Bill?

    By the way where is Obama’s genome? We have Michelle’s, why not Barack?

    Because he is the son of black Marxist, Frank Marshall Davis, and the Kenyan thing is a red herring.

  3. Fascinating.

    Rudel, are you formally involved in the DNA testing world?

    If not, go and do a PhD involving it. You’ll be happier.

    All needling aside, should we demand the Genome of future presidents be published?

    I’d like to know if any are carrying congenital diseases, hidden ancestry or other interesting history.

    Testing required for public office?

  4. Aesthetic selection, intellectual selection, harem selection, hypergamy selection … And sneaky fuck selection.

    Also war selection.

  5. Afterthought,

    I wonder what was on Bill’s internal memo when he was informed about the Genome mapping?

    “This potentially strikes at the heart of notions of equality. Well no, it strikes at the heart of the notion of equality, thus we recommend you double down on the double plus good and seek out a negro to run in 2008.”

  6. “Also war selection.”

    Churchill thought that the dysgenic effects of the slaughter of brave young men in the Great War made the WWII British soldier inferior to those of the First. I blame Haig.

  7. The Tommy knew on some level that he was taking a bullet for Jews in WWII.
    GI Joe wasn’t appreciably better.

    The USMC on the other hand? Racial Holy War. Skorzeny remarked in his autobiography that he thought the USMC was about as good as an SS unit. Some of that was about the enemy being slopes, as well as the rifle proficiency and aggressive initiative the Marines selected for.

    Churchill is wrong on so many levels. Most British troops, well many British troops, were probably fascist sympathizers or didn’t give a flying fuck about Germany one way or another.

  8. The unwillingness to take a bullet over Danzig indicates that the British soldier was world wise and world weary.

    Haig, Whiskey distillery family. Faggot most likely. The average soldier hated the leapfrogging staff.

  9. @ Rudel,
    Churchill was a half-Jewish, Pro-Imperialistic, uncivilised, barabarous, German-hating, war-mongering advernturer. He should be ridiculed rather than revered.

    Amongst many of his legacies was the scrapping of ‘cruiser rules’ in WW1, which ended civilised warfare (cruiser rules confined war to the army and navy, and allowed merchant ships to travel unmolested), ergo he unleashed the principle of Total War on the world.

  10. ‘I’m planning to get a DNA test soon’:

    But the Global Tyranny is planning to give everyone a DNA test soon, and they’ll receive your purchased test results, too (privacy, not!) since they record electronic communications….

  11. Rudel, worship the God you can control, instead of the God that controls you, and (if observations have any validity) for which, He is hardening your heart, as Pharaoh’s was hardened.

    To the rest of the readership, I made a comment there on Am Ren, that I reiterate here. This pseudo-science, is balderdash. Modern ‘scientism’ (a religion in white coats) is also under the thumb of the Deicides and the Antichrists (for those who care about such things) and is using scientific data, in Lysenkoist fashion, to form for themselves, ‘proofs of the Brave New World Hominid’ that utterly deny the Scriptural record.

    For that record, I stand behind the Holy Spirit/Moses (or whatever redactor your JEDP congregation believes in) that noted the Hebrew word, ‘Adam’ means ‘fair, ruddy, able to [visibly] blush.’ Characteristics (need I remind this forum) found only in Caucasoid/Europid individuals, more or less.

    As that woman recently noted, ‘Adam was a white man… and so, too, is Jesus Christ.’ For which all the Jewsmedia descended on her like a plague of locusts, aided and abetted by the likes of the denizens of Detroit… or Atlanta, to say that ‘God is NOT white.’ Whatever, Shaquille…

    The behemah and the other hominids were around prior to Adam’s special creation, (remember Cain’s wife?) and yet… everywhere the White Man has appeared, he has conquered, ruled, and subjugated what our own ancestors called ‘the lesser races.’

    Deo Volente, that time is fast approaching, when we will once again… do the same.
    After we recognize the fact that Scripture chronicles the election of only ONE race, to form ‘One faith, one church, one baptism.’ But, isn’t that what choosing is all about?
    Ask any man who has been married once, and he’ll readily concur- to his pride, or his sorrow.

  12. Using DNA testing, we can select for those who still have not even ‘one drop’ of non-whiteness — and Tyranny can also use the same information for other selection and breeding purposes. Weren’t the non-technological Biblical commandments and genealogical methods sufficient to maintain separation?

  13. Europeans may have grown whiter for almost five thousand years, but they’ve grown MUCH LESS white over the last fifty years, which is by far the most important issue.

  14. It’s interesting to postulate on the question: who create god? My bet is on someone from Asia Minor. Somewhere in modern day Turkey. Probably an early farmer.

  15. For those who pay attention— what are the best companies, types of test, for DNA testing, in your opinion. OT I know, just curious about recommendations

  16. DixieGirl, Hunter, and others I recommend They have the widest database of all of the testing companies, so you will get more result back from testing.

  17. I don’t need a DNA test to know I am of my people and they of me.

    I also don’t need one to know that redheads are dying. Recently a scientist told me that we (I am light orange-haired) are fading out at a rate faster than blondes proportionally. Within 70 years redheads will be statistically invisible on the earth, only a memory. What will become of the celtic people I don’t know, but it’s hard to conceive of our survival as independent of our redheads.

    How can the celtic peoples allow this to happen? Why are southern assholes protesting two adult men consenting peacefully to each other but not the eradication of our red hair from this earth? How can this be? What the eff does two law-abiding gay guys cohabitating have to do with my red hair being exterminated? What is wrong with you people?

  18. The Mormon cult is involved in the genealogy research industry, wanting to know, like God, everyone who ever lived, so they can be ‘baptized for the dead’.

  19. Hunter, when you order your DNA test, you should at the very least, get a 25 marker, ftDNA Test. That will give you your haplotype, which is your genetic fingerprint. That your paternal DNA. if you desire to know your maternal DNA, you need to get a mtDNA test. Again, I’d recommend for the testing. BTW, see if they got a Griffin family project going. You can get a discount on the testing that way.

  20. Every time sterile couplings are celebrated and consecrated it drives a dagger into the folk.

    That’s what Yankees.

  21. When does the white supremacist write the novel about the OOA scenario white man? Or the Hybrid Neanderthal-Human cross over event?

    This is obviously where we get fair complexions from.

  22. Just remember that the testing of the Y-chromosome is only one out of 23 (not counting mtDNA which is non-nucleic DNA and is passed down from mother to children.) The Y-chromosome haplogroup that people refer to is passed down exclusively father to son so it give only one line of inheritance out of the many one may possess and of course women do not even have a Y chromosome. It does correspond to surname however so it is a useful data point to compare and line up with family names for those ethnicities that used surnames widely.

    The use of surnames (except for the nobility) was not widely used in many European cultures until quite recently, a notable example of this being the Scandinavian countries where it was only made mandatory to adopt one in the last hundred years or so. e.g. the son of a man named Karl might be named Axel but his last name would be Karlson.

    Mitochondrial DNA is again a single line of maternal inheritance. Fortunately basic testing services such as ftDNA and 23andMe also include autosomal scans (the other 22 chromosomes) so that they give you a fuller picture of one’s genetic admixture. 23andMe charges $99 for a scan of around 650,000 SNPs (it used to be 1 million until the FDA came down on them hard for giving out medical “advice” without an license to practice medicine while ftDNA tends to nickel and dime you to death with a suite of smaller tests for particular traits.

    Once you have an ancestry scan done you can submit your data to a free service like GEDmatch where they can run your data from 23andMe or ftDNA through an ever expanding series of tests developed by various scholars in order to get a more finely grained picture of your ancestry.

    Be advised that these services do not do full scans of every single SNP, that is single nucleotide polymorphisms, (the GCTA or guanine, cytosine, thymine, adenine molecular pairs in the double helix strands of your chromosomes) but only a few hundred thousand to a million of them that scientists currently know what proteins they code for.

    Full DNA scans and sequencing of every SNP on each gene still costs well over several thousand dollars and are still in the realm of pure laboratory research as to what exactly the three billion pairs in the human genome actually do.

    Personally I have found that the $99 23andMe test and analysis along with running the downloadable raw results through some of the free GEDmatch analyses to be the best current bang for the buck.

  23. “It’s interesting to postulate on the question: who create god? My bet is on someone from Asia Minor. Somewhere in modern day Turkey. Probably an early farmer.”

    You don’t have to guess you lazy bastard, I’m sure you were taught about Zoroastrianism in school (or should have been.) Read books. Do internet searches.

    FWIW, monotheism is generally associated with Indo-Aryan language and culture and is widely thought to have developed in Mesopotamia concomitant with agriculture.

    When primitive people, or the contemporary unlearned like “Fr.” John and Mosin, can’t explain some natural phenomenon they make up stories or adopt the stories of others and then subsequently speak metaphorically. They just don’t realize that’s what they are doing.

    • I saw it along with all kinds of previous articles about the South’s endorsement of amnesty for illegal aliens and other leftwing causes. I will repeat that it is not reflected in the political fortunes of White Democrats.

  24. I’ll put this here-

    Malaysia’s Najib Outlines New Affirmative Action Steps to Nation

    [Chinese would run EVERYTHING without AA. . .]

    By Manirajan Ramasamy Sep 13, 2013 10:41 PM PT 0 Comments Email Print

    Malaysia will set up a trust to expand education, home ownership and other affirmative action measures for ethnic Malays and indigenous people as part of the state’s policies to further boost their share of the economic pie, Prime Minister Najib Razak said.

    “What we are doing is equitable and it does not take away the rights of any other individual or their interests,” Najib said today in a televised address. “The New Economic Policy for bumiputeras has proven to reduce the gap among races, including socio-economic development of bumiputeras, for four decades.”

    Malaysia’s Permodalan Nasional Berhad will set up a 10 billion ringgit ($3 billion) unit trust to support skills training, education and home ownership among Malays and indigenous people, Najib said. It will additionally provide 700 million ringgit to support young Malay entrepreneurs, he said.

    Government-linked companies will be urged to give more contracts and concessions to ethnic Malays on a merit basis, the prime minister said. The government will also identify state-owned companies that can be sold to Malays and indigenous people, he said.

    “We want to build a new community,” Najib said. “A bumiputera entrepreneur who can compete and who is knowledgeable in all skills.”

    Najib, 60, was a teenager when riots erupted between Muslim Malays and ethnic Chinese in Kuala Lumpur in 1969. His father Abdul Razak Hussein became prime minister the following year and responded with a program to reduce Chinese dominance in business by giving preferential treatment to Malays and indigenous people, collectively known as Bumiputeras.

    [Don’t expect the MSM to discuss affirmative action!!]

  25. Mosin, good point about our biological info getting into The State’s hands. I really don’t think it’s wise to be doing this stuff. The Feds have been using state and local police to get DNA samples in roadside checkpoints. One has to wonder what they’re up to…

    Hunter/Brad, White women suffragists won the vote for your wife and female family members, as well as their right to college educations and decent working conditions.

    I personally do not believe that Church and State need be integrated They should remain separate wherever possible. This is how northerners differ with southerners. I’m against gay marriage as ‘marriage’ should be reserved for our churches.

    Since I don’t see how slavery can be wholly defended, I am against racism, yes, towards both blacks and whites – and for separation.

  26. I’m reposting this link about John Kavanagh getting arrested in Ireland for his Irish Nationalist Site. The jew Shatter in their puppet government cabinet is telling the irish to emigrate while making africans citizens.

    Certainly the irish are not getting whiter courtesy of the disgusting jews. Southerners have to stop believing that the southern jews were somehow different than the jews in every other european country in the world. You guys were being duped. There is only one jewish nation.

    Jews are killing the celts. It is because of their genocidality that redheads are dying out, particularly at a higher rate than blondes.

    Southerners you betray your celtic people with this jew indulgence. You are not true celts it seems to me.

  27. An interesting article about Irish DNA. An interesting point that this article make about Irish origins, is that DNA testing shows that their ancestors didn’t come from France (Gaul) or Britain, rather they came from Spain. The ancient Irish legends also make this claim. My DNA tests also show ancestral origins from Spain and Portugal as well.

  28. Dalton, this is somewhat well known in some circles. There are main avenues in major cities in Spain named after prominent Irish people. The remnants of a celtic language in Spain are most similar to Gaelic (now called ‘Irish) than they are to Welsh or Cornysh.

    I’ve met some Spanish people who are quite fair, so much so that they look totally native european in both coloring and features, although their facial features still look a little different from other native european tribes.

    The Irish and Spanish were catholics. Seas and bays, like the Mediterranean or I think it’s the Biscay next to Spain and France, were much easier to traverse than oceans, and sometimes even land which involve rivers, mountains, and geo-physical and political frictions. I doubt the Spanish had much trouble sailing from Spain to Ireland, and certainly in their epic clashes with the protestant british this cultural and political communion would have benefited the Spanish, and possibly the Irish.

    There is an emotionalism to the irish people that is different from the anglos and germanics and could seem amenable to the spanish, in some ways at least. The irish feature a fairly broad span of looks. Some can look fairly germanic viking-ish (there is a rare blood disorder I’ve heard correlates with red hair which both the irish and the vikings blame on each other while still celebrating redheads…I think red hair originated more dominatingly among the irish however) while others have a distinctly irish sort of look that starts to intersect with some of the british…and then there is a major admixture of mediterranean in them. Dark to almost black hair is much more common in Ireland than the other northern european countries, but it’s rarely coupled with olive skin tone and often accompanies light eyes. There are some more shorter people, and somewhat mediterraneanized features.

  29. “I think red hair originated more dominatingly among the irish however”

    Red hair is most prevalent among the Scots. Of course since the Scotii tribe came to Great Britain from Ireland that doesn’t necessarily obviate your point.

    There is a lot of current research that shows that the Bell Beaker culture and the R1B haplotype arrived in Western Europe both from up the Danube and then Rhine and also by sea from the West. As for the Goidelic languages now being called “Irish”, that is pure nonsense.

    Since the Celts arrived in Western Europe no later than 3500 B.C. the possibility that they looked anything like contemporary Mediterranean people is ridiculous. Even in historical ancient times the Romans and Greeks looked nothing like current folks from around the Med as any educated or well travelled person familiar with Greek or Roman statuary would know.

    Julius Caesar was clearly as White as can be:

    Current Southern Mediterranean people are most closely related to Sardinians while Northern Italians look quite Germanic as would be expected considering their huge amount of Lombard blood. I’m rather suspect of both the intellect and education of all you folks with Northern European ethnic and religious axes to grind. Get thee a DNA test and for God’s sakes dig in to some recent scientific research.

  30. ‘Northern Italians look quite Germanic as would be expected considering their huge amount of Lombard blood’:

    Well, they may look Germanic but I don’t think they act Germanic.

    Re: ‘You have clearly not spent any time around Negroes (…) They can run and jump, lift heavy loads, can be set to work, can sing and dance ‘cuz dey got dat rhythm’:

    I have never really ‘spent time around’ Negroes or Italians. Has your very favourable opinion of Negroes and Italians developed through long, close association or contact?

  31. ‘I’m rather suspect of both the intellect and education of all you folks with Northern European ethnic and religious axes to grind’:

    Rudel, that reminds me I need to do spring sharpening of pruning and cutting tools, and change some handles. Now, how could we also make some of these tools ‘ethnic and religious’ (imagine a ‘religious axe’) as well as sharp?

  32. “Now, how could we also make some of these tools ‘ethnic and religious’ “

    As far as I can see you and “Fr.” John are the only ones on here who were warned that you are in danger of being pruned should you go off on any more religious rants.

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