H/T Spelunker
Update: We’ve found the Facebook event page for the “Richmond Rally for Racial Justice and LGBTQ Rights.”
Unfortunately, we missed out on the “energizing music by queer artists of color”:
Here’s confirmation of what reportedly happened at the “rap battle” at the VA Flaggers event:
47 Going, 52 Maybe, 712 Invited … Confirmed Turnout, 12! Victory!
One People’s Project has a new article about our Richmond demonstration. Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the things that OPP missed:
1.) Liberty Lamp predicted that the League of the South would probably have 5 or 6 people, 10 to 15 tops in Richmond. My guess was 20 to 30 based on previous experience. The actual number turned out to be 30 to 35.
Richmond was supposed to be just a local event along the lines of Ocala or Atlanta. It turned out that there were more people there than in Greenville in December. There were people in Richmond on our side from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, and even New York.
2.) “Anti-Fascist Action” claimed that “both sides had a little over a dozen protesters, but the anti-fascists outnumbered the secessionists.” That’s bullshit. They were outnumbered about 3 to 1 in Richmond.
3.) Obviously, there was no fighting in Richmond because a dozen lesbians and queers weren’t dumb enough to storm across the street and find out how many Southern “gun nuts” there were in our entourage, and we had no interest in fighting with them anyway, as we have our own reasons to prefer having them there.
Just look:

Contrast with us:
4.) The boy holding the “Anti-Fascist Action” banner was obviously embarrassed to be seen in public with his associates. We noticed that he wouldn’t look us in the eye when we stood across the street and laughed at their bizarre public display. If their goal was to shame us and make us look like “extremists,” it backfired.
5.) As we previously noted, we heard that the promised “rap battle” ended in failure when a biker stopped by and smashed their little radio. We were eating lunch at the time and that was a source of great amusement.
6.) Spelunkstein’s article about the KKK is baseless. Going into the Richmond demonstration, we wondered if the Klan would show up like they did in Florence, KY, but we didn’t see, meet, or recognize anyone from the Klan there. Surely, if there was a Klansman at our demonstration, Spelunkstein would have told us by now.
7.) There was never any “march” from the Museum of the Confederacy. It was just a convenient gathering point to GPS. Also, there was never any plan to use the grounds of the Virginia State Capitol because of the one hour time limit and the limitations on using our flags and signs.
8.) According to OPP, no less than SIX organizations and leftwing newspapers turned out a whopping 12 lesbians and queers in a large metro area. Is this not a huge source of embarrassment for the “anti-fa”? What kind of message does that send to us?
It tells us that “anti-fa” are pretty weak on the ground in the South, even in their own urban strongholds, and probably non-existent in our turf. You’re supposed to be the “mainstream.” We are supposed to be the “extremists.” Well, it looks like Richmond and Tallahassee are not exactly Chicago and Portland.
9.) Where was OPP?
Daryl Lamont Jenkins was supposed to show up in Murfreesboro. It says on the Active-RVA event page that DLJ was supposed to be in Richmond. We didn’t see him in Murfreesboro or Richmond or anywhere else. This is surprising because Richmond is fairly close to DC and we believe Daryl was at the NPI conference.
10.) We’re told that there were about 50 people at the Equality Virginia conference. What a disappointing turnout in the wake of such a major legal victory.
11.) Finally, we learn something new from experience every time we do this, and we learned some things in Tallahassee and Richmond that will be applied later down the road. In Richmond, we were underestimated. Keep it up.
One People’s Project=joke
It’s become pretty noticeable even over the last few years that outside of almost 100% white regions antifa is slowly becoming almost entirely Jewish, other non-Eurowhite or homosexual and I’d say even the white homosexuals are now starting to see the writing on the wall regarding what their future will be like in a white minority country.
Events on both the Right and the Left have historically low turnouts. The important thing is that your goal is to increase your turnouts. You failed. A Klansman actually did make comments that seem to indicate his presence at your rally. It’s not 100 percent confirmed, but there’s suspicion there were several. We’ve identified 13 of 30 or so participants, as time goes by we will likely fill in the blanks. Active-RVA is very correct in their assessment that a majority of the people who turned out for your rally aren’t even Virginians. Would you care to dispute that? Doesn’t the League of the South and the CoCC have Virginia wings? Where are all your people? You guys will continue to fail as you always have. We think the ceiling on turnouts to any of your events will be around 100, ever.
Where were all the coloured folks they promised? They were all whites, from what I saw.
Do you hear that banging noise? That’s the sound of the nails being driven into the coffin that is the “same-sex marriage debate”.
Better luck next issue.
Congrats on the Antifa counter demo.
Nothing to fear from the strange critters.
“hip hop is my heritage”
God almighty.
Who are the two men in sunglasses on the right of the image? One in foreground another further back texting?
Also in the second tier a taller woman with dark hair and a shorter swarthy woman with bug eye sunglasses?
“”…Do you hear that banging noise? That’s the sound of the nails being driven into the coffin that is the “same-sex marriage debate”….”
Yes, the debate is over. Now the gaystapo has only two opportunities. Open tyranny or complete capitulation. Result of 20 year brainwashing is zero and whole world rejected same sex marriage. Every violent act as the firing of Mozilla CEO harassing people more and more and makes nonviolent solution more impossible.
I predict that in nearest future we will see the biggest witch hunt in the whole history for all minority,s and diversity,s. In Eastern Europe it already begun and there is no debate anymore but firm demand recriminalizing sodomy again.
Yes Juri, it appears ‘heretical’ orthodox Prince Vlad the Impaler and his army is being resurrected and won’t stop at the gates of the Talmudic capital this time.
I agree with Juri.
The political zeitgeist is clearly nationalistic and traditionalist.
Eastern Europe is currently in mid spasm. France just shuddered and Britain is about to. UKIP, FN, Jobbik, a revived Russia, even the ersatz nationalists in Ukraine are interesting.
The banging sound is the after shock.
The US isn’t going to be able to motivate warriors to defend or enforce World War Gay.
I meant to write ‘Romano-Talmudic capital’
‘The US isn’t going to be able to motivate warriors to defend or enforce’:
Southerners are said to be very ‘martial’, by their ‘Cavalier’, or ‘Norman’, nature. They’ll just continue signing up and doing it.
There’s a reason why we are taking on gay marriage.
It is massively unpopular with our target audience. Federal judges who strike down popular legislation are reviled by our potential supporters who are seething over these court rulings. Taking on this issue earns us a lot of good will with those people. It makes them far more receptive to our larger message on secession.
What can I say now? I drove to Virginia to defend the traditional definition of marriage. Yeah, the SPLC which is suing Alabama considers me an “extremist,” but they hate marriage, the family, self government, White people, the South, and Christianity, and they support open borders, homosexuality, and abortion to boot.
Does that resonate with White Southerners or is it a bunch of queers and lesbians gyrating on a street corner and yelling obscenities, the SPLC, federal judges and Obama?
Re: Spelunkstein
1.) Absolutely.
We know all the people who were there from out-of-state.
2.) Yes, the CofCC and League of the South have Virginia wings, but activism is a recent change. This was the first event in Virginia. Most of our people are accustomed to passively reading and interacting on the internet, but the shift toward the real world is starting to accelerate now.
3.) We’re jumping around all over the South: SE Georgia, Atlanta, Middle Tennessee, Upcountry South Carolina, Virginia Tidewater, and next up, Central Alabama. We’re testing the waters on purpose. There have been well over 100 people in total at our rallies, but they have been geographically scattered across a region the size of Western Europe.
4.) Some Klansmen said that they were going to go on Stormfront, but lots of people who said they were going to go didn’t show up, as always. Again, if you knew of any Klansmen there, you would have announced it to the world already.
5.) Yes, and the traditional tactic of gathering information, publishing it, and trying to shame and scare people has also failed six times now. That’s one of the major reasons we are doing this. The myth of the power of the SPLC, “ZOG,’ “anti-fa,” on so on, on the internet far exceeds the reality of it.
6.) Keep assuming that.
“Contrast with us”
1) People who use HIV and AIDS as a means if denigrating people you don’t know and know nothing about.
2) People who make sexist catcalls at women of, “make me a sandwhich”.
3) The jury is still out on a connection between the League of the South crew and the smashed amp, but from what I hear, it’s known who destroyed the private property, and the name may at some point be divulged. That could be a potential embarrassment for the League if there is indeed a connection.
4) The jury is also still out on the KKK being present at your rally. You won’t admit it, but if it’s proven you’ll be forced to defend the Klan. The individual who identifies himself only as “DanielZ” on Stormfront made comments that lead one to believe they were present at your rally. This persons comments also indicate that they may have potentially been personally responsible for the destruction of property incident. DanielZ announced their intentions to participate in Brads groups rally. Brad did not take issue with it. DanielZ has clearly indicated they are a Klansman. As did PaleFace33 who indicated by saying “we” would be participating. There’s been no indication at all that PaleFace33 participated at all, but if this person did, if we take them at their word, there was probably one or more with them.
1.) It was known in biblical times that homosexuality was a disgusting vice. HIV/AIDS shows that nothing has changed in thousands of years.
2.) Like “racism” and “homophobia,” “sexism” is another example of a sin that was conjured into existence by late 20th century leftists.
3.) There’s no potential embarrassment because we know for a fact that none of our people busted their stupid little radio.
4.) Obviously, DanielZ saw the video that I posted on YouTube and was commenting on it. Some of our people went over to the VA Flaggers event and saw the radio or amp get busted and called and told us that a random biker, someone they hadn’t seen before, had done it.
If it was someone who was at our demonstration for three hours, then surely “Goad Gatsby” or one of our people would be able to identify this person in a lineup from all the photographs of our event.
Spelunker have you considered building a a time machine and turning the dial back 75 years and submitting an application to either the Gestapo or the NKVD?
You are completely fucking mad.
It’s funny that people who want to expand the coverages of the legal benefits to being joined in matrimony to people who are currently EXCLUDED “hate” marriage. That doesn’t sound like a coherent argument.
Everything Southern White Nationalists (I added the word “White” back in where it belongs for you) hold dear revolve around the idea of exclusion.
Your ultimate goal is to create an ethnostate which will be named Dixie. The ethnostate will consist of “Whites”. If you have your way there will be other ethnostates for other “colors”. By default, your ethnostate, which won’t ever happen, will exclude other colors from residing within the boundaries of your ethnostate. This is a going backwards. This is way more extreme than pre-1960’s. Way more. Not only will there be separate fountains for Blacks, they’ll be in their own separate ethnostate. How gracious of you.
While I feel sympathy for the sick and afflicted, HIV is 9/10 the result of anal sex between men, heroin needles or bisexual men infecting unsuspecting females.
It does tend to prove the validity of the cultural and theological condemnation of homosexuality that existed throughout most of Western Civilization.
Recently in St Charles Missouri a vibrant member of the student body knowingly infected up to 50 men and women. The men should know better than to take it up the backside and the women should know better than to sleep with black aflete “wrestlers”.
Gay marriage is a mockery of the institution. If you can’t see that you must be extremely myopic.
Brad doesn’t like the word “sexism”, what exactly does catcalling out, “make me a sandwhich” by a man to a group of largely women mean to you? Obviously nothing, just like using HIV and AIDS as a putdown to homosexuals. Your video is the largest amount of proof what the League of the South represents, better luck next time staying on message for Cushman. Thanks for posting it. Brad = FAIL.
What an ethno state promises is swift harsh justice for offenders. The Justice system simply grants black miscreants a graduate degree in NU. The leniency of current law on manslaughter and rape (plus some other anti social behavior) needs to go.
The pre 1960s Americans got it right.
Marriage is not an “institution”. I was married in an office adjacent to a courthouse. I don’t recall a religious ceremony at all. I hope a human can one day marry a chicken or a piece of wood, just because of the fact that if they did, it would prove even more that by doing that, it means nothing to my life.
Brad doesn’t like the word “sexism”, what exactly does catcalling out, “make me a sandwhich” by a man to a group of largely women mean to you? Obviously nothing, just like using HIV and AIDS as a putdown to homosexuals. Your video is the largest amount of proof what the League of the South represents, better luck next time staying on message for Cushman. Thanks for posting it. Brad = FAIL.
Your problem is that you cannot address concrete events. Instead you moan about manners. Eventually you will find that the feminists and blacks will turn in you for something trivial. Spelunker, you are not a black one legged lesbian. You are a list white without an identity.
I can think of 1,138 things that could mean something to my life, and a lot of others lives as well.
Marriage is not an “institution”. I was married in an office adjacent to a courthouse. I don’t recall a religious ceremony at all. I hope a human can one day marry a chicken or a piece of wood, just because of the fact that if they did, it would prove even more that by doing that, it means nothing to my life.
Your life has no meaning dude. You sound fucking miserable. Blacks lesbians etc etc you are stuck in Planet Equality Orbit
I am addressing concrete events, was Brad not using HIV and AIDS to make fun of people? Were there not catcalls by men to women of “make me a sandwhich”. Seems pretty concrete to me,
If you are not Jewish, for the love of mankind, please avoid the Socialist Worker Party type crowd you are running with. Eventually they will attempt to ruin you.
Sounds like Captain Crunch is the one who can’t address concrete events.
Spelunker you sound like Laurie Penney.
She recently got trashed by a Lesbian Group for making fun of a dyke haircut. Laurie is a famously PC busybody.
You are a fool for investing yourself in promoting people who hate your guts.
Leave the SWP cult. You will inevitably fall victim to it if you don’t change course.
For the record, I have not said the KKK members were present or that anyone in Brafs group was responsible for the destruction of property, but I would like to know if either of those things happened, they’d be directly related to how much of a “success” or “failure” this event was for the League.
1.) The SPLC strongly dislikes, or rather “hates,” the traditional Christian definition of marriage, which is an exclusive relationship between one man and one woman, which is a vow made before God, family, and the community.
2.) Identity is exclusive.
If everyone is your family or everyone is your nation, do you really have a family or a nation? We base our ethnic identity on ancestry and culture, not on universal liberal abstractions.
4.) There’s no reason why exclusive ethnic communities, or ethnostates, can’t be accommodated in an independent South. The US federal government forces conformity to its failed experiment in integration on the South.
5.) I’ve never considered it a tragedy that black people had to drink out of their own water fountain. That’s a trivial inconvenience in the light of history.
Eventually you will be hauled in front of a tribunal of your peers for making an off color joke or vitriolic acid thrown at you for being a cracker.
Because at 14/75 Hiberno-British that’s all you are to these vampires.
I am not “running” with any type of crowd. I act alone. If you have some sort of proof to the contrary, please present it, otherwise I’d respectfully ask that you not say things about me that aren’t true.
Oh now it strongly dislike or “hates”. Convenient. Holes getting deeper.
1.) “Sexism” is a sin that was conjured into existence by 20th century leftists. Once again, we don’t share the same moral values. I don’t consider “sexism” or “racism” or “xenophobia” or “heteronormativity” or “Eurocentrism,” etc., etc., to be “immoral.”
2.) That’s your perspective.
Where I come from, a bunch of queers and lesbians gyrating on a street corner and shouting obscenities while banging on a tambourine looks … well, bizarre.
For your own safety Spelunker avoid these Comrades, because they are Cannibals.
You might buy time for yourself and end up last in the pot, but all you are doing is hurting yourself by taking this political stance.
I don’t believe in God but MY vow was before this “God”? Can you explain?
I never said that homosexual marriage was the only way, or even the most damaging way, that marriage as a core institution of Western Christian culture has been undermined.
“America is just a word but I use it. Language keeps me locked and repeating.”
You have been warned Spelunker. The same thing that happened to Penney and the other Leftie fool will happen to you.
Spelunkstein is an atheist.
“I’ve never considered it a tragedy that black people had to drink out of their own water fountain. That’s a trivial inconvenience in the light of history.”
Probably because YOU are all that matters to YOU. That’s the entire point. Thank you.
I think that you probably do BELEIVE in a supreme authority. It’s just the opposite of the good. Perhaps you missed the cheeky dedication in Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals.
What else am I Brad? Define me.
I’ve never read Rules For Radicals and I don’t plan to.
Spelunker simultaneously believes that Darwin was correct about evolution, yet he willfully ignores the core implication. All organisms are evolving across generations, he does this because he believes in the magic of humankind. He might as well be Thomas Aquinas.
You are an ethnomasochist.
Spelunker says:
April 8, 2014 at 2:39 pm
What else am I Brad? Define me.
What an extraordinarily weak personality you have.
Probably because YOU are all that matters to YOU. That’s the entire point. Thank you.
This is as good a proof of Darwin as any other. Be selfish. It’s okay. If there is no god there probably isn’t sin.
Spelunker says:
April 8, 2014 at 2:40 pm
I’ve never read Rules For Radicals and I don’t plan to.
You’ve used at least 4 rules so far.