Glenn Miller of VNN Forum Arrested For Kansas Shooting


Update: Glenn Miller (aka Rounder) of VNN Forum has been arrested in connection with the shootings in Kansas.

Hmm … it sounds like another case of a self detonating lone wolf vanguardist:

“Two shootings have been reported at two separate Jewish-related sites in Overland Park, Kansas, leaving at least two people dead — one at each location.

The first shooting was reported at about 1PM at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City. This was followed by reports of a shooting at Village Shalom, an assisted living center that has since been placed on lockdown.

It is unclear at this moment whether the two incidents are related, and there has been no immediate word on other injuries or a suspect description, though a reporter at KCTV says “a man in handcuffs at the scene was yelling about Hitler.”

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I suppose it is the contradiction at the core of the ideas bantered about.

    It almost seems to me that he’s simply determined to have a day in court. The monologue he must have planned for the trial and the inquests is going to be hard for the press to handle. If they cover his utterances too much that’s bad if they sweep him under rug it’s worse. I expect he’ll die in jail slightly before the trial.

  2. HW

    When news hit earlier today of a shooting at a Jewish center in the Kansas ‘burbs of KCMO, I almost was certain it had to be Vanguardist type and not a Muslim/Jihad type, because the Kansas City area really has no immigrant Muslim population to speak of.

  3. Rudel is correct. The SPLC, as we speak, are preparing a case against Linder. They will financially ruin the man.

  4. Theory One: they (VNN) are lunatics acting on their own

    Theory Two: they are lunatics directed by our enemies

    Take Cobb, for instance. The fellow played right into the hands of the enemy. This fellow, the same way. Many of these folks have had prior arrests and handling by the government.

    In an era where whites are trying to rally, these events are nonsensical from a pro-white perspective. Hence, they are anti-white.

  5. Muslim terrorists almost never seem to hit identifiably Jewish targets in the US or very much elsewhere. The Achille Laru fellow in the wheelchair? Daniel Pearl? Munich Olympics? That’s about it if you don’t count the ground war with the Palestinians.

    Does 9/11 count in that?

    It had to be a cornpone nazi.

  6. “The SPLC, as we speak, are preparing a case against Linder. They will financially ruin the man.”

    Just like they bankrupted Tom Metzger when one of his skinhead acolytes killed a Nigerian man in Portland. It’s what they do for a living. There is a list of scalps they have nailed to the wall on their website.

  7. Give it a decade of Muslim migration and the bombs at these places with be set by Algerians, Somalis and Nigerians. No need to worry about Nazis at that point.

  8. In the fight over the Ukraine situation, the zeitgeist of so many of “white nationalists” has been exposed.

    These Nazi types are so demented that they would have a white country brought under the control of the International Jews as long as someone says “14/88”! This is likened to killing two whites at a Jewish which can only lead to tarring the whole populist right as dangerous lunatics (days after a great victory at the Bundy Ranch, I might add).

    In addition to being idiots, they are mentally ill and vile people, and act as a black hole that doesn’t let white people escape the political event horizon, effectively guaranteeing our genocide. We should probably include Harold Covington in this because his official policy is to undercut things like the Mantra and the White Man March in favor of creating an IRA/Nazi militia.

    I’ll state it point blank: I don’t like Hitler. I don’t like the Nazis. I don’t like violent totalitarian ideologies. People who do are a threat.

  9. Here was Alex Linder’s big announcement on VNN Forum this morning:

    The Fall of the Cooter at VNN

    If you’re from the South, you’re going to feel pain here at VNN if you can’t spell correctly.

    Either spell words correctly, or get lost, Cooter. And take your Jebus dog with you.

    Evolve into a human, or leave.

    And NO CHRISTIANS is above our door. It may not say that formally in our sign-up rules, but I will get to that eventually.

    If you’re christian, we don’t want you here.

    Your race or your semitic jebus cult. Make a choice. If you don’t think it matters, then you go find Southern-losers (redundant) to coagulate with, we don’t want you here. Bad-bye

  10. According to the SPLC website they have already successfully sued Miller before in 1984 when he headed up a Klan branch in North Carolina.

    “Person v. Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
    Agenda Area(s): Hate and Extremism
    Date Filed: 06/05/1984
    In the mid-1980s, a North Carolina Klan group was one of the most militant and violent, engaging in paramilitary-style training, using U.S. military personnel to prepare recruits for combat. After a series of terrorizing incidents, the Center sued the Klan and won court orders shutting down their illegal training camps.”

    Here is their file on Miller:

    “Frazier Glenn Miller, longtime anti-Semite, arrested in Kansas Jewish Community Center murders
    By Heidi Beirich, Intelligence Project Director
    Frazier Glenn Miller, 73, of Aurora, Mo., was arrested today for the murder of three people at two separate Jewish Community Centers in Overland Park, Kan. Miller, who was arrested using the alias Frazier Glenn Cross, has been in the movement nearly his entire life. Miller is the former “grand dragon” of the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which he founded and ran in the 1980s before being sued by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for operating an illegal paramilitary organization and using intimidation tactics against African Americans.”

    Linder will be toast once they get him for inciting Miller to commit murder.

  11. ‘If you’re christian, we don’t want you here’:

    The Hitlerites don’t allow Christians?

    But Hitler himself was a Papist — and Roman Papism is a CHRISTIAN heresy! AH said, ‘I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so.’

  12. This Alex Linder sounds like a real case. I never even really heard of him until someone told me that he had not too long ago moved to Kirksville, who knows where he’s originally from. But he sounds like the same genius that was with that WCOTC that called Jesus Christ “a dead Jew on a stick.”

    Such great PR. Rock solid way to win friends and influence people.

  13. Aren’t there more important things to discuss than aberrations of White racialism like Miller and Cobb, and the glorious history and profitability of African enslavement, around the Golden Circle?

  14. Mosin, Hitler was raised in a nominal Catholic home, but by the time he was eighteen, he was rejecting any formal Christian belief for Nordic paganism. Anything he said about Christianity, especially Catholicism has to be taken with a grain of salt. His actions show he was Anti-Christian, especially Anti-Catholic, and the actions of various RC leaders, especially Pope Pius XII, show they were Anti-Nazi.

  15. What do Glenn Miller the bandleader and this Glenn Miller have in common? Both were shot down in flames and are now in deep water.

  16. Hitler was no pagan lol. He was dismissive of pagan and German pre-history enthusiasm of Himmler et al. I wouldn’t say he was a Christian either though. “Spiritual but not religious” might be the best way to describe his beliefs.

  17. Rofl, blew himself up. I can’t help but laugh. And then this cretin ‘Traitor’ Glenn Miller kills two white methodists thinking they’re Jews. WN’s legendary ineptitude is endlessly entertaining.

  18. As it so happens I am currently reading the book Hitler’s Table Talk which are transcribed copies of his comments over dinner with guests from 1941 to 1944. He was not an atheist but more a follower of a form of what he considered scientific natural law. He thought that the average man required religion and hoped that the German people would gradually come to accept the principles of National Socialism as their religion if it were taught in the schools for several generations; sort of like the Russian Bolsheviks thought that true Communist man would arise out of intermediate forms of socialism after bourgeois tendencies had been eradicated from the populace over time.

  19. Look Tards:

    TraitorGlenn Miller was sick and ailing. The sick old Lumbee melungeon wanted to “go out” like James Vonn Brunn. So, probably liquored up he shot what he could, then surrendered. Took TraitorGlenn Miller thirty years since declaring war on ZOG, but better late than never.

    I’m hoping that TraitorGlenn Miller will turn on the gut-sick guido-kikenweasel with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS, i.e. Rabbi Alex Linder of the Greater Free Range Colostomy Bag & Tard Corral, i.e. TraitorGlenn Miller News Nutwerk. Maybe there were some spare colostomy bags in the Old Kikes Home.

    Well, this is better than the day in March 2008 when I heard that TraitorGlenn’s last male spawn, other than FaggotGlenn Miller, had killed some local and shot a Missouri Highway Piglice trooper and was justly skragged by piglice. Now THAT was a golden moment while locked up in the NutHouse. But this is even better.

    Could have been even better if the drunken old melungeon rat had been found skinned out with itz genitals shoved in itz rat mouth in a dumpster in Aurora Missouri forty miles away, but then again, not to belabor the negative, I’d be the #1 suspect. I had asked Louis Beam and Katja and David Lane for permission to pretend to be his friend after he ran out of my office back in July 2000, and tell everyone around what a piece of rat-shit TraitorGlenn Miller was and is. Oh well.

    Remember this thread from March 18, 2004, after WhiggerSwill Welass and Ron Doggett fincked me out about insulting TraitorGlenn Miller on Rabbi Linder’s tard corral? Entitled “Glenn Miller Responds to M. Lindstedt”:

    I told all you tards that TraitorGlenn Miller was a drunken ZOGbot since the drunken mamzer rat was selling young Klansmen back in the Army in the early 70s. In fact TraitorGlenn Miller admitted as much on the Carolyn “Yenta” Kahant-Yeager show last year.

    So what to do? What can you do? Well, simply point out that TraitorGlenn Miller was never anything other than a drunken, cowardly Lumbee melungeon snitch that ran out on his Klan buddies at Greensboro in Nov. 1979, that The Order gave Miller $250,000 and that Miller drank some of it up, declared war on ZOG, got caught drunk and pissing itz pants in Ozark Missouri in the mid-80s, and then snitched out everyone it could at the Ft. Smith Sedition Trial. That includes those who gave Miller stolen loot like The Order, and all the Christian Identity element which gave Miller nothing. Either way TraitorGlenn would roll over on you.

    So what to do? Whine like a pussy that you are all piss-full, er, peaceful, and that you all just love jews and niggers and beaners, and want to do your little rallys, and will get secession without bloodshed and civil war — when thanks in large part to TraitorGlenn Miller a “white supremacist” like me can’t even run for US Congress? And I did try to file up in Jefferson City on the last day of filing, March 25, 2014, and was refused by the Democrats, especially the Republicans, LibberToons, and the CONstipation parties. When White men aren’t even allowed to run for US Congress, then why do you idiots “think” that your little waving of pathetic signs will accomplish anything?

    Stop trying to prove to ZOG and ZOGlings that you all are ZOGling whigger pussazoids. They already think you all are “Nazis” and want to kill all the jews, niggers and beaners and all the other muds. Me, I’d start with the whiggers first, and then finish off with the rest at my leisure. Anyways, if you don’t have these 6th Day Beast of the Field’s fear of you as a White Man, then you get to deal with their hatred of you as a White Man. I only got assaulted by niggers in the NutHouse twice, far less than normal whiggers, because everyone thought that I was a sociopathic Christian Identity half-bearded Nazi who would have all their families killed. Which, was admittedly fun to think about doing. Haet saved my sanity, such as it was.

    So say nothing. If you must say something, then say that TraitorGlenn Miller was on a Mission from ZOG. Either that or that TraitorGlenn Miller was scrounging for colostomy bags for Rabbi Linder’s blistered and bleeding kike bunghole afflicted by Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS, and a place full of old sick jews was the best first place to look.

    By the way, Brad, that guido mongrel prison faggot Chris313 is talking shit about you over on Linder’s tard corral/TGMNNF. Send the goofy guido prison-faggot a pack of fresh ramen noodles and tell it that you’ll hold off on the butt-fucking in repayment until later. Chrissy313 (nigger tattoo area-code for Detroit) will just have to wait.

    By the way, Bryan Reo / SwordBrethren / SoredMamzer / Ol’ Niggerlips the Mamzer from Mentor, Eliar James / jewseph Stalin Mordaicai Kutz-Putz-November, and MildSwill Bill Finck-el-sheenie, took down on bogus DMCA cumplaints last week for the thirteenth time or so, and it’ll take me a while to get it back up again. Yesterday, an A-rab sephardic kikess skank, working for Rabbi “Eli James”, also got me TOSsed from Fedbook because I posted pictures of the Chicago sephardic jewboy with Rahm Emmanuel.

    But I am on Talksjew. See The Movement Turd, especially the first two hours @

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri’ (To be restored soon)

  20. “A forthcoming two-year study by the SPLC will show that nearly 100 people in the last five years have been murdered by active users on another prominent racist website,”

  21. A couple comments, and then off to the day.

    First, all of these comments reminds me of the Scripture phrase, ‘lest they turn again and rend you,’ in the Gospels.

    While I have NO interest in VNN (I long ago gave up trying to post there) reading comments on this forum, encouraging the SPLC (are they not enemies to your cause, gentlemen?) to ‘take him down’ in the case of Mr. Linder, seems both wrong (whatever Linder’s personal sentiments) and oddly counter-productive. Forgive me if I don’t ‘get it,’ but how can you all speak of a ‘solidarity’ when you don’t even have a smidgen of that racial/religious cohesiveness that the overtly jewish members of the SPLC have? (you know- Dees, Beirich, Potok, etc.) If this incident had been at the hands of a Jew against a non-Jew, do you not think they would have closed ranks, to defend ‘one of their own’?

    Or, if not, have we been so judaized over the last seventy years, that we now, too, act in a non-altruistic fashion against our own race, atomizing and splintering into a myriad of ‘special interest groups,’ and have adopted even THAT element of the Talmudic worldview- the one that says, ‘It is better for one man to perish, than that the nation suffer?’

    This series of comments on a bizarre topic, here above, contrasted with the Bundy ranch scenario, has me totally confused.

    What is our gut motivation in seeking a better world, (or at least, a better nation) if, in rending each other apart, when small pettinesses arise between like minds, all it can do, is lead to ‘denunciations’ of this sort? Having read the Passion yesterday in Church, (Palm Sunday) all I can think of is that we now seek to be like Judas, instead of like Christ; and the ready equivalent of ‘thirty pieces of silver’ (whatever that sum means to each of us) appeals more to White Americans, than racial solidarity for our people, our culture, our history, or our future on this planet. Which means we are ripe for judgment- whatever Linder’s aberrant ideology is, or how much longer the Obama administration will put up with the SPLC, and their ilk. Linder may be a nut case, but to act in this fashion, (longing for a revenge that does not pertain to you) clearly is not Christian. (And I’m even loathe to say that, here, to those who I know hold to such a faith…) I have noted and will note again in my life the clear observations of an Orthodox saint, who once said:

    “Love your enemies, but only your personal enemies, NOT the enemies of God.”

    Maybe even THAT statement/delimiter, is too old-fashioned these days. But it’s far better than the ‘love all and sundry, even the Islamic jihadist, or the jewish supremacist, who is destroying your nation’ I used to get from the RC priests I heard, back in the day. I left Rome because of that ‘inclusivity’ while they were preaching tolerance for the mestizos invading So. Cal in the 1970’s, but where can I go, if even those of my own race and history, no longer see life through the same lens, but merely have become small minds, whose only pleasure is vindictiveness?

    Misericordie, Domine.

  22. “Miller was a major player in the 1980s white supremacist scene, organizing a parimilitary Klan outfit based in North Carolina called the White Patriot Party (WPP) using $200,000 stolen from armored trucks by the neo-Nazi terrorist group the Order, according to Miller himself during his testimony during a 1988 sedition trial in Arkansas. The WPP collapsed after he violated an injunction against paramilitary activity and was convicted of threatening Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center. He was imprisoned for three years before being released in 1990. He was branded as a traitor for turning informant and went underground, but in recent years Miller was more of an internet presence posting as “Rounder” on the VNN forum. He also maintained a website which has videos and writings he authored. He also attempted to run for congress with the support of VNN. Another longtime white supremacist, Ron Doggett, who was a Unit leader in the WPP, supported his 2010 run.”

    Ron Doggett. Ron Doggett. Now where have we heard that name before? Oh yeah:

    Remember, you guys are Southern White Nationalists. You’re completely and totally different.

  23. The guy shot two Methodists! The sights on his scope needed recalibration whether you like it or not Fr John

  24. Its amaxing how the right is mislead by the media.The media they claim to hate.While it is true that the PHONEY civil case brought against Tom and John Metzger by the Southern Millionaires law Center was a speed bump Tom And John metzger were never bankrupted. The right wing listens to enemy rhetoric but never check court records.
    In fact the W.A.R. newpaper nevever missed a publication date .I kept right on producing television shows and publishing Racist material.

    So what happened. Well most of the Right wing leaders had an ax to grind with the Metzgers mostly over tactics and ideology also the old right wings constant worrying about who is getting the money.

    In other words the right wing leaders and misled followers actually played the the Jew game they claim they hate when it came to the Metzgers.

    On the other side the Metzgers were boycotted by the media playing the SPLC game that we were no more using silence as a weapon.

    Even today old lies continue to be circulated. Actually the treason on the right did at least 50% of the damage.Thats why you will never hear me refer to myself as a right winger. Tom Metzger

  25. Dalton: Hitler was raised in a nominal Catholic home, but by the time he was eighteen, he was rejecting any formal Christian belief for Nordic paganism.

    I’m not aware of Hitler practicing any religion as an adult.

  26. Corrected Version

    Its amazing how the rightwing is mislead by the media.The media they claim to hate.While it is true that the PHONEY civil case brought against Tom and John Metzger by the Southern Millionaires law Center was a speed bump Tom And John metzger were never bankrupted. The right wing listens to enemy rhetoric but never check court records.

    In fact the W.A.R. newpaper never missed a publication date .I kept right on producing television shows and publishing Racist material. Without a break.
    Sorry Morris you never destroyed the Metzger’s.

    So what happened. Well most of the major Racial Right wing leaders had an ax to grind with the Metzgers mostly over tactics and ideology also the old right wing worrys constanly about who is getting the money.

    In other words the right wing leaders and misled followers actually played the the Jew game they claim they hate when it came to the Metzgers.

    On the other side the Metzgers were boycotted by the media playing the SPLC game that we were none persons using silence as a weapon.This was Morris Dees method of shaking down the old ladies assuring them that he destroyed the Metzgers. Check his IRS records for the year of the civil trial. He took in 7 million that year. His clients got peanuts.

    Even today old lies continue to be circulated. Actually the treason on the racial right did at least 50% of the damage.Thats why you will never hear me refer to myself as a right winger. Nor will I appear at thier yearly confabs.
    Tom Metzger Lone Wolf

  27. Not about Kansas but important reframe technique:

    Some sort of group interest should be recognized. An atomized libertarian chamber if commerce party can’t do what needs to be done.

  28. ‘the actions of various RC leaders, especially Pope Pius XII, show they were Anti-Nazi’:

    Dalton, this is the prime example (but NOT the only one and not atypical) of close Nazi-RC cooperation under the DIRECTION of your supposedly ‘anti-Nazi’ Pope:

    ‘Hitler was raised in a NOMINAL Catholic home, but by the time he was eighteen, he was rejecting any formal Christian belief for Nordic paganism’:

    You always spread Vatican propaganda and disinformation wherever you go on the
    ‘net. If the Axis had WON the war, your RC version of Hitler biography would be MUCH less inaccurate.

    Hitler’s parents were PRACTICING Roman Catholics, especially his mother, who was very devout. His father admired the village priesthood more than any other vocation. Hitler was not only baptized but also served as altar boy and attended a monastery school (where he observed the stone arch at the entrance, carved with the monastery coat of arms that included a swastika) and decided his goal in life was to become an abbot: ‘I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural, the abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my father, the highest and most desirable ideal’ (Mein Kampf)

    So They had Adolf for MORE than the essential twelve years, and having begun firmly in the heresy, though he drifted much further from the Truth through the years, he NEVER became a pagan. ‘I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so’!

    Now, don’t quote to me from the faked and mistranslated ‘Last Testament’!

    Note: This comment has direct relevance to the post topic, since the Vanguardists generally admire Hitler yet claim to exclude Christianity. Yet Hitler and most of the Nazis were Christian heretics.

    Finally, all these posts on the failures of Miller, Linder and Craig Cobb et al do seem to convey a sense of enjoyment at the embarrassment of Vanguard. Yet the failure of SOME non-Mainstreaming WN does not prove that Mainstreaming WN is right.

  29. LongLiveDixie, he continued to love Roman Catholicism, but regretted that it was centred in Rome rather than Germany. His dream in late years was to unite Protestants with Roman Catholics in a GERMAN Roman Catholicism! He was beginning to see the error of the global-universalism, but the war came to occupy all his time and attention.

  30. IMO, Miller, probably Linder too, is a classical agent provocateur. His type is why any law biding pro-White, pointing out anti-White, pro-White Genocide, will be called a racistnaziwhitesoopremacistwhowantstokill sixmillionjoos by liberals and respectable conservatives alike.

    Only anti-White violence is given a pass by the White Genocide cult. They aren’t anti-violence. They’re anti-White.

  31. This cowardly and immoral act on Miller’s part must be condemned by every sane white nationalist. With that being said, we must continue to work legally to save our volk from the ongoing Jewish poison i.e. the Marxist mass media machine and their public indoctrination centers aka public schools. Alas, senseless acts of violence will get us nowhere and it provides the ADL and SPLC types with verbal ammo which they can use against us as a whole.I,Michael Weaver, strongly condemn the murders of these people!!!!

  32. “Sorry Morris you never destroyed the Metzger’s.”

    $12.5 million dollars including a $4.5 million personal bite out of your ass sure shut you up for a while. It took you 20 years to pay it off on the installment plan. If that isn’t effective bankruptcy I don’t know what is.

    You were effectively silenced as you were something of a celebrity before the judgement and haven’t been heard from much since. WAR is certainly defunct.

  33. “His dream in late years was to unite Protestants with Roman Catholics in a GERMAN Roman Catholicism!”

    No it wasn’t. I’m reading him (Hitler’s Table Talk) right now and that’s not what he was thinking , wishing for, or predicting.

  34. Hunter:

    I talked Zed over at StumbleInn to unban you in the Millertime section. So if you want to post there, you can.

    I opened up a new thread, called “I knew TraitorGlenn Miller” at:

    I think you are still blocked in the rest of the forum. But if you want to cross-post over on SI, then that is fine.

    Plus, while Bryan Reo / SwordBrethren and Eli James did get me kicked off of my server, while I’m waiting for the new server to kick in, I’ve opened up one of my “secret forums” of which I have four or five in reserve over at:

    until I can sue for damages and injunctive relief in federal district kort.

    Thanks for letting me have my say. I think I knew TraitorGlenn Miller second only to Marge Miller and Rabbi Linder. Certainly better than Linder’s Virtual Colostomy Bag & Free-Range ZOGtards.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri (Taken down by Bryan Reo/SoredMamzer and Eli James) (up and running)

  35. “The guy shot two Methodists! The sights on his scope needed recalibration whether you like it or not, Fr John”

    I’m not talking about his actions as a murderer, I’m talking about the comments section slavering like mad dogs over his apprehension. I think HW in a subsequent post answered my queries much more sanely, than this comment of yours, Captain.

  36. Mosin, you know I am not agin you, but I do believe Rudel and some others are correct.

    AH was no Christian, even though he started out as one. His god became the German Volk, and possibly the sodomitic thesis of ‘The Pink Swastika’ played/plays a part in that departure from his ancestral faith.

    Corrupt it may be, but tieing RC’ism with Nat Socs is still a bit of a stretch; remember, Bonhoeffer and others were put in prison precisely BECAUSE they tried to critique AH from a Christian point of view…

  37. Mazel tov, pastor Lindstedt.

    That Yohai hooch is enough to scare the holy Moses out of the Jews and the JudeoXtian Jesus out of the novus ordo. Please delete the name of the great state of Missouri from your posts. 10-1 you boys who are styling yourselves ‘Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt’ are spewing your crap from a Hillel house on an American campus. Hail the all seeing (Y)id.

  38. WunderWhiggerSkank sez:

    Mazel tov, pastor Lindstedt.

    That Yohai hooch is enough to scare the holy Moses out of the Jews and the JudeoXtian Jesus out of the novus ordo. Please delete the name of the great state of Missouri from your posts. 10-1 you boys who are styling yourselves ‘Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt’ are spewing your crap from a Hillel house on an American campus. Hail the all seeing (Y)id.


    Or else what, cunt?

    Every so often some idiotic skank which is overfed and underbeat gets the notion that it gets to tell some White man who isn’t her pussywhupped dolt some silly shit about what that coosh “wants.”

    Now back when Missouri first was about to become a state, the Articles of Statehood held that anyone that brought in a “free nigger” was to be flogged, set at hard labor in a workcamp, and made to pay a thousand dollar fine. Missouri was brought into the jewnion as a slave state, and bringing in a whole herd of nigger was all right as long as there was a White Man to keep them in line and busy and out of mischief. Niggers didn’t get to run wild like they are today.

    Neither was pussy. Yes, the same goes for yapping cunt. The Chinese used to measure the height of a soldier by how far the soldier’s shoulders went, because a head and neck were good for nothing other than being lopped off. Likewise with some silly twat like jewrself. But then again, where to stop the measure of a mamzeress? I’d say that neither your pussy nor your tits amount to much, so that is why you have to run your mouth. So your height would be measured to the kneecaps, but what good is a pair of feet and some shin, except as dog-meat?

    Now if you had a husband, I’d be beating his ass with a pallet slat and expecting him to give you a double-dosage until he made sure you learned to behave. For a second offense, a castration. And I doubt that there would be a third offense, because, as mentioned above, even your limited nervous system would be able to understand pain. But, we will cross that road when we get there. I’m thinking along the lines of making you wear a tit-skin yarmulke. If in a good mood, I’d let you choose which tit to tan into leather. I’m sure that even if you had nothing but an A-cup, that it would be sufficient to cover your pointy pin-sized head.

    Now an unruly cunt like you was mouthing off at me a few years ago. That is strike one. And today is strike two. Would you like to see what happens at strike three?

    Look. I knew TraitorGlenn Miller better than any of you tards. After all, he ran out of my office in July 2000 thinking that I might kill him. And I did manage to pull the wool over the drunken Lumbee melungeon’s cork-eyes, at least until TraitorGlenn Miller didn’t do as I asked and run as a Republican for US Senator against Kit Bond. So I trashed TraitorGlenn Miller out and WhiggerSwill Welass and/or Ron Doggett snitched me out to the greasy old rat.

    And, here I was, trying to get Hunter Wallace onto an old venue for him to cross-post at. Something of some use, even though it is up to him to use it. Currently he prefers to to roil up the jewboys, meercat tards and ZOGbots over at Rabbi Linder’s Greater Free-Range Colostomy Bag and ZOGtard corral for whatever reason. That’s on him.

    Whereass jewrself, “Lynda”, what good are you for anything? You obviously are not nursing a child or doing useful women’s work. All you are doing is trying to tell me what to do without taking responsibility for it. If you were a man, then you’d have to risk a whupped ass, but because you are a stupid cunt you simply don’t know how to act, now do you?

    Now does a stupid life support system for a twat like jewrself Lynda really believe that you haven’t pissed me off? If so, then I suppose that I’ll simply have to post this response over to my forum and at StumbleInn so that we all can have fun at jewr skank expense?

    But if you really want to punish me good for not taking you over-seriously, then how about some mudsharking? That’ll teach me good. Just be advised that niggers and beaners don’t put up with the shit from whigger skanks that whigger tards will.

    Fuck off bitch.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  39. This sucks. I respect Alex Linder, although he and I have ideological differences, and am sorry to see this happening. Rounder didn’t seem like a bad sort although I can’t claim to have known him by anything other than his postings.

    However, I think the far-right needs to take some moments to soberly assess what’s going on here. Apocalyptic ideologies create suicidal complexes. For too long, the far-right has been content to take delight in being anti-social, which has limited its membership to those who are already social drop-outs. While being socialized in this society is not a good thing, it’s also to some degree essential for a normal life, which means the far-right is totally alienating middle class European/American people.

    In addition, …there’s a lot of people in the far-right who need help, not encouragement toward suicidal acts. I can see the utility of McVeigh and Breivik as statements, but they made exceptional statements. So did Kaczynski and many other anti-modern people. But this kind of day-to-day psychotic murder (shooting up unarmed putatively “Jewish” people at community centers) makes us no better than terrorists.

    Open up membership. Stop keeping the club by demanding that people do socially alienating acts (racial slurs, “Name The Jew(tm)”) before they can be part. Make the ideals and values transparent. They don’t get any weaker for that; if anything they get stronger and get introduced to normal people.

    In the 17 years I’ve been observing the right-of-moderate political spectrum, one thing has worked: clean, sane, honorable, normal betterment of life using nationalist principles — think Marine Le Pen. What hasn’t worked is the same old bad streetfighting crap taken to the internet, the genocidal rhetoric, the nastiness, the raging emotional stuff. We don’t need it and it’s unclear if it ever worked, but it’s clear that it leads people to go ballistic in ways that aren’t good.

    We do not want to be murderers. Our principle is creation of nation based on shared kinship, so that we may have identity, and from that pride, values, and goals. Any method toward that end is possible, but it seems to me we should stick with what made us great and our people enjoy doing: building. Make better things for ourselves, not focus on objects of hatred who aren’t even the actual problem.

    What undid the West was liberalism. That was home-grown, much as it was in Athens or Rome. It’s not a tangible thing, but we have to defeat it anyway. That is our enemy. Jews and African-Americans are as much victims of this idiotic egalitarian multi-culture as we are, and if we go nationalist, most of them will work with us to achieve the same thing for themselves and their own people.

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