Exterminate The Jews: The Linder-Wallace-Giles Debate (2012)


Fastforward to 55 minutes.

“Could you exterminate a Jewish child yourself?” – Hunter Wallace, 2012

“I’m not going to answer absurd hypothetical questions like that.” – Alex Linder, 2012

“If you walk into a room with a 6-year-old Jewish child and blew her brains out that is murder, and that is immoral, and White people are not going to stand for that, even in Kirksville.” – Hunter Wallace, 2012

Not a hypothetical:

“As he headed to the gym at the Jewish Community Center on Sunday, Paul Temme heard gunshots, peered around a vehicle and saw a man firing into the passenger side of a car.

The man had just shot William Lewis Corporon, 69, in the head with a shotgun. Corporon had crumpled to the pavement. Now the gunman was standing on the car’s passenger side, holding what appeared to be a handgun, pumping bullets through the passenger window at Corporon’s grandson, who was still in his seat.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hankees, I don’t care if you pose or ask questions. I really don’t care if you believe the Holocaust happened. I know what I believe. Glenn Miller was a real person that killed real people. Ask all the questions you want. He’s in jail right now, I invite you to go check.

  2. Spelunker says:
    April 17, 2014 at 6:48 pm

    “Hey Swen guess what? IDGAF. I’m not in court or on trial.”

    We already know you DGAF about White people.

    We have already established you support White Genocide.

  3. “We have already established you support White Genocide.”

    Really? Examples. Don’t talk about it be about it.

  4. @Spelunker
    You have no moral high ground, since you are not “anti-racist”. You are just another anti-White piece of garbage.


  5. Demographic shifts…ethnic cleansing…genocide.

    That’s what is happening Spelunker.

    Btw, when are you going to the West Bank to support Rachel Corey?

  6. Spelunker says:

    ‘ You did take Linder to task over his extermination of the Jews. Moving on from that, do you feel any sense of shame yourself for continuing to be a part of that which we’re not supposed to call by name? Just because you go on a radio program and say, “I’m not a White Nationalist”, doesn’t make it so.’

    haribo_sugar_free_gummy_bear says:

    ‘Brad, you share the same ideals as Linder. Difference between you and him is that he has the character, you’re a vacillator. Don’t try and worm your way out of it, you’re involved in it too, you’re just as much a Nazi to the rest of the world.’

    So Brad, this is the thanks you get for standing up for jews and attacking Linder.

    They demand total surrender, obeisance.

    Any deviation from their agenda guarantees you will be hanging from the gallows with real or imagined Nazis when the new version of Nuremberg Trials comes to your town.

  7. Whoah! Take it easy there Sam. Don’t get all crazy now. He didn’t say he likes them, he said he doesn’t hate them.

  8. Here’s my position:

    1.) Alex Linder’s rhetoric and Glenn Miller’s actions reinforce taboos and make it harder to discuss negative aspects of Jewish iinfluence.

    2.) The SPLC wants to portray everyone who talks about Jews as a walking cartoon character like Glenn Miller.

    3.) I’m genuinely not a Nazi. I genuinely don’t like fascism.

    4.) I’m interested in building for the future with likeminded people. My public activism reflects that.

    5.) In order to do that, I think we need to lay down principles, and one of those principles is that exterminationism should be taboo.

  9. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘Rudel,I was going to say something about Sam’s ridiculous rant, but you beat me to it. I have Peter’s book on the Inquisitions too, but recommending it to a person who doesn’t want to be confused by the facts because his mind is made up is a waste of time.’

    You can argue about numbers but you can’t whitewash history.

    Develish bastards murdering innocents for not kissing the Pope’s backside and questioning that flour, paste and water is the body of Christ among countless other absurdities.


  10. I don’t think that Spelunker has the courage of his convictions.

    He could decamp to Israel and oppose White Supremacist settlers who are displacing Brown people at the point of bayonets, bullets, tanks and bombs.

    But he won’t do it. He’s a gutless pig who enjoys harassing his own countrymen (presuming he isn’t Israeli or Jewish).

    He’s picked the easy fight sanctioned by the powers that be.

  11. “You can argue about numbers but you can’t whitewash history.”

    And when did I ever do that? You are the one painting real history with a black tar brush. Overstating the number of murders by two orders of magnitude is a qualitative lie not merely a quantitative error.

    In reality the far greater evil of the religious wars was the millions who died in conflicts like the Thirty Years War and not in the occasional Jeanne d’Arc or Massachusetts Quaker executed as an act of political terror.

  12. Sam, we Catholics know about the bad side of our history, just like the believing Jews under the Old Covenant knew about the bad side of their history (I Cor. 10:6) so they would not repeat the same mistakes. So, if you’re trying to shame or embarrass me, it won’t work.
    As for kissing the Pope’s behind or finding our doctrine on the bread and wine becoming the real flesh and blood of Jesus is repulsive to you, well the last time I looked nobody but Catholics who honestly believe it partakes of it. And, btw, I see nothing in our traditions that require us to kiss His Holiness rump.

  13. About 7,000 Catholic Priests and Nuns were murdered in the Spanish civil war by the Hemingway, Orwell, Republican, Stalinist, Anarchist side…

    And you don’t hear anything about them.

  14. Dalton, Hereward’s review quotes came from me. Rudel, anyone who has the time to look up all my responses to your Columbus challenges on the various threads would know I DON’T claim ‘Columbus to be some sort of Jew’. Several months ago, when we discussed it for the first time, I considered the idea, at first. I have no more interest in studying Columbus’ genealogy than I have in the studying the lives and works of Frazier Miller and Alex Linder.

    While nearly everyone here is preoccupied in distancing yourselves from Miller’s embarrassing aberration, Russian white people are struggling to SECEDE from a mostly Amerikan-imposed, ‘European’ Globalist UNION http://www.dailystormer.com/ukrainian-troops-defect-as-maidan-continues-campaign-of-terror/ and the Russians of the Crimea have already set a real example of successful secession — but that’s beyond the ken of peaceful, Mainstreaming SN.

  15. Re: ‘exterminationism should be taboo’:

    But ‘moving them Niggers north’ using financial incentives is peaceful, and NOT taboo — and cooperating with the remnant of ‘GOOD, SOUTHERN Talmudists’ against the BAD (NORTHERN) Talmudists and Whites is also peaceful and not taboo!

    Re: ‘We Catholics know about the bad side of our history (…) So, if you’re trying to shame or embarrass me, it won’t work’:

    Anyone who can say ‘We’, knowing what it has done and what it presently is, is shameless indeed.

  16. Right on, Mosin, first they imported a slave labor class and thereby displaced what would have been a middle class, then they exported the toxic byproduct to us.

    Brad, perhaps you might introduce your noble southern Talmudists to the ‘carnival.’

    A mere starter list of white blonde women who think riding your sick demented southern privileged guilt trip isn’t so amusing:

    Kelly Hunnewell
    Lindsey Bonistall
    Jennifer Ross
    Christy Sanford
    Holly Michael
    Ann Walenta
    Heather Muller
    Christina Eilman
    Stephanie Hummer
    Constance Russo-Carriero
    Autumn Pasquale
    Melissa McLaughlin
    Channon Christian
    Emily Haddock
    Beverly Melton
    Anne Presley
    Eve Carson
    Brittney Watts
    Melinda McCormick
    Genelle Conway-Allen
    Sharlotte McGill
    Kristen Warneke
    Pam Gentry
    Laura Dickinson
    Jeanne Ann Clery

    All were murdered and/or raped by blacks, whose jewish benefactors and taskmasters trained them to torture. Holly Michael lasted for two weeks after Sessions Harper followed her home, broke into her house, raped her, poured gasoline all over her and lit her aflame while tied to a chair. Funny thing about morphine…it dehydrates burned skin…two weeks is a long time to go as each limb of your body gets amputated, and your skin sizzles…

    Your jewfriends in the media claimed in their non-conspiratorial reports that Holly and Sessions were ‘involved’ – pure fabrication. Jews have a funny way of seeing things. Maybe it’s the squinty eyes and big noses.

    And let’s not forget little Tiffany Long…”A cherubic, white ten-year-old, Tiffany’s life came to an end in October, 1998, when three neighborhood teens—two male, one female, all black—lured her into an empty house. There, they sodomized her, strangled her with a cable wire, and beat her to death with a board. In the past few weeks, the trials in the Tiffany Long case have received extensive coverage in the North Carolina press. But with two of the three defendants already sentenced to lifelong prison terms, and the third now standing trial, the national media have all but ignored the story. Only the Associated Press has reported on the trials, in a single, cursory piece. The AP, of course, failed to mention the race of the people involved.”

    Brad, I am utterly ashamed of you. Decent white people all over, south, north, and around and in between, should be too.

    Are there any men with a spine who defend White women and girls from the ‘Shiksa’ (yid for white women, meaning ‘abomination’ or ‘dirty’) hating ‘loyal southerners?’

    That a southern man purporting to advocate on behalf of a martyr like Channon would offer her as some blessed sacrifice to the lowliest of the low, who think Glenn Miller is some ultimate embarrassment (without even supposedly killing a jew no less) in the face of such evil fomented by monsters like Ignatiev and Wise, and so many more, speaks volumes.

    I finally get it. As a yankee I was taught by my family, my community and my god that southerners deserve better than you.

  17. Re: Mosin


    After all, if the welfare state were gutted in an independent South, it would just be the White Southern Christian majority acting out their own ideology without federal interference.

  18. Re: NYYankees

    For the record, it was your fellow Yankees many generations ago who set the blacks loose, who gave them equal rights, who pioneered white guilt, and who passed the civil rights laws which created the present integrated society.

    Jews like Tim Wise and Noel Ignatiev are dogpiling onto a preexisting problem in Yankee culture.

  19. “But ‘moving them Niggers north’ using financial incentives is peaceful, and NOT taboo”

    The trouble for Southerners is that the trend has been increasingly in the opposite direction. This bothers me not as the Deep South does not have a climate that suits White men who evolved in Northern climes while the Negro has physical adaptations to the tropical and sub-tropical conditions. I hear that Florida has again suffered an outbreak of Yellow Fever.

  20. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘Sam, we Catholics know about the bad side of our history,’

    Who are you trying to kid?

    I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck.

    I was born and raised Catholic, grew up among Catholics. Went to Catholic schools, most of my friends and relatives are/were Catholics.

    After becoming an evangelical, still still enmeshed Christianity I went door to door weekends for YEARS witnessing.

    Catholics were the most clueless.

    Friar Tuck: ‘As for kissing the Pope’s behind or finding our doctrine on the bread and wine becoming the real flesh and blood of Jesus is repulsive to you’

    Once again slippery Torquemada twists my words.

    I didn’t say it was repulsive. I don’t believe it to be true, of course, but killing those who do not believe … is REPULSIVE , disgusting and criminally deviant behavior.

    Would you acknowledge that it is??

  21. <"The whole South including Appalachia was impoverished after the war by the abolition of slavery."

    I read your references and do not exactly see that Appalachia was impoverished by the abolition of slavery per se (as there were precious few slaves there to begin with) but by the predations of carpetbagging businessmen who took advantage of the wrecked economies of the Appalachian region to buy up physical assets and real property there on the cheap.

  22. Linder’s signature line on his VNN posts is “If we exterminate termites because they destroy the foundations of our houses, how much more lenient should we be in our treatment of jews, who destroy the foundations of our society?”

    I pointed out a significant disanalogy to him: namely, that Jews, unlike termites, possess a sovereign homeland sitting on a nuclear, biological, and chemical arsenal. If termites had a similar deterrent, we would not be exterminating them either.

    He just waved my argument away as it it were irrelevant, which reinforced my impression that Linder’s exterminationism is not to be taken seriously, and Linder’s idea of action is simply to put maximally harsh and obnoxious rhetoric on the internet. Unfortunately, other people might take him seriously.

    Jews and the Left try to suppress ideas because they take ideas seriously. Most people on the Right simply don’t. The reason I express my views is because I want to change the world, and changing the world ultimately requires that people act on my ideas. I am content to hide behind the First Amendment and the fiction that adults are responsible for their own actions, if that keeps me in the game. But if I didn’t believe that ideas have real world consequences, I would be in a different business.

    Linder believes the same things of course. If he weren’t trying to influence people, he would remain silent. But he is maintaining the everything Glenn Miller did is Glenn Miller’s responsibility. That’s how one stays in the game.

  23. Correction: That penultimate line should read: “But he is maintaining the fiction that everything Glenn Miller did is Glenn Miller’s responsibility.”

  24. ‘the Deep South does not have a climate that suits White men who evolved in Northern climes’

  25. Re: ‘I read your references and do not exactly see that Appalachia was impoverished by the abolition of slavery’:

    There was resource exhaustion with increasing population or long term settlement — less prime lumber, dwindling wildlife, less game meat, fewer furs, severe soil erosion and loss of fertility and dwindling yields trying to grow row crops on steep slopes on shallow soils without lime or fertiliser. Chestnut blight in the early twentieth century was another blow.

  26. Glenn Miller had to drive three hours from Marionville, MO to Overland Park, KS.

    It’s simply implausible that Miller wasn’t pumping himself up on the way there and getting himself enraged by all the bile that Alex has spewed over the years. I’m sure it will come out that he had thought about doing it for a long time.

  27. Can you imagine our enemies acting in such an immature and undisciplined way? When the Jews want to hurt a country — Iraq, for example — they don’t express their hatred for Iraqis by setting off a truck bomb in front of the Iraqi embassy. They very carefully make a long-range plan to get one of their creatures elected President, and then they use the powers controlled by the President to inflict really serious damage on Iraq. If the Clinton administration became angry at China, say, the government would not send a squad of U.S. Marines to shoot up a Chinese restaurant in Washington. And Janet Reno wouldn’t show her opposition to letting Americans purchase firearms by ordering FBI agents to throw bricks through the windows of gun stores or to spray-paint hateful graffiti on the headquarters of the National Rifle Association.

    The reason America’s internal enemies are winning now is because they not only use their heads to make plans, but they also exercise self-discipline. They keep their feelings under control. When Madeleine Albright began her murderous bombing of Serbia this spring, every Jewish organization in America came out with strong statements of support for the bombing. It obviously was something the Jews had been thinking about for a while. But they did not act prematurely and foolishly by doing something like shooting up the Serb community center in Chicago. They understood that such an action would not cripple the Serbs or even weaken them; it would only put them on the alert, make them angry, and generate public sympathy for them.

    I’ll recap what I just said. Random acts of violence don’t make sense now. Temper tantrums are not helpful. What we need now is self-discipline, not self-indulgence. It’s good for us to remember now the old, old rule for people who want to get rid of a king. The rule is: kill the king with your first stroke; don’t merely wound the king, because if you do he surely will kill you – William Pierce

    Found in the comments at CC. Worth repeating for more readers.

  28. Linder’s latest broadcast.

    Touches on several issues. Some you may agree with, some not.

    It is refreshing to hear someone lay out the truth concerning groids, jews and the media.

    Hannity, Limbaugh and all the rest are worthless when all is said and done.

    He gets into the Rounder situation. Mentions Hunter and a few others in passing.

    Make of it what you will.

    From 52;45 to the end it is quite informative. He nails the negro question! No sugar coating BS.

  29. I forwarded the following to MI Spooks with a follow up question and they reply below:

    Rounder will get his chance to explain his actions; we needn’t. I will defend Rounder the man. I know him to be penny-scrupulous…no exaggeration…on money, and to be selflessly dedicated to our cause.

    All kinds of people were killed in the last week, but the anti-white media are only interested in a select set. Well, I’m interested in the others, as I’ve mentioned.

    Never defend, only attack.

    When will you victims of congenital mental dwarfism grasp that principle?


    What’s the best reply to that?

    Alex’s 14 year long track record with VNN speaks for itself.

    Yesterday he announced that Frazier Glenn Miller is a great man.

    He’s also come out and established an explicit anti-Christian religious test for VNN.

    And in a further example of typical Jewish behavior Alex has memory-holed the Miller thread.

    I’ve been searching for the genius you claim to discern in Alex. I must report that I haven’t been able to find it yet (after 14 years). I have however recently found photos of Alex that show he would be completely unremarkable on the streets of Tel Aviv.

    I’m sure this all contributed to why the drunken federal informant was so confused over Whooz A Jew?

    Alex Linder and his Jewish Linder Relatives

  30. TMT #220.5 — I Knew TraitorGlenn Miller — 17 April 14
    Time: April 17, 2014 10:00 PM EST/9:00 PM CST

    Live show @


    The biggest news in the bowel Movement is last Sunday’s cowardly shooting rampage by TraitorGlenn Miller. And now the even more cowardly positioning by bowel Movement “leaders” cooncerning TraitorGlenn Miller.

    So tonight I’ll state my experiences with TraitorGlenn Miller, how I pretended to be the Lumbee melungeon rat’s friend from 2000-2004, and then the full decade in which I tried to explain that a mongrel rat who turned on his “friends” was not to be trusted.


    Last week, Bryan Reo / SwordBrethren / Ol’ Niggerlips the Mamzer from Mentor took down Whitenationalist.org and especially the Christian Nationalist forum. Now SoredMamzer is making bogus DMCA copyright claims and I’m making a Counter-Notice, so there might well finally be litigation against the Mamzer from Mentor.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  31. Linder doesn’t talk much about black crime.

    The CofCC talks about black crime every day and has done so for the last 13 years that I have been around. It was the CofCC which turned the Trayvon Martin story upside down. It is unnecessary and counterproductive to link a legitimate issue like black crime to psychopathic nonsense like “exterminate the Jews.”

    What does Linder intend to do about the problem? Is his goal to inspire rampage shooters like Rounder? The only thing that accomplishes is to create more sympathy for Jews while further blackening the public image and reputation of White Nationalism. It also poisons people with resentment and makes them useless.

    None of his followers can be roused to do anything about black crime except bitch about it online or have meltdowns in public.

  32. I listen to Wallace, Johnson and Linder except when they’re talking about each other in which case I don’t listen to them.

    Take away the exterminationism, which I interpret as rhetorical bluster, and what I very seldom hear from Alex Linder is anything that isn’t convincing, well reasoned and true.

    There are always exceptions. His choice not to wash his hands of TGM appears to be one of them. His anti-Christianity is overblown to the point of pathology. But those two things don’t change the general case.

  33. To MI Spooks:

    You have agreed with Linder on more than you have disagreed, even Brad Griffin, who I have never respected. I only looked his way because of two people principally, you and Linder. I’ve had a feel for him more so than other figures out there understanding and perceiving him as inherently weak, consistently. He lacks steel strength.

    I find it interesting that Linder has been enamored with Griffin for so long. I’ve been smarter than Linder on one thing, Griffin. And I don’t wish Brad any ill will. He is apparently very quit witted and smarter than me but I think he got associated with serious matters that don’t fit his skill set.

    I can’t think of anything I disagree with you on except Linder. And I can’t think of but one thing I disagree with Linder on, i.e., his ‘exterminate all Jews mantra.’ Linder’s anti-Christian stance resonates with me. ‘A turd dipped in chocolate.’

    I remain unconvinced that he’s an agent or that he is Jewish.

    P.S. Brad, as for Linder on nigger crime listen:


  34. Sam, as usual, your bitterness and anger messes up your thinking. You seem to think that the flaws you find in the Catholic Church, and probably other churches, invalidate them. I got news for you. It’s sin that messes up people, not the church. The Church was established to preach the forgiveness of sins, upon repentance, in Jesus’s name. Sinners, even repentant sinners, rarely behave perfectly. That’s why we have the forgiveness of sins in Jesus name in the first place. Jesus himself warned that offenses would come within the church, but woe to those who caused them. So, I’m shocked, really shocked, that Catholics can make a mess like this. But you know what? It’s even worst outside the Church. There’s no repentance and forgiveness of sins. Nothing but hatred of God and your fellow man. I don’t think that will work out very well for you sam.

  35. “But you know what? It’s even worst outside the (RC) Church.”

    I don’t think you understand the root cause of the Reformation Dalton. As the medieval peasantry (or at least the emerging middle class) became literate, they realized that they didn’t need the non-Biblical bureaucratic cruft of the Catholic hierarchy to intermediate for them when worshipping Jesus. Thanks to Gutenberg they could get and read the Bible for themselves and not have it spoon fed and interpreted to them by some priestly intermediaries with hidden political agendas with the secular power structure.

    The Church and it’s accumulation of a thousand years of errors and corruption became obsolete. It’s really that simple.

  36. Rudel, The Catholic Church’s history after the Apostolic Era can be found in the Ante-Nicene Fathers. Those documents show the basic beliefs and governmental structure of the Church was pretty much like it was today. Jesus himself set up the basic structure and doctrines of the faith, and the Apostles fleshed them out.
    The basic cause of the Reformation was that too many priests and laymen thought they knew more than all the Christians that came before them. I think the nearly 500 years since 1517 has proven them wrong. None of them can agree on what constitutes true doctrine. If the church was just a social club, that wouldn’t matter, but the church’s mission was and is the salvation of souls. As a convert, I prefer a church who’s basic doctrines, especially concerning salvation, have been unchanged since 33 AD.

  37. BTW Rudel, it’s the groups outside the Catholic Church, like the Episcopal Church, that are becoming obsolete. I notice the more they reject the Catholic doctrines (such as the Trinity) that they originally had, the more they lose members and relevance. Many of these folks actually come back to the faith of their Catholic ancestors. I guess the “obsolete ” church is getting younger, while the new and improved models are getting old and worn out.

  38. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘You seem to think that the flaws you find in the Catholic Church, and probably other churches, invalidate them.’

    Flaws? LOL. An imperfect brush stroke on a painting by Da Vinci is a flaw.

    The massacres of the Cathars, Albigenses, Waldenses, and various peoples over the centuries from about 325 AD to the recent past relatively speaking are more than imperfections, flaws or whatever weasel words you choose.

    By their deeds you shall know them.

    But of course, in your hypnotized state, the heretics, non-believers and whoever got in the way of His Holiness deserved their fates.

    Friar: ‘ The Church was established to preach the forgiveness of sins, upon repentance, in Jesus’s name.’

    When were torture devices, persecutions, forced conversions, heresy trials and burnings at the stake established?

    You won’t answer that, will you?

    I must have overlooked the verses where Jesus, Peter, Paul and the rest spoke of such measures.

    Friar: ‘But you know what? It’s even worst outside the Church. There’s no repentance and forgiveness of sins.’

    Which church? Oh, the only true church, of course, the Catholic church. All else are eternally dooooooomed.

    Friar: ‘Nothing but hatred of God and your fellow man. I don’t think that will work out very well for you sam.’

    I hate God? I hate your concept of God.

    I hate pious frauds who act like devils pretending to be angels.

    You judge me negatively for my comments, yet murderers, Inquisitors, thieves, tyrants and torturers wearing flowing robes and giant crosses get a pass.

    You are a strange duck.

Comments are closed.