May Day 2014 March and Counter-Demonstration

Scott Terry, seen far right, infiltrates the 2014 May Day Parade
Scott Terry, seen far right, infiltrates the 2014 May Day Parade

District of Corruption

Editor’s Note: This article is being updated with photos and video as it becomes available.

by Shane Long

The May Day march in Washington, D.C. was interrupted yet again this year. The League of the South, with members of Trad Youth Network, staged a successful demonstration in opposition to the enemies of all things normal and productive as they made their way through the streets surrounding the White House. Participants traveled from as far away as Georgia and Indiana in a show of solidarity against the anti-white genocide of the Southern people.

The members spent the afternoon Thursday handing out copies of the Free Magnolia, praying and celebrating our Folk with supporters, and answering questions. We were approached by many Europeans who expressed sincere gratitude for our willingness to take a stand. Supporters included Italian and British media, Russian nationals, and a member of the Scottish national party.

Arriving prior to May Day protesters were members of Casa de Maryland, whose chants against deportation were boisterously answered with cries of “Deportation, Yes We Can.” On they marched ahead like a sea of puppets, save for one. One who would stay behind to learn that we had a common enemy as we spoke against the free-trade policies of the United States government. A hypocritical government which has destroyed the economy of Nations the world over, and caused the very people it portends to represent to become in many ways depending upon foreign slave labor. It is a government which has then invited these same third world immigrants to flood our Southern homeland, replacing the Southern population with a people alien to our culture, views, religion, way of life and survival. Indeed, Southern Independence is the answer to all of these problems.

DC police, as well as other police agencies, were on high alert anticipating violence from the May Day protesters. Paddy wagons at the ready, League members were asked to remain away from certain sections of the street where officers seemingly anticipated large amounts of arrests to be made.

Communist protesters were on slightly better behavior during their march from Malcolm X park, which was streamed over live feed – a service much appreciated by Southern Nationalists who enjoyed the added help in showing the world the degenerate nature of those involved. Communist protesters were shocked and angered to discover they had completed their entire march with at least one well-known Southern Nationalist marching in their ranks in plain view. The infiltrator heroically revealed himself, at last joining his compatriots. Of particular note was the light hearted camaraderie of those in attendance for the League of the South and TradYouth, in stark contrast to the blistering animosity for civilisation displayed elsewhere in front of the White House.

Special arrangements were made to ensure that our demonstrators could leave when we planned without leaving undo unrest in our wake for the city to settle. While prepared to defend our position and our safety, we were pleased to see a great reduction in the number of communist participants. Our intel has learned this was largely an intentional move by May Day organisers who feared many of their more outspoken participants were more of a liability than they were worth. Given the conversations our demonstrators made with the general public, we can’t fault the May Day organisers for wishing their marchers didn’t need overseers.

Our demonstrators stood firm with dignity as several of the marchers hurled slurs and spit in every direction, seeming as though the souls of mad men had long since taken control of their every movement. Fending off agitators and imitators, our message was carried through the streets of Washington clearly: We the Southern people have a right to exist, a right to be free, and we are not going away. Our numbers are growing. Our occupiers in Washington and beyond will know that on this ground, the streets belong to us.

Photo Gallery


SEIU/CASA de Maryland Demonstration

Fastforward to 18:42 to see the narrator approach our people:

Video streaming by Ustream

2014 May Day March

Fortunately, a group called Roots Media was on hand in Washington, DC to film and archive the 2014 May Day March in its entirety for us:

Video streaming by Ustream

Video streaming by Ustream

Video streaming by Ustream

Video streaming by Ustream

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. ‘I fetishize (as you so delicately put it) over many White women. I even married a couple of them’. Rudel wrote earlier about his experiences with ‘all the Jewesses’ — and Apuleius the RC (more evidence that RCs are NOT puritanical!) approves: ‘Nice display of pulchritudinous lovelies, Rudel. Very fetish worthy’. Tamer of Savages (aka No Man), another RC, posted a picture of a Negress who attracts him. This is not beneficial for OD or White Nationalism. But other WN blogs are much worse, and some of them INTENTIONALLY so, such as ‘Hipster Racist’ and ‘Chateau Heartiste’. I suggest: Don’t go there! But ‘The fear of the Lord is to hate evil’ and Vlad would impale thousands of contemporary Whites who lack morality, conscience and self control.

  2. Apuleius, the Klan supported prohibition, social security, public schools and a whole host of other leftist, socialist ideas.
    When I look at history I see those on the ‘left’ as actually getting stuff done and the ‘right’ pissing and moaning.
    So the question , to me, is not when did we lose our country? Rather, when did we lose the left?

  3. Tyranny Lamp hates liberty.

    Re: the ‘1000s’: ‘One thousand shall flee at the rebuke of one’ and ‘One shall chase a thousand, and two shall put ten thousand to flight’!

  4. “Vlad would impale thousands of contemporary Whites who lack morality, conscience and self control.”

    In point of fact Vlad mainly impaled his fellow countrymen who switched sides in favor of the enemy during the war against the Ottoman Turks.

  5. “This is not beneficial for OD or White Nationalism.”

    Beautiful White women are quite beneficial to White Nationalism as it is what we are fighting for you pencil dicked, sanctimonious little prig.

    FYI: I just checked and there isn’t a single Protestant among any of those Aryan beauties I posted pictures of, both you and Earl Butz will be sorry to hear. LOL

  6. It’s time to end Zionist occupation of all lands ! For a white Europe and White America without the zionists ! CRUSH ZIONISM, COMMUNISM, CAPITALISM !

  7. “Apuleius, the Klan supported prohibition, social security, public schools and a whole host of other leftist, socialist ideas.
    When I look at history I see those on the ‘left’ as actually getting stuff done and the ‘right’ pissing and moaning.
    So the question , to me, is not when did we lose our country? Rather, when did we lose the left?”

    Which Klan are you talking about? I presume you mean the Klan of the 1920’s era, which was indeed for many leftist, socialist ideas such as eugenics. Not sure why you choose the Klan as a bellwether unless you are just trolling.

    As for “actually getting things done” I guess you mean the Detroitization of Amurrica. What a breathtaking achievement, indeed! When you finally manage to take off your commie glasses, the foreordained “inevitable” transformation of the nation only appears so through hindsight. Of course characterizing just critique of past mistakes as “pissing and moaning” poisons the well just a bit, don’t you think?

    We lost our country in 1865. I have no idea what “losing the left” is, and I suspect only a recent graduate from public schools would know what you mean.

    Nineteenth century linear determinism is an obsolete, faulty paradigm.
    Darwin and Marx are both dead. Your naive belief in progress is a relic from the past.
    Keep seeking. You ain’t even close, yet.

    Deo Vindice

    • I saw, Spelunkstein.

      Were you there with the May Day marchers your communist friends? I’m 13 hours away in Missouri right now, but I will be in Montgomery next Friday. In the meantime, I have got some business here to attend to.

  8. Liberty Lamp types, with their “brave” anti-racist posing and moral preening, always remind me of Jabba the Hutt’s little pet Salacious Crumb.

    Of course, these are the people who want to “fundamentally transform” Amurrica into the cantina bar from the first Star Wars movie. A wretched hive of scum and villainy. They are simply tools for the globalist corporations and the political elites.

    These are not the droids you are looking for, Liberty Lamp.

    Deo Vindice

  9. Nyyankees – for one that is all about telling others not to promote Jew lies, I’m quite shocked that you keep promoting one of the biggest Jew lies if all time: that Southern white men are known wife beaters and abusers. This is such a blatant Jew media perpetuated falsehood I’m curious if you wrote it out of anger or if you really think this?

    Southern women have always had the greater freedoms of all the women in the country, esp when compared to the NE puritans. This is why we never needed “to be freed” by Jewish feminists. Their lines don’t work here because, as you said already the left has sold white women a lie about supporting them. Southern women just always recognized the lie as being a lie.

  10. Does anyone actually read your blog, spelunker or are you just musing yourself and annoying us?

  11. Anger is what people who promote violence against women have. bigone4u is just one example of what winds up being a pageant of southerners (I wouldn’t completely exclude northerners here although outside of the somewhat weird northern racialist milieu they are better on average) who literally promote sexual violence towards women. bigone is very popular on Amren and has a history of attacking feminists for defending women against sexual assault, and claiming that such women are actually expressing ‘rejection anxiety.’

    The question is, if southerners hate feminism, then why do southern women vote? That is a right feminists fought for. Nothing can change that fact. It’s a power or ‘freedom,’ along with a whole slew of others that southern women enjoy, that northern feminists were pivotal in gaining for southern women. Are you guys being irrational out of anger or what?

    As for woman-beating, unfortunately it has been my experience that this behavior is more common in the South. I glean this from women friends I’ve known…from Texas, northern Florida, North Carolina… One Texan friend left the south after college to live in New England; she remarked upon relocating ‘how much better women are treated up here.’ I also observed how disrespectful southerners were to women and any who expressed the slightest bit of independence in college.

    So it’s been a collection of various sources that’s informed my position.

    I’d just love for southerners or whatever other anti-feminists exist to explain how it is that they hate feminism so much but support all the rights for women that only feminists established. Why it’s so difficult for people to discern between common sense morality when it comes to gender issues and imbalanced extremism baffles me. But scapegoating ‘feminists’ is just a proxy for hating women, and to make such values intrinsic to a political platform is pretty pathetic.

    It certainly does not appear to have worked too well so far.

  12. “The rabid, ideological descendants of Susan B. Anthony, Julia Ward Howe, and their ilk are very much with us today. ”

    Apuleius, how right you are. And they call came from the Post-Calvinist Protestant Egalitarian Yankee Supremacist NORTH.

  13. They existed in the South, too — and according to Susan Anthony the first active president of the Womens Suffrage Association of Alabama was a Miss Frances Griffin.

    The womens’ suffrage movement did exist but started later in the south than in New England. The authoress of ‘Gone with the Wind’, mentioned by another commenter here a few days ago, came from a southern suffragette background (her mother led the Georgia association) and the defiant attitude influenced characterisation in the novel.

  14. @NYFeminazi

    “So it’s been a collection of various sources that’s informed my position.”

    It’s going to take more than a few anecdotal snippets from friends of the likes of you to convince me (and the entire rest of the country) that the South isn’t a whole hell of a lot more polite to women and everyone else than the notoriously rude NYC is.

  15. This whole North vs South thingy seems to be working out so well for White people. I know generation after generation has been steeped in this rhetoric as a way of life, but isn’t this kind of like that whole knuckle-dragging contest of East Coast vs West Coast rappers that was going on years ago?

  16. Seeker of Truth writes:

    “When I look at history I see those on the ‘left’ as actually getting stuff done and the ‘right’ pissing and moaning.
    So the question , to me, is not when did we lose our country? Rather, when did we lose the left?”

    Jack replies:

    We basically lost the Left in the late 1960s, early 1970s when Jewish Leftists in the media , academia and just filthy rich Jews in general, joined with Blacks, homosexuals and feminists to attack all things White, including the White working class.

    This losing the Left is clearly shown in the 1970s TV show All in the Family, where Norman Lear (Jew producer) attacks Archie Bunker as a stupid, racist White Union worker who supports Richard Nixon and a Conservative, reactionary politics instead of progressive Left politics, why? Because he’s stupid and doesn’t know what is right and needs to be told what to do by New York, Hollywood Lib Left Jews, Blacks etc.

    Losing the Left for the Whote working class, White poor has been a constant theme since as far back as the 1920s in Germany – where Jewish Leftist, Jewish a Communists were confident they were coming to power in places like Red Berlinas prophesied by the Jew Karl Marx.

    Only it didn’t work out that way. Hitler, Ernst Roem, Hoerst Wessel and socialist leaning National Socialist were able to win just enough of the White German working class to come to power and give the boot to the likes of the Norman Lear’s and the Frankfurt School Jewish Marxists and the Jews never forget this and are constantly on the look out for any populist White leaders in the USA who might have some hope of doing the same with White American workers, poor Whites.

  17. This whole North vs South thingy seems to be working out so well for White people. I know generation after generation has been steeped in this rhetoric as a way of life, but isn’t this kind of like that whole knuckle-dragging contest of East Coast vs West Coast rappers that was going on years ago?

    Not really. The Northeast is the 500 pound gorilla in the room that continually seeks to impose its will on the rest of the proposition nation. That is the fundamental, extremely intractable problem and not a mere matter of rhetoric, as you so dismissively claim. The conflicts of ignorant negro rappers are wholly irrelevant to this issue.

    “All we want is to be left alone.”–Jefferson Davis

    So, how about it, Celestial Time? You folks do your strange social experimentation there and restrain from abusing federal power to make such bizarre experiments the law of the land. Leave our laws and our monuments alone. Stop the endless crusade to destroy our culture and our people. Stop trying to impose the “one right way” on everyone and stop trying to destroy anyone who has different needs, interests, and opinions.

    One size doesn’t fit all. The liberal/socialist/progressive totalitarianism needs to end at your borders. Your beloved federal government is the biggest threat to white people on the planet. Always has been.

    In Joespeak: know the line, dog. Good fences make for good neighbors.

    Deo Vindice

  18. So, how about it, Celestial Time? You folks do your strange social experimentation there and restrain from abusing federal power to make such bizarre experiments the law of the land. Leave our laws and our monuments alone.

    There? You mean there as in Nashville, TN?

    See, this is what I mean when I insinuate this little game is completely counterproductive. Children play this game. You have no idea who you are even talking to, but if someone isn’t playing along and singing your tune, then they must be one of them there Yankees. I’ve lived in the South my whole life, you dick! So when you say “our way of life,” what you really are trying to say is your interpretation or your own set of values dictating what “our cultures and values” is supposed to mean. In reality, it’s people like you trying to impose the “one right way” on everyone else just as much as you claim Northerners are.

  19. Don’t let our radically-left, psychologically-sick friends fool you…

    The “Marxists” numbered, maybe 100; their numbers were greatly reduced this year thanks, in large part, to the large immigration rally taking place at the same time.

    Lead organizer Mike Golash and I, talked about it a bit …

    And, they didn’t “ignore” the League guys. There were audible gasps of displeasure at seeing the League and Trad Youth walled off by a cop-fence. They wanted to engage again. I’d say a crowd of about twenty to thirty, milled around the fence-area, either watching, or participating in the yelling-of-taunts back-n-forth.

    …30 out of a hundred… is that enough to say that, at least, a part of the crowd didn’t ignore us?

  20. Nyyankees – Regarding voting, that was women’s suffrage and has nothing to do with modern day Jewish feminism. In fact many white southern men and women supported voting rights for white women, especially seeing as after the North “liberated” the blacks they also gave them premium political positions and the right to vote, well before they ever thought of poor white women’s rights. As usual, they cared about blacks and minorities half a century before.

    As I said white men and women from the South strongly wanted voting rights for white women after decade upon decade of seeing illiterate blacks able to vote, and their educated wives and mothers could not. Education was another thing NOT given to us by the North. We had women already attending fine Universities, although when the Union army burned these down it did take time to rebuild them before women could formally enroll again.

  21. Zionism took hold as a social movement, mostly religious, with a fervor in the Southeast it didn’t even come close to approaching in the Northeast. I’d ‘politely’ ask if southern despots could please keep their hands off my men, who will no longer die or be maimed in neo-con wars designed to service jewish and southern zionist privilege. It was precisely in the evil state of Vermont that the strongest challenge initiated; Howard Dean literally burst onto the scene in the 2004 presidential election after being one of the only governors or national level politicians who was willing to question the movement white southerners gave so much support to. He went on to lay the foundation for Obama’s election, so I’d easily cede that his challenge was not only short-lived, but doomed to become perverted into another form of anti-white despotism. Dean was the one who gained notoriety not just for his anti-Iraq War stance, but for claiming he wanted to appeal to Confederate flag-waving white men who drive pick-up trucks:

    Note that the southerner John Edwards shames Dean for his homage to the working class white southern confederate.

    Jack Ryan, white feminists did not join with jews, blacks and homosexuals in an attack on the white working class. They largely became subsumed, dominated and eventually alienated by that unholy alliance. Unfortunately some of the lesbians participated dispassionately but willingly, as their only hope of survival lay in establishing a right for themselves to exist independently from male support. Feminism in its second wave sought to redress some fundamental injustices that plagued middle and upper middle class whites – on a rhetorical level. In pragmatic reality, it probably accomplished more negatives for most whites than it mitigated. But that’s how jewish and black ‘civil rights’ drives work. They purport to represent middle class white interests but only manipulate whites in the process into further disenfranchising themselves. I’d just clarify that most white feminists were used by Diversity, instead of having furthered it’s agenda wittingly or even, at a certain point, willingly.

    It’s interesting, JR, that you reference Archie as an example of jewish anti-white propaganda. As a small child in growing up in the 70’s, I considered Archie a mean old crank (the working class version of Rudel), which he definitely was, but still perceived him to have legitimate complaints and assumed that most whites understood that. I think the jewish manipulation was to make him such a caricature that his stance became associated with extremes of disrespect to Edith, his blonde airhead daughter, the liberal un-macho ‘Meathead,’ and Diversity. The devil speaks in half truths.

    RIP Michael Murphy

  22. And I think your experience with a weird commenter online and a few misplaced Southerners (or one) – is not enough to impugn the moral character of a vast region of people. Remember these are our fathers, brothers, cousins and friends you are referring to.

  23. Hmm…perhaps the clash I experienced first hand at a university whose region seems to fall under dispute (DC) was nuanced; true southerners, which to me as a northeasterner means ‘Dixie,’ were different, although seemingly sexist to my sensibility, from the Texans/Oklahomans. Scroll down this thread on DailyStormer to read a bit on how truly different the elite class of Texans are (and be sure to click on the link provided by one of the posters):

    For the record, and in belated response to Mosin’s query about my faith or lack thereof, I despise Catholicism and it’s sick torture porn worship and faggotry. To have to deal with it’s problems combined with southern pedestalization of women at a DC university was beyond challenging. Add to that the hardcore zionist woman-enslavement of the Texas oil-monied elite and it became a living nightmare.

    It’s no coincidence that the author of Charlie Wilson’s War, which exposed how truly depraved the Texas elite are in their hatred of the working class and women, attended the college where I learned first hand about these ‘southern’ problems.

  24. “See, this is what I mean when I insinuate this little game is completely counterproductive. Children play this game. You have no idea who you are even talking to, but if someone isn’t playing along and singing your tune, then they must be one of them there Yankees. I’ve lived in the South my whole life, you dick! So when you say “our way of life,” what you really are trying to say is your interpretation or your own set of values dictating what “our cultures and values” is supposed to mean. In reality, it’s people like you trying to impose the “one right way” on everyone else just as much as you claim Northerners are.”

    It is childish to ignore government by judicial fiat or executive order and pretend that it does not violate any notion of representative government. Whether you like it or not, there is only one dominant culture in any country. If each state were autonomous, the abuse of the 14th amendment to limitlessly expand the scope of the federal government would be a moot point and there would be no issue at all.

    You may support the judicial activism that strikes down any election results that contradict the liberal dogma, but I don’t. You may harbor the illusion that you actually have representation in DC, but I don’t. You may support affirmative action, gay marriage, and the “act of love” that is illegal immigration, but I don’t. You may support minority rule over the majority, but I don’t.

    If you want to pretend there are no significant differences among groups, or there or no conflicting interests among those groups, or that everyone is enamored with being ruled by out of touch liberal elites primarily concentrated in the Northeast who use the law to impose their strange social experiments on the rest of us, then by all means, please continue to do so.

    If someone isn’t playing along or singing your tune, they may be a “dick” in your little echo chamber world, but if you can’t handle political discussions then stay out of them.

    As for where you were born, I could care less. Yankeeism is a state of mind, and you are eat up with it, you insufferable little twit. Now trot on off to go lick the hand of you masters in the federal government, like the worthless cur that you are.

    Deo Vindice

  25. NYYankees, what you are describing is known as “culture shock.” Encountering an alien culture often produces such a response. We don’t understand you any more than you understand us. Self determination of peoples is a good thing for that very reason.

    By “Texas oil-monied elite” are you referring to such as the Bush family? We just call them carpetbaggers. It rolls off the tongue so much easier.

    “To have to deal with it’s problems combined with southern pedestalization of women at a DC university was beyond challenging. Add to that the hardcore zionist woman-enslavement of the Texas oil-monied elite and it became a living nightmare.”

    My goodness, how you have suffered! Bless your heart, poor thing.

    Deo Vindice

  26. Apuleius,

    You are are a joke. None of what you write makes any kind of sense, because your whole argument is based on having some North vs South rhetorical argument. Are you embarrassed because you thought I was a Yankee? That’s right, it’s a state of mind, because Yankeeism is what you’re a-fightin’. I guess I’m fighting Stupidism and Backwardism and Dumbassism.

    What the hell are you even trying to argue? It’s like you’re having a conversation with yourself. Like I said, I’m in Nashville. Where are you? Do you ever come to Nashville?

    If Southern Nationalism has people like you as mouthpieces, then I’m kind of glad I put a little distance between it and myself.

  27. “That’s right, it’s a state of mind, because Yankeeism is what you’re a-fightin’. I guess I’m fighting Stupidism and Backwardism and Dumbassism.”

    As you stick your nose in the air and pretend to smell the pleasant aroma of your superiority, ponder how it is that God made you so enlightened and sent you here to redeem us poor benighted sinners.

    Nice touch with the hillbilly cliche of “a-fightin’.” I imagine your followup will be some sort of incest joke. You people are so predictable.

    Is the fact that you are in Nashville supposed to lend any credibility to your ad hominem attacks? You would have to be really stupid, backward, and dumbassed to believe that.

    I haven’t read a single constructive statement from you. Maybe it’s because the reading comprehension skills you picked up in public school are…somewhat lacking.

    Put a little more distance between yourself and Southern Nationalism. Move North. There are many, many more just like you there.

    Cheerio, lickspittle, and have a Dixie day!

    Deo Vindice

  28. Put a little more distance between yourself and Southern Nationalism. Move North. There are many, many more just like you there.

    Cheerio, lickspittle, and have a Dixie day!

    Where would I move exactly? I already live in the South. I’ve lived in TN my whole life. Why don’t you just move? Do you live in TN? Does the fact that I live in Nashville and you apparently don’t give you some kind of insight to tell me what “The South” is and what it isn’t? Does the fact that you claim to live in the South lend any credibility to your own ad hominem attacks about Yankeeism?

    You’re a pretentious little prick with an inferiority complex. I assume you didn’t like my Southern cliche? Aren’t you Southern? I figured you would like it, because you didn’t hesitate to give me your rendition of what Yankeeism is and how I fit the bill.

    Tempus Rerum Imperator

  29. I can see you can’t let it go, can you Salacious Crumb, er…Celestial Seasonings, er…Sleepy Time, er…Lemon Zinger?

    “Where would I move exactly?”
    North, as I said. You really need to work on those reading comprehension skills.

    “ad hominem attacks about Yankeeism”
    Don’t be silly. Yankeeism isn’t a person, so it isn’t an ad hominem. Doh!

    “You’re a pretentious little prick with an inferiority complex.”
    YAWN. And your point would be exactly what?

    “Tempus Rerum Imperator”
    I derive more amusement from the many hysterical responses by butthurt ignoramuses about my use of the motto “Deo Vindice” than just about anything. Thanks for the laugh.

    Sherwood Schwartz did the hillbilly mocking routine much better than you ever will about 40 years ago. At least he was entertaining. You are not. Now go find some new material.

    I found a website that might be of more interest to you. Birds of a feather and all that.

    Come back when you learn how to formulate a coherent thought.
    Name calling is a poor substitute for having an intelligent opinion.

    Deo Vindice

  30. ‘Yankeeism’ isn’t a kind of name, huh, Apuleius? Kinda like ‘culture shock,’ I’d wager…
    I fully get that the southern ‘politeness’ towards women is fake, as evidenced by your salvo: “My goodness, how you have suffered! Bless your heart, poor thing.” Northern white men’s manners, curt and brusque as they may seem, reflect their true thoughts. I thank *real* goodness for that. Your convenient labels or ‘names’ still don’t explain how it is a *southern* ‘pro- white worker’ politician castigated a ‘yankee’ for redeeming the Confederate flag…

  31. NYYankees you are conflating the mannerisms of a small portion of upper crust Southerners with those of the entire population.

  32. “you are conflating the mannerisms of a small portion of upper crust Southerners”

    I’ve known fabulously rich Texans and dirt poor Texans but to describe any Texan as “upper crust” is a bit of a stretch. 🙂

  33. Let’s see if I can do a very simple break down of the Great Southern Logic of Apuleius. I make a comment:

    This whole North vs South thingy seems to be working out so well for White people. I know generation after generation has been steeped in this rhetoric as a way of life, but isn’t this kind of like that whole knuckle-dragging contest of East Coast vs West Coast rappers that was going on years ago?

    Obviously I believe the North vs South in the pro-White sphere is a waste of time and divisive, much like negroes claiming whose coast is producing the best rap. It’s been a giant waste of time ever since I can remember—nothing but division and mediocrity have ever come from it.

    Even though I neither made no mention of anything specifically derogatory toward North or South, nor did I claim to be from the North, you then responded with:

    You folks do your strange social experimentation there

    Tell me, what gave you the ability to anoint yourself “The South” and anything not toeing the line with your exact way of thinking as The North? I’m sure you can understand how someone would be a little confused with your rationale, because immediately after purposely dividing up difference of opinion and pushing that difference into camps of North vs South, you went on to say:

    Stop trying to impose the “one right way” on everyone and stop trying to destroy anyone who has different needs, interests, and opinions.

    I see. So you are The South, and imposing the “one right way” is your job, right?

    I, too, found a webpage, and I’m sure that it might be of more interest to you:

  34. My apologies for the offense, NYYankees. Just “bustin’ your balls,” to use an idiom I picked up somewhere. Now where was that?

    The only whining I ever do is always about yankees, whom I regard as second only to Satan as the source of all evil in the world. Like the atheists do with God, the way I see it is since you can’t “prove” good yankees exist, good yankees do not exist.

    It works for me, but if I were forced by circumstance to live among them as you are, poor devil, I’d keep that little pearl of wisdom to myself. They get really hostile when they know you’re on to them. Given their talents for theft, rape, arson, and murder (they call it “trampling out the vintage” or some such), I’d leave well enough alone.

    By the way, Yankeeism is indeed a name (most nouns are), but not a person. So it isn’t an ad hominem. I hope you can understand the difference, unlike the perverted scalawag Sleepy Time. That last clause contained an ad hominem. See?

    One other thing.
    “Northern white men’s manners” Isn’t that an oxymoron?
    Or is an oxymoron what you call it when she puts it in her mouth?
    Big words sometimes confuse me just like they do with Sleepy Time.

    Ever wonder why the overwhelming majority of these Communist demonstrators always speak with a northern accent? Me, too.

    Deo Vindice

  35. I’m flattered by the website, Sleepy Time. To think you did that just for me.
    Aw shucks, you’re making me blush…

    Remember, when I post I am expressing my opinion, not yours. No need for a special appointment as the official spokesman for all Southerners that way.

    I would like to take the time to designate you the official spokesman for perverted scalawags. Now have at it.

    By the way, how is your wife and my kids? I hope they are well.

    Deo Vindice

  36. “By the way, Yankeeism is indeed a name”

    I always thought it was “damnyankeeism” as in damnyankee but then I’m old-fashioned. I guess times change and words along with it.

  37. Apuleius, why don’t you ever respond like an adult? What about my previous comment was inaccurate or painted a picture of you that was contrary to the way you behaved?

    Have you completed or even reached puberty? I really don’t mean that as a rhetorical question. You just don’t seem right in the head if you are claiming to be more than 19.

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