May Day 2014 March and Counter-Demonstration

Scott Terry, seen far right, infiltrates the 2014 May Day Parade
Scott Terry, seen far right, infiltrates the 2014 May Day Parade

District of Corruption

Editor’s Note: This article is being updated with photos and video as it becomes available.

by Shane Long

The May Day march in Washington, D.C. was interrupted yet again this year. The League of the South, with members of Trad Youth Network, staged a successful demonstration in opposition to the enemies of all things normal and productive as they made their way through the streets surrounding the White House. Participants traveled from as far away as Georgia and Indiana in a show of solidarity against the anti-white genocide of the Southern people.

The members spent the afternoon Thursday handing out copies of the Free Magnolia, praying and celebrating our Folk with supporters, and answering questions. We were approached by many Europeans who expressed sincere gratitude for our willingness to take a stand. Supporters included Italian and British media, Russian nationals, and a member of the Scottish national party.

Arriving prior to May Day protesters were members of Casa de Maryland, whose chants against deportation were boisterously answered with cries of “Deportation, Yes We Can.” On they marched ahead like a sea of puppets, save for one. One who would stay behind to learn that we had a common enemy as we spoke against the free-trade policies of the United States government. A hypocritical government which has destroyed the economy of Nations the world over, and caused the very people it portends to represent to become in many ways depending upon foreign slave labor. It is a government which has then invited these same third world immigrants to flood our Southern homeland, replacing the Southern population with a people alien to our culture, views, religion, way of life and survival. Indeed, Southern Independence is the answer to all of these problems.

DC police, as well as other police agencies, were on high alert anticipating violence from the May Day protesters. Paddy wagons at the ready, League members were asked to remain away from certain sections of the street where officers seemingly anticipated large amounts of arrests to be made.

Communist protesters were on slightly better behavior during their march from Malcolm X park, which was streamed over live feed – a service much appreciated by Southern Nationalists who enjoyed the added help in showing the world the degenerate nature of those involved. Communist protesters were shocked and angered to discover they had completed their entire march with at least one well-known Southern Nationalist marching in their ranks in plain view. The infiltrator heroically revealed himself, at last joining his compatriots. Of particular note was the light hearted camaraderie of those in attendance for the League of the South and TradYouth, in stark contrast to the blistering animosity for civilisation displayed elsewhere in front of the White House.

Special arrangements were made to ensure that our demonstrators could leave when we planned without leaving undo unrest in our wake for the city to settle. While prepared to defend our position and our safety, we were pleased to see a great reduction in the number of communist participants. Our intel has learned this was largely an intentional move by May Day organisers who feared many of their more outspoken participants were more of a liability than they were worth. Given the conversations our demonstrators made with the general public, we can’t fault the May Day organisers for wishing their marchers didn’t need overseers.

Our demonstrators stood firm with dignity as several of the marchers hurled slurs and spit in every direction, seeming as though the souls of mad men had long since taken control of their every movement. Fending off agitators and imitators, our message was carried through the streets of Washington clearly: We the Southern people have a right to exist, a right to be free, and we are not going away. Our numbers are growing. Our occupiers in Washington and beyond will know that on this ground, the streets belong to us.

Photo Gallery


SEIU/CASA de Maryland Demonstration

Fastforward to 18:42 to see the narrator approach our people:

Video streaming by Ustream

2014 May Day March

Fortunately, a group called Roots Media was on hand in Washington, DC to film and archive the 2014 May Day March in its entirety for us:

Video streaming by Ustream

Video streaming by Ustream

Video streaming by Ustream

Video streaming by Ustream

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. ‘yankees, whom I regard as second only to Satan as the source of all evil in the world. Like the atheists do with God, the way I see it is since you can’t “prove” good yankees exist, good yankees do not exist’:


  2. Glad you noticed, Mosin.

    Sleepy Time is hitting on me now because he thinks I am underage. Ugh…

    Deo Vindice

  3. CelestialTime – This is a website for Southern Nationalism….the real question is what are you doing here if you don’t agree with it?

    Oh that’s right, because your Semitic blood will never allow people to be in control of their own destinies. You and all your brothers cannot control your meddling instincts, so you come on a page for our cause and stir dissension. Piss off back to Tel Aviv, ahem I mean “Nashville”.

    • To my knowledge, Celestial Time is pro-White and non-Christian.

      I’ve come to agree that the bickering on the internet is counter-productive. Instead of fighting on the internet, Southern Nationalists should join the League of the South and participate in our activities, and White Nationalists should join the CofCC or some other organization and do their own thing.

  4. Lol @ “Northern White Men’s manners”!!!!

    You mean the or Da.gos Nyyankees? Both are so well known for treating women so well. Or is it the Hispanics? Are you saying they are well known for good manners and anti sexism? Men in the South have and always will treat women better than ANY YANKEE ever dreamt of. And that’s coming from someone who has spent vast amount of time up North and dated Yankees.

  5. “To my knowledge, Celestial Time is pro-White and non-Christian.”

    He/she/it hasn’t made a single substantive remark in this thread, so it is impossible to figure out what his/her/its beliefs are, other than atheism. Well, that and he/she/it appears to have a well defined proclivity toward personal attacks and condenscension.

    I see no evidence of any pro-White beliefs expressed by this cretin so I wouldn’t jump to that conclusion. He/she/it does seem to indicate some degree of hostility towards SN, but perhaps this is just the residue of the hostility he/she/it has expressed towards me.

    Don’t know what his/her/its beliefs are and don’t really care. From what I can tell, he/she/it has very little to offer outside of personal insults. Which is fine with me, although he/she/it is a really piss poor substitute for my old friend the snapping turtle.

    I’ve dated a few yankee women in my time. They are very…generous. But then again, most decent men want to bring home a wife, not an incurable STD, so they are best avoided.

    Deo Vindice

  6. Celestial Time,

    “None of what you write makes any kind of sense, because your whole argument is based on having some North vs South rhetorical argument.”

    It’s not “rhetorical.” It’s real. Speaking for myself as a Yankee from Michigan, I laugh each time I see yet another clueless WN delude themselves with the Rodney King mantra of “can’t we all just get along?” and “we’re all in this together.” Um, no, we’re not! The greatest enemy of the White race is… the White race. Apulieus is absolutely right that the 500 pound gorilla in the room is Yankeedom. I live among these people. There’s not an ounce of normalcy or morality in them. You see NYYankees? She’s the norm up here minus the race consciousness. I don’t want to live in a nation with “ladies” like her. What normal White man would?

    There’s nothing “divisive” about the Yankee-Dixie struggle. The contempt for American Whites from the North is a perfectly healthy reaction to their demonic impulse to level everything and murder everyone that doesn’t conform with “equality.” They’ve been at it since they set foot on this continent in 1620. Yankees with their anti-white, anti-Christian egalitarianism are a filthy, disgusting, depraved shit stain on our race. Images like the following aren’t so “evil” to those of us who get that:

  7. “Images like the following aren’t so “evil” to those of us who get that:”

    What exactly is your point in showing what looks to be someone who just got his leg blown off?

  8. Rudel,

    My point is that I don’t feel sorry for White Northerners when they are maimed like that. If anything it makes me smile. Race traitors are worse than any non-white enemy.

  9. There must be something in the water in Michigan that makes folks from there like Dan Poole and Chris313 so batshit crazy. Lord knows I can’t stand the place. It’s mostly just a big flat nothing with scrubby looking trees and nasty rusted out cities scattered through it. I hear the Upper Peninsula is supposed to be nice but I’ve never been there.

  10. That image is from the Boston Bombing, by the way. Boston is Yankee Heaven. I’ll never forget vacationing there as a 15 year old in 2004 and seeing how decadent its denizens are.

  11. Rudel,

    I concur with your sentiments about my home state. Haven’t been to the UP myself.

  12. “My point is that I don’t feel sorry for White Northerners when they are maimed like that. If anything it makes me smile. Race traitors are worse than any non-white enemy.”

    You don’t know anything about that guy. How do you know he is a “race traitor?” Your lack of basic empathy is symptomatic of a serious psychopathology. It could just as easily be you next time. Are you a “race traitor?”

  13. “Boston is Yankee Heaven.”

    Ok, taking the line from E.B.Whites ditty that to an Easterner a Yankee is a New Englander then Boston is not “Yankee heaven.” Too many Irish. Yankee heaven in this context would be Nantucket, The Berkshires, Bar Harbor, upstate New Hampshire, or the Allagash River. Places like that.

  14. “What exactly is your point in showing what looks to be someone who just got his leg blown off?”

    New acronym coined. DWN: Disingenuous White Nationalist

    They wouldn’t have gotten their legs blown off if they hadn’t let these Chechens in the country in the first place. The Russian government tried to warn our feckless, fucked-up federal government. But the diversity…the diversity…

    Every picture tells a story. And the story here is yankee DWLs hoist on their own petard.

    What I really loved is when the stupid bastards applauded the militarized police SWAT teams who just finished violating their Fourth Amendment rights during the city-wide “Lockdown.” Lockdowns are something that happens in prison, in case you didn’t know.

    If you don’t understand this, you are already too far gone.

    Deo Vindice

  15. Rudel,

    I selected that image at random to make my point about White Northerners (particularly Northeasterners). And yes, I plead guilty to lacking empathy. Those who would show Whites like me no mercy deserve none themselves. If something like that photo ever happened to me, I’d expect no sympathy from anyone but my family.

  16. Apuleius,

    Can you SN’s please do pro-White Yankees like me a favor and ship all your darkies to the Northeast where the whites can live with them in glorious harmony? Send some to Michigan to. The DWL infested suburbs up here need a serious dose of their own medicine.

  17. Crimson whenever I’ve been in a majority or plurality of my own northern tribe, the northwestern europeans, my men have stood by me 100%. No primadonna like Dan Poole, or whatever flavor of misogynist, male or female, has convinced them that I am the evilfeminaziwhowantstokill6millionbabies.

    Nope, they’ve never allowed a male hand of any color to touch me against my will. If you don’t like northern men, don’t come up here and fraternize with them. It wasn’t really southern men who were so vile, anyway; southern women and faggot jesuits pretty much got any man they could to degrade innocent northern white women, who were far more likely to contract a disease from some degenerate dauphin than vice versa, Apostate to Pro-White aka ‘Apuleius.’

    Dan Poole if you weren’t a kid, and a particularly jackass one at that, I’d parry your inane insults, but the yankee egalitarian in me was raised to fight fair.

  18. Apparently that guy in the photo survived despite all that arterial blood all over the place. All the muscle in his leg tightened and shortened up exposing all that bone and actually acting as a tourniquet on his femoral artery. I’ve seen a lot of really bad traumatic leg wounds like that one do that.

    If those Muslim bombers had been going for a higher fatality rate they should have rigged those bombs to go off at chest level instead of having them just sitting on the pavement.

  19. NYYankees,

    This time I was giving you a back-handed compliment. You are indeed “normal” as far as Northern White women go. It’s just that your “normalcy” is everyone else’s degeneracy. I pity the Northern men that allow themselves to be cuckolded by you. They should leave you to your well-deserved fate. I know I would.

  20. “Those who would show Whites like me no mercy deserve none themselves.”

    The perpetrators were a couple of Chechens not spectators at the marathon.

    Again, how do you know that guy with the blasted leg was a “race traitor?” Virginians (from all over the state I might add) just elected a Clintonista to the U.S. Senate. Do you approve of blowing up random groups of Virginians?

    Or are you just some sort of 19th Century nihilist who is mad at the world and just wants to see people killed randomly?

  21. Rudel,

    1. I told you already that I lack empathy. The Bostonians bought that disaster on themselves.

    2. Virginia has long since been “de-Southernized,” so to speak. North Carolina is heading in that direction. Northern Virginia in particular has little in common with the South these days thanks to Yankee migration. So yes, I wouldn’t feel sorry for them either.

    3. The post 1789 anti-white, anti-Christian, egalitarian world needs to be razed to the ground. If this makes me a nihilist, sobeit.

  22. The victims of the bombing were proper victims. Getting maimed on a race finishing line is to be a victim of evil.
    The FBI ignored the FSB’s warning. Period.

  23. As for the election map, Massachusetts Whites went for Obama 57-42. White men went for him 50-48. Obama would have won that state even if not a single white woman voted. That’s how insane they are.

  24. Dan, I am a very big proponent of the “move them niggers north” strategy. They will fit right in with all the “yankee egalitarian” mudsharks who suffer from extreme jungle fever.

    We did this before with the “Underground Railroad” and the “Great Migration.” Unfortunately, even negroes are smart enough to figure out yankees, and they come running back to get away from these degenerates.

    If I could I would ship them all to Massachusetts tomorrow. I don’t believe in cruelty to animals, but there are times when it is justified.

    When it comes to yankee women, the best that can be said is, “He arrived at his wedding night, only to find the package had been opened several times before.”

    Deo Vindice

  25. Spelunker,

    You’ve floored us here with the revelation that we know Scott Terry. Did you see the ADL’s scoop this afternoon that I was at the Amren conference?

  26. “As for the election map, Massachusetts Whites went for Obama 57-42. White men went for him 50-48. Obama would have won that state even if not a single white woman voted. That’s how insane they are.”

    You didn’t answer my question. There were plenty of towns that Obama did not take a majority of the votes. Would you advocate bombing those places too?

  27. Nyyankees – so then our actual disagreement about Southern men not being wife beaters, as per the Jew media lies, is not a disagreement. You say they weren’t the problem it was actually…..Southern white women in DC that encouraged problems?

    And what about the rape of 50,000+ Southern women during the Yankee invasion? Are their rapes not worthy of mention or do they not matter? Because with a headstart like that it would take our men hundreds of years to catch up.

  28. “The post 1789 anti-white, anti-Christian, egalitarian world needs to be razed to the ground. If this makes me a nihilist, sobeit.”

    OK. I hear you loud and clear. You are a homicidal maniac. Although why you pick 1789 in particular is not clear. Are you displeased with the ratification of the U.S. Constitution or is it the storming of the Bastille that has you upset enough to kill everyone? Please stay in Michigan if you hate it so much. It rather suits you to be in someplace you hate.

    Come anywhere near where me or my family lives and I’ll probably just shoot you in the fucking head.

  29. Rudel,

    In a word: Yes. Most of those counties are barely red anyway. And don’t think I don’t feel the same way about my home state. Lily white DWL suburbs need to be enriched by diversity ASAP.

  30. And don’t worry about me. I like you Rudel. You know more about Christianity than most of the Christians on here. You’re also funny, if a bit rude. (Pun not intended)

  31. Apuleius,

    What I mean by ‘losing the left’ is that they used to be pro-White. The south was defended by some very capable and energetic men, nearly all Democrats.
    It was free-market capitalists that flooded California and parts west with Chinese coolie labor. It was industrialists that worked so hard to give the Northeast to immigrants of every stripe, color and creed. It was those same simpering sacks of shit that razed my beautiful Alabama to the ground and gave illiterate negroes the power over life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Yeahbuddy the ‘right’ has been good to us huh?
    By the way, Detroit sucks because it is BLACK not because of its’ politics.
    Indeed God vindicates.

  32. @Apu

    “Every picture tells a story. And the story here is yankee DWLs hoist on their own petard.”

    I find it a bit disconcerting to see you agree with Dan. How do you know that the injured man was a “race traitor?” Do you advocate setting off bombs in those townships that Obama did not win? Do you want to burn down all of Christendom in the manner Dan advocates?

  33. Rudel says:

    ‘What exactly is your point in showing what looks to be someone who just got his leg blown off?’

    Apuleius says: ” They wouldn’t have gotten their legs blown off if they hadn’t let these Chechens in the country in the first place.”

    As if those people in the crowd were personally responsible for bringing the bombers into their community.

    Most people in this country are very much opposed to allowing Chechens/Muslims into the country.

    More likely than not a high percentage of the residents in Boston are Catholics and members of the true church… according to your theology.

    Why is it that you have no compassion for your Yankee brothers in the faith?

  34. “As if those people in the crowd were personally responsible for bringing the bombers into their community.”

    Stop making sense, this is after all Occidental Dissent. 60% of the folks in Massachusetts voted for Obama in 2012. That means they all deserve to die!

  35. No, that’s not right either. 51.1% of American voters who bothered to vote, voted for Obama in 2012. That means we are all supposed to die!

    Wait, I still haven’t got this logic straight. 0.3% of Parisians stormed the Bastille in 1789. That means all White people must be burned to the ground!

    There, that’s it. Where is Jim Jones when we need him?

  36. How is voting cohenservative a good thing Dan? If anything I would prefer the Democrats, since their policies are less likely to lull us into complacency.

  37. “Most people in this country are very much opposed to allowing Chechens/Muslims into the country.”

    Must be why they gave Dzhokar a $200,000 scholarship locally.

    “More likely than not a high percentage of the residents in Boston are Catholics and members of the true church… according to your theology.”

    Umm. No. Have you ever talked to any so-called “Catholics” from Boston or attended mass with them? I didn’t think so. They are the most profane disrespectful Catholics I have ever observed with the possible exception of New Yorkers. They refer to communion as “taking the cookie” talk loudly and incessantly before, during, and after mass, and only view Catholicism as a cultural accoutrement exactly like secular Jews view Judaism. Their real religion is liberalism more often than not and by now if they have not all apostatized, they are well on their way.

    “Why is it that you have no compassion for your Yankee brothers in the faith?”

    My faith is not liberalism, so sorry, no. “Compassion” is liberal speak for the smarmy sentiment that has replaced the very proper virtue of mercy. Save your false “compassion” for starving Africans, you Bono wannabe.

    As ye sow, so shall ye reap. The law of the harvest ain’t going away any time soon.

    Deo Vindice

  38. CelestialTime – This is a website for Southern Nationalism….the real question is what are you doing here if you don’t agree with it?

    Whether or not I completely agree with the concept or implementation/tactics of Southern Nationalism has nothing to do with my ability to compartmentalize. I am White. I have lived in the South my whole life. I have a large Battle Flag that greets people when they walk into my home. It’s been there a long time. So obviously the whole “Southern” thing doesn’t bother me. I don’t have to completely agree with something in order to “not attack” it or passively support it.

    I have family up north. If there’s a movement that doesn’t take them into account, then it doesn’t take me into account. If there’s a movement that goes out of its way to attack them just because they happen to be in “The North,” then that movement might as well be attacking me.

    Oh that’s right, because your Semitic blood will never allow people to be in control of their own destinies. You and all your brothers cannot control your meddling instincts, so you come on a page for our cause and stir dissension. Piss off back to Tel Aviv, ahem I mean “Nashville”.

    I have a DNA test if you ever want to compare. Never been to Tel Aviv, but I do live a short drive away from Lebanon. Does that count?

  39. “Do you want to burn down all of Christendom in the manner Dan advocates?”

    Hell no. Besides Hitler already accomplished that in WW2.

    White knighting for Boston liberals doesn’t fit you very well. You can rest assured no native born American white kid would receive a $200,000 scholarship from these folks. You do sound just like Spelunker with your little “stump the chump” interrogation game.

    Oh the violence, the horror! When did our brave Stuka pilot turn into such a milquetoast?

    Deo Vindice

  40. My point is that I don’t feel sorry for White Northerners when they are maimed like that.

    I was going to respond to some of the anecdotal crap you said, but then I read this. Yeah, I think other people are right and it’s fair to say you’re a few french fries short of a happy meal.

  41. “I have family up north. If there’s a movement that doesn’t take them into account, then it doesn’t take me into account.”

    So you do oppose Southern Nationalism, but you’re too chickenshit to say so.

    This is a website for Southern Nationalism….the real question is what are you doing here if you don’t agree with it?

    Sleepy Time finally reveals that his family is not from the South. Daddy got a transfer down to the Nashville plant after they closed the one in his rust belt hometown. Sleepy was probably born right after the move.

    He is about as Southern as a Mexican anchor baby.
    I guess you could say he is a yankee anchor baby.

    Deo Vindice

  42. “When did our brave Stuka pilot turn into such a milquetoast?”

    Not so much a milquetoast that I wouldn’t wring your neck with pleasure if you insulted me in person.

  43. Apuleius,

    I think you are full of shit. Why don’t you tell me where you live. I told you I live in Nashville.

    Part of my family has been in the South since at least the mid 1800s. I was born in the South. My parents were born in the South. Half of my grandparents were born in the South.

    So, again, you prove what kind of idiot you are. You are either about 15(mental age) or you are a plant trying to make pro-White people look like imbeciles. You are doing a good job of that, by the way.

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