About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. 1) You guys are morons. You advocated for the same things the demonstrators were advocating for, that’s not a counter-demonstration. This was a major messaging FAIL.

    2) If I was a League member, the question I’d be asking is, is a 7 person demonstration what I’m paying yearly dues for, or am I paying to provide a salary for a select few to arrange 7 person demonstrations?

    3) Despite the repeated claims of urine, you provide no proof. Prove it or remove it. Everyone knows that its an easy smear claim that you trot out every time but that they question because they’ve never seen any proof of it.

    4) You are all very naive. The cops were arranged by the Lefties for yours and their safety ahead of time, you should thank them.

    5) Tremley, aka Ron Sheehy , we hear, might have had a little too much to drink, and was a little tipsy and agitated. He was openly challenging people to fight him. Nice! The future of the League? Ron was even bold enough to disregard orders and come from behind the barricade to mingle and challenge the marchers to fight him. Classy!

    6) Richard Kidd, President of the Supreme White Alliance was present. I hear that the Left admired his swastika and SS lightning bolt tattoos amongst other racialist symbolism he has permanently embedded in his skin. Maybe Richard is the future of the League, or is it the present?

    7) Shane Long calls the immigration rally “hundreds”, yea multiply that until you get to at least a thousand or more. A very good source who was present says that the rally arrived in 4 waves, while your seven arrived sporadically as a small unnoticeable trickle.

    8) We’re also told no one even paid any attention to you until the May Day marchers arrived, at which time they publicly mocked you with a banner that read “Troll Supremacy”, while they laughed at you from the other side of the barricades.

    9) Despite saying ahead of time you were there to represent White Southerners, your message was all over the place, Heimbach referencing all White workers worldwide.

    This event was a complete disaster for you, even though Dennis Durham did make it to two in a row!

  2. 1.) The May Day demonstrators were communists who were there to advocate amnesty for illegal aliens, the overthrow of capitalism, and the emancipation of criminals from prisons.

    We’re also pro-worker, but that doesn’t entail embracing globalism, open borders, or getting rid of private property. It doesn’t entail the destruction of traditional gender roles. It doesn’t entail atheism or “LGBTQ liberation” or defining our identity as a mere factor of production in a capitalist economy.

    2.) Unlike the SEIU, we travel to our demonstrations at our own expense. I believe there about 6 people at May Day in 2013. There were 10 there in 2014 and women were told to stay home. Most of our people have jobs and can’t afford to travel to DC to parade through the streets on a Thursday.

    3.) I’m told that is what the cops told Shane.

    4.) That’s interesting.

    In their own videos, the communists can be heard accusing the “pigs” of protecting the “Nazis.” They repeatedly say how much they have the “f***ing pigs” and chant epithets against the police. So it turns out they invited the cops to be there?

  3. 5.) The full context of that exchange can be seen here:


    The May Day communists repeatedly threatened violence. In fact, Scott Terry talked to the lead organizer, Mike Golash, who told him that lots of communists were told not to come this year for that specific reason. Golash didn’t want violent thugs to blacken event and should be congratulated for imposing some level of discipline on his people. Not everyone was on board with that though.

    6.) If he was there, he was with Trad Youth. I’m told this person is from Cincinnati. Tremley is from New Jersey.

    7.) I’m sure the SEIU bused in plenty of illegal aliens to DC. They have been doing that for years now. There’s nothing new about that. They were doing that when I lived in Virginia.

    8.) The videos above show otherwise. The League and Trad Youth group talked to lots of people in DC and distributed literature.

    I’m surprised that you weren’t there. Surely, the great Spelunkstein would have filmed our demo, but it appears you were afraid to show up and show your face in public.

    9.) Matt was there with his own group which had signs and flags. The League has its own message.

    10.) How so?

    The communists filmed their own event, broadcasted it live, in fact, and posted videos on the internet. Everyone who watched the videos can see what they are about and decide for themselves whether communists represent the working class of America. The overwhelming majority of workers agree with us that they don’t.

    It was their event that was a bust. In spite of turning out thousands of illegal aliens and communists, the media ignored them. America let out a big yawn and hardly noticed they were there.

  4. Another dud of a demonstration. Besides, TradYouth is a “group” that welcomes into its ranks negroes, beaners, homos, dykes, trannies, heebs, commies, and every other misfit and freak ACCORDING to their own bylaws. And yet all we see are the same six or seven narcissistic personalities time and time again, preening like peacocks for the sake of their cheap and amateurish video productions.

    Finally, I don’t know who these people are “fighting” for but it’s certainly not for ME, an Anglo-Saxon, pro-white advocate who is embarrassed to witness the puny efforts of these Generation “X’ers” with their silly and arcane X flags that nobody passing along that sidewalk has the slightest inkling as to the meaning of. Because if this is the best you can do then I’d rather have Greg Johnson dancing about in his lavender jock strap on some street corner, along with Jack Donovan and Greg Hood, along with all the rest of his gay crowd. At least they make some kind of sense, fruity-tooty though they may be.

  5. “their silly and arcane X flags that nobody passing along that sidewalk has the slightest inkling as to the meaning of.”

    Although I disagree with most of your post I do think you are right on target with your comments about the flag. Southern Nationalists have always proudly displayed the Stars and Bars in the past and most still do. Flying it leaves no doubt as to who you are and where you are coming from.

    The tortuous rationalizations employed by League of the South members in eschewing the battle flag shows weakness and a sad psychological internalization of their enemies values. There is certainly nothing wrong with flying other symbols but to ban the display of the universally understood and proud symbol of Dixie shows a lamentable lack of courage and is and of itself a tacit acceptance of defeat.

    If the LOS has purged itself of the “rainbow Confederates” it should now think about doing the same with the prevaricators and defeatists in its ranks. When the average Southern high school kid is not afraid of displaying it the League should have that level of courage too.

  6. Rudel, it’s not a matter of courage. I do display the CBF quite often. I’ve done marches and demonstrations with it. I think everyone in the LS (BTW, it’s not ‘LOS’ – check out our logo) is fond of the CBF. We made the decision to use the SN flag at our political demonstrations for reasons we have already discussed ad nauseum. Those who do not like the decision are free to stage their own events with the CBF.

  7. “Those who do not like the decision are free to stage their own events with the CBF.”

    My favorite flag has always been the Bonnie Blue one from the long lost and forgotten Republic of West Florida that bears a single star. I like the song a lot better than that minstrel show tune Dixie too.

  8. It actually seems like the police are on our side. Have any of them shown in the way they talk to you or act around you, that they are sympathizers?

  9. Logan did you ever watch how Matt Parrott got shoved around at last year’s NPI conference, by that well known ‘antifa,’ as the Homeland Security goons watched?

    If security was polite, it may be because complicity in anti-white violence at these events is provable and has been noted around the internet.

  10. Hahahaha, Richard Kidd was at an event co-organized by the League of the South. It doesn’t matter who he was there with, he was at a League event, so that must mean the League doesn’t mind people who worship Nazi ideology playing along. Did you notice his knuckles were bandaged? Want to know why? Here’s a hint, it’s not from non-violence. You’d probably be interested in seeing the photo of a guy who was welcome at your co-organized event alongside people who were members of the group he’s the a President of, who plotted to assassinate the President of the United States. Here, you should read about it: http://www.splcenter.org/blog/2008/10/28/alleged-plotter-against-obama-was-member-of-supreme-white-alliance/ Speaking of violence. I hear you really don’t want raw footage of Slut Walk out there, unless you want people to see the grand finale with the cross. We all know that if the footage does surface, it will be heavily edited. Despite not having proof of the urine issue both Shane and Michael have brought it up again, like clockwork. No one cares. Your event was a gigantic failure. Spin it any way you want, it was a MD/VA League co-organized event and you had one person from Maryland. FAIL.

  11. Re: Spelunker

    1.) Guess what?

    If you haven’t noticed, you’ve pointed out that all kinds of people have showed up at our events. Ron Doggett was at our Richmond event. You later wrote a hysterical story about the White Man March and easter eggs.

    No one cares. You sound like a breathless teenage girl on your blog who loves to gossip too much.

    2.) The May Day march was a communist event.

    The communists marched through DC waving their red flags, screamed “**** the bourgeoisie,” and wailed about the injustice of deporting illegal aliens. The only people who even watched the live feed of their march were League of the South members.

    The media ignored their May Day march. No one in America, particularly in the South, believes that communist red diaper babies represent the “working class.” The only story that I saw on May Day mentioned how much the event has declined in America since the Great Depression.


    3.) After claiming you were coming to May Day, you chickened out. Were you afraid that someone was going to kick your ass?

    4.) Thanks for stopping by and letting us know that the “anti-fa” requested police protection in DC after ranting in their march about how much they hate the “fucking pigs.”

    5.) We went into DC, showed up in greater numbers than last year, got our message out, and made our video. I’m pleased with our videos. Unlike last year, there was no violence, even in an urban stronghold like Washington, DC. Now the anti-fa are requesting police protection in DC!

    6.) Shane, Matt, and Dennis are all from Maryland.

    7.) Finally, Richard Kidd and Tremley must be Trad Youth supporters. Neither of them are League members. Neither of them are even from the South. Which is fine. You don’t have to be a Southerner to be pro-White or pro-working class or to oppose Obama’s trade and immigration policies.

    • IMO, no.

      There’s all kinds of things that we can do with greater numbers, more money, more influence, better leadership, and better organization. Power still boils down to those five things.

  12. Yankee, I was just asking cause it seemed like the police never arrest LS members, but always arrests the commies, and the police seemed to be joking with the LS protesters at May Day, and was even kind enough to give them a ride. I was just wondering if they are actual sympathizers or if they know the details of LS’s beliefs and goals.

    I know there are former politicians apart of the LS, but I wonder if there are any active politicians and police officers in the organization or if they would be interested in joining it.

  13. Hunter Wallace says:
    May 4, 2014 at 10:59 pm
    “The communists marched through DC waving their red flags, screamed “**** the bourgeoisie,”

    What has the middle class ever done to anyone?

    What they are doing is as equally threatening, as mobs marching through the streets shouting “**** the Niggers/Chinks/Jews, etc”

  14. I don’t think so either, but I do think it’s worthy of discussion.

    Logan needs to see footage from the peace officer who spoke at the annual LS conference this past year. Didn’t Palmetto post it here? I can’t seem to find it.

    Also if you could send Sam my email address, I’d sure appreciate it.

    As always, keep up the good work.

    Deo Vindice

  15. That’s leftist intellectuals for you.

    The reason they love Communism is because they would get to be the ones, sitting on their fat backsides, telling everyone else what to do.

  16. Apeleius, are you talking about the Sheriff in Georgia, when the LS was protesting their mayor for being pro illegal aliens or whatever?

  17. Have y’all ever been at a rally or protest, and have had officers come up and outright say they support y’all? Do y’all ever try to give them fliers and try to talk to them about the cause?

  18. “Ron Doggett was at our Richmond event. You later wrote a hysterical story about the White Man March and easter eggs.”

    Correction, true story. So my story that had screenshots in which Doggett claimed he was getting ready to go out and place the Easter eggs is false? The picture of the egg and slip of paper posted by the media looks to me to match the ones in the photo Doggett posted himself. Are you denying that?

    “Were you afraid that someone was going to kick your ass?”


    How do you know I wasn’t there? How do you know I won’t be at the SPLC event next weekend?

    “Thanks for stopping by and letting us know that the “anti-fa” requested police protection in DC”

    I never said anything about “anti-fa”, I said the Left. That is the word that I got from my sources. I have heard through back channels the police were warned ahead of time and that there was a desire for there not to be a repeat of last year. There wasn’t. Im not telling you what did happen, only what I heard happened. Not everyone that opposes you is “anti-fa”, despite your repeated attempts to label any opposition as “anti-fa”. In my experience, most people that identify as “anti-fa” are part of an organized group. I don’t identify as “anti-fa”, “Communist”, “Marxist”, or anything else other than human.

    “We went into DC, showed up in greater numbers than last year”

    One to three more people is a definite improvement! Maybe next year you will have eleven, just think of the possibilities!

    “Unlike last year, there was no violence”

    I’m thankful for that. That was the outcome I was hoping and advocating for.

    “Shane, Matt, and Dennis are all from Maryland.”

    Matt was last a resident of Indiana as far as anyone knew based on his own statements. It’s true he was from Maryland. He may again be from Maryland, he moves around so much, who could keep track? As for Dennis, noted. The point being, a total of 3 people from the targeted League area (MD/VA) equals you have no support and FAILed miserably. I probably pass Shane daily in Arbutus, I’ll keep an eye out for his truck with all of the stickers on the back and wave with a smile when I see him in my travels.

    “Finally, Richard Kidd and Tremley must be Trad Youth supporters. Neither of them are League members. Neither of them are even from the South.”

    If they are at a co-organized League event they are also League supporters. I’m not claiming they are members. Their presence is their support. Their presence demonstrates that the League is ok with their behavior and accepts them as part of the public face of the League, otherwise they’d ask them not to participate. Problem is, they need the bodies, can you imagine how much more embarrassing it would have been had Nikki and Richard not driven in from Cincinnatti? Shane Long and William Flowers didn’t notice the swastika and SS bolt tattoos? Really? Or is it that they just don’t care. Hitler fetishism is a problem in White Nationalist circles, and since you are a part of the sister to White Nationalism, Southern White Nationalism, its apparently a problem for you too. Shane and William were much closer than my sources were. If my sources could see this from across the street, how come yours can’t see it from 5 feet away or closer? The pictures won’t lie Brad. Speaking of the pictures, theres a good one here showing the swastika on Kidd’s upper Left arm:


    No one buys it Brad. It’s partially a League event. Richard Kidd has proven himself a violent person. He recently bragged on Facebook about breaking his finger on someones face:

    “Funny thing happened Last night, someone was running Their mouth to me So to make a long story short I broke my finger at least it was not my knuckles Again.”


    That is not a non-violent person. The League is making a public statement merely by allowing the presence of a skinhead who is also the President of a group called the Supreme White Alliance. A former member of his group is doing jail time for a plot on the Presidents life. Sounds like a great association to make!:


    Please note Brad does not want anyone to see an uncensored, uncut video of the Slut Walk thing, because I’m hearing from sources who witnessed the encounter that the cross was used in a very violent manner, and not by a Marxist. If a video does surface I will predict it will be chopped and will not include the grand finale. Brad also doesn’t want to touch the urine claim because he knows it can’t be proved, otherwise someone would be piping up about it, maybe Michael Cushman? He was the first out of the gate with the claim. Can anyone show me a picture or video showing a Marxist with urine at the ready? I won’t hold my breath.

    You can spin all you want, facts are facts.

    • Re: Spelunker

      1.) I have no idea. You have written all kinds of stories including the one about Ron Doggett. That’s just one example. Knock yourself out. No one cares. No one even reads your website.

      2.) Because, if you were there, you would have filmed our demonstration, snapped photos, and posted them on your website. You wouldn’t have come over here to swipe that crappy snapshot I took of the first live video. Nothing you have posted on your website indicates that you were there. You said on this blog that you would be there, but chickened out because you were afraid to show your face in public. That’s a major difference between us. Whenever we say that we are going to be somewhere, we always show up.

      3.) Thanks for clarifying for us that the “anti-fa,” or the communists, or as you call them, “the Left,” requested the police protection and turned around and laughably screamed about “****ing pigs” when their little march showed up in front of the White House.

      4.) Oh, we are definitely going back next year, and barring some unforeseen scenario, I will be there next year. Shouldn’t it be on a Friday next year? That will make it much easier for us to go than in the middle of the week. I was planning to go this year, but I wasn’t expecting to get married and have a kid so soon.

      5.) I’m sure we will get around to holding a demonstration in Maryland at some point. The next three will be in Alabama and Kentucky.

      6.) I don’t know either of those two. Neither of them live anywhere close to me. I know that neither of them are League members. I know that neither of them are even from the South.

      Quite honestly, I don’t care if they showed up at our demonstration as long as they followed the rules. If they want to support our cause, which in this case was opposing the communists and their agenda (a group of people who are to the Left of everyone else in the entire country), that’s fine with me. I’m sure our views intersect on a number of issues like opposing Obama’s free trade policies and globalism. We also oppose the foreign wars, but that doesn’t mean that everyone who is anti-war is a leftist or a communist.

      7.) So what? If Richard Kidd kicked some guy’s ass in Cincinnati, why is that our problem? It’s not. For all I know, the SOB may have deserved it; it probably wasn’t even political. Assuming he was there (I don’t know this person), he didn’t get into a fight with anyone in DC.

      8.) Well, I can assure you that no one in the League is planning to assassinate President Obama, and we would much rather have Obama as president than either John McCain or Mitt Romney. Obama is probably our most effective spokesman. He’s the public face of Americanism. He’s making American patriotism unpopular in the South, which is what we want to happen. His policies (and the tepid response to his policies by the GOP) are driving new people into our organization.

      9.) Brad wasn’t at Slut Walk and doesn’t have a video. Thus, Brad can’t post it on YouTube.

      10.) The police in DC told Shane that the communists were carrying bags of urine.

      In sum, the communists held their annual May Day parade, and almost no one in America heard about it. No one watched their live feed but League of the South members. The only notoriety they attracted from the media – in this case, Al Jazerra – was in showing how diminished their numbers are from the “Occupy” movement in 2011. The communists paraded through the streets of Washington and shouted silly slogans like “**** the bourgeoisie” while carrying their Red flags. They screamed “**** the police” while requesting police protection. The only thing that was accomplished by the May Day march was demonstrating how repulsive they are to White America.

      The working class in this country, particularly in the White South, which recently defeated an attempt to unionize the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, does not want to be associated with the communist movement. The Southern working class is much closer to the League’s position which respects private property rights while opposing globalist free trade policies and amnesty for illegal aliens. I’m pleased with our video, how our members conducted themselves in Washington, and I am looking forward to going myself next year.

  19. Logan Smith says:
    May 4, 2014 at 11:58 pm

    “Yankee, I was just asking cause it seemed like the police never arrest LS members, but always arrests the commies, and the police seemed to be joking with the LS protesters at May Day, and was even kind enough to give them a ride. I was just wondering if they are actual sympathizers or if they know the details of LS’s beliefs and goals. ”

    The LoS treat the Police with respect. Communists treat Police worse than animals. Communists reap what they sow.

  20. “You can spin all you want, facts are facts.”

    The same goes for you, slicky boy.

    I see you have a penchant for tarring the innocent with the guilty brush. If I use your approach, then you are directly responsible for the millions of the murders communists have committed over the years, you Pol Pot wannabe. Shame on you.

    You should renounce your commitment to violence and stop all communist violence at once everywhere. Otherwise, you and all your minions are guilty.

    See, others can play your silly little games, too.

    “The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink”

    “The blacks, those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing, have seen their territory invaded by a new kind of slave: the Portuguese.”
    –Che Guevara

    No doubt those views are yours, too. What say you?

    Deo Vindice

  21. “I have no idea. You have written all kinds of stories including the one about Ron Doggett. That’s just one example. Knock yourself out. No one cares. No one even reads your website.”

    If no one reads it how did you know about it? I can assure you, there are people reading it.

    “Because, if you were there, you would have filmed our demonstration, snapped photos, and posted them on your website. You wouldn’t have come over here to swipe that crappy snapshot I took of the first live video. Nothing you have posted on your website indicates that you were there. You said on this blog that you would be there, but chickened out because you were afraid to show your face in public. That’s a major difference between us. Whenever we say that we are going to be somewhere, we always show up.”

    If I was there, which I might have been, I would not tell you. You will just have to go on wondering. What makes you think I did not do any of those things? Someone took the close-up photographs of Richard Kidd’s tattoos that I have seen. When you say we, you are talking about all ten of you? Right?

    “Thanks for clarifying for us that the “anti-fa,” or the communists, or as you call them, “the Left,” requested the police protection and turned around and laughably screamed about “****ing pigs” when their little march showed up in front of the White House.”

    You have a really bad habit of reading something thats not there and putting words in other peoples mouths. Anyone that can read can clearly see I said no such thing. We’ll leave it there.

    “Oh, we are definitely going back next year, and barring some unforeseen scenario, I will be there next year.”

    So it will be eleven then? One more person will make a difference for sure!

    “Quite honestly, I don’t care if they showed up at our demonstration as long as they followed the rules.”

    You don’t care, and apparently neither does Dr. Hill. Shane and Matt and you can tank the League all you want with your shenanigans, and no one cares. Leaguers take note, this is your future! If I was a League member, I’d get a refund, quick!

    “So what? If Richard Kidd kicked some guy’s ass in Cincinnati, why is that our problem? It’s not. For all I know, the SOB may have deserved it; it probably wasn’t even political. Assuming he was there (I don’t know this person), he didn’t get into a fight with anyone in DC.”

    Yeah, so what? It’s not like Michael Hill is claiming the people at your demonstration are well dressed and well behaved, you know? Trying to cultivate a clean cut image… By this standard Glenn Miller could have been there with you and it would have been fine. Its certainly your problem, its your event.

    “From Dr. Hill:

    […] the difference between our well-dressed and well-behaved LS members and the ragged, undisciplined commies later today.”

    “Well, I can assure you that no one in the League is planning to assassinate President Obama”

    Not claiming anyone in the League is, but clearly the League does not have a problem working with skinheads who head a group that at one time included a member who plotted to assassinate the President and who is heavily tattooed with racialist symbols. If Michael Hill had a problem with this he would have stated it by now, his silence tells the world non-Southern skinheads with swastika tattoos are welcome at League events. It makes perfect sense, I mean how else would you make a distinction between White Nationalism and Southern White Nationalism? I love comments like this over at Cushman’s SNN:

    “Logan Smith • 3 days ago
    Why do they think y’all are NAZIs? Why is being pro-white, associated with “racism”?”

    Well I don’t know Logan, maybe it’s the Leagues choice to work with people with Nazi tattoos? Great image!

    “Brad wasn’t at Slut Walk and doesn’t have a video. Thus, Brad can’t post it on YouTube.”

    The video was touted. It hasn’t surfaced. You have called for a raw version of the video to be posted. My sources described the cross being smashed over a persons back by a TYN member. (Not confirmed) It will likely never be seen for the reasons I have described. I’m stating the obvious. Brad might not have the video, but he knows who does. If it was coming out, it would have already but we all know its an embarrassment.

    “The police in DC told Shane that the communists were carrying bags of urine.”

    Doubtful at best. No one buys it Brad. You’ve been caught on this one. Own it. It’s just never happened.

    “Michael Cushman: Armed with bags of urine (to fling at the opposition)”

    You guys had cameras and video rolling the whole time and still, no proof. Prove it or remove it.

  22. Urine was thrown … I was there.

    Now, Spelunker, I’m going to suggest you begin minding your own business.

    …starting now.

  23. Neo-nazis give us Southrons a bad name. Our ancestors fought the NAZIs in WW2, and I don’t think we should associate with them. Now, I believe in 2nd chances, and maybe that fellow *used* to be a skinhead, but he ought to wear long sleeves or get a cover up. I don’t want people to think the LS and secessionists are NAZIs. It’s folks like them that makes Liberals and Yankees think the Confederate Battle Flag is the same as the Swastika, even though those flags were carried by opposing armies.

  24. Re: Spelunker

    1.) It’s true that I read your website.

    So what? I read it for my own amusement and because I enjoy your blog posts. I think it is funny that you post screenshots on your blog of what I publicly say on this website. You are like a tattletale or the hall monitor in middle school, but no one is listening to you. No one reads One People’s Project either.

    Just one example is the story you wrote about Ron Doggett. Nothing happened as a result of that story or dozens of others like it.

    2.) Your behavior.

    Like I said above, the way in which you updated your blog by swiping the poor quality photo from the live feed that I posted here shows that you weren’t there. If you had been there yourself, you would have posted your own photos and video. You were probably afraid that someone would see you in public.

    3.) The Left is now requesting police protection at the May Day Parade in DC. I’m sure that I am not the only one here who finds that amusing.

    4.) Probably not.

    If the event is on a Friday, there will be a lot more people there because it will be easier to travel and take off work than in the middle of the week.

    5.) Like any group, we hold public demonstrations and anyone can show up and participate and support our cause so long as they follow the rules. That’s our policy because people we don’t know always show up everywhere we go.

    6.) The communists did an excellent job representing their cause: they chanted “**** the pigs” and “**** the bourgeoisie” and “hey hey, ho ho, capitalism has got to go.” They waved Red flags, dressed slovenly, cursed on camera, and threatened violence. They publicly reaffirmed every stereotype of the Far Left which is why the “Occupy” movement fizzled out in 2011.

    7.) Everyone at our demonstration was well dressed and well behaved compared to the communists in the May Day parade. BTW, Daryle Lamont Jenkins boasts about violence on One People’s Project, which you link to on your blog:



    DLJ has also protested Amren twice with Preston Gilmore who is a communist. I’m told that the “anti-fa” in DC called for violence on video. OPP has also raised money for the so-called “Tinley Park 5” who engaged in violence in Chicago.


    8.) The person you keep referring to is not a League member or a Southerner and was there to support Trad Youth. No one cares. Your friend Liberty Lamp has this image of “Kill Whitey” on her Twitter account:


    9.) Again, I wasn’t at Slut Walk and don’t have the video, so I can’t post it.

    10.) No, the police kept the communists at bay at a distance behind the barricade, so they didn’t get a chance to throw shit.

  25. @Logan Smith… He didn’t “used” to be a skinhead. He is the current President of the Supreme White Alliance.

  26. “Neo-nazis give us Southrons a bad name. Our ancestors fought the NAZIs in WW2, and I don’t think we should associate with them.”

    The leftist yankee transplants down here were successful in having a school named after Jefferson Davis renamed by equating the CSA with the Third Reich. Establishing a moral equivalence between our people and the Nazis is the preferred tactic used by those who wish to destroy our culture and our people. This is right out of the Communist playbook.

    Wiping out our cultural heritage is a prelude to wiping out our people entirely.

    Deo Vindice

  27. Their preferred tactics of disrupting our organizations are ritual shaming, employment discrimination, playing the associations game, and violence.

    I addressed each of these at the Amren conference:

    1.) Showing up in larger numbers takes violence off the table.

    2.) Breaking the taboos as a group makes ritual shaming ineffective.

    3.) We can choose not to play the associations game and video our demonstrations to get our message out. They can say all kinds of nasty things and we can just roll tape.

    4.) Organizing and mutual aid blunts the impact of employment discrimination.

    They haven’t had any success in disrupting our group – after seven demonstrations, we are accomplishing what we set out to do, which is to take the movement off the internet, expand our network, and show how ineffective and powerless they really are.

  28. Guinzo, who exactly are you claiming are *your* people?

    In NJ, the northwestern europeans live in tent cities and rural sections on the edge of the state. *Your* people make deals with the jews, rape and assault *our* women, and embarrass us in front of the world.

    Organized crime is your cultural inheritance; please keep your hands off *ours.*

  29. Apuleius, I completely agree.

    BTW, was that neo-Nazi the fellow y’all were talking to the police officer about? How, he wasn’t really apart of the group, but he walked up, and y’all were just talking to him or something or did he actually hang around and protest with y’all? I’m just asking, because from a PR point of view, it’s a very bad idea to have someone around with those types of tattoos on his arms. It’s an image issue, which is why Cushman came up with the whole dress code for the protests in the first place.

  30. No Logan, it’s ok, ask Brad. He’s got no problem with people like that being there, as long as they wear a polo and khakis and don’t punch anyone while they are there, they’re ok. If they are beating people up for any reason on their own time, that’s fine. He did not just happen to be there. Brad has no problem with Scott Terry being there either and Scott Terry is openly advocating for the execution of homosexuals:

    “Well for my part – I advocate for the execution of homosexuals, and have never backed down from that position.”


    …and told Alex Botten that he would rape an infant if “God” said he had to. Don’t believe me? Skip to 57:00 and listen for yourself.


    This is the image the League is cultivating? Is it just me or is the League turning really extreme? It’s totally confusing that Matthew Heimbach was shunned for standing in front of a swastika, but now it’s ok for people to help out that have swastika tattoos, and don’t try to hide it. Who is running the League these days, Matthew Heimbach? This extremist turn won’t bode well for the League, just sayin’.

  31. Spelunker,

    Do you have anything to say about OPP’s fundraiser for the Tinley Park thugs or your friend Daryle Lamont Jenkins organizing joint demonstrations with communists like Preston Gilmore?

  32. How does this Spelunker live? He’s more verbose (if possible) than I am.

    Does he not have a job? Is he living in his parent’s (divorced, no doubt) basement?
    Is he merely a snot-nosed adolescent drop-out from life?
    Does ANYONE besides HW actually read his diatribes?

    (I skimmed past them all.)

    In short, who the hell cares about Spelunker?

    Not I, said the cow.

  33. ‘Spelunker’ (since ‘Spelunk Stein’ is getting worn out), your screen name no longer links to your blog?

  34. Spelunker, I thought Hunter said he didn’t know who the guy was, and that he just showed up.

  35. Liberty Lamp has a photo that says “Kill Whitey” on her Twitter page. Both Spelunker and Liberty Lamp are allies of One People’s Project which has a reputation for glorifying violent anti-fa.

  36. @Fr.Johnboy

    I can be whatever you want me to be.




    Im not claiming Brad knows Richard Kidd or that he was invited to the League co-organized event, only that he was there and that he was not turned away. He didnt “just show up”. It was an advertised event. He has worked with Heimbach before. Heimbach was there. In all likeliness, he was there in conjunction with Heimbach. But, it was a co-hosted event, and the League was involved. No one is surprised when people like this show up at TYN events, which is the crazy thing. The League is well aware of Heimbachs connections. That the League is working with Heimbach again is telling. Heimbach has a lot of baggage. It looks like he might be bringing his baggage and dropping it on the League now. It doesn’t matter. Brad says he’s ok with it. Michael Hill has nothing to say. I’ll take that to mean the League might be ok with working with Nazis and skinheads. Here, you should have a looksie at Richards vk profile: http://vk.com/id194500430 You don’t have to scroll very far to get a glimpse of “Mein Fuhrer”! It’s a good thing I brought this to your attention! You guys need to be careful not to take the League down the wrong path. Did you hear that, that guy thats running for Congress under the American Freedom Party, Angelo John Gage almost went down the wrong path too? Until I saved him. It’s a good thing I’m around.

  37. I thought the American Freedom Party was for Fascists. How would someone running in that party not know that?

  38. Logan how do you figure AFP to be ‘fascist?’ They’re about the least repressive pro-white organization I’ve encountered.

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