About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “I don’t know who you think you are, Rudel, to cop such an attitude.”

    Think of me as your intellectual, moral, and social superior; keep your mouth shut; and you might learn something.

  2. NYYankees says:
    May 12, 2014 at 1:01 am

    ““This is a frightening development that so-called “White Liberationists”, “White Civil Rights” and “White Human Rights Activists” who are really nothing more than odious separatists”

    So they hate us and the very idea of leaving them outrages them even further.

    If this was a relationship between two adults, there would be no doubt it was an abusive one.

  3. “The fact that no one really advocates for anything meaningful to most whites is pretty tragic and depressing.”

    The LS and this site seem to be doing a pretty good job of advocating for the average white person by pointing out that they are being replaced by foreign immigrants and are losing any good wages they might have once had (if not their actual jobs) to these same immigrants.

    Demographic displacement is about as meaningful as it gets.

  4. “4.) Unlike American WN, Golden Dawn is active, organized, reality-based, and confrontational.”

    Greece is hard pressed economically, so I don’t think its a fair comparison.

    The problem with far right and left politics, it has always been the kid that is picked last for the baseball team. They are only supported by any populace, when things get so bad economically, there is no other choice.

    People like freedom, they like to have a say in the running of their countries and they know if they vote for the far right or left, it will be the last time they are consulted on anything.

    If Greece’s economy is turned around by some miracle, Golden Dawn will disappear over night. The people will forget all about them and go back to their bread and circuses.

  5. The other point I forgot to make, since far right or left are always the last kid picked, then if you want to win in any situation, you should become ideologically formless.

    Just be pro your own people. Lose the left/right boxes, that constrain people’s thinking.

  6. Greece won’t turn around. It’s steadily being bought out by Turkey. Indeed as Germany fills up with Turks the entire continent becomes more Turkic and less European.

    Maybe a new fake speculative rush could be created. It only puts off the negrification and Arabization and Turkic cancer.

  7. Jared Taylor is good at providing a forum in which information about racial differences which is taboo and suppressed in the mainstream can be discussed. There’s nothing wrong with the work that Amren is doing and it should be encouraged.

    Sure, but the inordinate focus he used to place on racial differences in intelligence had the effect of convincing audiences that that is how one “does” WN. I wonder if he doesn’t still place too great an emphasis on it, which may explain the participation of dissimulator John Derbyshire at his latest conference – as useless as Derbyshire is from a racial preservationist perspective, he can talk a good game when it comes to racial differences and racial politics.

  8. 2.) I agree with Jared Taylor that most White liberals are anti-White because they have taken virtues.

    They are brainwashed by an anti-White media 24/7 and schooling from K-University that teaches White children to hate themselves and that the greatest virtue possible is supporting the genocide of their own DNA.

    We are not allowed to discuss on AR WHO has done this to us and WHY. My comments are deleted when I try to explain how this happened and when I link to Culture of Critique or TOO. How can we fight against an enemy if we are not allowed to discuss him let alone identify him? AR has become a wordy “woe is me” bitch session about “what are we going to do” while commenters are kept in the dark about the nefarious anti-White agenda that has been launched against us. These Whites have no idea, no clue as to the seriousness of our peril: Loss of homelands and resources for oursevles and our children.

    What could be more important than securing a homeland and resources for our children?

    3.) As I previously said, the WN movement is marginalized on the internet, and most WNs are passive and disorganized and unwilling to publicly advocate on behalf of their own cause. Why would the WN cause gain traction with the public when WNs themselves are cowed by taboos and afraid to challenge the status quo?

    Publicly advocate? Are you kidding? In this reign of terror where “public” advocation means career AND personal destruction? We are fighting an enemy that cares nothing about fair play or rule of law. If you get in their way they WILL destroy you. Ask Paula Deen, Kevin Lamb or Sam Francis.

    4.) Unlike American WN, Golden Dawn is active, organized, reality-based, and confrontational.

    Golden Dawn is made up of many unemployed, destitute youth and others who have NOTHING to lose. If I were in their situation I’d be out on the street publicly supporting GD, as it is, we are not there yet. Loss of homeland and resources, as has happened to the Whites in SA may push Whites in that directions but I have a feeling many will willingly line up against the wall in front of a firing squad claiming they and their children deserve to be killed due to the “past bad acts” of their distant White ancestors.

    Most of us WNs have careers and families that we CANNOT risk in this day and age. I have children and elderly that depend on me personally and I cannot risk losing the job I have in this job market, I won’t get another. This is also the reason I have not attended the AR conference.

    5.) I can’t speak for people in New Jersey, but most people here in Alabama don’t have any problem grasping the existence of racial differences.

    Don’t think we don’t notice in California, we do, the few Whites that are left, that is. First California, then your state.

    Keep up the good work and understand that MANY of us have jobs, bank accountants and reputations to protect. In South Africa, Whites are locked out of jobs due to BEE (their form of AA) and have been relegated to squatters camps, wholly at the mercy of the murderous ANC

  9. Re: Mergatroyd

    2.) Jewish influence is part of the problem, but it is not the whole story. Blacks aren’t as empathetic as Whites. They are not as intelligent. They are more driven by instinct. Thus, you won’t find blacks anywhere falling into the same trap as crusading Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs).

    Is it about hating White people? In some cases, yes, but in others White liberals just want to genuinely help blacks … and they take it to the extreme where they end up disparaging and neglecting their own people, and seeing people who advocate for Whites as “mean” and heartless.

    3.) You’ve just explained why WN is stuck where it is at today. How is the WN cause supposed to advance when WNs themselves treat their own cause as morally illegitimate and are deterred from advocating it?

    4.) There are millions of unemployed White Americans and those who are stuck in dead end part time jobs, but that hasn’t translated into any significant traction for the WN movement. It is not because there isn’t resentment at the status quo – trust in government and mainstream institutions is it an all time low. It is because WNs aren’t even trying to advance their own cause.

    5.) Since last August, the League of the South has held 8 public protests: Uvalda & Vidalia, GA in August, Murfreesboro & Shelbyville, TN in October, Atlanta, GA in November, Greenville, SC in December, Tallahassee, FL in March, Richmond, VA in April, and Washington, DC and Montgomery, AL in May.

    Last Friday, the League of the South protested SPLC headquarters here in Montgomery. I spoke at the Amren conference in April. The sky hasn’t fallen. WNs are exaggerating the power of the opposition and using that as an excuse not to organize and do anything in the real world.

    It is your own fear, not the Jews, which is really holding you back – the Jews at the SPLC and ADL can’t stop me from doing what I want to do, and they can’t stop you either. You can stop yourself, however, by allowing them to scare you.

    6.) The same is true of Southern Nationalists who have the same enemies:



    So what? If you allow the enemy to stop you from organizing and publicly advocating your cause as moral and legitimate, then you have allowed them to defeat you. In order for WN to make progress, you got to want to win first.

  10. Re: Silver

    Judging from what I have seen from Jared Taylor, I don’t believe the focus is on “telling the truth about racial differences” anymore. The biologist at the 2014 Amren conference spoke about that, but all the other speeches addressed different issues like individualism, consumerism, and pathological altruism.

  11. Mergatroyd is right in that any white, who isn’t self-employed, who openly advocates for whites can face loss of employment in regions outside of the South (or in the South too I’d imagine). A lot depends on what and how and where you say it. But Brad’s also right in that if everyone who wanted to go out and educate or do activism did, then it would be much harder for the anti-whites to somehow repress us. I personally suspect that the FBI’s official (albeit fake) distancing itself from SPLC and ADL has as much to do with the increasingly outspoken disgust whites are evincing towards Diversity as it does with the Christian Right’s reaction. TPTB are starting to realize that the jig is up for the jews and that it is no longer viable for government to be seen to be colluding with them, although the liaison will just be more under the radar and covert. The jews are still largely controlling the US government anyway; the ‘watchdogs’ have just become bad PR since americans have begun to realize it en masse.

    It’s hard to portray a guy like Kyle Hunt as a nazi or KKK personality. There comes a point where to try to categorize every well spoken, civil dissident of the J/NWO in such extreme terms just discredits and even implicates the Jews. Zionist Christians have also been the jews’ strongest ally (in spite of ‘yankee’-haters’ assertions to the contrary) so clearly the threat of their disaffection is terrifying to the jews as well, and might be the greater motivation.

    One reason the jews are so fearful of ‘civil rights’ for whites is that they don’t think we should have any. I have to add here that race realism doesn’t really jibe with advocating for whites’ civil rights, so EricD I wasn’t accusing the status quo types to be who these people seem to truly fear… One thing activists could do is threaten to sue employers for punishing them. Maintaining a message that is based on the issue of ‘civil rights’ enables this, and even though most lawyers are either afraid of taking such cases or have been taught by Critical Race Theorists that all whites are imagining discrimination, there’s still the possibility of either representing oneself pro se, and also of publicizing that a corporation fired you for simply defending white people’s civil rights.

    I can say that the time is now. That euro/white woman who complained about being harassed by black coworkers took this job a year ago after being laid off and running out of unemployment benefits. She told me she’d voted for Obama in 2012, which surprised me but also made sense; he pretended to offer a safety net for the middle class. But she’s figured out what a crock that promise was even well before she’d run into black harassment on the job.

    What’s happening now in these lower working class jobs is that women who were immune 15,10, even 5 years ago are now starting to become targets in a way that historically only fair northwestern european women have been since the early 90’s, at least in the suburban metropolitan area. Couple that with the jobs and resources being diverted from whites into diversity, and we’d have a movement to reckon with if anyone had the nerve to go out front.

    Stay far away from race realism is my advice. It’s not defensible as it assumes that a group’s tendencies supersede individual abilities and efforts, which is a premise at odds with the concept of civil rights.

    The link Brad posted to SPLC clearly reflects what an zionist tool Kyle Rogers of CofCC is, and I encourage readers to check and see for themselves if I was a ‘nutter’ when I asked about being watched on here by a man who is intimately connected to this shill.

  12. Kyle Hunt was driven out by 1.) dysfunctional WNs like Rodney Martin who were attacking him and 2.) lack of support from within the pro-White movement.

    He also recorded a podcast about why he was leaving Renegade Broadcasting. I listened to it while I was in St. Louis.

  13. ETA: it’s the link to the ADL which showcases Rogers’ desire to partner with the ‘pro-white’ jews. I don’t know if he comments on the SPLC article.

  14. Spelunkstein is trying his hardest to out people and cause problems for us and after hundreds of ineffective blog posts hasn’t accomplished anything because saying “boo” on the internet doesn’t work anymore unless you are willing to play that game:


    The SPLC and ADL write blog posts about me all the time. That’s fine. It doesn’t stop me from doing what I want to do.

  15. The WN movement doesn’t go anywhere because WNs themselves are unwilling to publicly advocate their own cause. It is really that simple.

    WNs don’t act like their cause is moral, just, and legitimate and the public only hears from them when the NSM holds rallies or when lone wolves like James von Brunn and Traitor Glenn Miller self detonate.

    WN has various other problems, but they ultimately trace back to this root cause.

  16. “what a Zionist tool Kyle Rogers of the CofCC is”. What DumbYankees BS! This piece of balderdash is similar to the vicious rumor that was spread about by a certain loudmouth woman last year, who claimed the CofCC was being taken over by Jews. Needless to say, there wasn’t an ounce of truth to that libelous rumor. What was interesting about the rumor, it was started just as the national meeting of the CofCC was taking place. Was this just a spontaneous act of paranoid idiocy, or did someone want to cause disruption in the CofCC? I don’t know, but as an alternative officer in the St. Louis branch, I take any attempt to libel or slander the organization or it’s members seriously. So be careful about what you say. Actions, especially stupid ones like yours and the other looney tune I mentioned, have consequences. So act in a responsible manner and don’t make false accusations against the CofCC or it’s members.

  17. Headshrinker in Chief says:

    “Was this just a spontaneous act of paranoid idiocy, or did someone want to cause disruption in the CofCC?”

    I personally don’t give a rat’s ass about the CofCC. But I think it’s funny that you accuse some poster of a ‘plot’ or ‘conspiracy’ the minute you don’t get what you want, but call me paranoid. I’m not entirely sure what person you’re referring to, but if my suspicions are correct, I highly doubt the timing was intentional.

    “I don’t know, but as an alternative officer in the St. Louis branch, I take any attempt to libel or slander the organization or it’s members seriously. So be careful about what you say. Actions, especially stupid ones like yours and the other looney tune I mentioned, have consequences. So act in a responsible manner and don’t make false accusations against the CofCC or it’s members.”

    So on a thread in which Brad is encouraging northern white advocates to exercise their right to free speech I’m being bullied for doing just that? That’s also quite amusing.

  18. Madame, you are being encouraged to behave in a decent manner. Namely do not make untrue libelous accusations against other people. Free speech means to be able to freely comment on public issues, not to use it to unjustly defame a man’s reputation.

  19. “So on a thread in which Brad is encouraging northern white advocates to exercise their right to free speech I’m being bullied for doing just that?”

    Posting feminist bilge, attacking the CofCC for standing up for conservative White values, promoting socialism, and worst of all, claiming that your extended family of vaguely Irish friends and relatives is somehow a “people” on par with the Southern Nation is not exercising your right of free speech; it is posting blatant lies and calumnies.

    • This is why I prefer to deal with people in real life.

      Among other people, I know Jared Taylor, Kyle Rogers, Stephen Dalton, and Jack Ryan in real life. I know all of them well enough to know that they are all sincerely pro-White.

      That’s one reason why I am so adamant about the value of real world activism. It gives people multiple chances to get to know others in real life. The result is less infighting and paranoia in the movement. Disruptive individuals flourish on the internet, but they usually don’t last long in a face to face setting.

  20. Rudel finally cracked a joke 😉

    My opinion about Rogers and Taylor is not subject to change. The jews’ hands drip with the blood of the corpse(s) of the white middle class. There can be no deals whatsoever made with them, nor with those who would sell out their own kin for blood money.

    I am hardly the only person who holds such a view of Rogers and Taylor.

  21. “I am hardly the only person who holds such a view of Rogers and Taylor.” Yes, we’ve had our share of loud mouth know-it-alls on this site. When we get to the millionth one, a special prize will be given out. If you want the prize, move to the back of the line, so your chance of getting it will be increased.

  22. “My opinion about Rogers and Taylor is not subject to change. The jews’ hands drip with the blood of the corpse(s) of the white middle class. There can be no deals whatsoever made with them, nor with those who would sell out their own kin for blood money.”

    You are nothing but a commie kike troll posing as a paddy.

  23. So Rudel, am I a commie or a socialist? Princess or paddy?

    You really don’t know the irish well, do you?

    Better red than dead 😉

  24. “You really don’t know the irish well, do you?”

    Better than you as you are nothing but an thoroughly assimilated paddy. BTW, all communists are socialists and any true communist would argue that socialists who are not bolsheviks are mere social democrats not real socialists.

  25. Since we are criticizing WN, then its only fair to criticize the problems in the LoS.

    The big problem I see with LoS, they may come out and protest and that is good, but they aren’t on a consistent message about anything. We could say exactly the same of 99% of the membership of WN and the entire Conservative movement. They just randomly react to the issue of the day and it all comes to nothing.

    You see little kids asking their Mommies for lollies over and over, in the supermarkets? Those kids get always get a reaction. They either get the lollies, or they get a smack.

    That is what a consistent message does. If you aren’t on a consistent message about something in particular, you aren’t going to get a reaction at all. Just the way it is.

  26. Is anybody but me tired of NYYankees drivel, not to mention ongoing, agonizingly prolonged debates on religious minutia by otherwise good contributors?

  27. Yes Lew, I’m tried of NYYankees drivel, and frankly, I’m tried of refuting a certain couple of delusional bigots, but I feel obligated to refute their ridiculous historical errors.

  28. Judging from what I have seen from Jared Taylor, I don’t believe the focus is on “telling the truth about racial differences” anymore.

    You’re obviously much closer to the action than I am, but even from what I can make out this seems to be true. Not a minute too soon, either. Excessive focus on “telling the truth about racial differences” is problematic in its own right, but it’s even more problematic when it’s done poorly. As recently as 2004 the Amren conference featured psychologist Donald Templer doing what amounted to a race-realist stand up comedy act. You can view his talk on Youtube and judge whether I’m being fair. (View it from the 13 minute mark on – earlier it was just Taylor’s introduction and Templer’s pointless biography.) Great fun for an already committed audience, I’m sure, but very counterproductive from the standpoint of bringing around the opposed or non-committal.

  29. “I feel obligated to refute their ridiculous historical errors.”

    Yes theology aside, the religious bigots are the most prone to conspiracy theories and straight out errors about well documented and researched historical facts. Mosin Nagant and “Fr.” John, who have never revealed their purported religious denominations either, are hands down the greatest purveyors of historical falsehoods on this site.

    They need to be taken to task for their lies at every opportunity.

  30. “The big problem I see with LoS, they may come out and protest and that is good, but they aren’t on a consistent message about anything.”

    Absolutely not true. For at least the past year the LoS has been focused with laser sharpness on the demographic replacement of the White Southern People and their culture by Black Run America, white cultural Marxists, and the LTGBQIXYZ… pervert lobby in particular.

  31. Rudel, you’re correct that religious bigots (or fanatics, as I prefer to call them) are prone to conspiracy theories. The reason why they’re prone to them is they’re filled self-hatred, and a paranoid hatred and fear of the other, whom they project their self-loathing on to. Eric Hoffer explains this quite nicely in “The True Believer”. The TB is basically a pathetic foul up. He holds himself in contempt. Along comes the Great Cause that give him a purpose in life. He’s still a foul up, but he get to wrap himself in a cause that gives him the warm fuzzies. And to further take his mind off his imperfections, he’s given an enemy who’s the cause of his (and the world’s) problems. If something goes wrong, it’s not his (or the movement’s) fault, it’s a conspiracy of (insert your favorite racial/ethnic, political, religious bugbear here!) the other that causing all the trouble! Because they won’t face the real problem(s), they have to distort facts or outright lie about why things are going the way they are. BTW Rudel, when I was referring to “a couple of delusional bigots” I was referring to Mosin and Sam. Fr. John hasn’t given me hardly any problems since I’ve started commenting on OD, the dumbmantic duo I just mentioned has be giving it to me in spades lately.

  32. Dalton,

    Embrace your inner Jew. It’s there, I can see it even if you are not aware of it.
    I’m truly fucking stunned by your formulation of what makes a bigot tick.
    It’s standard leftist boilerplate.

  33. “Is anybody but me tired of NYYankees drivel”

    I am. She doesn’t have any coherent thought processes or any understandable arguments except for the occasional anti-male feminist rant. She simply doesn’t make any sense.

    e.g. accusing the well mannered, well reasoned, well respected, and erudite Jared Taylor as someone “who would sell out their own kin for blood money.” All because he has published the views of conservative Jewish authors and had them speak on occasion at his conferences.

  34. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘BTW Rudel, when I was referring to “a couple of delusional bigots” I was referring to Mosin and Sam. ‘

    You are the poster boy and prime example of a delusional bigot!

    You defend centuries of persecutions, inhumane torture and killing of people by despotic RELIGIOUS FANATICS of your faith who were so intolerant, ugly and bigoted they could not allow anyone to believe or express freely viewpoints contrary to official Catholic dogma and hegemony.

    When challenged you zealously defend those practices and make the claim that it was all justified.

    Gotta kill those heretics for the Pope, doncha know?!

    I believe people should be allowed to believe or disbelieve whatever religion they choose without coercion or penalty of death.

    Unlike YOU, I have never stated otherwise.

    There are topics and threads that do not interest me. I simply glance over them.

    Perhaps Hunter could devote a section somewhere for religious debates.

    Not interested or most likely (offended) parties can ignore them.

  35. Taylor lies about the jews and I call that treachery, plain and simple. They do not have higher IQ’s than europeans and if you’d really come from the tough ‘hoods of NJ, Rudel, you’d know this. You’re the fake whose stances are consistently contradictory.

    His mods rig the debates about them so that self-loathing asperger’s types and neurotic southerners like Neanderthal DNA (people mention them and others on DS) ‘win.’ Some even think some of the mods are jews because of how underhanded and biased they are on this issue.

    Kevin MacDonald cites the massaged IQ stats on the jews in his writing, but he is confined as an academic and doesn’t pretend to foster debate while simultaneously intentionally rigging the outcomes. He seems like a midwesterner(?) who doesn’t know the jews intimately like many people in NJ/NY do, nor does he promote their imperialist supremacist agenda to the best that I can see. So far I have no reason to assume the worst of him but Taylor has proven himself to be a jew tool, plain and simple. If he doesn’t want to allow authentic debate then he should avoid the issue altogether. Even his indulgence of asian ‘superiority’ is mild and restrained compared to his twisted love affair with the goyim-hating jews, who only excel beyond us in scheming, ethnic chauvinism and sociopathology.

  36. “Taylor lies about the jews and I call that treachery, plain and simple. They do not have higher IQ’s than europeans and if you’d really come from the tough ‘hoods of NJ, Rudel, you’d know this. You’re the fake whose stances are consistently contradictory.”

    LOL! Joisy isn’t known for tough, it’s known for dumb (Snooki anyone?) You don’t know from tough.

    And the data on IQ proves you wrong:


  37. Rudel you’re going places I won’t go on here. You belie your shelteredness.

    I’m White, not g***** or jew, nor princess. You’re nothing but an embittered old malcontent who’s convinced himself that doing one tour in Viet Nam made you a man. If you even went.

    You’re a piker in the grand scheme of things, a mere drunken senile shadow of a ‘man.’ Hide behind the jews all you want. Real White men won’t.

  38. Sam,

    You just PWNed Dalton. Well played sir. A man’s religion is his own business. Conscience should not be coerced. Coersion is the calling card of a real bigot.

  39. Cap’t, Eric Hoffer, who’s book I used to illustrate my point, was hated by the Leftists. He was also a racial realist too, so I was hardly using “leftist boilerplate”.

    Sam, thank you for illustrating my points about fanaticism. You’re obviously filled with great rage and anger against yourself, which you project on to me. I understand your need to vent at the other. If you had to hold it in it would force you to deal with it. But you’re not ready FOR THAT STEP YET, SO THIS WILL HAVE TO DO FOR NOW, I GUESS.

  40. Dalton I recall you justifying the Albigensian crusade. Sam made an excellent point. The Catholic reaction to Protestantism was equally as bad. Mary was far more violent than Elizabeth.

  41. “Rudel you’re going places I won’t go on here.”

    It’s called mathematics. Is the tough girl afraid of some simple equations? Kiss, kiss.

  42. Cap’t, the Albigensian’s were a violent, subversive group of people. Even Lea, a very Anti-Catholic historian of the Inquisition, said if the Albi’s would have won, they would have destroyed European civilization in France. Sam, as usual, is arguing from emotions not logic or real history. His train of thought is, if the Catholic Church hated and fought against it, it must be good. Both of you need to study some real history written by objective historians who deal with the actual facts, instead of recycling myths and lies from previous centuries.

    BTW, Good Queen Bess killed far more people in her decades long reign, percentage and numerically wise than her sister, the so-called Bloody Mary. The Tudor’s, especially Henry VIII, were an extremely vicious and violent bunch of people. Mary and her half-brother Edward, were the least violent of the family.

  43. Who thinks it takes a ‘genius’ to do basic accounting, or bankstering, or tax collecting? This is what the jews went in to Europe to do, as the aristocracy needed a usuring pencil-pushing class to maintain control over the masses. During the Middle Ages 98% of jewish men could read while only 3% of european were allowed to. Since when does basic literacy and math require high IQ?

    Read The Cheese and the Worms, the historical account of an italian man who was tortured for being caught during the medieval period with…books. He was sent home after the first ‘reeducation’ session, then tortured and killed the second time when caught again with…books. The Church and Europe’s ruling elite wanted to maintain their tyranny over the peasant masses and recruited the jews to perform the jobs which required literacy knowing that such a militantly xenophobic and supremacist tribe wouldn’t mix with – or teach – the white peasants. Hence both populations could be controlled, or so the holy elite thought.

    There was nothing smart about the jews compared to the european people. After amassing capital for 1500 years or more the jews entered the american arena with a profound class advantage and an impressive repertoire of tricks to rig the industrialized, ‘democratized’ system. It’s been one big racket since the beginning of their sojourn in Europe, which was a planned colonization of the european masses, not some abduction by Romans after the destruction of the second temple. A maximum of 30-40 jews were rounded up and enslaved at that time. Jews were no more held captive in Europe than they were in Egypt, where all archaeological evidence indicates they were a co-ruling elite class before their eventual exodus.

    The jews honed their skills of deceit and cunning in Europe, especially as the rise of a european middle class became imminent; Zionism eventually grew out of jewish fears of having to compete on a level playing field with the white goyim once the spread of literacy spawned revolution and nationalism:

    All Israel has been is a secluded home base of operations for the jewish re-colonization of the european people during an era in which the educated, organized gentile gaze would otherwise disable it.

    If Rudel had really come from the ‘tough ‘hoods’ of Jersey he’d understand the contemporary version of this plot like most whites, especially northwestern europeans, who survive them do. But he didn’t even know there’s no ‘Wayne County’ in the state.

    What a poseur.

  44. “What a poseur.”

    At least I know that a Fields Medal isn’t awarded for “basic” math you unlettered simpleton.

    Let’s have some more Jewish music this time played by Negroes. They do got dat rhythm!

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