Upcoming Events

Check out all the events we have coming up on the activism sidebar:

Flagging and Marching Through Occupied Oxford, MS (August 9) – While this is not a League of the South event, a protest has been scheduled in Oxford, MS against the latest wave of political correctness run amok at Ole Miss. It’s still too early to tell, but some of us might show up there next weekend.

2014 CofCC National Conference in Nashville, TN (August 15 to 16) – The 2014 CofCC National Conference is coming up in Nashville, TN in two weeks. I’m going to be speaking there on a panel. If you are interested in coming, send me or Kyle Rogers and email for the details.

Immigration Hurts Southern Workers Demonstration in Gainesville, GA (August 23) – The League’s next protest is coming up in three weeks in Gainesville, GA. Anyone who has traveled through Gainesville, GA lately can see that the area has become a poster child for what we call “Southern Demographic Displacement.”

Southern Marriage & Family Defense Rally in Little Rock, AK (September 13) – The Arkansas League of the South is reorganizing and will be holding its first protest in September against the judge who struck down Arkansas’s ban on gay marriage. This will be the first League protest in the Trans-Mississippi.

Immigration Hurts Southern Workers Demonstration in Apopka, FL (September 20) – The Tampa Bay Chapter of the Florida League of the South is sponsoring a protest against a refugee resettlement agency in Apopka, FL.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent