Obama Plans Huge New War In Iraq and Syria

I will be watching Obama’s big primetime speech tonight in which he will announce his intention to unilaterally, on our behalf of course, start a vastly expensive, interminable new foreign war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

Note: Meanwhile, check out America’s borders 13 years after the 9/11 attacks. Remember, you can always count on Washington to keep us safe from rampaging mobs of black “youths” attacking White people in our cities, rapists and murderers from Latin America sneaking into the US, and especially Islamic terrorists!


About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Mosin, in cause you haven’t noticed, the indigenous Christian churches in those areas are being wiped out by the Muslims. Those churches have faced Muslim persecution for 1300 years, and if there’s anything that’s going to wipe them out, it will be the same people who have been doing it for the last 1300 years.

  2. The large Christian proportion of Palestine has been decimated recently by MUSLIMS? Not so.

    Every universalist crusade, intervention and irritation from outside has caused or been followed by further declines of the ‘rival’ Middle Eastern and North African ethnic and national churches.

    Directly on topic now: If the Federal-globalist tyranny admits to involving only a few hundred Federal mercenaries, the real total of paid-by-us-without-our-representation Federal mercenaries involved is likely to be in the thousands. Many ‘boots on the ground’ will be needed at least to ‘restore order’ after the Globalists’ arsenal of more cost-efficient (very expensive but paid by our taxes without our representation) unmanned technological weapons has been deployed. This new war will be unjust toward all the Muslim and Christian peoples of Syria and Mesopotamia — and also unjust toward the majority of Whites in America who will be forced to pay for it and are not allowed to vote against it, and will be further impoverished and further corrupted by it (every new war always leads to further decline in morality and cultural cohesion) and blamed and hated for it.

  3. Mosin, you are living in a fantasy world. The Christians in the Middle East know it’s the Muslims who have been killing them for centuries. That’s what has been causing the decline of their population, not your fantasy “global crusade”.

  4. Actually, the U.S. military’s bombings and ground conflicts in Iraq killed 1/3 or so of the Christian population, and destroyed a bunch of churches. There were many Christian refugees too.

  5. “and Israel, not Muslims, is responsible for the destruction of Christian Palestine.” Mosin, you are so far from reality on this, that a person in an insane ward is a clearer thinker than you. A simple web search would show that it has always been the Muslims who have been the destroyers and persecutors of Christian Palestine. For those desiring a slice of the truth on this subject, go to this link. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2014/09/10/Are-Christians-Forgotten-in-the-Israeli-Palestinian-Conflict

  6. “and Israel, not Muslims, is responsible for the destruction of Christian Palestine.” Mosin, you are so far from reality on this, that a person in an insane ward is a clearer thinker than you. A simple web search would show that it has always been the Muslims who have been the destroyers and persecutors of Christian Palestine. For those desiring a slice of the truth on this subject, go to this link. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2014/07/09/Are-Christians-Forgotten-in-the-Israeli-Palestinian-Conflict

  7. Stephen, of course you are right. But, please don’t waste any more time on this troll.

    Nasty Arab Muslims also completely ethnically cleansed White Pied Noir a French from French Algeria. 50 years ago the majority population in coastal French Algerian cities were beautiful White French and other European Whites (non Muslims, nominally Christians). After a brutal race war that the French army basically won, the Arab Muslim majority in the nation was given I dependence from France, right for one man one vote, majority misrule, same as happened in Zimbabwe.

    The now majority Arab Muslim Algerians did not respect the rights of minority White French Pied Noir (Arab Muslims and other nasty NW Muslims never respect the rights of minorities, not even Christian Arabs). The now ruling Algerian Arab Muslims offered the White Oied Noir French two options:

    The Coffin or the suitcase. white French Pied noir chose the suitcase, left their ancestral homes and fled with just the clothes on their back.

    Now nasty Arab Algerian Muslims are doing the same nasty things in French industrial cities in France, setting up no go zones, raping French White girls, rioting on New Year’s Eve or whenever the Algerian National soccer team plays and loses.

    Just ignore this troll Mosin Nagant. He’s either a Jew stroll, some nasty swarthy Mudslime or some form of White traitor that k
    Just likes to push some Devil’s Advocate pro Muslime BS, and the. Disguises this treason as fighting the Jews, Zionists.

    It’s a rather common type of troll and we should have banned this troll from OD a long time ago.

  8. JR, when I interact with Mosin, I’m doing it to correct his idiocy for the benefit of our other readers. I know he’s a fool blinded by his prejudgments. BTW, I think the poor man is simply a person who was reared in a hidebound sect that didn’t allow much thinking outside the box. When he tries to apply his limited perspective to complicated issues, he falls flat on his face. Sad, really sad.

  9. Returning to the post topic (Obama’s new war plans):

    If Muslims are really so dangerous — and the precipitous decline of Christianity in Palestine, that began about the time of the founding of Israel, is really the MUSLIMS’ fault http://rense.com/general82/israc.htmIf — then Obama’s new war against Muslims on behalf of Israel might actually be justified, for the sake of White racial preservation, wouldn’t it?

  10. Sorry. This link works: http://rense.com/general82/israc.htm

    BTW, Jack, your volley of ‘swarthy Mudslime’ landed far off target since I’m very white, even with freckles. ‘Devil’s Advocate pro Muslime BS’ is incorrect as well, since I always preach vigorously against, NEVER support, the anti-Christian ‘faith’ of Mohammed — and whether I am guilty of ‘treason’ (from your point of view) for opposing ‘The Endless War’ depends on whether your loyalty is to the Talmudic, Federal-Global tyranny that wages the war, or primarily to Christ and His people.

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