League of the South To Celebrate Lincoln’s Assassination In Maryland

John Wilkes Booth

“That means nigger citizenship. Now, by God, I’ll put him through. That is the last speech he will ever make.”
– John Wilkes Booth

“After being hunted like a dog through swamps, woods, and … chased by gun boats till I was forced to return wet, cold, and starving, with every mans hand against me, I am here in despair. And why; For doing what Brutus was honored for, what made Tell a Hero. And yet I for striking down a greater tyrant than they ever knew am looked upon as a common cuttthroat … I hoped for no gain. I knew no private wrong. I struck for my country and that alone … I do not repent the blow I struck. I may before my God but not to man.”
– John Wilkes Booth

We’ve been getting a lot of publicity from the media for announcing that we are going to hold a public celebration of Lincoln’s assassination, but it is something that many of us have done privately for years now.

Note: This event will be held in Baltimore on April 11th. It is pretty much our equivalent of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Contact me for details.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. And what’s the most popular movie in the United States right now? It’s Bradley Cooper as Chris Kyle in “American Sniper,” right? Middle America is lapping up Chris Kyle’s war story because when ‘Murika is killing evil doers its fine.

    It was a damn movie based on the exaggerated accomplishments of a known liar. Just because much of Middle America is too ignorant and self-absorbed to seek out truth — minus the jingoism — doesn’t really mean much when trying to gauge possible response to publicly celebrating an event in history solely because someone was assassinated.

    Hollywood can afford to screw up in the PR sphere. They create fact from fiction and most of the simpletons are none the wiser, and the media puppeteers have dump trucks full of $$$$$$$$$ to fix their mistakes. You don’t have that luxury. One misstep and you’ll be spending what little money you do have trying to cover up the mistake.

    Honestly, this kind of celebration makes the LOS look desperate to attach victory to anything it can find. Spend that time and energy finding a few needy White families. Put food on their table, find them decent jobs, buy their kids school supplies, or fix up their house. Make a public spectacle of that if attention is what you are after.

    • For almost two years now, the League has been holding these immigration rallies. That was the easy road. It was an issue on which almost everyone could agree. We are being flooded by Third World immigration and that is making White Southerners a minority in our own country.

      The great hope for the past two years was that all these disaffected people we see on the internet would come out to these rallies, which address broadly popular issues, smile, wave, and hold a sign. As you know, I have been all over the South doing it. There aren’t many states which I haven’t been now. The idea behind that was to show that standing up for ourselves wasn’t a big deal, that the costs of doing so weren’t that great, and that we could start to build a mass movement in the real world. We don’t agree with PEGIDA over in Germany on every issue, but that was similar to what we were shooting for. Just large rallies about popular issues that show there actually is a “movement” in this country against the status quo.

      Well, it is becoming obvious that our hopes were misplaced. White Nationalists, Southern Nationalists, disaffected people in America in general … they haven’t changed one bit. They still spend 100 percent of their time posting anonymous comments on the internet. They are still looking out for themselves. They are still unwilling to participate in any collective effort to arouse our people to resistance. Find yourself a Delorean, travel back to 2012 with Marty McFly, and you will find them doing the exact same thing that they are doing now.

      I think lots of our people just don’t care anymore. They don’t believe that those people will EVER get out from behind their computer or from behind their television to do anything to advance their own ideals. Who can blame them? I sure don’t. I wonder the same thing myself all the time: why waste my life on people who don’t care, who won’t fight back, who say all this stuff on the internet about their people this or their race that, but who put themselves first at the end of the day, every single day of the year?

      If we can’t arouse the masses to fight back, what can we do? We can create a counter-culture for ourselves and seal ourselves off from the mainstream. Let the “mainstream” go down the toilet.

  2. Abraham Lincoln represents about the worst America has ever had to offer, and that is saying a lot. He was a deserved victim of the tactics he supported.

    That said, while I think celebrating Lincoln’s assassination is a good idea for various reasons, and NOT mutually exclusive with CTs ideas about supporting people in other ways, I don’t think it’s a good idea to go after or deride the audience of American Sniper or Chris Kyle himself. First, a good number of those people might have some sympathy for the South. There is nothing to gain in needless antagonizing people.

    Second, there is the matter of basic accuracy. The parallels don’t seem to be there. American Sniper is an anti-war movie not a celebration of assassination. The main theme of the film is how killing all those people in Iraq fucked up Chris Kyle psychologically and other vets both psychologically and physically. Kyle, of course, was murdered by a psychologically damaged veteran of this Empire’s wars.

    Second, whether Eastwood intended it or not, I think American Sniper can be used to show Middle American white conservatives how they have duped, how there is no meaning in the sacrifice of the war veterans they celebrate. They were and are used by the American empire as cannon fodder for various Jewish, corporate and imperialist interests then tossed aside as trash, literally. Anyone can look to the treatment white vets got and continue to get under Obama and the Asian general’s Veterans Administration.

    Kyle himself was white, rural, Christian, conservative, hyper-masculine and a dedicated family man. He embodied everything America’s elite hold contempt. What I try to do is get conservatives to think about the question what is it that you’re celebrating? Kyle used to his talents to further the agenda of people who Christians, Texans, rural folk and white men in contempt. Are you happy Chris Kyle helped people who speak in terms of white privilege and the importance of introducing trans-gendered anal sex into the nation’s kindergartens? It does not work with all of them. It has worked with some.

  3. Lew can you include these excellent comments on movie reviews for American Sniper?

    Rotted tomatoes

    “Kyle himself was white, rural, Christian, conservative, hyper-masculine and a dedicated family man. He embodied everything America’s elite hold contempt. What I try to do is get conservatives to think about the question what is it that you’re celebrating? Kyle used to his talents to further the agenda of people who Christians, Texans, rural folk and white men in contempt. Are you happy Chris Kyle helped people who speak in terms of white privilege and the importance of introducing trans-gendered anal sex into the nation’s kindergartens? It does not work with all of them. It has worked with some.”

  4. Hunter Wallace says:
    February 24, 2015 at 5:12 pm

    “If we can’t arouse the masses to fight back, what can we do? We can create a counter-culture for ourselves and seal ourselves off from the mainstream. Let the “mainstream” go down the toilet.”

    I understand the Communists were miniscule, before they blew up and took over Russia. Every revolution has its time, so they say. You have to be in there pitching when its time.

    • Revolutions aren’t made by revolutionaries who are too scared to do anything. That’s the predicament we are in today. The people who ought to support us, who say all this crap about their race, their people and so on, are too individualistic, too scared, to do so. Because they refuse to stand up for themselves, it leaves those of us who do with the nagging self doubt that nothing will ever move them, and that we are just wasting our own lives.

      For some people, the logic of this invariably moves from there to why bother to waste my life and my time on people who don’t care, disillusionment sets in and they drop out. For others, it becomes why care about what people think who have no skin the game and who aren’t willing to risk nothing.

  5. Kyle himself was white, rural, Christian, conservative, hyper-masculine and a dedicated family man.

    And don’t forget to add that he was a proven liar who liked attention and couldn’t help himself from making ridiculous claims. Regardless of the patriot label and how conservatives like to use him as the archetype of a good ol’ Southern boy, he was actually a perfect fit for Hollywood sensationalism.

    The slavish devotion to Americana and the jingoism that surrounds it is a disease. White Middle America needs to know that their “hero” was an attention whore who didn’t have a problem with lying. I don’t care how you spin it, the convenient ability to ignore truth and facts when it makes you feel like you are being patriotic and politically correct is the primary reason why many Conservatives buckle under pressure. Leftists become emboldened with lies and deceit, and Conservatives buckle. The truth is just too painful, politically incorrect, or it contradicts what they’ve been taught, so they just ignore it and find a way to incorporate the bullshit into their world.

    If he were alive today I can guarantee you that when the “racist” accusations started to fly, he would find the few black SEALs and Special Forces guys to buddy up with so that there would be some nice photos to prove how not-so-racist he is. That’s what Conservatives do. They are pussies when it comes to actually standing up for something that might get them called the R word for the right reasons.

    Tell me, what public pro-White advocates and racialists would these same Conservatives be defending and lionizing in the same manner as Chris Kyle? What they would have me believe is that this government-sponsored liar was fighting for my freedoms in the Middle East. Meanwhile, under the watch of Democrats and Republicans alike, my country continues to get blacker and browner while Leftists and Conservatives throw White America under the bus. It’s good to be a lying conservative. Hell, it’s certainly preferable to being a racialist, right? Oh well. When in Rome,….. USA! USA! USA!

  6. @ Lew — that is what is not apparent to the vast majority of Southerners, myself included. It is not apparent to me that the US Military is further the agenda of a class of people committed to the destruction of the US Military, or rural white men who are committed to family or who hold us in contempt. I understand that the elites are more than happy that most of combat arms are Southern men or Mexican nationals from California, but fighting a war in Iraq furthers their agenda? How? Iraq became a battle ground because Saddam Hussein harbored terrorists and kept Weapons of Mass destruction, and in months after Sept 11, 2001 that meant that we had to be very serious about hitting terrorists where they were before they came here. That is why Afghanistan and Iraq are battlegrounds and not some-place, USA. I strongly regard myself as a Southern Nationalist, but I also view ISIS/ISIL as a common threat, and that as ISIS has announced its intentions to do harm to Vatican City and Italy, Dixie is likely to be a high priority for them as well. Do they threaten us now? No, not yet; but just as they have crucified the Christians of Syria whenever a Christian village has been overrun, their reach to Dixie is limited by their technology, finances and power.

    I can understand if you are referring to the feminist psychologists and sociologists who are manipulating military standards, but the military isn’t really advancing their agenda by fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan. The changes dictated by Obama and his cohorts among the feminist egalitarians are a nuisance, but combat survival in a war zone is of an elementary, fudamental, even primal state of affairs that precludes the intervention of egalitarian sociologists. Unit cohesion and support for your fellow soldiers prevails.

    Like you, it pains me that upwards of 60-65% of combat arms personnel are Southern men. A family friend who recently returned from Afghanistan stated that those figures are confirmed by his own experience on the ground in Afghanistan, but also that Mexican nationals from California were well represented as well. My own son is expressing his eagerness to close ranks with ISIS and shoot them. Having served in the military myself I understand the impulse and I acknowledge the basic nobility of seeking to serve in the military; it is part of the Southern ethos, after all. But a more immediate, and state-side, threat to our continued existence is not in Syria-Iraq; it is here, among the dwellers of the north. My son cannot see that yet; and the US Military will spend resources training him for what he wants to do: shoot the bad guys.

  7. Iraq became a battle ground because Saddam Hussein harbored terrorists and kept Weapons of Mass destruction, and in months after Sept 11, 2001 that meant that we had to be very serious about hitting terrorists where they were before they came here.

    That’s interesting. Since the terrorists who were on the planes didn’t come from Iraq, and there was no verifiable link to Iraq or Saddam, and there is still no credible evidence of the large cache of WMDs that were supposedly there, then a free-thinking person has to wonder how you make a logical conclusion from a set of illogical facts.

    Seriously, if we were using this same logic of yours, why hasn’t Saudi Arabia been “liberated” and invaded, since a great majority of the terrorists have either been Saudi citizens or funded with money coming from Saudi nationals?

    That is why Afghanistan and Iraq are battlegrounds and not some-place, USA.

    Just about every White nation on the planet is a “battleground” caused by open borders and a lack of true identity. Your premise is bullshit. We haven’t been fighting terrorism in some-place, USA because we were never fighting terrorism in some-place, USA. It didn’t really happen all that much before, so it not happening now can’t be surmised to be something that was done to cure something that never really happened before. It’s a circular argument that is powered by its own waste.

    Perpetual war in the Middle East isn’t saving America and keeping us safer than we were before. But I’m sure somewhere the rubes are certain that their Walmart is a little safer after the trillions of dollars spent and the thousands upon thousands of dead, maimed and injured soldiers. Hey, who doesn’t love low prices.

    Besides, a country that is set up for Whites doesn’t really have a problem with non-White terrorists inside of its borders. This is all really a moot point where people try to address and fix a problem that is caused by not fixing the problem. How do they fix it? By not fixing the problem. There’s that circular argument revving up its engine again.

  8. “Revolutions aren’t made by revolutionaries who are too scared to do anything.”

    That’s right, Mr. W.; they’re made by men like Lincoln, who achieve what they want, regardless of what’s written in a Constitution or what is said by mealy-mouthed Southrons about states’ rights or other evasive and obfuscatory nonsense. If you Southerners were men, you’d be idolizing Lincoln–as a type to be emulated–not girlishly whining that he was a tyrant, that he ignored the Constitution, that the Civil War was really a War between the States and didn’t have anything to do with slavery. You can’t do that, because–well, I’ve just said it, you’re not men.

  9. Hunter Wallace says:
    February 24, 2015 at 7:14 pm

    “The people who ought to support us, who say all this crap about their race, their people and so on, are too individualistic, too scared, to do so”

    When I look at your demos, I see a group trying to attract mainstream conservative types and they are the ones not showing up. Not that I think you will get many coming out, if your message was purely pro white…

    If they aren’t willing to come out, then work with what you have online. Get them spreading the message for you. Ramzpaul is doing just that with his videos. He makes a funny video and posts a link. People go follow the link and comment.

    Are you aware the mainstream news websites are shutting down all their comment sections, because the comments looked like something out of Stormfront?

    “Because they refuse to stand up for themselves, it leaves those of us who do with the nagging self doubt that nothing will ever move them, and that we are just wasting our own lives. ”

    We are living in one of the richest countries in the world, with endless bread and circuses to keep the masses quiet. What made the revolutionaries of Europe and Russia, put their lives on the line? The simple answer is empty bellies and chaos. The revolutionaries were ready when the time was right.

  10. The Easter Uprising of 1916 in Ireland happened precisely because the men who rose did so because they were willing to lay down their lives for the freedom of Ireland, and in doing so, and each man was executed by the British govt, roused the slumbering Irish from their chains and committed themselves, once again, to the cause of their freedom. And as Christian men, they committed themselves, from the beginning, to the violent overthrow of the crown in Ireland. They set up a parallel government with a court system to rule their people in an attempt to ignore and replace that which the Anglo-Irish had imposed from London. We have the Southern National Congress; we need to go further….

  11. “men like Lincoln, who achieve what they want….” ah, the will to power. Yes, we should emulate the buffoon whom we despise, because we so want to be like the non-Christian faux-savant who thought so many immigrant sons a meager price to pay to prohibit Southern liberty. Emulate him if you wish. Sic semper tyrannis.

  12. Let’s not forget that Lincoln in April 1861 called for 75,000 troops to use against the Southern States, starting the Civil War, and pushing Virginia and North Carolina out of the United States.

  13. Cinaed Mac Seamas says:

    “Iraq became a battle ground because Saddam Hussein harbored terrorists and kept Weapons of Mass destruction, and in months after Sept 11, 2001 that meant that we had to be very serious about hitting terrorists where they were before they came here. ”

    Jack responds:


    We have a special prize for dumb goys who believe, everything and I do mean everything that the lying “US” media puts out.

    Congratulations you win the booby prize!

    Do you also believer that:

    Michael Brown was a gentle teen just minding his own business when he was attacked and murdered by a RACIST Ferguson MO cop?

    Do you believe Trayvon Martin was a sweet, innocent boy, just eating skittles and ice tea trying to walk home (his home was over 200 miles away) when he was chased down and murdered, by an evil White Racist (White Hispanic) George Zimmerman and the evil White Southern racist cop just let the racist murderer go?

    Do you believe that the Southern Poverty Law Center is an honest, hard working civil rights organization working to end poverty and injustice in the South and help with authentic Black civil Rights?

    Do you believe that Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are honest Christian “Reverends”?

    Do you believe that Barack Obama and Eric Holder are impartial, honest civil servants that treat all Americans regardless of race, creed, color, or nation of natural origin with fairness, liberty and justice for all?

    Do you believe that MSNBC, CNN, CBS, PBS never spread any BS, just fair, objective reporting?

    Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?

    Wow! That has to be the worst comment in OD history!

  14. Here is something Whites can do that is useful Go to one of Tim Wise’s speeches, don’t say a word but report him to every govt agency for hate crime and advocating the extermination of Whites. Several of the universities are in the south. Or you can just call the local “civil rights for every one but Whites” division of the FBI and report that
    he advocated the death of Whites.
    Tim Wise
    Leading Anti-Racist Writer and Educator
    02/25/15 – 02/26/15: Ellensburg , WA Central Washington University
    03/11/15: Bloomington, IN Indiana University
    03/12/15: Hempstead, NY Hofstra University
    03/25/15: Charlotte, NC Queens University of Charlotte
    03/30/15: Huntsville, AL Oakwood University
    04/7/15: New Orleans, LA Loyola University
    04/10/15 – 04/11/15: Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
    04/17/15 – 04/18/15: Fayetteville, AR University of Arkansas
    04/20/15: Bryn Mawr , PA Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church
    04/23/15: St. Petersburg , FL YWCA of Tampa Bay
    07/23/15: Phoenix, AZ Arizona State University
    09/11/15: Huntington, WV Tri-State Conference on Diversity and Inclusion (on campus of Marshall University)
    10/9/15: Portland, OR Teaching with Purpose Conference

  15. http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/jan/31/british-army-facebook-warriors-77th-brigade

    “The British army is creating a special force of Facebook warriors, skilled in psychological operations and use of social media to engage in unconventional warfare in the information age.

    The 77th Brigade, to be based in Hermitage, near Newbury, in Berkshire, will be about 1,500-strong and formed of units drawn from across the army. It will formally come into being in April.”

    I understand this is a response to the propaganda Putin’s people have been putting out.

  16. Ah, Mr. Ryan read too much into my comments. His telepathy aside, back in 2002 I did agree with the Bush administration at the time, as did General Powell. My consent was given based on the information at the time, and I have since regretted my support. That aside, those were the reasons for our involvement, which is what I stated without more specific clarification regarding my agreement or not, as if that mattered.

  17. For some people, the logic of this invariably moves from there to why bother to waste my life and my time on people who don’t care, disillusionment sets in and they drop out.

    There is a good reason for this and it does not have anything to do with WNism. The vast majority of Southerners are not ready to shun America. They still want to work within the system which means DC. They want to vote Republican. They want to support Israel. They want to keep supporting the US military. They want to keep defending America and it’s actions around the world – calling America and its military and intelligence groups the “good guys.” They want to hold up America and its failed Republic as a shining city on the hill. It is incredible but after all that has happened, they still want to do this.

    WN are not our problem – the Southern people are the problem. They shun anything radical. They weren’t always like this but they are now and a lot of it has to do with the WW2 Allied/Jewish war propaganda that has been shoveled day and night since the 50’s. They have never given up on America since the war (WW2). They are still waving that flag, celebrating its holidays – especially celebrating WW2 and the defeat of Hitler.

    I see nothing wrong with celebrating Booth. If Southerners would do this instead of being repulsed by the idea – we would be free. Instead they celebrate war criminals Winston Churchill and Roosevelt.

    • There is a good reason for this and it does not have anything to do with WNism. The vast majority of Southerners are not ready to shun America. They still want to work within the system which means DC. They want to vote Republican. They want to support Israel. They want to keep supporting the US military. They want to keep defending America and it’s actions around the world – calling America and its military and intelligence groups the “good guys.” They want to hold up America and its failed Republic as a shining city on the hill. It is incredible but after all that has happened, they still want to do this.

      All right then.

      Let’s assume what you say here is true about “the vast majority of Southerners.” What about the vast majority of WNs? The ones who can be found every single day on the internet bewailing the demise of their race? What about them? What about all those people who are aware of our demographic predicament, the truth about race, the wealth and power of Jews in the United States, how the entire West is being overrun by Third World immigration?

      Where are those people? The ones who want to create the “White ethnostate.” They are sitting on their computers posting on the internet and doing the exact same thing that they were two years ago, five years ago, ten years ago, even twenty years ago.

      WN are not our problem – the Southern people are the problem. They shun anything radical. They weren’t always like this but they are now and a lot of it has to do with the WW2 Allied/Jewish war propaganda that has been shoveled day and night since the 50?s. They have never given up on America since the war (WW2). They are still waving that flag, celebrating its holidays – especially celebrating WW2 and the defeat of Hitler.


      What about the WNs who embrace radicalism? The ones who know the truth about WW2. The ones who have given up on Murika. The ones who don’t celebrate any of the Murikan holidays or wave the Murkian flag. Seen any of those people around either? Say what you want about ordinary Southerners and Americans. The vast majority of WNs aren’t willing to stand up for their own beliefs either.

      I see nothing wrong with celebrating Booth. If Southerners would do this instead of being repulsed by the idea – we would be free. Instead they celebrate war criminals Winston Churchill and Roosevelt.

      What about those who don’t?

      Forget about Southern Nationalism and the League of the South. What are any of the WNs doing to advance their own agenda? Nothing except posting comments on websites like Stormfront and Daily Stormer. They are too afraid to be identified with their own beliefs to do anything else. So their agenda goes nowhere because no one is left standing to push it forward in the real world.

  18. Ulfric says:
    ‘WN are not our problem – the Southern people are the problem. They shun anything radical … They are still waving that flag, celebrating its holidays …

    Speaking of flag waving.

    Phil Robertson of the Duck Dynasty is a good example.

    Phil Robertson slams Confederate flag, says it’s offensive when associated with ‘Rednecks’

    Read more: http://therightscoop.com/phil-robertson-slams-confederate-flag-says-its-offensive-when-associated-with-rednecks/#ixzz3SiVcAl00

    In an interview airing Wednesday, Hunt told host Janice Malone, “I remember looking over [Robertson’s] shoulder at this big-screen TV .?.?. And the news was on. And all of a sudden [his] face pops up on TV, and it was a big controversy about some kid who had worn a Confederate flag to school .?.?. on a day they had titled ‘Redneck Day.’ And the school expelled the child.

    “And I said, ‘Phil, turn around.’ So he turned around and I could tell he was — visually — very upset. And he said, ‘I have never owned a Confederate flag.’ He said, ‘This is what upsets me.’ He said, ‘?“Redneck” is a term of endearment around here. And attaching that to a Confederate flag is offensive to me .?.?. That Confederate flag is not what we stand for.’?”

  19. @Hunter Wallace
    So what have successful organizers like PEGIDA done, that is not being done in America? How do they get so many in the streets? Their marchers are not WN, they are middle class people. Clearly the methods used by American organizers do not work.

  20. JoeB

    League of the South protests have been well attended and successful.

    There are many reasons that White Conservatives don’t do well at “taking to the streets”. We tend to live in suburban, rural areas where people don’t congregate, where people don’t walk.

    Hell, I noticed at the Political Cesspool anniversary party outside of Memphis that there weren’t even any sidewalks! Everybody drives everywhere.

    Some suggestions given this Southern aversion to walking, taking to the streets – let’s do some football stadium “tailgate parties” – blend in with other Southern folks doing the same, finesse race issues a bit, but, everywhere are people are getting together, we should be there.

  21. Cinead Mac Seamus writes:

    “I did agree with the Bush administration at the time, as did General Powell”.

    Jack responds:

    You’re really on roll here buddy – are campaigning for clueless dumb goy of the decade!

    You’re bragging about worshipping Black conservative patriot savior Gen. Colin Powell, the magic Negro the Bush family was pushing as a future republic President, one would would get all Blacks off welfare, get married get jobs then vote Conservative Republican!

    Did you sort of miss the fact that savior patriot, magic Negro Gen. Powell was caught wildly celebrating the election of Barack Obama with Black African students? That’s Black Africans, not even Black Americans!

    Wow! What’s next? Will you champion Neo Con war mongers at the Jonah Goldberg National Jew Review? How about annoiting Sheldon Adelson, Mark Zuckerberg and George Soros as the authentic new Conservative voice of America?

    Why not go the full Monty and embrace the Wall Street Journal’s demand for. Yes…

    Open borders immigration to the United States – invite the whole island of Haiti, the whole nations of Somalian, Pakistan and Algeria – maybe even appoint Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe as our Conservative United Nations leader – surrender US sovereignty to Mugabe’s UN, have the new Liberation Theology Pope consecrate the whole affair, make White Southerns slaves of Blacks.

    This guy is probably just a troll, but there really were are idiots like this hanging out in White Republican/Conservstive circles.

  22. Cinaed Mac Seamas, when did you serve in the military? You are sadly mistaken if you don’t think that the military doesn’t now tow the line of America’s leftist politically correct culture.

    If you were serving today, you would be forced to celebrate Black History Month, Native American History month, and all the other ridiculous month long festivities in honor of the “victims” of traditional white Americans. You would also sit through numerous briefings on sexual harassment (SHARP) and equal opportunity (EO) where white males are always portrayed as the aggressors. If you were an Officer or NCO, you could expect that your evaluation reports would include bullets on how effective you were in addressing the Army’s SHARP and EO concerns. Furthermore, there would be briefings on diversity and inclusion and acceptance of homosexuals because they are now your “battle buddies”. If you are unfortunate enough to be accused of harassment, “racism”, “sexism”, “homophobia”, etc. or were heard uttering a politically incorrect thought, then your career is ruined. At least you would no longer have to serve under incompetent black commanders who were promoted to meet the service’s diversity requirements.

  23. Reg. people needing to “do something”, most have financial or social commitments.

    Most people build their careers when young, and many have long commutes.

    The Internet has been an excellent opportunity, so it is not always a waste of time. Bemoaning the decline of races is positive. It’s good that people wake up from the distractions to realise: everything is not OK. We have major problems, and fundamental changes are necessary to fix those problems.

    The most pro-white thing most people can do is to… have a white child, raise it well. Keep it simple. Another very pro-white thing to do is to get educated, immerse oneself in a healthy culture and figure how to preserve, promote, and improve it.

    I remember how the VNN crowd used to cry out the need for people to “do” something. If you’re helping to get conservatives off the topic of tax cuts and the Middle East, you’re helping.

  24. I wonder the same thing myself all the time: why waste my life on people who don’t care, who won’t fight back, who say all this stuff on the internet about their people this or their race that, but who put themselves first at the end of the day, every single day of the year?

    Hunter, I was involved in the struggle against communism at a time when Moscow was on the march from Afghanistan to Nicaragua. Most people I knew in the anti-communist movement thought that the cause was hopeless. They believed themselves to be fighting a rearguard action against the rising tide of Red world domination–and this included people in the military and civilian activist spheres. And yet, in the end it was the Berlin Wall which came crashing down, and Eastern Europe is today the scene of growing nationalist movements. The mighty Soviet Union disintegrated as constituent republics seceded, and there’s some speculation that Putin is on “our side” in the struggle against a decadent Atlanticist world.

    White nationalists are faced with a similar situation today in America. Yes, the enemy seems overwhelming. Yes, there appears to be a lot of apathy among white people. But our foes are corrupt on so many levels that a consistent challenge will cause them to fall apart in the long run. Look at Europe where nationalists are taking it to the streets by the thousands. And here in the USA we have two tactical advantages: the First Amendment and the Right to Bear Arms. There’s also the Internet which allows for networking on a global scale.

    The victory over Soviet communism occurred in large part because people refused to throw in the towel. They fought on, whether as Contras in the hills of Nicaragua or rightwing students on leftist dominated campuses. It occurred because Eastern Europeans got tired of the lies and started telling the truth. And yes, there was a healthy assist from the CIA and international anti-communist organizations.

    Which gets me to my next point: white nationalists need to network globally for mutual support, and to share tactics. Has anything been done along these lines between Southern Nationalists and European Nationalists? There is strength in unity. Consider the resources that the various national front parties have in Europe. Is there a way they can provide agitprop support, or financial assistance, and tactical advice? Might just be a matter of networking with them.

    It does not take many people to make a revolution. A dedicated cadre, backed up by a network of alliances, can accomplish a lot. But you can not win it overnight. It is, per the Cold War term, a protracted struggle. It may take a couple decades but one day down the line, we will see the triumph. It’s just a matter of hanging in there.

  25. We have every reason to hate a tyrant.

    God’s Word makes that clear.

    Pusilanimous pieties over the worst president since LBJ are moot. JWB did what was needed, and, had he lived to have a fair trial, he might be one of our greatest heroes, now.

    But the Abolitionist Unitarian Heretic Yankees won this skirmish (the war is not over!) and have villified the hand of God, in removing this Atheist hypocrite, and fratricidal megalomaniac from the Earth.

    Lincoln be damned.

    And any one who thinks that we can ‘play nice’ while we are being genocided by the same minds that would laud Lincoln (even supposed ‘friends’ on this blog) is an idiot.

    God is asking us to rise up and stand for OUR Race, OUR Folk, OUR Culture, and NOT the outcome of the ‘Great Emancipator.’ Let the Black dead bury the Traitor President.

    You, follow Christ, the King of His People. [ Matt. 1:21]

  26. Who knows, Lincoln may have actually planned to send blacks back to Africa. John Wilkes Booth was a Jew. That stopped that plan.

  27. Aside from the dreadful music that accompanies it the video is a pretty interesting piece. Thanks for posting it.

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